Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
TANF, SNAP, TP 08 and TA 31
With more interviews completed by telephone, it is crucial that staff confirm the identity of the person being interviewed. Staff must ask identifying questions to confirm the identity of the person when interviewing by telephone. In addition to clearing all discrepancies, these questions serve as a tool to authenticate the caller.
At the start of the interview, staff should explain that the authentication questions help ensure the caller's identity and protect their confidentiality and information.
Note: This policy only applies to those programs that require an interview, or when the individual requests an interview.
A—2020.1 Authentication Questions and Verification Sources
Revision 17-3; Effective July 1, 2017
TANF, SNAP, TP 08 and TA 31
Staff must ask client-related questions from the list below to verify the caller's identity. Staff should ask questions to which the individual, authorized representative (AR), or personal representative (PR) generally will know the answers, but which are not easily known by others. This applies to ARs/PRs outside the household as well as household members. Available verification sources should be used to choose the questions and verify the responses of the person being interviewed. These sources include but are not limited to:
- Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS);
- Data Broker; and
- Birth Verification System (BVS).
Staff should have the verification information for the client-related questions available during the interview to immediately confirm the responses. Not all the questions are applicable to every household, and staff should use prudent judgment to determine whether enough questions apply to the household's situation and whether the person being interviewed provides accurate responses.
From the lists below, staff should ask as many head of household-related questions as needed to allow the person being interviewed an opportunity to respond accurately to a total of two questions.
Initially, questions with available verifications should be chosen from a source other than the application, such as:
- What is your Texas driver license or Texas state identification number?
- What was a previous address for any place you lived?
- Who are your neighbors?
- What is/was the date of your wedding anniversary?
- When was your divorce final?
If the person being interviewed cannot provide two accurate responses to any of the above questions, staff should ask as many of these additional questions as needed to receive a total of two accurate responses:
- What is the Social Security number for a child (any child) on your case?
- What is the date of birth for a child (any child) on your case?
- What type of vehicle do you or another household member own?
- Who are the members of your household?
- What types of income do you or a member of your household receive?
- From whom do you receive child support?
- What is your alien registration number?
- What is your (or your wife's) maiden name?
- What is the name of a bank/financial institution where you have an account?
- Who was a previous/last employer for you or another household member?
- What is the name of your mortgage company or landlord?
- To whom do you pay child support?
If necessary, staff may request a credit report on the head of household:
- for applicants new to Texas;
- when none of the above questions apply to the household's situation; or
- when you cannot gather verification of the responses from the sources listed above.
Information from the head of household's credit report may be used to develop questions to authenticate the caller. Examples of credit report questions to authenticate the caller include:
- What is the name of a gas station or department store with which you have a credit card?
- What is the name of a major credit card you have (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, etc.)?
- What is the name of the bank/financial institution with which you have/had a student loan?
- What is the name of the bank/financial institution with which you have/had a car loan?
Staff must document responses to the questions according to requirements in A-2050, Documentation Requirements.
Related Policy
Prudent Person Principle, A-137
Establishing Identity for Contact Outside the Interview Process, B-1213
Telephone Contact, B-1213.1
Actions on Inaccurate Responses to the Questions, A-2020.3
Documentation Requirements, A-2050
A—2020.2 Actions When Unable to Authenticate the Caller
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
TANF, SNAP, TP 08 and TA 31
If none of the questions apply to a particular case situation or responses cannot be verified, staff should follow regional authentication policy and submit a policy clearance request to a local field policy specialist.
A—2020.3 Actions on Inaccurate Responses to the Questions
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
TANF, SNAP, TP 08 and TA 31
If enough questions are applicable to the case but the individual cannot provide accurate responses to any two questions to authenticate the individual's identity, the individual should be advised that:
- the interview will be completed in order to gather required information; and
- the individual must come to the local office and provide verification of the individual's identity in person.
In the TIERS Appointment – Details page, Caller Authentication tab, staff should answer "No" to the question "Did caller accurately respond to the authentication questions?" and document in the page-level comments section the questions asked and the inaccurate responses provided.
TIERS will:
- pend for the individual to come into the office with identification and any missing information; and
- send the individual Form H1020, Request for Information or Action, requesting that the individual provide proof of identity at a local office.
Expedited Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) applicants must follow current policy and provide proof of identity before receiving expedited benefits.
An active Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) must not be denied when adding a program if the individual fails to come to the local office to verify identity.
Related Policy
Pending Information, A-135
Expedited Service, A-140
Pending Verification on Applications, B-115
Processing Redeterminations, B-122
A—2020.4 Claiming Hardship for Coming to the Office
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
TANF, SNAP, TP 08 and TA 31
If the person being interviewed states the individual is unable to come to the local office, the person should be allowed to claim hardship for any of the following reasons:
- Residence is more than 30 miles from the certification office (even if an itinerant office is less than 30 miles from the individual's home);
- Work or training schedule;
- Transportation difficulties;
- Prolonged severe weather;
- Illness;
- Care of a household member (the household member does not have to be part of the certified household); or
- Victims of family violence.
The individual must provide proof of identity by mail, email or fax.
A—2020.5 Actions When Verification Is Provided at the Local Office
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
TANF, SNAP, TP 08 and TA 31
If the individual comes to the local office and provides appropriate verification, staff should refer to the Appointment – Details page, Caller Authentication tab, answer "Yes" to the question "Did caller accurately respond to the authentication questions?", and document in the page-level comments section the verification provided.
A—2020.6 Denial for Failure to Authenticate Identity
Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015
TANF, SNAP, TP 08 and TA 31
If the individual does not come to the local office with acceptable verification of identity by the Form H1020, Request for Information or Action, due date, TIERS will create a task to deny only the EDG for which the authentication questions were asked, using the denial reason "failure to provide required information within specified time frame."
Related Policy
Pending Information, A-135
Pending Verification on Applications, B-115
Processing Redeterminations, B-122