1200, Interest List

Revision 17-1;  Effective November 1, 2017

HHSC manages the capacity of the program in accordance with available funding and within federally approved program limits by offering enrollment to individuals registered on the interest list. Individuals interested in receiving services in the CLASS program must register via the CLASS interest list. Individuals may register on the CLASS interest list regardless of whether they meet program eligibility requirements and must participate in financial and functional eligibility assessments as part of the enrollment process. Individuals registered on the CLASS interest list must ensure current address and contact information is on file with HHSC.

If an applicant is denied waiver enrollment based on diagnosis, level of care, or other functional eligibility requirements, HHSC will place the applicant’s name on all other waiver program’s interest list, using the applicant’s original request date for the CLASS interest list.

To contact the CLASS interest list call 877-438-5658.