Appendix XVIII, Time Calculation

Revision 24-5 Effective Nov. 1, 2024

Community Care Services Eligibility (CCSE) staff must follow the guidelines set forth by Title 3 Texas Government Code (TAC) Section 311.014, Computation of Time, when calculating calendar days as noted below.

Title 3 TAC Section 311.014, Computation of Time:

(a) In computing a period of days, the first day is excluded and the last day is included.
(b) If the last day of any period is a Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday, the period is extended to include the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday.

Skeleton crew days are not legal holidays. Legal holidays are days when the agency is closed.

The effective date of a denial would be calculated per this example:

Question:What is the last day a person will receive services if the notice of denial is sent to them on Nov. 26?
Nov. 26 (Day zero)The caseworker sends the denial notice to the person.
Dec. 8 (Day 12)The person has through the end of the business day to file an appeal. If no appeal is requested services end on Dec. 8.

In the above example, if Dec. 8 is a Saturday, then Dec. 10 is the last day the person will receive services. Skeleton crew days are not legal holidays. Legal holidays are days when the agency is closed.

The effective date of a reduction would be calculated per this example:

Question:What is the effective date of a reduction in hours from 12 to 10 if the notice of reduction is sent to them on Nov. 26?
Nov. 26 (Day zero)The caseworker sends the reduction notice to the person.
Dec. 8 (Day 12)The person has through the end of the business day to file an appeal to continue receiving 12 hours.
Dec. 9 (First day the person will start receiving 10 hours)Day 12 passed without an appeal from the person.

In the above example, if Dec. 8 is a Saturday, then Dec. 11 is the first day the person will receive 10 hours. Skeleton crew days are not legal holidays. Legal holidays are days when the agency is closed.

Due Dates for Case Actions

The following chart contains a monthly calendar to help determine when case action time frames are due. The first column is the date the clock starts ticking. Each subsequent column shows when a certain number of calendar days have expired.

Note: The due dates do not consider a leap year. The chart assumes February has only 28 days. The * in the chart indicates CCSE staff must back up one day if it is a leap year.

Deadline Calculation Charts (Word)Deadline Calculation Charts (Word)

Appears In

  • Community Care Services Eligibility Handbook
  • STAR+PLUS Handbook