Revision 19-4; Effective September 9, 2019

Non-waiver CFC provides certain services and supports through managed care organizations (MCOs) to persons living in the community who are enrolled in the Medicaid program and meet CFC eligibility requirements.

17100 Initial Eligibility Determination Activities

Revision 19-4; Effective September 9, 2019

For persons referred to the local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA) for assessments of eligibility for Community First Choice (CFC) services based on an intellectual disability (ID), the LIDDA must complete all assessment activities required by Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to determine whether the persons meet an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities or related conditions (ICF/IID) level-of-care (LOC) including:

  • Form 8578-CFC, Intellectual Disability/Related Condition Assessment for CFC;
  • Form 8662, Related Conditions Eligibility Screening Instrument, if the person’s primary diagnosis is a related condition;
  • Determination of Intellectual Disability (DID) or endorse an existing DID; See DID Best Practice Guidelines.  

The LIDDA must submit the assessment information to HHSC using the Client Assignment and Registration (CARE) System for an LOC determination.

If the person’s primary diagnosis is a related condition, the LIDDA must:

  • retain a physician’s attestation that the person has a condition listed on the approved list of related conditions; and
  • confirm on CARE screen K23, CFC ID/RC Assessment Update, that the LIDDA has a physician’s attestation.

17110 Person Does Not Meet ICF/IID LOC Criteria

Revision 19-4; Effective September 9, 2019

For all persons for whom Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has determined does not meet the criteria for an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID) level-of-care (LOC), the local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA) must compile a packet with the following documentation and submit it to the Medicaid managed care organization (MCO) via the secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) site:

  • completed Form 1040, CFC Non-Waiver Packet Information and Checklist;
  • completed Form 8578-CFC, Intellectual Disability/Related Condition Assessment for CFC; and
  • copy of the Determination of Intellectual Disability (DID) report.

17120 Person Meets ICF/IID Criteria Under Age 21

Revision 19-4; Effective September 9, 2019

For persons under the age of 21 years for whom Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has determined does meet the criteria for an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID) level-of-care (LOC), the local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA) must compile a packet with the following documentation and submit it to the Medicaid managed care organization (MCO) via the secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) site:

  • completed Form 1040, CFC Non-Waiver Packet Information and Checklist;
  • completed Form 8578-CFC, Intellectual Disability/Related Condition Assessment for CFC; and
  • copy of the Determination of Intellectual Disability (DID) report; and
  • any other related documentation that may need to be transmitted.

The LIDDA does not provide service coordination for persons under 21 years of age and receiving Community First Choice (CFC) through the MCO.

17130 Person Meets ICF/IID Criteria Age 21 and Older

Revision 19-4; Effective September 9, 2019

For persons with an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID) level-of-care (LOC), the local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA) must conduct the initial service planning activities and assign a service coordinator no later than 30 days after Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) authorizes the person’s ICF/IID LOC.

The LIDDA must conduct person-centered service planning with the person and the legally authorized representative (LAR). The LIDDA will contact the person or LAR to schedule a time to meet and complete the Community First Choice (CFC) assessment. The meeting is conducted face-to-face with the person and LAR. The LAR may attend by telephone if the LAR is unable to attend in person. The time and location of the meeting must be convenient to the person and LAR.

At the scheduled meeting, the LIDDA must:

  • complete Form H6516, Community First Choice Assessment;
  • complete Form 2060-B, Needs Assessment Addendum;
  • complete Form 1581, Consumer Directed Services (CDS) Option Overview;
  • identify with the person and LAR, a date, time and location for the joint meeting with the Medicaid managed care organization (MCO) service coordinator, that is approximately three weeks after the completion of Form H6516;
  • provide a copy of Community First Choice: Choosing a Provider;
  • tell the person or LAR to expect a list of CFC providers from the MCO within the next two weeks;
  • encourage the person or LAR to be prepared to identify the selected CFC provider at the joint meeting; and
  • tell the person or LAR to contact the MCO with questions about providers.

The LIDDA must compile a packet with the following documentation and submit it to the MCO via the secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) site:

  • a completed Form 1040, CFC Non-Waiver Packet Information and Checklist, which includes the date, time and location of the scheduled joint meeting, and where the MCO sends a list of CFC providers;
  • a copy of the Determination of Intellectual Disability (DID) report;
  • a completed Form 8578-CFC, Intellectual Disability/Related Condition Assessment for CFC;  
  • completed Form H6516;
  • completed Form 2060-B;  
  • completed Form 1581; and
  • any other related documentation that may need to be submitted.

When the MCO receives the packet from the LIDDA, the MCO determines if the person has a need for CFC services.

If no services are on the recommended service plan (i.e., Form H6516 completed by the LIDDA, the MCO denies the request for services and sends the person an adverse determination letter, which includes an offer for a fair hearing. The LIDDA must participate in a fair hearing, if requested by the person or LAR, to explain why no services were recommended.

If there are services on the recommended service plan, but the MCO does not agree with the services recommended, the MCO service coordinator contacts the LIDDA to discuss the service plan and to reach an agreement about changes to the service plan that will be presented to the person. Following an agreement, the MCO service coordinator, person, LAR and LIDDA meet to jointly review the services for which the person will be authorized. The MCO then authorizes services and notifies the person. The MCO also notifies the LIDDA of the selected provider.

If there are services on the recommended service plan and the MCO service coordinator agrees with the services being recommended:

  • the MCO service coordinator, person, LAR and LIDDA meet to jointly review the services for which the person will be authorized;
  • the MCO then authorizes services and notifies the person; and
  • the MCO also notifies the LIDDA of the selected provider.

The LIDDA must ensure an assigned service coordinator provides service coordination to a person age 21 or older while the person is receiving CFC services through an MCO in the LIDDA’s local service area (LSA).

17200 Annual Reassessment

Revision 19-4; Effective September 9, 2019

No later than 60 calendar days prior to the expiration of the intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID) level-of-care (LOC) for a person, the local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA) must communicate with the appropriate managed care organization (MCO) to determine whether the person is or is not receiving Community First Choice (CFC) services.
For persons who are not receiving CFC services, the LIDDA has no reassessment responsibilities.

For persons who are receiving CFC services, the LIDDA must:

  • conduct the reassessment activities described in this section and communicate with the MCOs as directed by Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC);
  • complete Form 8578-CFC, Intellectual Disability/Related Condition Assessment for CFC, to determine if the person continues to meet the ICF/IID LOC criteria.
    Note: The LIDDA may have to complete a new Determination of Intellectual Disability (DID).

The LIDDA should consider this if the person’s current determination of intellectual disability (DID) was completed when the person was under the age of 22 years and the testing was done more than five years ago. Information about conducting DIDs is found in the DID Best Practice Guidelines.

The LIDDA must submit the assessment information to HHSC using the Client Assignment and Registration (CARE) System for a LOC determination.

17210 Person No Longer Meets ICF/IID LOC Criteria

Revision 19-4; Effective September 9, 2019

For all persons for whom Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has determined does not continue meet the criteria for an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID) level-of-care (LOC), the local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA) must compile a packet with the following documentation and submit it to the managed care organization (MCO) via the secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) site:

  • completed Form 1040, CFC Non-Waiver Packet Information and Checklist;
  • completed Form 8578-CFC, Intellectual Disability/Related Condition Assessment for CFC; and
  • Determination of Intellectual Disability (DID) report, if a new DID was completed.

17220 Person Continues to Meet ICF/IID Criteria Under Age 21

Revision 19-4; Effective September 9, 2019

For persons under the age of 21 years for whom Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has determined does meet the criteria for an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID) level-of-care (LOC), the local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA) must compile a packet with the following documentation and submit it to the managed care organization (MCO) via the secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) site:

  • completed Form 1040, CFC Non-Waiver Packet Information and Checklist;
  • completed Form 8578-CFC, Intellectual Disability/Related Condition Assessment for CFC;
  • copy of the Determination of Intellectual Disability (DID) report; and
  • any other related documentation that may need to be transmitted.

The LIDDA does not provide service coordination for persons under 21 years of age and receiving Community First Choice (CFC) through the MCO.

17230 Person Continues to Meet ICF/IID Criteria Age 21 and Older

Revision 19-4; Effective September 9, 2019

The local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA) service coordinator is responsible for completing the annual service planning and continuation of LIDDA services for persons 21 years of age or older who continue to have an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID) level-of-care (LOC).
The LIDDA must:

  • conduct person-centered service planning with the person to determine what services they need; and
  • contact the person or legally authorized representative (LAR) to schedule a time to meet and complete Form H6516, Community First Choice Assessment.

The meeting is conducted face-to-face with the person and LAR. The LAR may attend by telephone if the LAR is unable to attend in person. The time and location of the meeting must be convenient to the person and LAR.

At the scheduled meeting, the LIDDA must:

  • complete Form H6516;
  • complete Form 2060-B, Needs Assessment Addendum;
  • complete Form 1581, Consumer Directed Services (CDS) Option Overview;
  • identify with the person and LAR a date, time and location for the joint meeting with the MCO service coordinator, that is approximately three weeks after the completion of Form H6516; and
  • determine if the person or LAR wants to change providers, and if so, requests that the managed care organization (MCO) send the person a list of providers using Form 1040, CFC Non-Waiver Packet Information and Checklist.

No later than 45 calendar days prior to the expiration of a person’s ICF/IID LOC, the LIDDA must compile a packet with the following documentation and submit it to the MCO via the secure file transfer protocol(SFTP) site:

  • completed Form 1040 that includes the date, time and location of the joint meeting, and where to send provider information, if applicable;
  • completed Form 8578-CFC, Intellectual Disability/Related Condition Assessment for CFC;
  • copy of the Determination of Intellectual Disability (DID) report, if a new DID was completed;
  • completed Form H6516;
  • completed Form 2060-B; and
  • completed Form 1581.

When the MCO receives the packet from the LIDDA, the MCO determines if the person continues to have a need for Community First Choice (CFC) services.

If no services are on the recommended service plan (i.e., completed Form H6516), the MCO denies the request for services and sends the person an adverse determination letter, which includes an offer for a fair hearing. The LIDDA must participate in a fair hearing, if requested by the person or LAR, to explain why no services were recommended.

If there are services on the recommended service plan, but the MCO does not agree with the services recommended, the MCO service coordinator contacts the LIDDA to discuss the service plan and to reach an agreement about changes to the service plan that will be presented to the person. Following the agreement, the MCO service coordinator, person, LAR and LIDDA meet to jointly review the services for which the person will be authorized. The MCO then authorizes services and notifies the person.

If there are services on the recommended service plan and the MCO service coordinator agrees with the services being recommended:

  • the MCO service coordinator, person, LAR and LIDDA meet to jointly review the services for which the person will be authorized; and
  • the MCO then authorizes services and notifies the person.

If the person selected a different provider, the MCO notifies the LIDDA of the name of the selected provider.

The LIDDA continues to provide service coordination to the person while they are receiving CFC services through an MCO in the LIDDA’s local service area.

17300 LIDDA Responsibilities When a Person Appeals an MCO’s Denial of Services

Revision 19-4; Effective September 9, 2019

If a managed care organization (MCO) denies a person’s request for service because there were no services on the person’s recommended service plan [i.e., Form H6516 completed by the local intellectual and developmental disability authority (LIDDA)] and the person requests a fair hearing to appeal the denial, the LIDDA must participate in the fair hearing to explain why no services were recommended.