Revision 19-3; Effective September 1, 2019
Date of Death Matches
HHSC matches recipients on active TIERS Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs) with records from the Social Security Administration (SSA), Texas Bureau of Vital Statistics (BVS), the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS), and DADS Webservices to identify deceased persons and automatically remove them from active EDGs. If unable to process the death data automatically, TIERS creates tasks for staff to perform more research to determine the validity of the computer match. TIERS will attempt to update the Date of Death (DOD) information for all active and inactive person(s).
Death Verification Sources
Take action to clear any discrepancies when DOD data is received on an active or inactive person within TIERS and the system is unable to automatically dispose the case. When the system cannot dispose the case, a series of alerts are created for staff to explore and request additional verification of the death data.
Primary source of verification of death is the Bureau of Vital Statistics (BVS).
If BVS is not available, verify the date of death using two of the following sources:
- Social Security Administration (SSA);
- statement from guardian or other authorized representative;
- copy of death certificate;
- statement from a doctor;
- newspaper death notice (obituary);
- statement from a relative or household member;
- statement from funeral director; or
- records from hospital or other institution where the person died.
Note: If BVS is received but the date of death does not match previously reported information, accept BVS as verification and dispose the case. No additional verification is needed because BVS is considered the primary verification source.
Example: DOD data received from an SSA interface shows a DOD of 01/15/2019 but, the same person had a DOD of 01/13/2019 listed in TIERS. Alert 812, Verify Discrepancy in Date of Death for Individual is created for additional action. Staff verify the DOD by contacting the nursing home where the person was residing prior to death and also locate the person's obituary online. Staff enter the DOD based on the additional information and clear the alert
For detailed processing instructions, staff may review the Eligibility Services State Processes document and the Change and Alert Guide.
Related Policy
Social Security Administration Deceased Individual Report, R-4110