Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
To be eligible for Texas Medicaid, a person must be a resident of the state of Texas; that is, the person must have established residence in Texas and must intend to remain in Texas.
D-3510 Intent to Return
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
A visit to another state does not terminate Texas residence if the person intends to return when the purpose of the visit is completed.
If a Texas resident visits out of the state (but remains in the United States) with subsequent returns or expressions of intent to return, the person’s Texas residence is not interrupted. A recipient is responsible for requesting a temporary change of address because of an absence from the state. The recipient is also responsible for informing HHSC about the purpose, plans, date of departure and date of planned return.
If the recipient does not contact HHSC before departure, but HHSC learns about the recipient’s absence from some other source, treat this information as a reported change. Attempt to get the recipient’s out-of-state address. After receiving the out-of-state address, contact the recipient to determine whether the absence from the state is temporary, why the recipient left and when the recipient plans to return to Texas.
The length of out-of-state visits is not limited. Review the recipient’s situation every three months to determine where the recipient intends to live permanently.
If the recipient’s absence from the state is temporary and an annual review is scheduled, mail the redetermination packet directly to the recipient at the out-of-state address. If the nature of the recipient’s visit is questionable, additionally request the recipient to:
- restate the purpose of the absence; and
- indicate the recipient’s official permanent residence.
Review the recipient’s response on the redetermination packet as to residency and intent to remain a Texas resident. Redetermine eligibility based on the recipient’s usual living arrangement unless the recipient no longer indicates Texas residency with the intent to remain a Texas resident.
Reference: Chapter F, Resources, for treatment of a home and out-of-state property.
D-3520 No Intent to Return
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A recipient leaving the state with no declared intent to return, and without any evidence that would indicate plans to return, is considered to have moved from the state and Medicaid is denied immediately. If the recipient subsequently returns to the state and declares the intent to remain, Medicaid may be resumed if the recipient meets all other eligibility requirements.