Service Title | Service Description | Client Group |
HOME Investment Partnerships Program, 512-475-1391 512-475-3356 512-475-2135 |
TDHCA has allocated funds to grantees in four basic housing activities:
Persons who have 80% of average median family income for an area. TDHCA awards contracts through an application process for specific amounts to various municipalities and nonprofit, for-profit and public housing agencies around the state to administer program activities for HOME-eligible recipients. |
Colonias Self-Help Centers (SHC) Hot line: 1-800-462-4251 |
TDHCA was given a legislative directive to establish colonia self-help centers in Cameron/Willacy, El Paso, Hidalgo, Starr and Webb counties; two additional centers have opened in Maverick and Val Verde counties. Colonia SHCs provide on-site technical assistance to low and very low-income individuals/families on housing, community development activities, infrastructure improvements, and outreach and education. Operation is carried out through a local nonprofit organization, local community action agency or local housing authority that has demonstrated the ability to carry out the functions of a colonia SHC. | Low and very low-income individuals. |
Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG), 512-475-3950 Agency List |
Provides administrative support to a network of local Community Action Agencies (CAAs) that provide services. The funding helps provide such essential services as child care; health and human services for children, families and the elderly; housing; and other poverty-related programs. | Very low-income persons in all areas of Texas. |
Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), 877-399-8939 Agency List |
Combines case management, education and financial assistance to help reduce utility bills to an affordable level. Services include utility payment assistance, energy education and budget counseling. | Households at or below 125% of federal poverty guidelines and households that provide documented need (as determined through the application process). |
Contract for Deed Conversion Assistance Grants (formerly known as Contract for Deed Conversion Initiative) Hot line: 1-800-462-4251 |
The function of the program is to help colonia residents convert residential property under contract for deed into a traditional mortgage so those residents can attain ownership. After residents convert their contract for deed to a traditional mortgage, the program provides colonia residents with the opportunity to rehabilitate their homes to colonia housing standards. | Families that reside in a colonia and earn 60% or less of the applicable area median family income. |
Down Payment Assistance Program (DPAP) First Time Homebuyer |
Provides below-market interest rate mortgage loans through a network of participating lenders. Also offers a Mortgage Credit Certificate program that increases a family's disposable income by reducing its federal income tax obligation. The tax credit is valid for the life of the loan, as long as the borrower occupies the property as the primary residence. | Eligible families and individuals who are purchasing their first home or who have not owned a home in the past three years. |
Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program (formerly known as Emergency Shelter Grants), 512-475-3950 |
ESGP is a competitive grant that provides funds to nonprofit organizations and units of general government for activities relating to shelter and services for homeless persons and the prevention of homelessness. Funding is awarded annually, with projects contracted September through August. | Homeless persons. |
Housing Resource Center (formerly Housing Center) for more information email HRC at info@tdhca.state.tx.us or call (512)-475-3976 | The Center was established to provide educational materials and technical assistance. This assistance helps providers determine local housing needs, access appropriate housing programs and identify available funding sources needed to increase the stock of affordable housing. The Housing Center also offers assistance to the general public in locating the appropriate service providers in their community. | Public, community-based housing development organizations, nonprofit housing developers and other state and federal agencies. |
Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 Housing (formerly known as Statewide Housing Assistance Payments Program), 512-475-2634 |
Provides rental assistance to low-income families, the elderly and disabled individuals. | Provides financial assistance to eligible families whose annual gross income does not exceed 50% of HUD's median income guidelines. |
Texas Bootstrap Loan Program | This program is a self-help construction program designed to provide very low-income families an opportunity to help themselves through the form of sweat equity. All participants under this program are required to provide at least 60% of the labor necessary to construct or rehabilitate the home. | Very low-income families (60% area median family income) not to exceed $30,000 per unit. |
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), 1-888-606-8889 Agency List |
The program helps control energy costs to ensure a healthy and safe living environment. The program funds the installation of weatherization materials and provides energy conservation education. | Households at or below 125% of federal poverty guidelines. The structure must be able to benefit from being weatherized. |
For more information, please e-mail info@tdhca.state.tx.us.