- The individual's total earnings (monthly gross)
- Money
- Wages
- Salary
- Armed forces pay
- Commissions
- Tips
- Piece-rate payments
- Cash bonuses
| - Employer
- Oral statement
- Written statement
- Viewing check stubs
- Copies of earnings statements (check stubs)
| - Who is employed, if not indicated on application
- Name, address, telephone number of employer, if not on application
- Date verified, if different from face-to-face contact
- How information was verified
- If by telephone, include name and telephone number of the contact
- If by viewing, include description of document and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Gross amount
- Frequency of pay
- Show your calculations
- Net income from non-farm self-employment
| - Business receipts/records maintained by individual
- Most recent Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1040 (Income Tax Return) (In instances where complete verification of self-employment income is impossible, accept the individual's word if the information seems reasonably valid.)
| - Who is self-employed, if not indicated on application
- Name and kind of business (address and telephone number if different), if not on application
- Date verified, if different from face-to-face contact
- Types of records used and period covered
- Amount of gross income
- Amount of expenses
- Costs of purchased goods
- Rent, heat, light, power
- Depreciation charges
- Wages/salaries paid
- Business taxes (not personal income taxes or Social Security taxes)
- If amount of net countable income is anticipated to be different, explain reason.
- Amount of net countable income and calculations used to arrive at countable income.
- Net income from farm self-employment
| - Business receipts/records maintained by individual
- Most recent IRS income tax return
- Statements from other knowledgeable sources (e.g., county farm agent)
| - Who is self-employed, if not indicated on application
- Type of farm income, if not indicated on application
- Date verified, if different from face-to-face contact
- Type of records used and period covered
- Amount of gross income
- Value of products sold
- Government crop loans
- Money from rental of farm equipment to others
- Incidental money from the sale of wood, sand, gravel, etc. Note: Do not include value of fuel, food, or other farm products used for family living
- Amount of operating expenses
- Cost of feed, fertilizer, seed, and other farming supplies
- Cash wages paid to farmhands
- Depreciation charges
- Cash rent
- Interest on farm mortgages
- Farm building repairs
- Farm taxes (not personal income taxes or Social Security taxes)
- If amount of net countable income is anticipated to be different, explain reason.
- Amount of net countable income and calculations used to arrive at countable income.
- Social Security (Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI))
- Pensions
- Survivor's benefits
- Permanent disability insurance
| - Recent award letter
- Recent cost-of-living increase notice from the Social Security Administration (SSA)
- RSDI check or direct deposit slip
- WTPY response
- Form SSA 1610 (use only if no other source is available)
- Texas Department of Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) computer inquiry
- Contact with SSA representative
| - Payee/beneficiary, if not indicated on application
- Gross benefit amount before deductions for Medicare insurance
- Claim number/suffix
- Date received, if different from face-to-face date
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- If SSA representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Railroad retirement (RR)
| - Form 1026
- Recent award letter from RR Board
- Contact with representative of RR Board
- Most recent check or direct deposit slip
| - Payee/beneficiary, if different from applicant's name
- Gross benefit amount before deductions for Medicare insurance
- Claim number
- Date received
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face date
- If RR representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Dividends
- Stocks
- Membership in associations
| - Recent check stubs or checks
- Letter from company making payments
- Telephone contact with representative of company
- Recent statement from a brokerage house or the company issuing the stock to verify dividends
| - Payee/beneficiary, if different from applicant's name
- Payor (company)
- Source of verification and date
- Account number, if not listed on application
- Gross amounts
- Dates received
- Frequency
- Reason for dividend
- If company representative contacted, name and telephone number
- If excludable, reason for exclusion
- If countable, show calculations used to arrive at an average amount.
- Net rental income
- House, store or other property
- Boarders or lodgers
| - Business receipts/records maintained by individual
- Most recent IRS income tax return
- Statements from individual and renter
- Copy of lease or rent check
| - Type of rental income, if not indicated on application
- Date verified, if different from face-to-face contact
- Types of records used and period covered
- Amount of gross income
- Amount of expenses
- Property tax receipts
- Mortgage payment interest
- Insurance payments
- Bills for repair and upkeep of property Note: Capital expenditures for additions or improvements and depreciation are not deductible
- If amount of income is anticipated to be different, explain reason.
- Amount of net countable income and calculations used to arrive at countable income.
- Net income from lease of mineral rights
- Gross royalty payments
- Yearly lease payments
| - Royalty interest statements (check stubs)
- Contact with representative of oil company
- Check stub from lease payments
| - Name of payor/payee, if different from applicant's name
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face date
- Account number
- Amount of yearly lease payments
- Gross amounts over past 12 months (royalty payments)
- Dates received
- Frequency
- If representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Deduction amounts
- Excise taxes
- Property taxes Note: Federal windfall profits taxes are not deductible—may have to add it back if company deducted it
- Amount of net countable income and calculations used to arrive at a 12-month average (royalty payments)
- Income from mortgages or contracts (notes)
- Negotiable and
- Non-negotiable
| - Copy of contract
- Copy of document with the statement of terms of repayment
- Copy of recent check from payor
- Contact with bank representative
- Statements from the individual and payor
| - Name of payee/payor, if different from applicant's name
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Payment amount
- Frequency
- Date received
- If representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Public assistance
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- General assistance from county or city
- Medicaid Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (MQMB)
- Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) only
- Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) only
- Qualifying Individuals (QI) coverage
- Food stamps
| - HHSC computer inquiry
- Most recent SSI award letter or SSI check
- Most recent individual notice or check
- Contact with a representative
- Texas Works worker
- MEPD case specialist
- SSI representative
- City or county worker
- TANF case record
| - Name of recipient, if different from applicant's name
- Type of benefit
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Benefit amount
- Date received
- If representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Private pensions (retirement benefits)
- Former employer
- Union
- Insurance company
| - Current check stub
- Pension plan
- Letter from company
- Contact with company representative
| - Name of payor/payee/beneficiary, if different from applicant's name
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Gross benefits amount
- Date received
- Claim number
- Whether any increase is anticipated
- If representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Civil service annuity (CSA)
| - Recent CSA increase award card
- Letter from CSA
- Contact with CSA representative
- Current check
- Form 1243
| - Name of payee/beneficiary, if different from applicant's name
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Gross benefit amount before deductions for health insurance
- Date received
- Claim number
- If representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Irrevocable trust funds
| - Trust agreement
- Will
- Trustee
- Representative of bank or financial institution managing trust
- Recent bank statement
| - Name of trustee/beneficiary, if different from applicant's name
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Amount and frequency of income from trust to individual
- Date of bank statement
- If trustee or representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Veterans Administration (VA) benefits
- Pension
- Compensation (disability)
- Subsistence allowance for education and on-the-job training
- Refunds paid to ex-servicemen (GI insurance premiums)
| - Current check or direct deposit slip
- Recent bank statement
- Form 1240
- Recent VA Award Letter
- Contact with VA representative
| - Name of recipient, if different from applicant's name
- Type of benefit
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Gross payment amount and exclusions:
- Aid-and-attendance benefits
- VA Homebound Elderly Benefits
- Payments for purchase of medications
- Date received
- Claim number
- If representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Educational loans and grants
| - School
- Organizations
- Clubs
- Institutions
- Award letter
- Government loans
| - Beneficiary, if different from applicant's name
- Payor
- Type of loan or grant
- Amount received for current living costs
- Source of verification and date
- Date received and period covered (frequency)
- If representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Unemployment compensation
- Government
- Private
- Strike benefits from union funds
| - Texas Workforce Commission Form B-11 or other official correspondence
- Recent check
- Recent bank statement
- Contact with government agency, employer, union
| - Payee/payor, if different from applicant's name
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Gross amount received
- Date received and period covered (frequency)
- Claim number
- If representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Worker's compensation and disability payments
| - Recent check
- Attorney
- Claim Adjuster
- Recent bank statement
- Legal Correspondence
- Correspondence from insurance company
- Employer
| - Payee/beneficiary, if different from applicant's name
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Gross amount received
- Date received and frequency
- Length of disability
- Lump-sum settlement
- If collateral contacted, name and telephone number
- Alimony
| - Contact ex-spouse
- Divorce Decree
- Court/payment records
- Recent check
- Receipts
| - Payor
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Amount received
- Date received and frequency
- If collateral contacted, pertinent name and telephone number
- Cash support payments from friends or relatives (regular monthly)
| - Contact or statement from contributor
- Recent check
- Receipts
| - Payee/beneficiary, if different from applicant's name
- Relationship/name/address and telephone number of payor
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Amount received and frequency (exclude if infrequent or irregular and less than $20/mo.)
- Net income from individual's share of life estate
- Mineral lease
- Bonus payments
- Delays rentals
- Shut-in royalty
- Other types of leases (farming, grazing, hunting)
- Rental
| - Lease agreements
- Rental agreements
- Oil company representative
- Check stubs
- Lessee or tenant (renter)
| - Payee, if different from applicant's name
- Payor
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Gross amount
- Date received and frequency
- If representative contacted, name and telephone number
- Address and telephone number of lessee or tenant
- Teacher retirement (TRS)
| - Form 1297
- Contact with TRS employee
- Recent check if previously verified no deductions
| - Payee/beneficiary, if different from applicant's name
- Source of verification and date, if different from face-to-face contact
- Gross benefit amount
- Claim number
- Date received
- If TRS representative contacted, name and telephone number