Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015

TANF and Medical Programs

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) Child Support Division is responsible for the child support program. The OAG attempts to establish and enforce child support and medical support for children on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and certain medical programs.


Caretakers and payees must cooperate in obtaining child support and medical support for a child receiving TANF unless good cause exists.

TP 08

Parents and caretaker relatives are mandatory participants and must cooperate in obtaining medical support for a child receiving Medicaid unless good cause exists. They may refuse assistance in obtaining child support, but not medical support. If the individual refuses assistance in obtaining child support, the OAG will not attempt to establish or enforce child support unless the individual has a previous TANF case with arrears that must be paid back to the state. Advisors must explain to individuals that when the OAG pursues medical support, Texas courts also pursue a child support order. If the individual chooses medical support only, the OAG will not attempt to enforce the child support orders.

Note: The advisor must request information on parents living outside of the home during an interview for TP 08. Information about parents living outside of the home is not requested for Medical Programs on the application.

Related Policy
Explanation of Good Cause, A-1130

Medical Programs except TP 08

Medical support requirements do not apply to children's medical programs. Applicants and individuals may volunteer to receive child or medical support services. There is no penalty for noncooperation.

Note: The OAG may contact and continue to collect benefits for a household receiving only children's medical assistance due to previous receipt of TANF.

Households may contact the OAG if they have questions or would like assistance in obtaining OAG services by calling 1-800-252-8014.

A—1111 Office of the Attorney General (OAG) Case Information and Inquiry

Revision 15-4; Effective October 1, 2015

TANF and Medical Programs

If the custodial or noncustodial parents or employers have questions regarding child support payments, distribution, or withholdings, they should be referred to the local child support office or to 1-800-252-8014.

Custodial or noncustodial parents should be referred to the local OAG office if they request verification and certification of public assistance received. The OAG staff complete Form 1740, Request for Public Assistance Payment Certification, when the amount of public assistance is in question or when it is needed in court to establish child support. Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Fiscal Management Services (E-411) researches and certifies the amounts and date on Form 1745, Report of Total Public Assistance Payments, for the OAG.