C—911 Required Verification for TANF
Revision 19-3; Effective July 1, 2019
Mandatory Verifications | At Application | When a Change Occurs | At Redetermination |
Household Composition – Out of State Disqualifications for Felony Drug Convictions | All household members applying | Any new household members applying | Any new household members applying |
Citizenship | All household members applying who claim to be U.S citizens | Any new household members applying who claim to be U.S. citizens | Any new household members applying who claim to be U.S. citizens |
Alien Status | Household members identified as aliens | New members identified as aliens |
Social Security Number (SSN) | Household members who cannot provide an SSN, verify they applied for an SSN | New members who cannot provide an SSN, verify they applied for an SSN | Household members who cannot provide an SSN, verify they applied for an SSN |
Age/Relationship | All children applying | New children applying | New children applying |
Identity | Person being interviewed | If not previously verified | If not previously verified |
Residence |
| New Texas resident applying, verify the last month any new member received benefits in another state |
Domicile |
Child Support – Good Cause Claims | Any good cause claim | Good cause claim for new children applying | Good cause claim for new children applying |
Resources |
Income – Nonexempt including Lump Sums | Total gross amount | Total gross amount |
Income - Terminated | When terminated in the application month or prior two months, verify:
| Verify source, final gross amount, date received, reason terminated, and termination date for:
| Verify source, final gross amount, date received, reason terminated, and termination date for:
Deductions – Dependent Care Costs | Total amount | New amount | Total amount |
Deductions – Child Support | Total amount | New amount | Total amount |
Deductions – Alimony and Payment to Persons Outside the Home | Total amount | New amount | Total amount |
School Attendance | School age children applying | New school age children applying |
Management | If the household's basic expenses are paid or delinquent, when management is questionable | Not Applicable | If the household's basic expenses are paid or delinquent, when management is questionable |
Employment Services | All exemptions | Any new exemptions | All exemptions |
Federal Time Limits (FTLs) |
Personal Responsibility Agreement (PRA) |
| Not Applicable | All certified members are complying with all PRA components:
PRA – When in Pay for Performance | All certified members are complying with all PRA components:
| Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Workforce Orientation | Compliance by caretaker and second parent applying who are not disqualified and reside in a full service Choices county | Compliance by any new caretaker or second parent being added who are not disqualified and reside in a full service Choices county. | Compliance by any new caretaker and second parent applying who are not disqualified and reside in a full service Choices county |
One-Time Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (OTTANF) | Crisis criteria | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
C—912 Required Verification for SNAP
Revision 17-3; Effective July 1, 2017
Mandatory Verification | At Application | When a Change Occurs | At Redetermination * |
Household Composition |
Citizenship | If questionable, or if a regional requirement. | If questionable, or if a regional requirement. | If questionable, or if a regional requirement. |
Alien Status | Household members identified as aliens. | New members identified as aliens. |
Social Security Number (SSN) | Household members who cannot provide an SSN, verify they applied for an SSN, unless exempt. | New members who cannot provide an SSN, verify they applied for an SSN, unless exempt. | Household members who cannot provide an SSN, verify they applied for an SSN, unless exempt. |
Identity | Individual being interviewed (also, identity of case name if authorized representative is interviewed). | Individual being interviewed, if not previously verified, or if questionable. | Individual being interviewed, if not previously verified, or if questionable. |
Residence** |
| The last month any new member received benefits in another state. |
Resources** |
Note: If the total combined balance for all checking/savings accounts does not exceed $1,000 on the day of the reported change and is not questionable, accept the individual's statement. Pend the Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) only if the reported account balance is questionable or it exceeds $1,000. |
Note: If the total combined balance for all checking/savings accounts does not exceed $1,000 on the day of the reported change and is not questionable, accept the individual's statement. Pend the EDG only if the reported account balance is questionable or it exceeds $1,000. |
Note: If the total combined balance for all checking/savings accounts does not exceed $1,000 on the day of the reported change and is not questionable, accept the individual's statement. Pend the EDG only if the reported account balance is questionable or it exceeds $1,000. |
Income – Nonexempt including Lump Sums | Verify total gross amount. | Verify total gross amount. |
Income – Terminated | If terminated in the application month or prior two months, verify:
| Verify source, final gross amount, date received, reason terminated and termination date for:
| Verify source, final gross amount, date received, reason terminated and termination date for:
Deductions – Child Support |
Deductions – Dependent Care Costs | Total amount if verification can be obtained at the interview. Note: If verification cannot be obtained during the interview and the total expense does not exceed $300 a month, total for the entire EDG, and is not questionable, then accept the individual's statement. Pend the EDG only if the claimed expense is questionable or exceeds $300 a month, total, for the entire EDG. | A new amount. Note: If the amount cannot be verified and is less than $300, accept the individual's statement. Pend the EDG only if the reported expense is questionable or exceeds $300 a month, total, for the entire EDG. | Total amount if verification can be obtained at the interview. Note: If verification cannot be obtained during the interview and the total expense does not exceed $300 a month, total for the entire EDG, and is not questionable, then accept the individual's statement. Pend the EDG only if the claimed expense is questionable or exceeds $300 a month, total, for the entire EDG. |
Deductions – Actual and Standard Medical Expenses | Refer to A-1428.2, Budgeting Medical Deductions. | Refer to A-1428.2, Budgeting Medical Deductions. | Refer to A-1428.2, Budgeting Medical Deductions. |
Deductions – Shelter |
Management | If the household's basic expenses are paid or delinquent, when management is questionable. | Not Applicable | If the household's basic expenses are paid or delinquent, when management is questionable. |
Employment Services |
Federal Time Limits – 18-50 Work Requirement, Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependents (ABAWD) | Individual's exemption from requirement is based on:
| Individual's exemption from requirement is based on
Elderly or Household Members with a Disability | If not previously verified:
| If not previously verified:
| If not previously verified:
* Requirements are the same for all redeterminations whether filed timely or untimely.
** Categorically eligible households in which all members receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance (TP 01/61) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are exempt from verification.
Note: Verify the eligible status of the facilities listed below as required in B-400, Special Households:
- homeless shelters;
- group living arrangements;
- drug and alcohol treatment centers; and
- family violence shelters.
C—913 Required Verification for Medical Programs
Revision 24-2; Effective April 1, 2024
Medical Programs
Mandatory Verifications | At Application | When a Change Occurs* | At Redetermination |
Citizenship except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, and TP 36 | All household members applying | Any new member applying | Any new member applying |
Alien Status Exception: The Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) procedures do not apply to an alien in TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, and TP 36 who does not meet citizenship or alien status requirements, unless the person potentially meets the citizenship or alien status requirement for another program | Any person identified as an alien who wishes to be certified | Any new person identified as an alien who wishes to be certified | Any new person identified as an alien who wishes to be certified |
Social Security Number (SSN) except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, TP 36, and TP 45 |
Age or Relationship | All children applying; and if not available, accept self-declaration For TP 08, if not available, follow the policy in A-523.1, How to Make an Evaluative Conclusion. | Newly added children and if not available, accept self-declaration For TP 08, if not available, follow the policy in A-523.1. | Newly added children and if not available, accept self-declaration For TP 08, if not available, follow the policy in A-523.1. |
Identity except TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, and TP 36 | All people requesting benefits When an interview is required, the identity of the person being interviewed must be verified. | Any new member requesting benefits | Any new member requesting benefits When an interview is required, the identity of the person being interviewed must be verified. |
Residence Note: Accept self- declaration for Children's Medicaid and TP 56 for a child |
| Not Applicable |
Three Months Prior |
| Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Third-Party Resources |
Pregnancy (TP 40 and TP 36) | Accept self-declaration for pregnancy, pregnancy start date, number of children expected and the anticipated date of delivery. | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Medicaid Eligibility of Mother (TP 45 only) | For each certified child | For a newly certified child | For each certified child |
Emergency Medical Condition Treatment (TA 31, TP 32, TP 33, TP 34, TP 35, and TP 36) | For each certified undocumented alien or ineligible alien treated for an emergency condition | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Resources* (Children on TP 56, Children on TP 32, and TP 02 only) |
Income – Nonexempt including Lump Sums* |
Income – Terminated | If terminated in the application month or prior two months, verify:
Note: For Children’s Medicaid***, verify only income that terminated in the month of application. | Verify source, final gross amount, date received, reason terminated, and termination date for:
| Verify source, final gross amount, date received, reason terminated, and termination date for:
Note: For Children’s Medicaid, verify only income that terminated in the application month for new members. |
Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Expenses | Total amount | New amount | Total amount |
School Attendance (TP 08 only)** | For the dependent child(ren) that makes the parent or caretaker relative eligible, if they are 18 only child | For the dependent child(ren) that makes the parent or caretaker relative eligible if they are 18 | For the dependent child(ren) that makes the parent or caretaker relative eligible if they are 18 |
Child Support — Good Cause Claims (TP 08 only) | Any good cause claim | Good cause claim for new children applying | Good cause claim for new children applying Note: All good cause claims must be re-evaluated at redetermination. |
Domicile (TP 08 only) | For a dependent child | When a change impacts the living situation or care and control of the dependent child | For a dependent child |
Household Composition — Family Violence Exemption | Any family violence exemption | Any new family violence exemption | Any new family violence exemption |
Management except: TP 40 and Children's Medicaid*** | If the household's basic expenses are paid or delinquent, when management is questionable | Not Applicable | If the household's basic expenses are paid or delinquent, when management is questionable |
* * Children certified on TP 43, TP 44, TP45 and TP 48 are continuously eligible for 12 months. Address changes in income as explained in B-600, Changes. ** School attendance is only verified if the only child that makes the parent or caretaker relative eligible for TP 08 is 18 years. *** Children's Medicaid simplified verification requirements also apply when processing a Medically Needy with Spend Down (TP 56) or Medically Needy with Spend Down — Emergency (TP 32) EDG for a child under 19. |