D-6410 Deeming Situations

Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009

Do not require a deemor to apply for other benefits. If a deemor applies for and receives other benefits on his/her own initiative, the amount of benefits he/she receives and/or retains is subject to the deeming policies for income and resources.


D-6420 Payment Options for Other Benefits

Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009

Most of the types of benefits for which a person must apply offer choices about the method of payment. The person must apply for all other benefits payable at the earliest month and in the highest amount available based on the earliest month.

Note: Irrevocable choices and selections of benefits from pensions or retirement programs made before a person applies for Medicaid do not affect eligibility.


D-6421 Survivor's Benefits for Spouses and Other Dependents

Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009

Certain pensions and retirement programs permit a person to elect survivor's benefits for dependents by electing a reduced retirement benefit. Inform the person that he/she must elect the higher current benefit to retain Medicaid eligibility. Election of the reduced retirement benefit will result in the loss of Medicaid eligibility until such time as the pension or retirement program election is changed or the option for change is no longer available.

Some pensions and retirement programs require a spouse to apply a waiver of rights to a survivor's benefit. The person is not penalized for failing to comply with the requirement to apply for other benefits if the reduced retirement benefit results from the spouse’s refusal to sign a waiver of rights to a survivor's benefit.


D-6422 Lump Sum or Annuity Payment Option

Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009

If a person can choose between a lump sum or an annuity as the payment method for a benefit, inform the person that he/she must choose the annuity option.
Consider lump sum payments as follows:

  • Request for a Lump Sum Payment – If an application has been made for a lump sum payment of the monies on which a potential annuity is based and the benefit source permits the person to change the decision and apply for the annuity, the person must pursue the change to be eligible for Medicaid. If the benefit source does not permit such a change, accept the person's word that the decision is irreversible, absent evidence to the contrary.
  • Retroactive RSDI Title II Benefit Lump Sum Payment – Although filing for full retroactive RSDI Title II benefits may result in a lump sum payment, this payment represents the amount of the past due RSDI Title II benefits and is not a fund that determines future regular payments.
  • Lump Sum Only Payments – Do not require a person to apply if only a lump sum payment is available. In this situation, the payment is a resource. (This does not include a lump sum death payment under RSDI Title II.) All sources of available support (unless otherwise excluded) are considered in determining eligibility. This is true even if current needs compel a person to sacrifice future pension benefits.

For a purchased annuity, see related policy in Chapter F, Resources, and Chapter I, Transfer of Assets.


D-6430 Electing the Month of Entitlement

Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009

If a person can select the month in which benefits begin, whether retroactively or prospectively, direct the person to elect the earliest month benefits can begin, regardless of the impact on other benefits from that program. Election of a later month of entitlement to qualify for higher ongoing benefits or to protect benefits paid to other individuals is cause for denying Medicaid. Election of a later month will result in the loss of Medicaid eligibility until such time as the election is changed or the option for change is no longer available.


D-6440 Establishing Eligibility After Denial

Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009

If denial has occurred because of failure to pursue other benefits, establish or reestablish eligibility when:

  • the other benefit is no longer available, effective the month following the month the other benefit is no longer available; or
  • the person takes the necessary steps to obtain the other benefit, effective the earliest day in a month that the person takes appropriate steps to obtain other benefit.