Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012

QMB eligibility begins on the first day of the month following the month the person is determined eligible for QMB benefits. The disposition date in the system of record is the date the eligibility decision is completed. For example, if the MC – QMB is signed and disposed on Jan. 2, QMB eligibility would begin on Feb.1.

There is no QMB coverage in the three months prior to the QMB application date or coverage for months up to the QMB effective date. The only exception is if the individual is eligible for continuous QMB. See details listed in Section Q-2800, Ensuring Continuous QMB.

Q-2710 Prior Coverage Under SLMB/QI-1

Revision 12-2; Effective June 1, 2012

Institutional living arrangement (including persons residing in state supported living centers and ICF/ID facilities, and persons age 65 and over residing in institutions for mental diseases (IMDs)).

Situation 1

A person does not reside in the institution during the entire three prior months.

An applicant who is QMB eligible ongoing may be eligible for SLMB or QI-1 in the three prior months when the individual’s income exceeds the QMB limits in the prior months. This situation occurs when there has been a decrease in countable ongoing income or when deemed income or support and maintenance was countable in the prior months.

Situation 2

A person does reside in the institution during the entire three prior months.

An applicant who is QMB eligible ongoing may be eligible for SLMB in the three prior months when the individual’s income exceeds the QMB limits in the prior months. This situation occurs when there has been a decrease in countable ongoing income, such as additional income was received in the prior months.

Note: Deeming and support and maintenance is not applicable to institutional or Home and Community-Based Services waiver programs but is applicable to QMB, SLMB, and QI-1.

Living in the community, including persons applying for Community Attendant Services (CAS) and persons residing at home and applying for Home and Community-Based Services waiver programs:


An applicant who is QMB eligible ongoing may be eligible for SLMB or QI-1 in the three prior months when the individual's income exceeds the QMB limits in the prior months. This situation occurs when there has been a decrease in countable ongoing income or when deemed income or support and maintenance was countable in the prior months.


QI-1 persons cannot be eligible for regular Medicaid and QI-1 benefits at the same time. Always give applicants the opportunity to choose which benefit they prefer to receive and document the person's verbal or written choice of preferred benefit, including a choice between QI-1 and CAS benefits. For QI-1, the three months prior period cannot extend back into the previous calendar year unless the application was filed in that calendar year. The application file date and prior coverage months must be in the same calendar year.

Example 1: February is the application month, which makes January the only possible prior coverage month.

Example 2: December is the application month; thus, the three months prior would be September, October and November. Applicant could be potentially eligible for the three months prior, the application month of December and for January and ongoing.

Note: Refer to Section Q-3400, SLMB Medical Effective Date, for policy regarding the prior months.