Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
The census is a count of everyone living in the United States and is mandated by the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts the census every 10 years.
Wages paid by the Census Bureau for temporary employment related to census activities are excluded income for the Medicare Savings Programs (MSP). Do not include these wages in the eligibility budget for MSP.
These wages for temporary employment are not countable income in the month of receipt, but are considered a resource thereafter.
Wages paid by the Census Bureau for temporary employment related to census activities are included in eligibility or co-payment budgets for any other Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) program that is not an MSP.
Wages received from the Census Bureau for full-time employment are considered earned income and treated according to policy in Section E-3000, Earned and Unearned Income.
For cases with a combination of regular Medicaid benefits and an MSP, the wages are countable in the eligibility budget (and co-payment, if applicable) for the regular Medicaid program, but are excluded in the eligibility budget for MSP.
Example: Individual is being considered for Pickle with Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) benefits. The wages paid by the Census Bureau for temporary employment related to census activities are included in the eligibility budget for Pickle, but are excluded in the eligibility budget for QMB.