Revision 24-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2024


The ABAWD work requirement:

  • applies the month after a person turns 18; and
  • stops applying the month the person turns 55.

To meet the ABAWD work requirement, a person must be working or participating in a specified work program at least 80 hours in a 30-calendar day period or use a combination of both to meet the ABAWD work requirement.

The first month an ABAWD works less than 80 hours in a 30-calendar day period and receives SNAP benefits in Texas or any other state, is considered the first countable month of their ABAWD federal time limit (FTL) for their initial 36-month period.

Note: A month where benefits are prorated is not a countable month.

A person who is not meeting the ABAWD work requirement is referred to participate in a workfare program through the SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) program. Upon notification from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) that the ABAWD is participating in SNAP E&T, stop counting months toward their ABAWD FTL effective the same month the person started participating. Remove any countable months from the eligibility determination system beginning with the first month of participation and future months. Do not count a benefit month as one of the three initial ABAWD FTL months if the person participates in SNAP E&T.

If removal of ABAWD months results in the removal of the first countable month of the 36-month period, adjust the 36-month period. Start the new 36-month period with the first month the person does not meet the ABAWD work requirement. If all countable ABAWD FTL months are removed, the 36-month period must also be removed.

Note: The initial three months of time-limited benefits do not have to be consecutive.

Related Policy

SNAP — Budgeting for Members Disqualified for Citizenship, SNAP ABAWD Work Requirement, or Noncompliance with SSN Requirements, A-1362.3
Meeting the Work Requirement Through a Work Program, A-1941.2
ABAWD Exceptions, A-1942
Regaining Eligibility, A-1960

A—1941 Definition of Work

Revision 24-3; Effective July 1, 2019


Work may be:

  • work in exchange for money (employment or self-employment);
  • work in exchange for goods or services (in-kind work); or
  • unpaid work with a business, government entity, or non-profit organization (volunteer labor).


  • Consider employment paid by vendor payment as regular employment.
  • Consider work performed under the National and Community Services Act or Domestic Volunteer Service Act, such as AmeriCorps VISTA, as work to meet the work requirement.

A—1941.1 Meeting the Work Requirement Through Self-Employment

Revision 24-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2024


Consider a person as meeting the ABAWD work requirement if their self-employment earnings are more than or equal to the federal minimum wage multiplied by 20 hours per week.

If the gross self-employment earnings do not equal at least 20 hours per week multiplied by the federal minimum wage, the person must verify that they are working an average of 20 hours a week. They do this by using the same verification procedures used for Employment and Training (E&T) exemptions.

Related Policy

ABAWD Exceptions, A-1942
Verification Sources, A-1970

A—1941.2 Meeting the Work Requirement Through a Work Program

Revision 23-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2023


A person may participate in one of the following work programs at least 20 hours per week to meet the work requirement:

  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA);
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance Act Program;
  • SNAP E&T Program. Note: E&T Workfare also meets this work requirement even if it is less than 20 hours per week; or
  • an employment and training program for veterans operated by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) or the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA).

Related Policy

Verification Requirements, A-1970

A—1942 ABAWD Exceptions

Revision 24-2; Effective April 1, 2024


A person is exempt from the ABAWD work requirement if they:

  • are pregnant;
  • are a member of a SNAP EDG where a household member on the SNAP EDG is under 18;
  • are exempt from E&T registration;
  • live in a waiver area;
  • live in a SNAP non-E&T county; 
  • meet the criteria as being physically or mentally unfit to work by qualifying for Code E as defined under the SNAP Work Requirement Exemption;
  • are a veteran;
  • are homeless; or
  • are age 24 or younger and were in foster care under the responsibility of any state, district, territory, or Indian Tribal Organization on the date they turned 18.

Related Policy 

SNAP Work Requirement Exemptions, A-1822.1 
SNAP ABAWD Work Requirement Waiver Counties, C-330
SNAP Non-Employment and Training Counties, C-341