Revision 15-2, Effective June 5, 2015

7100 Monitoring Reviews

Revision 15-2; Effective June 5, 2015

The Department of Aging and Disability Services conducts monitoring reviews of program contracts it administers. Rules that apply to this section are 40 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 49, Subchapter E.

7110 Contract Management

Revision 15-2; Effective June 5, 2015

The Department of Aging and Disability Services created a Contract and Fiscal Compliance Monitoring Tool for the Day Activity and Health Services (DAHS) Program. A provider agency should direct questions about the tool or requests for additional assistance to its contract manager. In addition, see Appendix X, DADS Contract Management.

7120 Review Period

Revision 15-2; Effective June 5, 2015

40 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §49.534, Termination of Contract by DADS
40 TAC §98.209(b), Attendance Records
40 TAC §98.210, Financial Errors