Appendix V, Retired Information Letters

Revision 13-1; Effective September 13, 2013

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) deployed the Consumer Managed Personal Attendant Services (CMPAS) Provider Manual on Sept. 3, 2013. This manual contains all contract guidelines that were formerly found in Information Letters (ILs), as well as relevant Texas Administrative Code references.

This manual supersedes any previous ILs or similar guidance published by HHSC. The ILs retired as a result are listed below. HHSC recommends that providers remove the ILs from their records to ensure they reference the most current information.

IL 2011-123Individuals Receiving Services through the Client Managed Personal Assistance Services Program who Receive Medicaid Services and Live in New Managed Care Service Areas Effective March 1, 201212/09/2011
IL 2011-95Guidelines for Income Amounts Dedicated to Disability-Related Equipment – This is now found in 40 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 44, §44.501(j)(7); adopted Oct. 1, 2013.8/19/2011
IL 2008-179Effective Dec. 1, 2008 – Change in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 40, Chapter 44, CMPAS, Relating to the Co-payment Chart1/08/2009
IL 2008-155Rates and Billing Procedure for Consumer Directed Services (CDS) in CMPAS12/03/2008
IL 2004-12Repeal of Chapter 48, Subchapter E, Client Managed Attendant Services, and Adoption of Chapter 44, Client Managed Personal Attendant Services, Effective March 16, 20043/16/2004
IL 2000-06Individual Client Cost Ceiling4/20/2000
IL 1999-05Client Managed Attendant Services Cost Ceiling3/26/1999

If there are questions about the new CMPAS provider manual or any of the ILs that were retired, send an email to