Revision 24-2; Effective Oct. 15, 2024
FPP seeks to promote the general and reproductive health of Texas residents. FPP provides safe and effective family planning services to people through 64 years old who live in Texas and meet program eligibility requirements.
The following services are covered:
- annual family planning and preventive health care visit;
- pregnancy testing and counseling;
- all methods of contraceptive services, including necessary follow-up and surveillance;
- certain health screening and diagnostic services, including:
- screening, diagnosis and treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia;
- cervical cancer screening and diagnosis;
- breast cancer screening and diagnosis;
- screening and outpatient treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and infections (STDs and STIs);
- HIV screening;
- limited prenatal care services;
- recommended immunizations;
- screening and treatment for postpartum depression;
- uncomplicated diabetes screening and treatment;
- uncomplicated hypertension screening and treatment;
- screening and treatment for elevated cholesterol; and
- preconception health (for example, screening for nutrition and obesity, tobacco and substance use, other high-risk behaviors, social issues and mental health).
Grantees may request more services be added to the program by emailing the program mailbox at and requesting a Topic Nomination Form.
5510 Initial Clinical Visit
Revision 24-2; Effective Oct. 15, 2024
At the first clinical visit or an early follow-up visit, take a comprehensive health history adapted as appropriate to the person’s gender. It must be taken to include, in addition to the elements required for the individual health record in Section 5400, Client Health Records and Documentation of Encounters, and the following:
- the reason for the visit and current health status;
- a review of systems with documentation of pertinent positives and negatives;
- a reproductive health history for women including:
- menstrual history;
- complete obstetrical history;
- sexual activity history including contraceptive practices, number and gender of partners;
- sexually transmitted infection or sexually transmitted disease (STI or STD) and HIV history and risk factors, if currently sexually active; and a reproductive life plan;
- if currently sexually active; and
- a reproductive life plan;
- a reproductive health history for men including:
- sexual activity history including contraceptive practices, number and gender of partners, STI or STD and HIV history and risk factors;
- if currently sexually active; and
- a reproductive life plan;
- additional health history for women:
- cervical and breast cancer screening history that note any abnormal results and treatment, and dates of the most recent testing;
- other history of gynecological conditions;
- other history of genital or urological conditions; and
- family health and genetic history.
At every later visit, including the annual primary health care and problem visits, the record must be updated, as appropriate, and the reason for the visit and current health status documented.
Annual Comprehensive Family Planning Visit, Physical Examination and Testing
The annual family planning visit offers an excellent opportunity for providers to address wellness and health risk reduction issues and findings or client concerns. The annual visit must include an update of the person’s health record per the individual health record in Section 5400, and documentation of appropriate screening, assessment, counseling and immunizations. These are based on the person’s age, risk factors, preferences and concerns.
All clients must undergo a physical examination annually as part of the family planning visit. The physical examination may be postponed if the person’s history and current health status do not suggest issues that need an urgent examination. Unless the clinician finds a compelling reason for delay, do not postpone the annual physical examination more than six months. Document the reason for the postponement in the client’s record.
A breast or pelvic examination may be performed only with the consent of the client. Clients must be offered a suitable method of contraception without delay, even if the physical examination is postponed or an otherwise asymptomatic person declines any or all components of the examination.
Pelvic exams must be administered in compliance with Chapter 167A of the Health and Safety Code.
It is recommended the family planning visit include all the following components at least annually, in addition to other components as suggested by history and presenting signs and symptoms. Note: All findings, including tests, results, the person’s notification of results or the person’s refusal or other reason for not testing or performing a specified part of the examination, should be documented in the medical record:
- Measurement of height, weight and blood pressure (BP) screening for hypertension.
- Calculation of body mass index (BMI) with assessment for underweight, overweight or obesity, with counseling if indicated, on achieving and maintaining a healthful body weight. A BMI calculator for adults and a BMI calculator for children and teens are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Recommended components for examinations for females:
- Clinical breast examination, breast cancer risk assessment and breast cancer screening, as appropriate, based on person’s age, risk and preferences:
- counseling on breast awareness and advice to report any symptom or sign of concern to the person;
- screening for cervical cancer beginning at 21 years old regardless of sexual history, and continuing as indicated based on the client’s age, previous test results and treatment history;
- pelvic examination, in compliance with Chapter 167A of the Health and Safety Code:
- for all consenting clients 21 years and older; or
- consenting clients younger than 21 years old, only if indicated by the medical history:
- pelvic examinations include the following:
- visual examination of the external genitalia, vaginal introitus, urethral meatus and perianal area;
- speculum examination of the cervix and vagina; and
- bimanual examination of the cervix, uterus and adnexa, and when indicated, rectovaginal examination;
- pelvic examinations include the following:
- pregnancy testing, available on-site and if the pregnancy test is positive, the person must be given information on safe health practices during pregnancy and referred for appropriate physical evaluation and initiation of prenatal care, within 15 days; and
- rubella immunity testing in women of reproductive age if the status cannot be determined by history or previous testing.
Recommended components for examinations for males:
- Visual and manual examination of the external genitalia including scrotum, penis and testicles and visual inspection of the perianal area;
- assessment for hernia;
- palpation of the prostate as indicated by history, risk factors and person’s age; and
- advice on testicular awareness and recommendation to report any symptom or sign that is of concern to the person.
Recommended components for examinations for all clients regardless of sex:
- Other examinations as indicated by history, signs and symptoms, and the client’s concerns, for example, thyroid, heart, lungs, abdomen and similar concerns as follows:
- diabetes screening as appropriate for age and risk factors;
- sexually transmitted infections;
- cholesterol and serum lipid testing;
- thyroid stimulating hormone;
- immunizations as indicated, health care providers can voluntarily participate in the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Adult Safety Net (ASN) vaccine program, which provides certain vaccines at no cost; and
- other testing, if indicated;
- appropriate family planning counseling and treatment; and
- healthful lifestyle interventions and counseling as indicated based on age, risk factors and client interest and receptiveness.
Counseling and Education
All clients must receive up-to-date, person-centered education and counseling in their preferred language. It must be presented in a way they can understand and to demonstrate their understanding. The education must be documented in the medical record. Individual education enables the person to understand the range of available services and how to access them, to make informed decisions about family planning, to reduce personal health risk and to understand the importance of recommended tests, health promotion and disease prevention strategies.
Specific clinical policies must be in place for counseling and other services provided to minors younger than 18 years old, to include at least the following:
- Counseling of minors, including:
- all medically approved methods of contraception, including abstinence;
- prevention of STDs, STIs and HIV;
- recognition and avoidance of sexual coercion; and
- domestic, partner, dating and family violence, offering help as needed.
- Minors must be provided individualized family planning counseling and family planning medical services that meet their specific needs.
- Counseling and clinical services to minors must be expedited so appointments are made available as soon as possible.
- Appointment schedules are flexible enough to accommodate access for minors who request services.
- Grantees must obtain parental consent before they provide counseling for minors who seek family planning services.
- Minors must be assured their privacy and confidentiality will be protected within the parameters of applicable law, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Texas Family Code, Chapter 32, and 5100, Minors, Consent and Confidentiality.
5520 Requirements for Policies to Ensure Appropriate Follow-up and Continuity of Care
Revision 24-2; Effective Oct. 15, 2024
Providers must develop and maintain policies and procedures to make sure timely follow-up and continuity of care, to include at a minimum:
- tracking pending tests until results are reviewed by the provider and the client is notified of their results with recommended follow-up as applicable;
- documentation of all tests and results in the client’s health record;
- a mechanism to inform clients promptly of test results that protects the person’s privacy and confidentiality while supporting timely and appropriate follow-up;
- a mechanism to track client compliance with recommended follow-up care, schedule return visits and follow-up on missed appointments; and
- a process to ensure compliance with all applicable state and local laws for disease reporting.
Before a person is considered lost to follow-up, the grantee must make at least three documented attempts to contact the person with a protocol in which subsequent attempts involve a more intensive effort to contact the person. Example: A phone call on the first attempt, a letter by regular mail on the second attempt and a certified letter on the third attempt.
Providers should develop processes that are suitable for the population they serve and adapt their usual processes to the known circumstances and preferences of the person whom they are trying to contact.
5530 Visits About a Particular Medical Concern, Problem Visits
Revision 24-2; Effective Oct. 15, 2024
For all problem visits, the following elements must be documented in the medical record:
- Reason for the visit;
- Appropriate interval medical history and focused history relevant to the problem reported; and
- Relevant physical examination and testing as indicated, and an assessment and prescribed treatment.
5540 Referrals
Revision 24-2; Effective Oct. 15, 2024
When a person is referred to another provider of services for consultation or continuation of care, the chart must reflect a record of the purpose for the referral, the name of the provider consulted or referred to, the counseling that the person received about the purpose of the referral and about questions the person had about the referral. Pertinent information about the person and relevant parts of the medical record must be provided to the referral clinician, and this provision of information must also be documented in the medical record. The results of the consultation or referral must be documented in the medical record.
When services covered under FPP are to be provided only by referral, the grantee must establish a written agreement with a referral resource for the provision of services and for the reimbursement of costs and make sure the client is not charged by the referral resource for these services.
Grantees must maintain a written policy reflecting these requirements for referral activities.
5550 Telemedicine
Revision 24-2; Effective Oct. 15, 2024
Providers may offer services by telemedicine if appropriate.
Providers who offer telemedicine services must follow all rules of the Texas Occupations Code 111.001 and must have written policies and procedures for doing so that include:
- informed consent;
- appropriate, quality care;
- prevention of abuse and fraud in the use of telemedicine services;
- adequate supervision of health professionals who are not physicians and who provide telemedicine care; and
- establish the maximum number of health professionals a physician may supervise through telemedicine services.
5560 Prescriptive Authority Agreements
Revision 24-2; Effective Oct. 15, 2024
When services are provided by an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) or physician assistant (PA), it is the responsibility of the grantee to make sure a properly executed prescriptive authority agreement (PAA) is in place for each mid-level provider. The PAA must meet all the requirements delineated in Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 157, including the following criteria:
- be in writing and signed and dated by the parties to the agreement;
- be reviewed at least annually, including amendments;
- kept on-site where the APRN or PA provides care;
- include the name, address and all professional license numbers of all parties to the agreement;
- state the nature of the practice, practice locations or practice settings;
- identify the types or categories of drugs or devices that may be prescribed, or the types or categories of drugs or devices that may not be prescribed;
- provide a general plan for addressing consultation and referral;
- provide a plan for addressing client emergencies;
- describe the general process for communication and sharing of information between the physician and the APRN or PA to whom the physician has delegated prescriptive authority related to the care and treatment of clients;
- if alternate physician supervision will be used, appoint one or more alternate physicians who may:
- provide appropriate temporary supervision following the requirements established by the PAA and the requirements of this section; and
- participate in the prescriptive authority quality assurance and improvement plan meetings required under this section;
- describe a prescriptive authority quality assurance and improvement plan and specify methods for documenting the implementation of the plan that includes:
- chart review, with the number of charts to be reviewed determined by the physician and APRN or PA; and
- periodic meetings between the APRN or PA and the physician at a location determined by the physician, APRN or physician assistant.
- Texas Occupations Code Title 3, Subtitle B, Chapter 157, Authority of Physicians to Delegate Certain Medical Acts
- Texas Administrative Code Title 22, Part 11, Chapter 222, APRN’s with Prescriptive Authority
- Texas Administrative Code Title 22, Part 9, Chapter 185, Physician Assistants
- Texas Nurse Practice Act Subchapter I, Sections 301.4011, 301.402, 301.4025, 301.407 Regarding Duty of Nurse to Report and Duty of State Agency to Report
5570 Standing Delegation Orders
Revision 24-2; Effective Oct. 15, 2024
Per TAC Title 22, Part 9, Chapter 193, when services are provided by unlicensed and licensed personnel other than an APRN or PA whose duties include actions or procedures for a population with specific diseases, disorders, health problems or sets of symptoms, the clinic must have written standing delegation orders (SDOs) in place. SDOs are distinct from specific orders written for an individual. SDOs are instructions, orders, rules, regulations, or procedures that specify under what set of conditions and circumstances certain actions may be taken.
The grantee must have SDOs in place for unlicensed and licensed personnel other than APRNs or PAs that include the following:
- actions or procedures for a population with specific diseases, disorders, health problems or sets of symptoms;
- delineation of the circumstances under which an RN, LVN or non-licensed health care provider (NLHP) may initiate actions or tasks in the clinical setting; and
- providing authority for use with a client:
- when a physician or advance practice provider is not on the premises; and
- before a client is examined or evaluated by a physician or advanced practice provider.
Example: An SDO for assessment of blood pressure and blood-sugar level would name the RN, LVN or NLHP that will perform the task, the steps to complete the task, the ranges for normal and abnormal and the process of reporting abnormal values.
Other applicable SDOs when a physician is not present on-site may include, but are not limited to:
- obtaining a personal and medical history;
- performing an appropriate physical exam and the recording of physical findings;
- initiating and performing laboratory procedures;
- administering or providing drugs ordered by voice communication with the authorizing physician;
- providing pre-signed prescriptions for:
- oral contraceptives;
- diaphragms;
- contraceptive creams and jellies;
- topical anti-infective for vaginal use; or
- antibiotic drugs for treatment of STIs and STDs;
- handling medical emergencies to include on-site management, as well as possible transfer of the client;
- giving immunizations; or
- performing pregnancy testing.
The grantee must have a process in place to make sure SDOs are reviewed, signed and dated at least annually by the supervising physician responsible for the delivery of the medical care covered by the orders and by other appropriate staff. SDOs must be kept on-site.
- Texas Administrative Code Title 22, Part 9, Chapter 193, Standing Delegation Orders