Revision 17-1; Effective November 1, 2017
Case management services are provided to all individuals receiving Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) program and Community First Choice (CFC) Personal Assistance Services/Habilitation (PAS/HAB) services in the CLASS program. Individuals must select a CMA with a valid provider agreement in the catchment area in which the individual lives. Individuals who receive services in the CLASS program may request to transfer to another CMA at any time.
As outlined in this section, the CMA is required to provide the following case management services on an ongoing basis:
- assist the individual as necessary to maintain Medicaid eligibility;
- conduct various tasks related to enrollment;
- perform functions related to service planning;
- provide technical assistance to individuals using the Consumer Directed Services (CDS) service delivery option when completing Form 3596, PAS/Habilitation Plan - CLASS/DBMD/CFC ;
- monitor the provision of CLASS services;
- protect the individual's rights;
- intervene to assist individuals in crisis; and
- coordinate the individual's CLASS services with non-CLASS services as necessary through the employment of person-centered planning techniques.
CLASS program services, as a whole, enhance an individual's integration into the community and prevent admission to an institution while maintaining and improving independent functioning.
2110 Base of Operation
Revision 11-3; Effective November 18, 2011
CLASS program providers must have a base of operation that includes a physical location and normal operating hours in each geographic catchment area for which they have a contract to provide CLASS program services.
- A base of operation is a place in which business, clerical or professional activities are conducted. Each base of operation must:
- maintain individual records for the CLASS program contract in the catchment area;
- maintain personnel records for personnel who provide CLASS program services to individuals served in the catchment area;
- be staffed by qualified employees who have completed CLASS program training and can readily become familiar with the individuals being served in the catchment area; and
- maintain adequate staff to provide services and to supervise the provision of services within the catchment area.
- Providers must identify the base of operation's normal operating hours. If the base of operations is closed during its normal operating hours or between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, the provider must:
- post a notice in a visible location outside the base of operations to provide information regarding how to contact the person in charge; and
- leave a message on an answering machine or similar electronic mechanism to provide information regarding how to contact the person in charge.
2120 CMA Staff Training Requirement
Revision 12-1; Effective January 13, 2012
2121 Initial Training for Staff with Direct Contact
Revision 17-1; Effective November 1, 2017
Direct contact for the purposes of this manual means face to face contact. Upon hire, all CMA staff whose job functions might involve direct contact a minimum of one time per calendar year with individuals receiving Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) must complete one of the following within 60 calendar days of the employee beginning to provide CLASS program services:
- In-person CLASS provider training provided by the Texas Health and Human Services (HHSC).
- Training developed by CMA that includes, at a minimum:
- CLASS program overview;
- person-centered planning;
- philosophy and values of community integration;
- overview of related conditions and CLASS program eligibility criteria;
- service planning team (SPT) process;
- utilization review process;
- consumer directed services; and
- individuals' rights and responsibilities including:
- fair hearing process;
- CMA's complaints process;
- mandatory participation requirements; and
- abuse, neglect and exploitation characteristics and reporting information.
- CLASS program overview;
The CMA could choose to conduct training at its location to meet the above requirements within 60 days of hiring the service provider. CMA staff who develop the curriculum used for initial training must have attended and successfully completed the CLASS Provider Training provided by HHSC. The CMA must have a record to verify that the trainer has attended the CLASS Provider Training. The CMA may choose to send new employees to CLASS Provider Training at the next opportunity offered by HHSC to further reinforce training provided by the CMA.
Documentation of completion of required training must include, at a minimum:
- CLASS Provider Training completion certificate with the name of the employee, signed by HHSC; or
- written documentation of completion of CMA's training that includes:
- training topics covered;
- method of training (i.e., reading, video, discussion, etc.);
- name(s) and qualifications of instructor(s);
- name of the trainee;
- date the training was completed;
- signature and date of the instructor(s); and
- signature and date of the trainee verifying completion.
If a CMA develops curriculum to meet CLASS training requirements, the curriculum and training materials used must be maintained by CMA and be available to HHS employees during a contract monitoring review.
2122 Initial and Annual Training for All CMA Staff
Revision 17-1; Effective November 1, 2017
All CMA staff must complete the training described below within 60 calendar days of employment and at least every 12 months thereafter.
- Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation (ANE)
- review of the statute on ANE at Human Resources Code, Chapter 48, §48.002 (2, 3 and 4);
- signs and symptoms of ANE;
- reporting requirements of ANE; and
- how to report abuse and neglect to DFPS at
- Rights and Responsibilities of Individuals
- information about the rights of the individual who receives CLASS services as outlined in the Your Rights in these Community Programs; and
- review of CLASS rules in Chapter 45, Subchapter C, §45.301 and §45.302 concerning the Rights and Responsibilities of an Individual.
If a CMA develops curriculum to meet CLASS training requirements, the curriculum and training materials used must be maintained by CMA and available to HHSC employees during a contract monitoring review.
2123 CMA Staff Training for Person-Centered Planning
Revision 17-1; Effective November 1, 2017
CMA staff responsible for completing Form 8606, Individual Program Plan (IPP) and Form 3629 Individual Program Plan Addendum (IPP-A) must complete person-centered service planning training approved by HHSC depending upon the staff date of hire. If the staff person was hired on or before June 1, 2015, the staff must complete the training by June 1, 2017. If the staff person was hired after June 1, 2015, the staff person must complete the training within two years after the hire date.