Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012

Evaluate the resources of an alien's sponsor and the sponsor's spouse (if living in the same household). Before deeming a sponsor's resources to an alien, allow the same exclusions to the sponsor's resources as for the applicant/recipient.

Next, allocate for the sponsor or for the sponsor and his spouse a portion of the resources. The amount of the allocation is based on the following.

  • Sponsor Does Not Live With a Spouse or Spouse is the Applicant/Recipient – equal to the SSI resource limit for an individual.
  • Sponsor Lives With a Spouse and Spouse is Not Alien's Sponsor – equal to the SSI resource limit for a couple.
  • Sponsor Lives With a Spouse and Spouse is Also a Sponsor of the Alien – equal to the SSI resource limit for two individuals (twice the SSI individual limit).

Add the remainder to the alien's countable resources. If both members of an eligible couple have the same sponsor, the entire amount of the sponsor's resources is deemed to each member. The couple's countable resources include the sum of their deemed resource amounts.

If an alien is sponsored by more than one individual (other than two sponsors who are married to each other and living together), the sponsor-to-alien deeming rules are applied separately to the resources of each sponsor to determine the total resources deemable to the alien.

If only one member of a couple is sponsored, and that member is an ineligible spouse, sponsor-to-alien deeming does not apply to the eligible member of the couple (nor would it be applicable to the ineligible member of the couple).


D-9310 Examples of Sponsor-to-Alien Resource Deeming

Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012

Example 1: Sponsor does not live with spouse

After applying all applicable resource exclusions, the specialist determines the sponsor has $3,200 in countable resources. The current resource limit for an individual is $2,000.

$1,200 ($3,200-$2,000) of the sponsor's resources is deemed to the alien.

Example 2: Sponsor lives with non-sponsor spouse

After applying all applicable resource exclusions, the specialist determines the sponsor and sponsor's spouse have combined countable resources of $3,500. The current resource limit for a couple is $3,000.

$500 ($3,500-$3,000) of the sponsor's and sponsor's spouse's resources is deemed to the alien.

Example 3: Sponsor lives with spouse, who is also alien's sponsor

After applying all applicable resource exclusions, the specialist determines the sponsor and sponsor's spouse have combined countable resources of $3,500. The current resource limit for an individual is $2,000.

None of the sponsor's and sponsor's spouse's resources are deemed to the alien, since their value is under $4,000 (twice the individual resource limit of $2,000).