4300, Monitoring Consumer Directed Services

Revision 17-1; Effective November 1, 2017

The case manager monitors CDS services in the same manner as CLASS services delivered through the agency option. A key monitoring role is to determine whether the individual's health and safety is at risk in the environments in which the individual receives CLASS, CFC, and non-CFC/CLASS services and, if necessary, to take action to protect the individual's health and safety. If the case manager learns of a problem with the FMSA, the case manager may report the FMSA to Consumer Rights and Services at HHSC. More detailed information regarding consumer rights and services may be found in Section 1200, Interest List.

The FMSA is required to provide the case manager and CDS employer quarterly reports of expenditures for each CDS. The purpose of these reports is to determine over or under utilization of services. The FMSA will also note any areas of non-compliance with the CDS option on the quarterly report.