Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
B-441 Residents of D&A Facilities
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
People receiving chemical dependency treatment and residing in a facility that conducts a chemical dependency program may qualify for SNAP, regardless of the number of meals the facility provides, if the treatment facility is an approved institution. A D&A facility is an approved institution, if it is:
- certified as a retailer by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to accept SNAP benefits; or
- a private, nonprofit organization or institution or a publicly operated community mental health center. To qualify under this provision, the facility or organization must also meet one of the following requirements:
- be licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to operate a chemical dependency treatment facility; or
- have written verification from DSHS that it is a registered faith-based exempt chemical dependency treatment program under Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 464, Subchapter C, and is recognized by DSHS as operating a program that furthers the purposes of Part B of Title XIX of the Public Health Service Act, the rehabilitation of drug addicts or alcoholics. The facility does not have to receive funds from DSHS.
Residents in D&A facilities that are not approved institutions may qualify for SNAP, only if the facility provides half of their meals or less. Consider this when determining if a person who resides in a facility is institutionalized.
Note: See disqualified persons policy for people disqualified due to felony drug conviction.
Evaluate all other eligibility criteria to determine whether a resident of the treatment center is eligible for SNAP.
Determine eligibility following the same income and resource policy as other households. Processing time frames and procedures for certifying households apply to residents of treatment facilities, except the following:
- Household size — Certify:
- single residents of the treatment facility as separate one-person households; and
- adult residents and their children as one household.
- Authorized representative (AR) — The treatment facility must act as the AR for all residents of the facility.
- Expedited service — Process the application to allow the resident an opportunity to participate by the seventh calendar day after the application date. The application date is day zero.
- Adverse action — When the facility loses its status as AR or loses its certification, the resident must be given adequate notice of adverse action.
- Work registration — The resident is exempt from work registration.
A facility that is no longer an approved institution (the facility loses its license from a state agency or the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) disqualifies the facility as a retailer) cannot serve as an AR. Deny all existing SNAP Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs) for residents in the facility. The facility may not debit residents' food accounts after the disqualification occurs.
Note: Refer the treatment center to the USDA FNS at 877-823-4369 or SNAP for inquiries about obtaining a SNAP retailer license from FNS.
Related Policy
Nonmembers, A-232.1
Disqualified Persons, A-232.2
Determining Whether a Person Who Resides in a Facility Is Institutionalized, B-490
B-442 Residents of GLA Facilities
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
A GLA is a public or private nonprofit residential facility that serves no more than 16 residents. People residing in a GLA facility may potentially qualify for SNAP, regardless of the number of meals the facility provides, if the GLA facility is an approved institution. A GLA is an approved institution if it is a:
- certified SNAP retailer; or
- nonprofit, certified by a state agency as required by Section 1616(e) of the Social Security Act.
Residents in GLA facilities that are not approved institutions may potentially qualify for SNAP, only if the facility provides half of their meals or less. Consider this when determining whether a person who resides in a facility is institutionalized.
Residents who meet disability definition criteria may be certified under group living arrangements. Determine eligibility according to the same income and resource standards as other households.
GLA residents may apply:
- for themselves;
- through an AR of their choosing; or
- through an AR employed by the facility.
If a member of the group wants to apply separately from other GLA residents, the facility makes the decision to allow the resident to apply separately based on the resident's physical and mental ability. Accept applications from any person the facility allows to apply as a one-person household or for any group of residents applying as a household.
Processing time frames and procedures for certifying households apply to GLA residents, except:
- Household size — If the resident applies using the facility as the AR, the resident is certified as a one-person household. If the residents apply without using the facility as AR, the largest allowable household size is 16.
- Expedited service — Provide benefits to allow the resident an opportunity to participate by the seventh calendar day after the application date. The application date is day zero.
- Adverse action — When the facility loses its status as AR or loses its certification, the resident is given adequate notice of adverse action.
- Work registration — Members must be registered unless exempt.
Related Policy
Nonmembers, A-232.1
Disqualified Persons, A-232.2
Determining Whether a Person Who Resides in a Facility Is Institutionalized, B-490
B-443 HHSC Responsibilities
Revision 13-4; Effective October 1, 2013
B-443.1 Staff Responsibilities
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
For residents participating in D&A or GLA facilities, verify that the D&A or GLA facility meets the eligibility criteria.
D&A or GLA facility eligibility certification may be verified by contract documents or certificates of eligibility from the USDA, HHSC or DSHS. Verify nonprofit status by reviewing a current, valid Internal Revenue Service (IRS) exemption or a document from the Texas State Comptroller of Public Accounts. If the facility is a USDA-certified retailer, the facility's eligibility is verified.
Provide the facility AR a copy of Form H1851, Reference Guide for Drug and Alcohol Treatment (D&A)/Group Living Arrangement (GLA) Facilities (PDF). The AR must acknowledge receipt of Form H1851 by signing Form H1846, Facility Authorized Representative Interview (PDF). Ensure the AR understands each of the facility's responsibilities.
Ensure the facility AR has a supply of Form H1852, List of Resident Participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The AR must return Form H1852 to HHSC by the fifth day of every month, or the following business day if the fifth is not a business day. Repeated failure to return this form is a program violation. Use Form H1852 to help monitor the facility's compliance with its responsibilities as AR. Complete and send Form H1847, Reminder to Submit Form H1852, when the facility report is three days past due.
Ensure the AR has a supply of Form H1019, Report of Change, and postage-paid envelopes.
On-site visits to the facility must be made at least once every six months.
During these visits, use Form H1845, Drug and Alcohol Treatment (D&A)/Group Living Arrangement (GLA) Facility Review (PDF), to document the:
- date of the visit;
- number of residents; and
- proof the facility continues to meet eligibility requirements.
Report suspected misuse of SNAP by the facility to the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) regional coordinator. Use Form H1845 or Form H1853, Documentation of Findings (PDF), to report suspected misuse after evaluating the monthly Form H1852 returned by the facility.
Ensure the facility returns the correct benefit amount to the person’s EBT account. If the facility is unable or unwilling to return the person’s benefits:
- send Form H1096, Notification Letter (PDF), to advise the facility of the overpayment;
- email Form H1095, Treatment Facility Fraud Referral (PDF), to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Benefits Program Integrity (BPI) mailbox; and
- immediately restore improperly accessed benefits to the person.
Note: If a household managed by Centralized Benefit Services (CBS) moves into a D&A or GLA facility, update the Living Arrangement record to convert the EDG back to SNAP and out of the CBS caseload.
Maintain a D&A or GLA facility case file in the local office for each facility. Keep copies of any forms, reports or supporting documentation in this file.
Related Policy
Residents of D&A Facilities, B-441
Residents of GLA Facilities, B-442
Resident Moves Out of a D&A or GLA Facility, B-447
B-443.1.1 Monitoring Facilities
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
Information provided each month by facilities on Form H1852, List of Resident Participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), must be monitored to ensure certified residents receive the correct amount of SNAP benefits.
Compare the information on the current month's Form H1852 to the information on the previous month's Form H1852 and clear any discrepancies. Consider the following questions in detail:
- Are the same residents certified?
- Did any of the residents move out during the month? If so:
- Did the facility report the change and return the Lone Star Card within three business days?
- Did the Lone Star account contain the correct benefit amount?
- Was the EBT card accessed after the residents reported move out date?
If the facility fails to report residents who move out or fails to return the Lone Star Card, deny the EDGs following the D&A or GLA facility resident moves out procedure. Remind facilities of the responsibility as an AR to report moves and return the Lone Star Card within three days of the change. Complete Form H1853, Documentation of Findings, for monthly Form H1852, to document findings. If there are no findings, document no findings. Place a copy of the findings in the facility case file and provide a copy to the EBT regional coordinator responsible for the facility case file.
Related Policy
Resident Moves Out of a D&A or GLA Facility, B-447
B-443.2 EBT Regional and Site Coordinator Responsibilities
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
EBT regional coordinators report misuse of SNAP benefits in facilities certified as retailers by the USDA by sending Form H1853, Documentation of Findings for Form H1852, to:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Eligibility Operations – State and Regional Operations
Mail Code 992-6
909 W. 45th Street
Austin, TX 78751
State office makes referrals to the OIG. If necessary, the USDA will send a copy to the EBT regional coordinator and subsequently, notification of any action taken.
Do not take any further adverse action on a facility certified by USDA before USDA's action. Compute over-issuances for each resident, as appropriate.
If OIG staff confirms the report is valid, OIG will refer the misuse to the USDA for its information and consideration for prosecution. The OIG sends a copy of the referral to the EBT site coordinator responsible for the facility case file and notifies the EBT regional coordinator of any action taken by USDA.
B-444 Overview of EBT Processes for Residents of D&A or GLA Facilities
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
Establish the AR as the primary cardholder (PCH) and issue a Lone Star Card to access a resident's benefits in the food account. Allow the AR to select a PIN through the Lone Star Help Desk or receive a vendor mailed PIN packet.
Some D&A or GLA facilities are certified by the USDA as SNAP retailers, and some are not. Regardless of SNAP retailer certification, the facility serves as AR and is responsible for the use of SNAP benefits of all residents who participate in SNAP (except for some GLAs). Benefits issued by EBT for residents of these D&A or GLA facilities are handled per one of the following three methods:
- An EBT vendor contracts with D&A or GLA facilities certified by USDA as SNAP retailers to process EBT transactions in two ways:
- If the D&A or GLA facility processes a minimum monthly value of SNAP transactions, an EBT vendor installs Point of Sale (POS) equipment on site. The facility, as AR and PCH, debits the residents' SNAP benefits by swiping each resident's Lone Star Card through their POS equipment and entering the associated PIN. An EBT vendor completes the financial settlement to pay the retailer the day after a SNAP transaction is completed.
- If the retailer processes less than the minimum monthly value of SNAP transactions to receive POS equipment, an EBT vendor contracts with the retailer to use a manual voucher system to process EBT SNAP transactions from each resident's account. An EBT vendor completes the financial settlement to pay the retailer the day after a SNAP transaction is completed.
- D&A or GLA facilities that are not USDA-certified retailers do not contract with an EBT vendor to accept SNAP benefits. However, if the facility meets the D&A or GLA eligibility criteria for non-USDA certified retailers, residents of those facilities can still participate in the SNAP program with the facility AR responsible for the residents' SNAP benefits. In this situation, the facility AR is established as the PCH, a Lone Star Card is issued, and the AR can select a PIN through the Lone Star Help Desk or receive a vendor mailed PIN packet. The facility AR may use the food account, Lone Star Card and PIN to purchase food for the resident at a SNAP certified retail store or market.
- Note: GLAs do not always serve as AR for each resident. If the GLA employee is not listed as a GLA-AR on a resident's SNAP EDG follow normal EBT issuance procedures. The resident uses the Lone Star Card to purchase food from a regular retailer or to purchase prepared meals from the GLA if the GLA is certified as a retailer by USDA.
Related Policy
EBT Vendor-Produced Materials, B-280
Residents of D&A Facilities, B-441
Residents of GLA Facilities, B-442
B-445 D&A or GLA Facility Responsibilities as ARs
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
The D&A or GLA facility acting as AR must:
- apply for and provide accurate information on behalf of a resident;
- use the Lone Star Card to debit the resident's food account;
- buy and prepare food for eligible residents;
- buy meals delivered to each resident;
- report the loss of USDA or DSHS certification or loss of nonprofit status to HHSC within 10 days;
- report any changes, losses, over-issuances or misuse of SNAP benefits;
- provide departing residents Form H1019, Report of Change, as appropriate, and advise the person to report their new address within 10 days;
- report and return the Lone Star Card issued for departed residents to HHSC within three business days after the person moves out, whether announced or not;
- ensure the security of all Lone Star Cards and PINs issued to the facility AR;
- ensure the departing resident's Lone Star Card contains all the SNAP benefits that are unspent when the resident moves out; and
- return Form H1852, List of Resident Participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), by the fifth day of every month, or the following business day if the fifth day is not a business day.
Both, the resident and facility AR must sign the application form.
The facility, acting as an AR, is liable if it knowingly commits a program violation to obtain SNAP benefits for a resident.
The facility must maintain a sufficient supply of required forms. Form H1852, Form H1019 and HHSC return envelopes may be obtained from HHSC and will be offered to the AR at each certification.
Related Policy
Use of SNAP Benefits by D&A or GLA Facilities Which Serve as SNAP Authorized Representative (AR), B-445.1
B-445.1 Use of SNAP Benefits by D&A or GLA Facilities Which Serve as SNAP ARs
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
HHSC restricts how the D&A and GLA facilities may use the resident's benefits. Inform the facility AR of these rules during the interview and provide them with Form H1851, Reference Guide for Drug and Alcohol Treatment (D&A)/Group Living Arrangement (GLA) Facilities.
Related Policy
Account Access, B-445.1.1
Returning Unspent Benefits When a Resident Moves Out, B-445.1.3
Residents Moving Out Before the 16th of a Month, B-445.1.4
B-445.1.1 Account Access
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
HHSC issues a Lone Star Card to the facility AR and enables the AR to select a PIN through the PIN pad in the local office or the Lone Star Help Desk. HHSC allows the AR access only to benefits issued for a month the person is a facility resident. The facility may assign one person to serve as the AR to apply for the resident and another to serve as AR or PCH and use the Lone Star Card.
Note: When the D&A or GLA facility is the AR, the facility is responsible for all benefits in an account. Therefore, security of the card and PIN is as important to them as it is to a person not in a facility.
HHSC is unable to issue benefits to the D&A or GLA facility AR for a month the resident is in the facility when that month's benefits were already issued to the resident's existing food account. If the resident wants to allow the facility access to previously issued benefits, the resident has the following options:
For facilities that are not USDA-certified retailers, the resident may:
- use the card to purchase groceries to give to the facility; or
- make the D&A or GLA facility AR a secondary cardholder on the existing account to access those benefits. To establish the facility AR as a secondary cardholder:
- staff must ensure that the person made this choice and approved it; and
- EBT issuance staff must establish the secondary cardholder, issue the card and pend card registration.
For facilities that are USDA-certified retailers, the resident can:
- use one of the options listed above for facilities that are not USDA-certified; or
- use the Lone Star Card to purchase meals via the facility POS device or via the EBT manual voucher process. The facility may only charge for prepared meals on a per day basis, not in advance. In addition, the facility is not allowed possession of the card previously issued to the resident, nor knowledge of the resident's PIN.
Related Policy
Application Processing for D&A or GLA Facilities, B-446
B-445.1.2 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
B-445.1.3 Returning Unspent Benefits When a Resident Moves Out
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
When a resident moves out of the D&A or GLA facility, the facility must return all unspent benefits issued to the AR's account regardless of when the resident moves out, even if it means returning all the resident's benefits. D&A and GLA facilities are not allowed to spend a resident's benefits after the resident moves out.
After a resident moves out, the facility must return the AR's EBT card and ensure the account contains all unspent benefits. For purposes of this policy, "spent" means the facility used the EBT Card to access the resident's benefits before the person moved out.
If the facility accesses benefits that it is not allowed to use, the facility must return the benefits to the account. USDA-certified facilities can return benefits using the POS device to process a return on the account or via communication with an EBT vendor. Facilities not certified as retailers by USDA must ask a retailer to process a return on the resident's account using the AR's EBT card on the store's POS device.
If the retailer cannot restore benefits to the EBT card, initiate a claim against the facility by sending Form H1096, Notification Letter, and sending Form H1095, Treatment Facility Fraud Referral, to the OIG Benefits Program Integrity (BPI) mailbox and restore benefits to the person.
Related Policy
Restored Benefits, B-800
B-445.1.4 Residents Moving Out Before the 16th of a Month
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
The D&A or GLA facility must return at least half of the monthly allotment for residents who move out before the 16th of the month. Therefore, although a facility can access more than half of the monthly allotment before the 16th, it is not a best practice to do so.
The D&A or GLA facility AR know the full allotment amount from the person's notice. If the EDG has recoupment, staff must notify the facility AR to use the Lone Star Help Desk (800-777-7EBT) to verify monthly benefits.
D&A or GLA facilities without a POS device must be cautious to ensure they do not use more than half of a resident's monthly allotment before the 16th of the month, because they have no POS device to process a return if the resident moves out before the 16th of the month.
B-446 Application Processing for D&A or GLA Facilities
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
Process SNAP EDGs for residents in D&A or GLA facilities using one of the following procedures, depending on the resident's situation at application.
At the time of disposition, staff must review the Issuance – Details page and the Alternate Payee – Summary page, to ensure that TIERS successfully included the PCH record for the facility AR.
Note: TIERS does not collect biographical data on D&A or GLA facility ARs, so TIERS cannot send this information to the EBT system.
B-446.1 New Resident (or Denied Resident with No Benefits in an EBT Account) Who Moves into a D&A or GLA Facility and Applies for SNAP
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
- Interview staff:
- interview the AR;
- advise the AR about the limitations noted on Form H1851, Reference Guide for Drug and Alcohol Treatment (D&A)/Group Living Arrangement (GLA) Facilities;
- provide EBT training material if the AR has not already received it;
- send the PCH record for the facility AR to the EBT system by indicating in the TIERS issuance pages that there is an alternate payee. After the batch, complete Form H1175, EBT Change Request, to change the biographical information in the EBT system to the facility AR dispose the SNAP EDG; and
- complete issuance.
- EBT issuance staff must:
- issue a card to the AR;
- print the EDG name in the space under the signature field on the back of the Lone Star Card; and
- enable the AR to select a PIN through the Lone Star Help Desk.
- The facility AR uses the card and PIN to access benefits in the food account. Note: If the resident also receives TANF, the cash account is not available to the D&A or GLA facility AR. The resident has a separate card and PIN for the cash account.
Related Policy
Application Processing for D&A or GLA Facilities, B-446
B-446.2 Resident Has an Active SNAP EDG (or a Denied-Ongoing SNAP EDG), No Benefits in the Food Account, and All SNAP Household Members Move into the D&A or GLA Facility
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
Follow policy for a new resident who moves into a D&A or GLA facility. The D&A or GLA facility representative is added as AR for the existing SNAP EDG and the SNAP EDG is certified if it is currently denied.
Related Policy
New Resident (or Denied Resident with No Benefits in an EBT Account) Who Moves into a D&A or GLA Facility and Applies for SNAP, B-446.1
B-446.3 All Other Situations
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
Assign the resident a new SNAP EDG number and certify the resident using the new EDG number to establish a separate EBT food account as a resident of a D&A or GLA facility with a facility AR.
- If the resident is on an active SNAP EDG (and all members are not moving into the facility), remove the person from the existing EDG before certifying on a new case.
- If the resident is currently certified as a single person household on a previous case (but has a remaining benefit balance), certify the resident for SNAP with a certification period for the remaining months using a different case number. A new Form H1010, Texas Works Application for Assistance — Your Texas Benefits, is not required. The file date is the first day of the first month of the remaining certification period. Cross reference the other case in the TIERS Case Comments section of each case.
Enter the facility AR’s information in the Authorized Representative page and indicate in the Issuance – Details page that there is an alternate payee. Complete the subsequent Alternate Payee – Summary page.
Request card issuance and provide a completed Form H1175, EBT Change Request, to EBT issuance staff. EBT issuance staff enter additional data to the PCH record for the AR through the EBT system for the new EDG number.
Related Policy
Application Processing for D&A or GLA Facilities, B-446
New Resident (or Denied Resident with No Benefits in an EBT Account) Who Moves into a D&A or GLA Facility and Applies for SNAP, B-446.1
B-447 Resident Moves Out of D&A or GLA Facility
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
Follow these procedures when the resident moves out of the facility:
- The facility AR:
- notifies HHSC of the move; and
- returns the Lone Star Card (in-person) for this account to the local office within three business days of the move.
- Check the account balance to ensure the D&A or GLA facility returned the correct benefit amount. Ensure the facility returns any benefit amount spent to the resident’s food account after the resident moved out. Monthly benefits and account balance information are available on the EBT system benefit history screen. The EBT system transaction history screens provide information to verify if the AR debited the account after the resident moved out. Transactions are listed by date and time.
- Report violations according to staff responsibility policy.
- After ensuring benefits are properly returned, destroy the card according to procedures for returned Lone Star Cards.
- Follow procedure 1 or 2 below.
- If the facility reports the move and the former resident has not contacted HHSC:
- Send the EDG name to the EBT system as the new PCH. Complete of Form H1175, EBT Change Request, and send to EBT issuance staff, who will use the information to update the PCH record in the EBT system.
- Immediately remove the AR entries including any designations in the Issuance – Details and the Alternate Payee – Summary pages and update the address, if known.
- Document in Case Comments the name of the facility and facility AR that are being removed. Do not issue a new card and PIN until requested by the former resident.
- Follow normal adverse action procedures to deny the EDG.
- If former resident reports the move to another D&A or GLA facility:
- Do not deny the existing active case.
- Remove the former facility AR.
- Document in Case Comments the name of the facility and facility AR that are being removed and the name of the new facility and facility AR that are being added and when.
- Enter the new facility AR’s information in the Authorized Representative page and indicate in the Issuance – Details page that there is an alternate payee. Complete the subsequent Alternate Payee – Summary page.
- Request card issuance and enable the new AR to select a PIN through the Lone Star Help Desk.
- Complete Part II of Form H1175 and send to EBT issuance staff, who will use the information to complete the new PCH record on the new AR via the EBT system.
- EBT issuance staff:
- issue a card to the AR;
- report the PAN;
- print the EDG name in the space under the signature field on the back of the Lone Star Card; and
- enable the AR to select a PIN through the Lone Star Help Desk.
- If the facility reports the move and the former resident has not contacted HHSC:
Follow these procedures if the former resident moves in with another active SNAP household and the former resident will participate with that household:
- Deny the active D&A or GLA case and send Form TF0001, Notice of Case Action, following regular adverse action procedures.
- Send the case name to the EBT system to change the PCH by removing all AR-related entries in TIERS, including any designations in the Issuance – Details and the Alternate Payee – Summary pages.
- Change the address to the resident's new address.
- Document in Case Comments the name of the facility and facility AR removed and the date. Cross reference the other case in the Case Comments section of each case.
- If there are still benefits in the account, complete a card issuance request to give the former resident access to the account and enable the person to select a PIN through the Lone Star Help Desk.
- If updating PCH biographical information, complete Part II of Form H1175 and send to EBT issuance staff, who will update the PCH record in the EBT system.
- Add the former resident to the other household's SNAP EDG effective the month after any final benefits are received.
Follow these procedures if the former resident moves and no longer lives in a D&A or GLA facility or does not participate with another active SNAP household. Move the former resident's remaining months of SNAP certification to a different case (and thus a new food account) and:
- Send the case name to the EBT system to change the new PCH on the currently active case by removing all AR-related entries in TIERS including any designations in the Issuance – Details and the Alternate Payee – Summary pages.
- Change the address to the resident's new address.
- Document in Case Comments the name of the facility and facility AR that are being removed and when.
- Deny the former resident's active SNAP EDG. Do not send notice of adverse action since benefits are not actually being denied.
- Certify the former resident for SNAP with a certification period for the remaining months using a different case number. If the former resident has a previous denied-ongoing case, use it and associate the case number during Application Registration. Do not require a new Form H1010, Texas Works Application for Assistance — Your Texas Benefits. The file date is the first day of the first month of the remaining certification period. Cross reference the other case in the Case Comments section of each case.
- Complete issuance request to give the former resident access to the account(s) by issuing a new card and enabling the person to select a new PIN through the Lone Star Help Desk.
- If updating PCH biographical information, complete Form H1175 and send to EBT issuance staff, who will update the PCH record in the EBT system.
Related Policy
Staff Responsibilities, B-433.1
Application Processing for D&A or GLA Facilities, B-446
B-448 D&A or GLA Facility Replaces the AR
Revision 22-3; Effective July 1, 2022
To replace an AR, the D&A or GLA facility must provide a written request to HHSC.
Follow these procedures if a D&A or GLA facility replaces the AR. Do not replace Lone Star Cards for residents' accounts:
- Interview staff:
- change the name of the AR on all applicable TIERS cases by replacing the former facility AR with the new person in the Authorized Representative page and the Alternate Payee Summary page;
- document the change for each case and when the change occurred in Case Comments; and
- complete Form H1175, EBT Change Request, for each case to update the existing PCH record with new AR name and biographical information; and
- complete a new Form H1846, Facility Authorized Representative Interview, at the first certification following replacement of the AR.
- EBT issuance staff update the PCH record for each case in the EBT system and ensure the Form H1175 is included in each case record.
Related Policy
Application Processing for D&A or GLA Facilities, B-446
B-449 Verification Requirements
Revision 22-1; Effective January 1, 2022
Verify the facility meets the D&A or GLA facility eligibility criteria.
Related Policy
Residents of D&A Facilities, B-441
Residents of GLA Facilities, B-442
Questionable Information, C-920
Providing Verification, C-930