Appendix IX, STAR Kids MCOHub Naming Conventions


The MCOHub is an Internet bulletin board that the Texas Health and Human Commission (HHSC) Program Support Unit (PSU) staff and the managed care organization (MCO) use to share information securely. The MCOHub uses specific naming conventions only for the documents listed below. PSU staff and the MCO must follow these naming conventions any time either the MCO or PSU staff uploads one of the following documents to the MCOHub.

PSU staff and the MCO are only required to upload the English versions of forms to the MCOHub. PSU staff and the MCO are not required to upload the Spanish versions of forms to the MCOHub.

Form H3676, Managed Care Pre-Enrollment Assessment Authorization

Interest List Release:

PSU staff and the MCO must upload Form H3676 to the SK folder in the MCOHub. PSU staff and the MCO must not upload this form to any other folder. An M or S is added to the sequence number to indicate if the MCO or PSU staff uploads the form to the MCOHub. An M indicates the MCO. An S indicates PSU staff.

PSU staff must enter two commas after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains two letters. For example: AB,,. PSU staff must enter one comma after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains three letters. For example: ABC,.

Two-Digit Plan IDForm #Member ID or SSNMember Last Name (first four letters)Section NumberSequence Number of Form
# #3676123456789ABCDA or B1S, 2S, 3S or 1M, 2M, 3M


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_A_1S when PSU staff initially completes and uploads Section A.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_A_2S if PSU staff completes and uploads Section A of this form a second time.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_B_1M when the MCO initially completes and uploads Section B as a response to Section A.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_B_2M if the MCO completes and uploads Section B of this form a second time.

Money Follows the Person (MFP)

PSU staff must use a separate naming convention to address the use of Form H3676 for nursing facility (NF) residents who request to transition to the community under the Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP). These individuals and applicants are considered expedited cases for application to MDCP. The acronym for Money Follows the Person, MFP has been added to the section number in the naming convention to achieve rapid identification.

An M or S is added to the sequence number to indicate if the MCO or PSU staff uploads the form to the MCOHub. An M indicates the MCO. An S indicates PSU staff.

PSU staff must enter two commas after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains two letters. For example: AB,,. PSU staff must enter one comma after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains three letters. For example: ABC,.

Two-Digit Plan IDForm #Member ID or SSNMember Last Name (first four letters)Section NumberSequence Number of Form
# #3676123456789ABCDMFP1S, 2S, 3S or 1M, 2M, 3M


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_MFP_1S if PSU staff initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_MFP_2S if PSU staff completes and uploads this form a second time.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_MFP_1M if the MCO initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_3676_123456789_ABCD_MFP_2M if the MCO completes and uploads this form a second time.

Form 2604, STAR Kids Individual Service Plan - Tracking Tool

The MCO must:

  • Complete and submit Form 2604 to the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) Long Term Care Online Portal (LTCOP) whenever possible.
  • Complete and upload Form 2604 to the individual service plan (ISP) folder in the MCOHub when an ISP cannot be submitted in the TMHP LTCOP.

The MCO must not upload Form 2604 to any other folder in MCOHub. The MCO is not required to upload Form 2604 to MCOHub if submitted through the TMHP LTCOP.

Two-Digit Plan IDForm #Member ID or SSNMember Last Name (first four letters)Section NumberSequence Number of Form
# #2604123456789ABCD 1, 2, 3


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2604_123456789_ABCD_1 when the MCO initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2604_123456789_ABCD_2 if the MCO completes and uploads this form a second time.

Form H2067-MC, Managed Care Programs Communication

PSU staff and the MCO must complete and upload Form H2067-MC to the SK folder in the MCOHub. PSU staff and the MCO must not upload this form to any other folder. An M or S is added to the sequence number to indicate if the MCO or PSU staff uploads the form to the MCOHub. An M indicates the MCO. An S indicates PSU staff.

PSU staff must enter two commas after the last letter of the individual, applicant or member’s last name if the last name contains two letters. For example: AB,,. PSU staff must enter one comma after the last letter of the individual, applicant or member’s last name if the last name contains three letters. For example: ABC,.

Two-Digit Plan IDForm #Member ID or SSNMember Last Name (first four letters)Section NumberSequence Number of Form
# #2067123456789ABCD 1S, 2S, 3S, or 1M, 2M, 3M

PSU staff must add a C to the end of naming convention if this form is being upload to the MCOHub as notification of a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA).


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_1S if PSU staff initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_2S if PSU staff completes and uploads this file a second time.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_1S_C if PSU staff initially completes and uploads this form and it is related to a COLA
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_1M if the MCO initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_2M if the MCO completes and uploads this form a second time.

Money Follows the Person (MFP)

PSU staff must use a separate naming convention to address the use of Form H2067-MC for NF residents who request transition to the community MDCP. These individuals and applicants are considered expedited cases for application to MDCP. The acronym for Money Follows the Person, MFP has been added to the section number in the naming convention to achieve rapid identification.

An M or S is added to the sequence number to indicate if the MCO or PSU staff uploads the form to the MCOHub. An M indicates the MCO. An S indicates PSU staff.

PSU staff must enter two commas after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains two letters. For example: AB,,. PSU staff must enter one comma after the last letter of the individual or applicant’s last name if the last name contains three letters. For example: ABC,

Two-Digit Plan IDForm #Member ID or SSNMember Last Name (first four letters)Section NumberSequence Number of Form
# #2067123456789ABCDMFP1S, 2S, 3S or 1M, 2M, 3M


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_MFP_1S if PSU staff initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_MFP_2S if PSU staff completes and uploads this form a second time.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_MFP_1M if the MCO initially completes and uploads this form.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2067_123456789_ABCD_MFP_2M if the MCO completes and uploads this form a second time.

Form H2065-D, Notification of Managed Care Program Services

PSU staff must complete and upload Form H2065-D to the SK folder in the MCOHub if the form is generated manually. PSU staff must not upload this form to any other folder. An A is used for a Form H2065-D approval, and a D is added to the sequence number to indicate if the form is denying MDCP eligibility.

PSU staff must generate Form H2065-D electronically in the TMHP LTCOP if applicable. PSU staff and the MCO must access Form H2065-D in the Letters tab of the TMHP LTCOP if the MCO submitted the applicant or member’s ISP through the TMHP LTCOP. PSU staff is only required to upload Form H2065-D to the MCOHub for Form H2065-Ds generated manually.

PSU staff must enter two commas after the last letter of the applicant or member’s last name if the last name contains two letters. For example: AB,,. PSU staff must enter one comma after the last letter of the applicant or member’s last name if the last name contains three letters. For example: ABC,.

Two-Digit Plan IDForm #Member ID or SSNMember Last Name (first four letters)Section NumberSequence Number of Form
# #2065123456789ABCDD1D, 2D, 3D  or 1A, 2A, 3A


  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2065_123456789_ABCD_D_1D if PSU staff deny an applicant or member MDCP eligibility.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2065_123456789_ABCD_D_1A if PSU staff approve an applicant or member MDCP eligibility.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2065_123456789_ABCD_D_2D if PSU staff deny an applicant or member MDCP eligibility and complete and upload this file a second time.
  • The naming convention for this form must be ##_2065_123456789_ABCD_D_2A if PSU staff approve an applicant or member MDCP eligibility and complete and upload this file a second time.

MCOHub Folders

The STAR Kids MCO must use the following folders for all MDCP related uploads. Each MCO has two folders with MCOHub identifiers:

  • ISP — Form 2604, STAR Kids Individual Service Plan – Tracking Tool; and
  • SK — STAR Kids, which contains:
    • Form H3676;
    • Form H2067-MC;
    • Form H2065-D. 
Primary Folder: MCO IdentifiersSecondary Folder: MCOHub Folders by Plan
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas – BCBSBCBSSKISP and BCBSSK
Cook Children’s Health Plan – COOKCOOKSKISP and COOKSK
Community First Health Plans – CFHPCFHPSKISP and CFHPSK
Driscoll Children’s Health Plan – DRISCDRISCSKISP and DRISCSK
Superior HealthPlan – SUPSUPSKISP and SUPSK
Texas Children’s Health Plan – TCHPTCHPSKISP and TCHPSK
United Healthcare Community Plan – UHCUHCSKISP and UHCSK
Wellpoint Texas, Inc. – AMGAMGSKISP and AMGSK

Appears In

  • STAR Kids Handbook
  • STAR Kids Program Support Unit Operational Procedures Handbook