Revision 13-1; Effective September 13, 2013
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) deployed the Home-Delivered Meals (HDM) Provider Manual on Sept. 3, 2013. This manual contains all contract guidelines that were formerly found in Information Letters (ILs).
Content in the provider manual supersedes any previous ILs or similar guidance published by HHSC. The ILs that were retired are listed below. HHSC recommends that providers remove the ILs from their records to ensure they reference the most current information.
Number | Title | Date |
IL 2010-94 | HDM Rate Setting Procedures for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2011 (replaces IL 09-83) | 06/25/2010 |
IL 2010-61 | FFY 2011 Request for Waiver of Requirement to Deliver Meals Fewer than Five Days a Week (Replaces Information Letter 09-64) | 05/03/2010 |
IL 2009-83 | HDM Rate Setting Procedures for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2010 | 06/17/2009 |
IL 2009-11 | Notifying Individuals of Rights and Responsibilities and of Procedures for Filing Complaints | 02/19/2009 |
IL 2008-142 | Hurricane Ike Services: FC and HDM Services Available to Limited Number of Individuals Temporarily Residing in Shelters, Hotels, or Home Settings | 10/02/2008 |
IL 2008-116 | Request for Waiver of Requirement to Deliver Meals Fewer than Five Days a Week (Replaced by IL 2009-64 and IL 2010-61) | 08/25/2008 |
IL 2008-114 | Home Delivered Meals Rate Setting Procedures for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2009 | 08/04/2008 |
IL 2007-76 | Home Delivered Meals Rate Setting Procedures for FFY 2008 | 08/16/2007 |
IL 2006-61 | Administration on Aging Nutrition Services Incentive Program Reporting Requirements and Rate Setting Procedures for Federal Fiscal Year 2007 (Letter requires Adobe Reader 6 or 7 to access attachments) | 06/20/2006 |
IL 2005-18 | Administration on Aging (AoA) Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) Reporting Requirements and Rate Setting Procedures for Federal Fiscal Year 2006 - This letter requires Adobe Reader version 6 or newer to view. | 07/25/2005 |
IL 2004-40 | Home-Delivered Meals Nutritional Risk Assessment and National Aging Program Information Systems (NAPIS) Reporting | 04/01/2005 |
IL 2004-27 | Administration on Aging (AoA) Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) Reporting Requirements and Rate Setting Procedures for Federal Fiscal Year 2005 | 06/11/2004 |
IL 2004-10 | Repeal of Chapter 48, Subchapter M, Home-Delivered Meals and Subchapter N, Support Documents, and Adoption of Chapter 55, Contracting to Provide Home-Delivered Meals, Effective March 1, 2004 | 03/05/2004 |
IL 2003-19 | FY 2004 Reimbursement Rate Ceiling for Home-Delivered Meals (HDM) | 08/28/2003 |
IL 2003-06 | USDA Cash-In-Lieu Reporting Requirements and Rate Setting (FY 2004) | 06/13/2003 |
IL 2002-40 | New Home Delivered Meals Rules | 12/31/2002 |
IL 2002-17 | USDA Cash-in-Lieu Reporting Requirements and Uniform Rate Setting Procedures (URSP) for FFY '03 | 07/08/2002 |
IL 2002-07 | Change in CIL Reporting Requirements for Home Delivered Meals | 04/12/2002 |
IL 2001-19 | New Billing Code for CBA Meals | 10/17/2001 |
IL 2001-06 | United States Department of Agriculture Cash-in-Lieu of Commodities - Home Delivered Meals Providers | 07/27/2001 |
IL 2000-20 | Payment Rate Methodology for Home Delivered Meals | 08/31/2000 |
IL 2000-19 | United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Cash-in-Lieu of Commodities Home Delivered Meals | 08/22/2000 |
IL 1999-42 | Cash-in-Lieu of Commodities Reimbursement | 10/22/1999 |
IL 1999-15 | Payment Rate Methodology for Home Delivered Meals | 08/16/1999 |
IL 1999-25 | Uniform Reimbursement Methodology for Home Delivered Meals | 06/30/1999 |
IL 1999-02 | Cash-in-Lieu (CIL) of Commodities Reimbursement Rate for Fiscal Year 1999 | 02/17/1999 |
IL 1999-01 | TDHS Policy Cash-in-Lieu of Commodities Home Delivered Meals Providers | 02/17/1999 |
If there are questions about the revised HDM provider manual or any of the ILs that were retired, send an email to