Revision 05-4; Effective August 1, 2005


Use Form H1000-C to enter start and end dates for PRA penalties and good cause. Form H1000-A and Form H1000-B must be submitted with Form H1000-C, but Form H1000-C is not always required when submitting Form H1000-A and Form H1000-B. SAVERR does not produce a turnaround for Form H1000-C.

C—530.1 Section I, Items 01 - 07

Revision 08-4; Effective October 1, 2008

Item 01: App. or Case No.


Enter the application or case number.

Item 03: Seq. No.


Enter the same sequence number from Form H1000-A and Form H1000-B.

Item 04: Pg. No.


Enter the same page number the individual is listed on Form H1000-A and Form H1000-B.

Item 06: BJN


Enter the employee's BJN.

Item 07: Mail Code


Enter the office mail code.

Item 09: Case Name


Enter the same case name from Form H1000-A and Form H1000-B.

C—530.2 Section II, Items 201 - 213

Revision 05-5; Effective October 1, 2005

Item 201: PAR. SKILLS


When an individual is referred or has completed Parenting Skills training, enter code

R — Eligibility referred the individual to parenting skills training, or

C — Eligibility verified that the individual completed parenting skills training.

SAVERR stores Code R or C on Client Screen A, Welfare Reform Data, under Parenting Skills status. In addition, the status of J appears in this SAVERR field when the Choices system verified that the individual completed parenting skills training as a Choices component.

Items 202, 205, 208, and 211: TYPE


When starting or ending a penalty or good cause, enter the following codes in these Items

Penalty Codes

Code or ActionDefinition
TThird or subsequent noncooperation with Choices
SSecond noncooperation with Choices
FFirst Noncooperation with Choices
CChild Support
VVoluntary Quit
ETexas Health Steps
MSchool Attendance - child
PSchool Attendance - minor parent
DAlcohol or Drugs
UUnidentifiable penalty - Use this code when making Section XI entries only and the benefit is being reduced by more than one penalty.

Good Cause Codes

Code or ActionDefinition
1Individual is on an alternate schedule for immunizations
2Good cause for immunizations due to medical reasons
3Good cause for immunizations due to conscientious objection
4Grace period
6Good cause for noncooperation with Texas Health Steps
7Good cause for noncooperation with Parenting Skills Training

Note: Good cause Code 5 is sent through the Choices automated system.

Items 203, 206, 209, and 212: Start


Enter the month and year the penalty starts. At application, start a child support or voluntary quit penalty beginning the application month.

On incomplete and complete reviews, the start date cannot be earlier than three months before the current cutoff month or later than the next SAVERR effective month.

Items 204, 207, 210, and 213: End


Enter the month and year the penalty ends.

SAVERR does not allow entry of future end date. The end date cannot be later than the SAVERR effective month.

C—530.3 Section III, Items 214 - 215

Revision 09-4; Effective October 1, 2009

Item 214: FIC (R/E) (Finger Image Code)


Enter finger image codes for required individuals at application and at complete review/recertification, including simultaneous open and close transactions. Finger image codes are not required on denials or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) complete reviews with a future action code of a denial.

If the correct finger image code is not already on the System for Applications, Verifications, Eligibility Reports and Referral (SAVERR), enter a finger image code for each household member who is:

  • age 18 or older as of the interview date;
  • a minor parent (secondary SIG L) on a TANF case with a dependent child on the same case; or
  • a minor head of household (SIG A) on a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) case.

Enter one of the following finger imaging codes:

Imaging CodeDefinition
YAll available images have been taken.
ZOne image has been taken (Note: This includes a finger image that Lone Star Image System (LSIS) determines to be temporarily unavailable because of low quality.)

Enter one of the following exemption codes:

Exemption CodeDefinition
AAppeal pending (TANF related)
BLow quality image, physically unable to image or equipment failure
CCertified out of office or unable to travel to the LSIS site to be imaged
DUndue burden for disabled individual
EUndue burden for elderly individual
FDisqualified (SNAP only) Note: If SAVERR has no finger imaging code and Form H1000-C, Secondary Client Input, has no entry, the finger imaging code defaults to F for individuals with SIG G, or SIG K or T when the individual is over 18.

On expedited SNAP cases for required members:

  • present at the interview, enter the appropriate
    • finger image code and vendor unique number (VUN); or
    • finger imaging exemption code.
  • not present at the interview, allow Code C until the next recertification or reapplication.

Automated Changes

The advisor cannot change Codes I or Y on Form H1000-C. SAVERR performs this automated conversion as described in the following chart.

If the individual's status changes from ...and SAVERR has code ...then SAVERR ...
inactive to activeI
  • changes the code to Y, and
  • sends a message to LSIS to remove the archive date.
active to inactiveY
  • changes the code to I, and
  • sends a message to LSIS to set the archive date.

SAVERR also sends a message to LSIS to set the archive date on inactive individual records with Code Z, but does not change the code.

SAVERR automatically deletes the finger Code I or Z when LSIS notifies SAVERR that it purged the finger image record. The LSIS purges the finger image record after the individual is inactive for 12 months.

Changing, Correcting or Deleting Finger Image Codes

Finger image exemption codes remain on SAVERR until it purges the individual record.

If the advisor needs to change ...then ...
Code ZCode Y,enter the new code on Form H1000-C.
an exemption codeCode Y,enter the new code and VUN, on Form H1000-C.
an exemption codeanother exemption code,enter the new code on Form H1000-C.
Codes Y or Zan exemption code,
  • deletes the Y or Z through the force change process using Form H1075, Welfare Reform Force Change Request, for TANF individuals or Form H1074, SNAP Force Change Request, for food benefit individuals, and
  • enter the new code on Form H1000-C after the forced change processes.
Code Ian exemption code
  • follow the procedures listed above for Codes Y and Z, or
  • allow the vendor's automated purge process to delete the code if the LSIS record is approaching its archive date.

Item 215: Vendor's Unique Number


If the entry in Item 214 is Y or Z, enter the nine-digit VUN.

The VUN contains a "check digit," an automated aid for validating data. If the check digit indicates the advisor did not enter the VUN correctly, Form H1000-C will not process.

SAVERR does not store the VUN, but uses it to associate the SAVERR client number with the finger image record on the vendor's system.

C—530.4 Section IV, Items 216 - 223

Revision 07-4; Effective October 1, 2007

Item 216: ADD


Enter the code(s) to indicate that an individual is being disqualified for one or more of the following reasons, even if the disqualification results in case denial. Once entered, these codes remain on the System for Applications, Verifications, Eligibility Reports and Referral (SAVERR) until removed by an entry in Item 217.

Code or ActionDefinition
BIneligible alien without a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) document
CIneligible aliens with USCIS document
DFelony drug conviction
FFirst offense failure to comply with Employment Services Program (ESP) requirements (employment and training/voluntary quit/reducing work hours to less than 30)
NFailure to meet the Social Security number (SSN) requirement
SSecond offense failure to comply with ESP requirements
TThird or subsequent offense failure to comply with ESP requirements
WFailure to comply with the 18-50 work requirement

Note: Send Form H1074, SNAP Force Change Request, to correct SAVERR information on:

  • active individuals to delete the drug disqualification code; or
  • denied individuals to add or delete a disqualification code or change the employment and training/voluntary quit counter.

Item 217: Remove


Enter a code below to remove a code, end a specific type of disqualification or change a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) time-limited benefit code. Enter one of the following codes to indicate the action needed.

Code or ActionDefinition
1Delete the first countable month
2Delete the second countable month
3Delete the third countable month
4Delete the fourth countable month (first month of second three month period)
BEnd the ineligible alien (undoc) disqualification
CEnd the ineligible alien (doc) disqualification
FEnd the first offense SNAP ESP disqualification
JEnd the fugitive disqualification
LSubtract one offense from the ESP offense counter (when entering code L, do not enter Code F, S or T in Item 216 on the same Form H1000-A, Notice of Application, Form H1000-B, Record of Case Action and Form H1000-C, Secondary Client Input, transaction) 

N — End of the SSN disqualification
NEnd of the SSN disqualification
SEnd the second offense SNAP ESP disqualification
TEnd the third offense SNAP ESP disqualification
WEnd the 18-50 work requirement disqualification

Items 218 - 223


Make entries in these fields to report that HHSC has authorized a SNAP benefit for accountable month of the initial or second three-month period of time-limited benefits in a 36-month period for an individual age 18-50. Make entries of Code(s) 1-4 in Items 218 and the corresponding month(s) in Item 219.

Items 220-223 can be used on the same Form H1000-A,Form H1000-B and Form H1000-C transaction when necessary to simultaneously report up to three months of countable issuances. If the advisor needs to report four months simultaneously, the fourth month (first month of second three-month period) must be reported on a subsequent Form H1000-C.

SAVERR does not automatically update the months of countable time-limited SNAP benefits received by an individual age 18-50. The advisor must update SAVERR each time when submitting Form H1000-A, Form H1000-B and Form H1000-C.

Staff do not have to enter the last month of the 36-month period. SAVERR computes it based on the months entered by the advisor as the first countable month of the initial three-month period of time-limited benefits, and displays it on inquiry.

On the same Form H1000-C, staff can delete months using Item 217 and enter corrected months in Items 218-223.

Item 218: Code (Countable Month Code)


Enter one of the following codes and a corresponding month in Item 219:

Code or ActionDefinition
1Benefit authorized for the first month of the initial three-month period
2Benefit authorized for the second month of the initial three-month period
3Benefit authorized for the third month of the initial three-month period
4Benefit authorized for the first month of the second three-month period

Item 219: Month (Countable Month MMYYYY)


Enter the month and year corresponding to the code entered in Item 218. The month cannot be greater than the SAVERR effective month.

Item 220: Code (Countable Month Code)


If more than one month needs to be reported on the same Form H1000-A, Form H1000-B and Form H1000-C, enter the appropriate code (2, 3 or 4) to indicate that HHSC has authorized a SNAP benefit for a second, third, or fourth (first month of second three-month period) countable month. Enter a corresponding code in Item 221.

Item 221: Month (Countable Month MMYYYY)


Enter the month and year corresponding to the code entered in Item 220. The month cannot be greater than the SAVERR effective month.

Item 222: Code (Countable Month Code)


If more than two months needs to be reported on the same Form H1000-A, Form H1000-B, Form H1000-C, enter the appropriate Code 3 or 4, to indicate that HHSC has authorized a SNAP benefit for a third or fourth countable month. Enter the corresponding month in Item 223.

Item 223: Month (Countable Month MMYYYY)


Enter the month and year corresponding to the code entered in Item 222. The month cannot be greater than the SAVERR effective month. 

C—530.5 Section V

Revision 02-3; Effective April 1, 2002

Item 190: Emp. No.


Enter employee number of staff member completing form. 

C—540 Code Summary

Revision 08-4; Effective October 1, 2008


This section contains a Form H1000-A, Notice of Application, Form H1000-B, Record of Case Action, and Form H1000-C, Secondary Client Input, instructions code summary.

Item 02: Category


Code or ActionDefinition
5Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)


Code or ActionDefinition
6Public Assistance (PA) SNAP Case
8Refugee, PA SNAP
9Non-PA SNAP Case

Item 03: Sequence No. (SEQ)


Code or ActionDefinition

Item 27: Modifier (M)


Code or ActionDefinition
PProtective Payee
RRepresentative Payee


Code or ActionDefinition
IAuthorized representative (AR) is a member of household (under the same roof).
OAR is not a member of household (not under the same roof).
FAR is an employee of a drug and alcohol treatment or group living arrangement facility.

Item 28: Indicator Code


Code or ActionDefinition


Code or ActionDefinition
U(system entered when TP 61 transfers to TP 07, 20 or 37)


Code or ActionDefinition
1Streamlined reporting (SR) household with total gross monthly income that is less than or equal to 130% of the Federal Poverty Income Limits (FPIL).
2SR household with total gross monthly income that is greater than 130% FPIL.
3Non-SR household.

Item 32: Client Number


Code or ActionDefinition
2Check for an existing number.

Item 35: Sex


Code or ActionDefinition

Item 36: Race


Code or ActionDefinition
4American Indian or Alaskan Native
5Asian or Pacific Islander (includes Indochinese)
6Computer entered code indicating inappropriate or omitted code. Must be corrected.

Item 39: Education or Service Code


Code or ActionDefinition
1First Grade
2Second Grade
3Third Grade
4Fourth Grade
5Fifth Grade
6Sixth Grade
7Seventh Grade
8Eighth Grade
9Ninth Grade
ATenth Grade
BEleventh Grade
CHigh School Graduate or completed general equivalency diploma
EAttending college or completed some college but has not graduated from a four-year college
FGraduate of a four-year college
NNo formal education

Item 40: Status in Group


Primary Codes
Code or ActionDefinitionIf the child receives ...then enter SIG Code
2Disqualified or ineligible child or second parent  
3Noncertified child: Identifies the only deprived child of the certified caretaker or second parent
  • SSI
  • Foster Care Payments
  • Adoption Assistance payments
  • 3
  • 3F
  • 3A
5Certified Child  
7Second Parent  
0Case Name Only  
Secondary Codes
Code or ActionDefinition
GReached End of Time Limit
HEligible Refugee
IIneligible Child
KChild of a Minor Child
LMinor Parent with a Dependent Child
MEligible Only for Three Months Prior Medical Assistance
NIneligible for Retroactive Medical Assistance and Current Assistance
PPrivate Health Insurance
QProof of THSteps Screening
RHHSC Employee
SAlien with Acceptable Alien Status
TIneligible Alien
UIneligible - No Citizenship Proof
VLiving in Nursing Home
WDisqualified Child
YDisqualified Second Parent


Head of Household Codes
Code or ActionDefinition
AHousehold head
GHousehold head is nonmember
GKHead of household disqualified for a reason other than an IPV
GTHead of household is disqualified for intentional program violation (IPV)
Other Codes
Code or ActionDefinition
AChild (SIG 5 or 5L)
BCaretaker or second parent, age 18 or younger attending school
CCaring for an ill or disabled child in the household, even if the child is not a member of the certified group
EUnable to work due to a disability expected to last more than 180 days
F60 years of age or older
GCaring for a child (SIG 2, 3, or 5) under age 1
HPresence required in home due to illness or incapacity of another adult household member and the disability is expected to last more than 180 days
JNot subject to participation – not a certified TANF individual
KPending during appeal of denial or disqualification
LCounty Hardship Exemption
MMandatory registrant
NEmployment Hardship Exemptions
PMandatory registrant employed or self-employed 30 or more hours per week and earning at least $700 a month
QSevere Personal Hardship Exemption
RCaring for child under age 1 who is not listed on Form H1000-A, Form H1000-B and Form H1000-C
TPregnant and unable to work
UA single grandparent age 50 or over caring for a child under age three
VAn SSI recipient parent.
WIdentifies a individual who noncomplies with the Choices program
XA parent who has exhausted state time limits.
YA parent who is disqualified due to third party resource (TPR) requirements, Social Security number requirements, intentional program violation, failure to report a child’s absence, being a fugitive, having a felony drug conviction, failure to cooperate with Quality Control or noncompliance with the unmarried minor parent domicile requirement.

B — Student

C — ABAWD not meeting 18-50 work requirement

D — ABAWD meeting 18-50 work requirement

F — Resident of drug and alcohol treatment/group living arrangement facility

H — Eligible Refugee

K — Disqualified for a reason other than IPV

M — Migrant, out of work stream

R — HHSC Employee

S — Eligible Alien (not a refugee)

T — Disqualified for Intentional Program Violation

U — Seasonal Farm Worker

W — Migrant, in work stream

Item 41: Employment Services/Work Registration


Code or ActionDefinition
AChild (SIG 5 or 5L)
BCaretaker or second parent, age 18 or younger attending school
CCaring for an ill or disabled child in the household, even if the child is not a member of the certified group
EUnable to work due to a disability expected to last more than 180 days
F60 years of age or older
GCaring for a child (SIG 2, 3, or 5) under age 1
HPresence required in home due to illness or incapacity of another adult household member and the disability is expected to last more than 180 days
JNot subject to participation – not a certified TANF individual
KPending during appeal of denial or disqualification
LCounty Hardship Exemption
MMandatory registrant
NEmployment Hardship Exemptions
PMandatory registrant employed or self-employed 30 or more hours per week and earning at least $700 a month
QSevere Personal Hardship Exemption
RCaring for child under age 1 who is not listed on Form H1000-A, Form H1000-B and Form H1000-C
TPregnant and unable to work
UA single grandparent age 50 or over caring for a child under age three
VAn SSI recipient parent.
WIdentifies a individual who noncomplies with the Choices program
XA parent who has exhausted state time limits.
YA parent who is disqualified due to third party resource (TPR) requirements, Social Security number requirements, intentional program violation, failure to report a child’s absence, being a fugitive, having a felony drug conviction, failure to cooperate with Quality Control or noncompliance with the unmarried minor parent domicile requirement.


Code or ActionDefinition
AChild age 16 years of age or child age 16 or 17 who attends school at least half-time, or is not the head of household
DThree to nine-months pregnant
EPhysically or mentally unfit for employment
F60 years of age or older
GCaring for a child under age six
HPresence in home required for care of an incapacitated person
JPerson in drug addiction or alcoholic treatment and rehabilitation program
NReceiving or applying for unemployment compensation
PEmployed or self-employed 30 hours or more a week
QIndividual resides in a Choices county and is mandatory or has volunteered for TANF employment services
RRegistered again, after previously serving the E&T noncompliance penalty period
SStudent exemption (age 18 or older/in a training program)
TDisqualified household member or nonmember head of household
UPrimary wage earner failed to comply with SNAP employment services
2Registered, employed less than 30 hours a week
3Registered, not working
4Registered, job attached (temporarily laid off)
5Registration postponed, expedited service

Item 42A: Type Income


Code or ActionDefinition
AVeteran's Administration (VA) benefits
CUnemployment Insurance benefits
PPension benefits (other than RSDI, SSI, VA or RR)
MCombination of unemployment benefits with benefits from a pension, VA, or both
WCombined income from VA and a pension

Item 49: Disqualification Code (Intentional Program Violation)


Code or ActionDefinition
1st digitT – Administrative disqualification for offense which occurred prior to September 22, 1996 
S – Administrative disqualification for offense which occurred on or after September 22, 1996, or disqualification for conviction due to trafficking 
C – Court-ordered disqualification 
M – Disqualification due to receipt of multiple benefits in one month.
2nd digit1 – 1st disqualification 
2 – 2nd disqualification 
3 – 3rd disqualification 
4 – permanent disqualification for trafficking in SNAP benefits or program access devices of $500 or more.
3rd – 6th digitsMMYY – last month of disqualification 
PERM – disqualification permanent

Item 50: Error Messages


The following format is used for all error messages: AAABBCCC

Error MessageDefinition
AAAForm Item number 001-191; client Items 32-50 will be shown A32-K32, through K50. When a client Item is shown without line indicator, 032-050, then the comparison of all entries within that Item caused the error.

One of the following two-digit qualifiers:

  • EQ – EQUAL 

Form Item number 001-191; or error code number 300-999; or one of the following "KEY" words:

  • BLK – BLANK 
  • N-3 – today minus 3 months 
  • N-6 – today minus 6months 
  • N12 – today minus 12 months 
  • N24 – today minus 24 months
  • N45 – today minus 45 days 

Error Codes

Code or ActionDefinition
300Either the first digit of application number is not A or the last eight digits are not numeric
301By changing the A of the application number to zero, it was found that a case already on file has been assigned that number.
304Application already disposed
305BJN was incorrect
307The case or individual indicated is already active in the same program area for the benefit period requested.
308The client number entered cannot be reassigned due to a mismatch of client information.
309Multiple entries for this Item contained the same value.
320A SNAP denial cannot precede a benefit issuance month.
321The ATA issuance exceeded the maximum allotment for household size.
400The individual's SSI coverage was changed to Suspense
402Hierarchy of individual information prevented the use of the client entries on the transaction.
403The entry made in Adjusted Gross Income is zero. Determine if the correct income was entered.
404Valid entries for case number reassignment are required.
500The rejection of this attempted denial caused the case to be placed on hold.

Item 78: Type of Review


Code or ActionDefinition
CComplete review
IIncomplete review
NNon-review activity (case maintenance)

Item 79: Application Codes


Code or ActionDefinition
First Digit – Application Type1 – Eligibility Determination  
2 – Redetermination  
3 – Application reopened after denial
Second digitEnter X
Third digit – Number of Months0 – All initial applications, reapplications within 30 days from previous application, or later applications within 30 days after the end of the previous certification period.  
1-8 – Enter the number of months, as appropriate, since the last application or certification period.  
9 – Nine months or longer since the last application or certification period.

Item 84: AID


Code or ActionDefinition
1NPA Only
2NPA Mixed
5Refugee, PA

Item 85: Test (Income Test or Shelter Deduction Identifier)


Code or ActionDefinition
BGross and net income tests with capped shelter deduction.
CCategorically eligible household with capped shelter deduction.
EGross and net income test and uncapped shelter deduction. Use this code only if the member who is entitled to uncapped shelter costs is disqualified for intentional program violation.
MNet test only, uncapped shelter deduction.
TCategorically eligible household with uncapped shelter deduction. Note: This code is also used in situations where a household member, disqualified for any reason, is the only elderly or disabled member.

Item 87: NON (Non H/H Members)


Code or ActionDefinition
CIneligible alien
DIneligible student
EAny combination of two or more of A, B, C, or D

Item 89: SSI


Code or ActionDefinition
XEvery household member receives SSI

Item 90: Util (Utility Expense Code)


Code or ActionDefinition
1Household claiming the Standard Utility Allowance.
2Household claiming telephone standard only, or telephone standard plus actual utilities.
3Household claiming actual utility costs only (even if some members are disqualified).
4Household without utility costs.
5Two households live together and share the standard utility allowance.
6Households claiming the standard utility allowance with member(s) disqualified for not meeting the citizenship, 18-50 work, and or SSN requirements.
7All other proration situations. A combination of households described in Codes 5, 6, B, and C, a prorated telephone standard, and all other situations in which the utility allowance is prorated (such as a proration involving three or more households, or more than one disqualified member).
8Household claiming the homeless shelter standard.
9Household claiming the homeless shelter standard with one member who is disqualified for not meeting the citizenship, 18-50 work or SSN requirements.
AHouseholds claiming the basic utility allowance.
BTwo households live together and share the basic utility allowance.
CHouseholds claiming the basic utility allowance with member(s) disqualified for not meeting the citizenship, 18-50 work or SSN requirement.

Codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, A, and B are allowed for household containing member(s) disqualified for an intentional program violation, felony drug conviction, E&T non-compliance, and/or being a fugitive.

Codes 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and C are allowed for households containing member(s) disqualified for not meeting the citizenship requirement, 18-50 work requirement, or SSN requirement. Also, these codes are allowed for household containing member(s) disqualified for an intentional program violation, felony drug conviction, E&T non-compliance, and/or being a fugitive and member(s) disqualified for citizenship, 18-50 work requirement, and/or SSN requirements. Note: Utility, homeless, and telephone standards, if used, are prorated for these kinds of disqualifications.

Item 91: Action Code


See C-221, Denial Codes.

Item 95: Code or Hold Date


Hold Codes
Code or ActionDefinition
2Hold benefits
AForm H1000-B has fatal error not cleared by cutoff
ZDormant EBT account (state office use)
Release Codes
Code or ActionDefinition
0Do not hold future benefits.

Item 101: Prepared Meals Services Code


Code or ActionDefinition
CSSI or elderly member authorized to purchase from communal dining facilities, meal delivery service, or contracted restaurant
EHomeless and either elderly or SSI recipient; authorized to purchase from every service (communal dining, meal delivery services, or homeless meal providers and contracted restaurants)
HAuthorized to purchase from homeless meal providers/contracted restaurants
MHousehold or disabled member authorized to purchase from meal delivery services

Item 104: Special Review Code


Enter the appropriate code to show the type of special review needed.

Code or ActionDefinition
0State office assigned
1Employment Services or Work Registration
2School Attendance
5Income or Expense changes anticipated
6Living arrangement change anticipated
7Medical review
8Household change anticipated

Item 127 Type Program


Code or ActionDefinition
01Cash and medical assistance
04Medical Assistance Only – Deceased
0712 or 18 months medical assistance only
11Three months prior medical assistance only not currently eligible
20Medical assistance only – Child Support
3712 or 18 months medical assistance only
61TANF-UP cash and medical assistance
71OTTANF – One parent household
72OTTANF – Two parent household

Item 131: Type Review


Code or ActionDefinition
CComplete review
IIncomplete review
NNon-review activity (case maintenance)

Item 132: Action Code


See C-200 for Item 132 Codes.

Item 138: (Child Support Cooperation or Reason for Transfer to TP 07/20)


Code or ActionDefinition
RRefusal without good cause to cooperate with child support for one or more APs
XExempt from child support requirements, or claiming good cause for all APs
CCooperation. Enter this code if Codes R or X do not apply
Enew or increased earned income or earnings of a returning absent parent who is added to the certified group
Snew or increased child support collections
BTANF denial results from a reason listed under Code E and new or increased child support collections

Item 140: Code


Code or ActionDefinition
1Employment Services/Work Registration (TANF only)
2School attendance
5Income/Expense changes anticipated
6Living arrangement change anticipated
7Medical review
8Household change anticipated
QDisability Hardship Exemption (TANF only)

Item 142: Hold CD: Date


Advisor Hold Codes
Code or ActionDefinition
1Unable to locate
2Guardianship pending
3New payee pending
4Notice of adverse action to lower benefits that expires between cutoff and the end of the month
5Notice of adverse action expires between cutoff and end of month (case denial or transfer to TP 07 or TP 20)
State Office Hold Codes
Code or ActionDefinition
AHold, Form H1000-B has fatal error not cleared by cutoff
CForm H3087 returned, moved
DForm H3087 returned, deceased
EForm H3087 returned, unclaimed
FWarrant Undeliverable and returned by post office
GWarrant undeliverable because individual is deceased
HTANF case has SIG 5 member age 19 or over
LState time limit expiring and SAVERR cannot rebudget TANF
JWarrant charged back
RSDX hold
ZDormant EBT account
3RCA case has a member who entered the United States eight months ago
6TANF case pending denial or transfer to TP 20
Advisor Release Codes
Code or ActionDefinition
8Release benefits as originally authorized
9Release benefits as originally authorized using the new address on this Form H1000-B
0Release future benefits. Use Form H1008 to release any returned benefits. Use Section XI to issue benefits for months on hold.

Item 149: Code


Code or ActionDefinition
CDependent care deduction
9A 90% earned income deduction up to $1400 per employed member or 12 or 18 months additional Medicaid coverage. This entry requires an entry on the same line in Item 151.

Item 179 - Type of Warrant Requested


Code or ActionDefinition
1Full months amount
2Additional amount for a month; Form H1000-B use only


Code or ActionDefinition
SReporting ATA issuance untimely
ERequesting issuance or timely reporting benefits issued via the ATA
NRequesting cancellation of benefits

Item 180: Type Issuance


Reason for authorization of benefits
Code or ActionDefinition
9Action Code 090, simultaneous open and close on Form H1000-A only
BChange in both household composition and money reflected in the budget
HChange in household composition
MChange in money reflected in the budget
ORetroactive or current month's benefit when releasing a case from hold with release Code 0 or 7 in Item 142
PBudgeting process requires different payment month benefits. Enter Code 1 in Item 179
R(State office use only) Identifies on the history file benefits produced when release Code 8 or 9is used to release a case from hold
TTransfer from TP 07, 20, 29, or 37 to TP 01/61 (Form H1000-B and Form H1000-C use only)


Full Regular Ongoing Benefits or Their Replacements
Code or ActionDefinition
AInitial benefit (regular ongoing benefit)
EInitial expedited benefit issued*
HPriority benefits issued to meet hearing officer decision timeliness
LRestoring benefits for a past month
1Initial expedited benefits issued through ATA*
2Priority benefits issued through SAVERR or ATA to meet timeliness
3Initial priority benefits issued through ATA*
4Historical Information: CCDMI mailed out of state as a result of converting EBT benefits to coupons (state office use only). No longer in use effective April 1, 2004.
5Historical Information: Benefits replaced in EBT account when CCDMI was returned (state office use only). No longer in use effective April 1, 2004.

*See details in C-500, Item 180 instructions.

Additional Benefits for a Month
Code or ActionDefinition
CSupplemental benefits. Use when providing benefits in addition to initial benefits for the current month, or following month if submitting Form H1000-A, Form H1000-B and Form H1000-C after cutoff.
DRestoration benefits. Use when restoring partial benefits for a past month.
FSupplemental or restoration benefits. Use when providing additional benefits for a month in which the household has already received one issuance coded C or D.
PRestore an erroneously expunged EBT benefit.
Destroyed Food
Code or ActionDefinition
TReplacement of destroyed food, which was purchased with SNAP benefits
Advisor enter cancellation
Code or ActionDefinition
GUse to cancel EBT benefit because the household has moved out of state

Item 186: Other Data (Range Code)


Code or ActionDefinition
PInitial month benefit prorated

Benefit Range Code for all issuances coded C, D, F, H, P, or T in Item 180.

Range CodeIssuance Dollar AmountRange CodeIssuance Dollar Amount
A1 - 49H350 - 399
B50 - 99J400 - 449
C100 - 149K450 - 499
D150 - 199L500 - 549
E200 - 249M550 - 599
F250 - 299X600 or over
G300 - 349--

Item 187: Household Composition for Benefit Requested


  • 1st digit - Number of individuals with status-in-group (SIG) code 7 and 8 (maximum of two). If none, enter 0.
  • 2nd and 3rd digits - Number of individuals with status-in-group Code 5 (maximum of nine). Always enter as two-digit number. If none, enter 00. If there are more than nine Code 5s, use Form H1008.

Note: See C-500 for additional codes and instructions to Form H1000-C. A Form H1000-C cannot be submitted without Form H1000-A or Form H1000-B.

Item 214: FIC (R/E) (Finger Image Code)


Enter individual's finger image enrollment or exemption code.

Code or ActionDefinition
YIf all available images have been taken
ZIf one image has been taken
AAppeal pending (TANF related)
BLow quality image, physically unable to image or equipment failure
CCertified out of office or unable to come to office
DUndue burden for disabled individual
EUndue burden for elderly individual
FDisqualified (FS only)

D — Undue burden for disabled individual

E — Undue burden for elderly individual

F — Disqualified (FS only)

Item 215: LSIS Vendor's Unique Number (VUN)


If the entry in Item 214 is Y or Z, enter the nine-digit VUN.

Item 216: Disqualification Type


Enter the code(s) to indicate that an individual is being disqualified for one or more the following reasons.

Code or ActionDefinition
Bineligible alien without BCIS document
Cineligible aliens with BCIS document
Dfelony drug conviction
Ffirst offense failure to comply with ESP requirements (E&T, voluntary quit or reducing work hours to less than 30)
Nfailure to meet SSN requirement
Ssecond offense failure to comply with ESP requirements
Tthird or subsequent offense failure to comply with ESP requirements
Wfailure to comply with the 18-50 work requirement

Item 217: Remove


Enter a code below to end a disqualification or change a time-limited benefit code.

Code or ActionDefinition
1delete the first countable month
2delete the second countable month
3delete the third countable month
4delete the fourth countable month (first month of second three month period)
Bend the ineligible alien (undoc) disqualification
Cend the ineligible alien (doc) disqualification
Fend the first offense SNAP ESP disqualification
Jend the fugitive disqualification
Lsubtract one offense from the ESP offense counter (when entering Code L, do not enter Code F, S, or T in Item 216 on the same Form H1000-A, Form H1000-B and Form H1000-C transaction)
Nend of the SSN disqualification
Send the second offense SNAP ESP disqualification
Tend the third offense SNAP ESP disqualification
Wend the 18 - 50 work requirement disqualification

Items 218-223


Make entries in these fields to report that HHSC has authorized a SNAP benefit for a countable month of the initial or second three-month period of time-limited benefits in a 36 month period for an individual age 18-50. Make entries of Code(s) 1-4 in Items 218 and the corresponding month(s) in Item 219.

Items 218, 220, and 222 – Countable Month Code


Enter one of the following codes and a corresponding month in Item 219, 221, and 223:

Code or ActionDefinition
1benefit authorized for the first month of the initial three-month period
2benefit authorized for the second month of the initial three-month period
3benefit authorized for the third month of the initial three-month period
4benefit authorized for the first month of the second three-month period
Additional Codes


Benefit History Codes
Code or ActionDefinition
AMailed warrant or EBT benefit issued
CWarrant held
DWarrant or EBT issuance cancelled
EWarrant charged back
PWarrant paid by state treasure
RWarrant returned
SWarrant stop payment in effect
LWarrant stop payment lifted
YDuplicate EBT benefit or warrant issued
ZDuplicate warrant returned

Read benefit history codes on inquiry from right to left. The most recent code or action appears on the far left.