7310 Action Taken on the State Fair Hearing Decision

Revision 23-4; Effective Aug. 21, 2023

Program Support Unit (PSU) staff complete the following activities for an applicant or member’s fair hearing resulting from a supplemental security income (SSI) denial within 10 days from the date of the fair hearing officer’s decision: 

  • enter PSU staff actions taken because of the hearings officer’s decision in the Decision Implementation screen in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS); or
  • complete Form H4807, Action Taken on Hearing Decision, and email it to the hearings officer and the PSU

supervisor notating PSU staff actions taken because of the hearing officer’s decision, if PSU staff is unable to enter the Decision Implementation screen in TIERS.
PSU staff must complete the following activities for an applicant or member’s fair hearing resulting from an SSI denial when PSU staff encounter a delay in implementing the hearings officer’s decision: 

  • notify the PSU supervisor; and
  • enter the reason for the delay in the Decision Implementation screen in TIERS, noting the begin and end delay dates; or
  • complete Form H4807 and email it to hearings officer and the PSU supervisor following Form H4807 instructions if PSU staff are unable to enter the delay in the Decision Implementation screen in TIERS.