1100 Introduction
Revision 13-0; Effective September 3, 2013
The Consumer Managed Personal Attendant Services (CMPAS) Provider Manual is administered by the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) under contracts with licensed agencies to provide personal assistance services (PAS) to individuals who have physical disabilities and who are able to supervise an attendant or have someone who can supervise the attendant for them. The individual interviews, selects, trains, supervises and releases (fires) his/her personal assistants. Health-related tasks are prescribed by the individual’s physician.
Licensed PAS agencies come under the rule-making authority for the Home and Community Support Services (HCSSA) licensure. The PAS agency determines eligibility and the amount of care needed, develops a pool of potential personal assistants and provides emergency backup personal assistants.
1200 Service Delivery Options
Revision 13-0; Effective September 3, 2013
Consumer Managed Personal Attendant Services offers two options for service delivery:
- The traditional service option in which the provider agency is the employer of record of attendant and substitute attendants; and
- The Consumer Directed Services (CDS) option in which the individual is the employer of record of attendants and substitute attendants and is supported by a financial management services agency to provide financial management services to the individual.
1300 Program Rules
Revision 15-2; Effective February 12, 2015
The Consumer Managed Personal Attendant Services program is governed by the following chapters:
- 40 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 44, Client Managed Personal Attendant Services
- 40 TAC Chapter 49, Contracting for Community Care Services
- 40 TAC Chapter 97, Licensing Standards for Home and Community Support Services Agencies
1400 License Renewal Requirement
Revision 13-0; Effective September 3, 2013
A provider of Consumer Managed Personal Attendant Services must maintain a Home and Community Support Services Agency (HCSSA) license under the personal assistance services (PAS) category in order to retain an active contract with the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS). Application documents to renew an HCSSA-PAS license can be found on the DADS website for Renewal Applications.
1500 Reporting a Complaint
Revision 13-0; Effective September 3, 2013
The Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) Consumer Rights and Services (CRS) is the point of contact concerning complaints about situations that may have violated state law or DADS program rules.
1510 When to Call DADS CRS
Revision 13-0; Effective September 3, 2013
Consumer Rights and Services (CRS) receives complaints from individuals, family members, providers and the general public about the care, treatment or services provided to an individual. Individuals receiving services or family members of the individual may prefer to call CRS to assist in resolving an issue rather than speaking with their personal assistance services representative.
A complaint may be reported by anyone at any time to CRS at DADS by calling 1-800-458-9858. A complaint may be made online at crscomplaints@dads.state.tx.us.
Information about CRS can also be located on the DADS website at www.dads.state.tx.us. Click on the "abuse/complaints" navigation tab to link to CRS from the DADS home page, or direct your web browser to www.dads.state.tx.us/services/crs/index.html.
Written complaints may be mailed to:
Department of Aging and Disability Services
Consumer Rights and Services, Mail Code E-249
P.O. Box 149030
Austin, TX 78714-9030
1520 CRS Website
Revision 13-0; Effective September 3, 2013
The DADS CRS website provides useful information regarding:
filing a complaint;
locating consumer rights booklets;
reporting abuse, neglect and exploitation; and
locating community services.
Visit the website at Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services (CRS).
1530 Provider Agency Complaint Process
Revision 13-0; Effective September 3, 2013
The provider is required to have processes for receiving and resolving complaints about the provision of Consumer Managed Personal Attendant Services (CMPAS). The process by which a complaint may be filed with a provider regarding CMPAS program services must be provided to the individual or legally authorized representative at the time of enrollment and at least annually thereafter.
1600 CMPAS Online Mailbox
Revision 13-0; Effective September 3, 2013
Providers can submit questions related to the CMPAS program at cmpas@dads.state.tx.us.