Revision 22-2; Effective May 1, 2022
Section 8000 describes the requirements for:
- transferring an individual's Home and Community-based Services (HCS) or Texas Home Living (TxHmL) program services from one program provider or Financial Management Services Agency (FMSA) to another;
- transferring an individual's HCS or TxHmL program services to another waiver contract area whether or not the program provider changes;
- changing an individual's HCS or TxHmL service delivery option to add or delete CDS; and
- reassigning a Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority (LIDDA) when an individual moves from one LIDDA's service area into another LIDDA's service area. Click here and scroll to the last page to see a list of LIDDAs by waiver contract area (WCA).
Texas Administrative Code Title 40, Chapter 9, Subchapter D, requires the service coordinator (SC) to manage the transfer process as stated in Section 9.190(e)(25) and (26).