24-3, July Quarterly Revision

Revision Notice 24-3, Effective July 1, 2024

Archived Revision 24-2; Effective Apr. 1, 2024 (PDF)
Archived Revision 24-1; Effective Jan. 1, 2024 (PDF)
Archived Revision 23-4; Effective Oct. 1, 2023 (PDF)
Archived Revision 23-3; Effective July 1, 2023 (PDF)


The following sections were revised in the Texas Works (TW) Handbook:

Section No.TitleChange
A-170Authorized RepresentativesAdds forms for designating an authorized representative. (All Programs)
A-210General PolicyIncorporates policy from Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) and TW Bulletin 24-01, 1. Household Composition Clarification, released on Feb. 1, 2024. (SNAP)
A-221Who Is IncludedClarifies information for the caretaker. They must still be included in the household, even if their financially eligibility is not included in the household’s budget. (TANF)
A-231Who is IncludedIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 24-01, 1. Household Composition Clarification, released on Feb. 1, 2024. (SNAP) 
A-250Verification RequirementsIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 24-01, 1. Household Composition Clarification, released on Feb. 1, 2024. (SNAP) 
A-251Verification SourcesIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 24-01, 1. Household Composition Clarification, released on Feb. 1, 2024. (SNAP) 
A-260Documentation RequirementsIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 24-01, 1. Household Composition Clarification, released on Feb. 1, 2024. (SNAP)
A-531Verification SourcesIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 24-01, 1. Household Composition Clarification, released on Feb. 1, 2024. (SNAP) 
A-1323.1Children's Earned IncomeClarifies conditions necessary to exempt children’s earned income. (SNAP)
A-1324.7National and Community Service Act of 1990 (NCSA)Changes section title to Community Service Programs. Clarifies the existing policy is based on laws and the NCSA. (All Programs)
A-1326.20Housing AllowanceMakes non-substantial corrections. (All Programs)
A-1822E&T ProceduresUpdates hyperlink to verbal informing scripts. (SNAP)
A-2330Setting Special ReviewsIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-18, 1. Continuous Eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP for Children under 19, released on Dec. 15, 2023. (Medical Programs and SNAP)
A-2350Streamlined ReportingIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-235Lone Star Card ReplacementsIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 24-01, 3. Notice of Excessive Card Replacement, released on Feb. 1, 2024. (SNAP)
B-620Reporting RequirementsIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-621What to ReportIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-622When to ReportIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-623How to ReportIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-623.1Determining Whether New Income Information Is a Reported ChangeDeletes section. (All Programs) 
B-624Receipts for Reported ChangesIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-630Processing RequirementsIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-631Actions on ChangesIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-631.1Multiple ChangesChanges section title to Actions Known to the Agency. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-631.2Actions on Office of Inspector General (OIG) Agency-Generated ChangesChanges section title to Actions on Agency-generated Changes. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-635Shortening Certification Periods as a Result of a ChangeIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-636Change in Head of Household (HOH)Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-638Returned MailIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-640Changes Affecting BenefitsChanges section title to Effective Date Requirements.  Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-641Additions to the HouseholdIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-641.1Adding Newborns to the CaseIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-641.2Steps for Adding New MembersIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-641.3Adding Disqualified MembersDeletes section. Incorporates policy in other TWH sections. (SNAP)
B-642Changes Increasing Benefits (Other than Additions to the Household)Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-642.1Verification Provided TimelyIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-642.2Verification Not Provided TimelyIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-643Changes Decreasing BenefitsChanges title to Changes Decreasing Benefits Other than Removing Household Members. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-650Correcting Incorrect InformationIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-651Correction RequestIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-652Action on Denied EDGs or EDGs During their Last Month of Certification When the Client Has Not ReappliedChanges title to Action on Denied EDGs or EDGs During their Last Month of Certification and When the Client Has Not Reapplied and Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-653Different Review ProcessIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
B-660Documentation RequirementsIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 4. Changes During the Certification Period, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
C-321Current TANF State Time Limit County Hardship ListUpdates the TANF State Time Limit County Hardship Lists to reflect the current quarter with no hardship counties. (TANF)
C-322Previous TANF State Time Limit County Hardship ListsUpdates the TANF State Time Limit County Hardship Lists to reflect the last three previous quarterly dates. (TANF)
C-1050Additional IRS FTI Sources and Security IssuesChanges section title to IRS FTI Security and Protection. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1051Retention and Distribution of IRS FTIChanges section title to IRS FTI Security and Awareness Training. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1052Discovery of Existing IRS FTI in HHSC Offices and RecordsChanges section title to Accessing IRS FTI. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1052.1Minimum Protection StandardsAdds new section. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1052.2Locking MechanismsAdds new section. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1052.3Authorized Access, Visitor Access and Authorized Personnel ListsAdds new section. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1052.4Access Control SystemsAdds new section. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1053Purging RecordsChanges section title to Transporting IRS FTI. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1053.1In-Person TransportAdds a new section. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1053.2Mail or Courier TransportAdds a new section. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1053.3Fax TransportAdds a new section. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1054IRS FTI SanitationAdds a new section. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1055IRS FTI DestructionAdds a new section. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1060Reporting a Security Incident Regarding Internal Revenue Service Federal Tax InformationChanges section title to Reporting IRS FTI Security Incidents. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)
C-1061Penalties for Disclosing FTIAdds a new section. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-16, 2. IRS FTI Security and Protection, released on Dec. 1, 2023. (All Programs)


The following forms were revised in the Texas Works Handbook:

Form No.TitleChange
Form H1010 and InstructionsTexas Works Application for Assistance - Your Texas BenefitsIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 5. New ABAWD Exceptions and 6. New ABAWD Age Criteria, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
Form H1010-R and InstructionsYour Texas Works Benefits: Renewal FormIncorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 23-14, 5. New ABAWD Exceptions and 6. New ABAWD Age Criteria, released on Sept. 15, 2023. (SNAP)
Form H0011-R InstructionsTexas Simplified Application Project (TSAP) for SNAP Food Benefits RenewalMakes minor edits for clarity. (SNAP)


The following notice was added to the Texas Works Handbook:

Notice No.TitleChange
Notice TF0610 and InstructionsNotice of Excessive Card ReplacementsAdds Notice section to navigation bar. Incorporates policy from MEPD and TW Bulletin 24-01, 3. Notice of Excessive Card Replacement, released on Feb. 1, 2024. (SNAP)

Retired Bulletins

The following bulletins are deleted from the Texas Works Handbook since the information has either been incorporated into the handbook or is no longer necessary:

Release DateBulletin No.Title
  1. SNAP Vehicle Asset Test
  2. IRS FTI Security and Protection
  3. Personal Needs Allowance Increase
  4. Former Foster Care Children (FFCC) for Youth Who Aged Out of Foster Care in Another State
09-29-2323-15SNAP Work Rules – Verbal Informing Script Update
  1. COVID-19 Update: Extended Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Certification Periods (PDF)
  2. COVID-19 Update: Interview Requirements (PDF)