Revision 24-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2024
All Programs
At application and when adding a new household member, verify that household members do not currently receive TANF, Medicaid or SNAP benefits.
Related Policy
Duplicate Participation, B-421.1
Effective Date Requirements, B-640
A-2030.1 Inquiry and Sources
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
All Programs
HHSC staff must use existing technology, such as TIERS, Data Broker, State Online Query (SOLQ), etc., to verify the household members do not receive duplicate benefits.
At application, staff must:
- perform a TIERS file clearance to identify any household members receiving benefits in TANF, Medicaid or SNAP;
- use available online sources to verify the validity of information provided by the individual and missing or questionable information;
- contact the household and allow the individual the opportunity to explain any discrepancy; and/or
- send the household Form H1020, Request for Information or Action, requesting information or proof to resolve the discrepancies, if necessary.
Related Policy
Registering an Application, A-122.3
Automated Support Systems, C-800
A-2030.2 Duplicate Participation Match Procedures
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
All Programs
If a household member is currently active for the same program on another EDG, HHSC staff must:
- notify the corresponding HHSC office by email or telephone;
- determine the correct EDG/case that will remain open;
- deny TANF, Medicaid and SNAP, if needed to prevent duplicate participation; and
- refer the household to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for a TANF and/or SNAP overpayment.
Staff should refer to B-771, Filing an Overpayment Referral Using Automated System for the Office of Inspector General (ASOIG), and B-772, Filing an Overpayment Referral Using TIERS, for instructions on submitting a fraud and/or non-fraud referral to OIG. Staff may use either the TIERS interface with ASOIG or initiate the fraud referral directly in ASOIG.
Related Policy
Duplicate Participation, B-421.1
Participation Twice in Same Month, B-454
Duplicate Participation Procedures, B-454.1
Claims, B-700
Referrals for Intentional Program Violation (IPV), B-900