I-5100, Transfer of Assets Divisor

Revision 23-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2023

Effective DateTransfer of Assets Divisor
Sept. 1, 2023$242.13
Sept. 1, 2021$237.93
Sept. 1, 2019$213.71
Sept. 1, 2017$172.65
Sept. 1, 2015$162.41
Sept. 1, 2013$156.34
Sept. 1, 2011$142.92
Sept. 1, 2009$130.88
Sept. 1, 2007$122.50
Nov. 1, 2005$117.08

Effective Sept. 1, 2023, the daily rate is $242.13. Use $242.13 to determine the penalty period for case actions disposed on or after Sept. 1, 2023. Partial amounts should be rounded down to the whole number of days. The result will be the number of days of the penalty period.

Related Policy

Calculation of Penalty Period, I-5000