2210 Requests for Services

Revision 24-5; Effective Nov. 1, 2024

A request for services may begin with

  • phone or written referrals from other agencies, organizations, and HHSC divisions; or
  • phone, written, or walk-in requests from people or their relatives, friends, or other interested people.

2211 Applications and Referrals Routed from the Austin Document Processing Center

Revision 24-3; Effective July 1, 2024

When the Austin Document Processing Center (DPC) receives an application requesting a Community Care Services Eligibility (CCSE) referral, the DPC will fax the first three pages of the application and a cover sheet to the CCSE local office. CCSE staff reviews each of the referrals and contacts the person to determine if the person is interested in CCSE services. They then take the following actions:

If it is determined the person is interested in a CCSE program without an interest list, CCSE staff:

  • Completes an intake for the services requested and accesses the HHSC Benefits Portal.
  • Prints out the rest of the application.
  • Clicks on the PT Inquiry tab and opens the PT inquiry.
  • Clicks on Inbound Correspondence Image Repository Search and searches for the person.
  • Selects the appropriate document and clicks view.
  • When the PDF document opens, click on the printing icon to print the document.

If the person is only interested in a program with an interest list, the person will be placed on the interest list, and staff will not need to print the remainder of the application.

If the person is not interested in a CCSE program or a program with an interest list, file the fax from DPC following local office procedures.

The document processing center address is:
Document Processing Center
P.O. Box 149024
Austin, TX 78714-9024
Fax Number: 877-236-4123

2220 Response to Requests for Service

Revision 18-1; Effective June 15, 2018

When a request for service is received by telephone, written referral or in person, the HHSC staff who conducts intake for community care services or who receives a request for service gives the requester information about HHSC CCSE services and determines what service is being requested and whether HHSC provides that service.

Upon receipt of a written/faxed referral, the applicant or responsible party may be contacted by intake staff or the referral may be accepted, entered in the Intake (NTK) system and assigned to a case worker. The case worker would then make the initial contact, provide information about HHSC and screen for appropriate services.

The intake staff or case worker who conducts intake for community care services or who receives a request for service:

  • gives the requester information about HHSC, including CCSE services, as needed;
  • determines what service is being requested and whether HHSC provides that service;
  • refers the request for non-HHSC services to the appropriate state or community agency and documents the request;
  • refers individuals who are currently in nursing facilities and still require skilled services, but would like to return to the community, to STAR+PLUS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS);
  • screens all applicants indicating a need for skilled services for a nursing facility diversion (NFD) slot placement when slots are available and completes the NFD tab in NTK if the applicant responds there is a chance he would have to move to a facility. If slots are not available, refer the individual to the STAR+PLUS HCBS interest list;
  • transfers to appropriate staff any requests for HHSC services other than community care services;
  • identifies reports of suspected need for Adult Protective Services (APS) and immediately provides these reports to APS staff;
  • obtains eligibility-related financial information about the applicant; and
  • gives the requester general information about CCSE eligibility, emphasizing that exact eligibility information cannot be given until the individual is interviewed by a case worker.

If the requester does not want to apply for CCSE services, the requester is transferred to appropriate staff for requests for HHSC services other than community care services or referred to other appropriate resources. See Appendix XV, Services Available from Other State Agencies, and 2530, Other Resource Services. The information is not entered into NTK and an intake is not completed. This information is recorded in an Information and Referral Log.

If the individual wishes to apply for CCSE services, the intake person:

  • completes the intake by entering the information into the automated system for intakes or completes Form 2110, Community Care Intake, according to the form instructions, completing only the required sections if some information is not available;
  • documents on the form or on a log any requests for information and referral according to regional procedures;
  • refers walk-in requesters to the appropriate unit for the completion of applications;
  • determines whether the requester can and will complete an application for the applicant;
  • identifies a responsible party who will help with the application process;
  • identifies and documents which persons have no relative or responsible person to help with the application process;
  • assesses the urgency of the request and immediately routes all requests to appropriate units for further action (See 2310, Criteria for Immediate or Expedited Responses to Service Requests); and
  • informs the requester that a case worker will contact the applicant to further discuss the application process.

For all individuals who currently do not receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or SSI-related Medicaid and are requesting personal attendant services (PAS), the intake screener must assign the intake to a case worker as an application for Community Attendant Services (CAS). Intake screeners must not screen applicants for a specific service or determine if an applicant should only be assigned for Family Care or placed on the interest list for Family Care services. The intake screener does not place the individual on the Family Care interest list. The case worker determines whether the individual will be placed on the interest list, as described below.

All individuals who are not currently receiving Medicaid and wish to apply for PAS must be seen by a case worker and assessed for CAS. During the initial interview, the case worker screens all applicants for potential eligibility for CAS and determines whether or not the applicant will be referred to MEPD for CAS.

Certain services require special intake procedures. For details, see 4000, Specific CCSE Services.

2221 Requests for STAR+PLUS Services

Revision 24-3; Effective July 1, 2024

When the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) receives a request for services, staff must assess if the request for services should be forwarded for processing to the:

  • appropriate HHSC STAR+PLUS department; or
  • managed care organization (MCO).

Refer to the charts in the STAR+PLUS Handbook for more information.

People awaiting managed care enrollment may be assessed for interim services from CCSE.

CCSE will enroll people who meet the Primary Home Care (PHC) immediate or expedited criteria, described in 2310, Criteria for Immediate or Expedited Responses to Service Requests, into PHC when they are listed in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) as a candidate for STAR+PLUS enrollment. However, mandatory STAR+PLUS people who are not yet enrolled with an MCO, and do not meet immediate or expedited criteria, will be referred to the Enrollment Broker. People who are already enrolled with an MCO and request PHC or Day Activity and Health Services (DAHS) from CCSE must be advised to contact their MCO.

CCSE will not enroll people in DAHS when they are listed in TIERS as candidates for STAR+PLUS enrollment. Since there are no immediate or expedited criteria for DAHS enrollment, people seeking these services will be available upon enrollment for the STAR+PLUS program. DAHS facility-initiated referrals that take place for people pending STAR+PLUS enrollment will not be reimbursed by HHSC.

Refer to the STAR+PLUS Handbook, Section 3221, Mandatory Groups, and Section 3222, Excluded Groups for a list of mandatory and non-mandatory STAR+PLUS participants.

2222 Reinstatement Procedures for People Reapplying for Services After Loss of Financial Eligibility

Revision 24-3; Effective July 1, 2024

If a person has lost categorical or financial eligibility, creating a gap in service, the following procedures apply.

If financial or categorical eligibility is re-established within 60 days of the denial date and the person reapplies for services, the caseworker may use the current information on file to determine eligibility. A new Form 2110, Community Care Intake, must be completed. The caseworker must note in the Comments section of Form 2110 that reinstatement procedures are being used within 60 days of the denial date.

Review 3441.2, Reinstatement Procedures After Denial, for complete procedures.

2223 Caregiver Support Assessment Initiative

Revision 24-5; Effective Nov. 1, 2024


Senate Bill (SB) 271, 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009, relating to informal caregiver support services, directs Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) staff to:

  • raise awareness of services available to caregivers;
  • perform outreach functions to informal caregivers; and
  • gather information about the needs of caregivers, including the:
    • collection of profile data on informal caregivers;
    • referral provided to support services, when appropriate; and
    • implementation of a standardized caregiver assessment tool to evaluate the needs of caregivers.

SB 271 requires HHSC to use the information collected to refer informal caregivers to available support services and to:

  • evaluate the needs of assessed informal caregivers;
  • measure the effectiveness of certain informal caregiver support interventions;
  • improve existing programs;
  • develop new services, as necessary, to sustain informal caregivers; and
  • determine the effect of informal caregiving on employment and employers.

The Caregiver Status Questionnaire (CSQ) is designed to meet the requirements of SB 271. The information collected is analyzed and included in the HHSC report to the governor and the Legislative Budget Board. HHSC is required to submit this report in December of each even-numbered year, beginning Dec. 1, 2012.

Completion of the CSQ

The CSQ is available in the Long-Term-Care Services Intake (NTK) System. When possible, it is completed at the time of the intake contact. The CSQ and a script for the interview are available in English and Spanish in Appendix XXXVIII, Caregiver Support Assessment Initiative. If not feasible, one more contact with the caregiver must be attempted within five business days. If it is necessary to go beyond the five-business-day period, document the reason in the comments section of the CSQ. When a follow-up contact is made, enter the date in the top right corner of the CSQ, just under the NTK menu bar. Check the appropriate box to show if the attempt to contact failed or the caregiver declined to participate.

Staff should always assume there is no assessment and proceed as usual. If the caller states they have completed the caregiver assessment in the past, staff should not ask them to complete the assessment again. Staff may exit the caregiver screen by selecting yes at the top of the page to the question: Caregiver declined to answer?. In the comments section at the bottom of the page, document that an assessment has already been conducted for that caregiver.

The purpose of the CSQ is to collect the information described above. This information is not used to determine if the unmet need criteria for Community Care Services has been met and will not be forwarded to the caseworker.

Question Sensitivity

Some staff may find asking some of the questions on the CSQ is awkward. While understandable, all the questions must be asked, and a response recorded. It is not acceptable to skip a question. If a person seems resistant to answering any of the questions, do not insist on a response. Document the person’s refusal to answer and continue to the next question.

Caregiver Employment

Checkboxes are provided to record how caregiving responsibilities affected the caregiver's employment. After asking the open-ended question, listen to the caregiver's comments and check all the applicable boxes. You are not expected to read aloud each possible response to the employment question. However, the list can be used as a prompt if the responder is unsure how to answer aloud. If the person seems uncertain, you may read the response category headings. Example:  Has caregiving affected your employment schedule, pay, leave, performance or work relationships?  If further clarification is necessary, you may ask the question differently. Example: Have you had to take extra leave or change your work schedule to meet your caregiver responsibilities?

Referral to the Area Agency on Aging (AAA)

If the person meets one of the following criteria, they may qualify for services from the AAA. If the person would like help, refer per regional procedures.

AAA Eligibility Screening Criteria

The person may qualify for services from AAA if the person is:

  • 60 or older and is caring for a person of any age;
  • 55 or older and is caring for a grandchild under 18 in their home because:
    • the biological or adoptive parents are unable or unwilling;
    • they have legal custody or guardianship or are raising the child informally;
    • they are caring for a person 19-59 living with severe disabilities; or
    • they are a caregiver for a person of any age who has Alzheimer's or dementia.

Accessing the CSQ

Use the manual copy of the CSQ when the automated system is unavailable. However, all information must be entered into the automated system as soon as possible. The version of the CSQ, which includes a script and instructions on recording responses, may be helpful for staff completing the CSQ for the first few times. Follow the instructions below to complete the CSQ.

  1. Conduct intake per usual procedures using the NTK system.
  2. Document if the person requesting services has a caregiver at the Client Information screen. If there is a caregiver, the CSQ must be completed at the end of the intake process if the caregiver is available. If the caregiver is not available, document the caregiver’s contact information. At least one follow-up attempt must be made to contact the caregiver later.
  3. Select the Caregiver tab on the NTK section selection menu.
  4. Enter the information on the Caregiver screens, as requested.
  5. At the end of the CSQ, if the person requesting services may qualify for services from the AAA, make a referral following regional procedures.

The collection of legislatively mandated information enables the state to refer caregivers to available support services and to develop more services to meet caregiver needs.

2230 Interest List Procedures

Revision 24-5; Effective Nov. 1, 2024

People who express interest in a community services program with an interest list are registered on the Community Services Interest List (CSIL), regardless of the program’s enrollment status. CSIL records the date and time of the expressed interest. If the person is first on the list and the region is releasing and enrolling for that program, the person may be immediately released and assigned for the enrollment process.

If no Title XX funds are available, consult with the person to decide if their needs can be met through other services. If the person agrees, add the person’s name to the appropriate interest lists by entering the information in the CSIL system if no other service is available or suitable. People who request placement on an interest list must live in Texas. An out-of-state address can be used as a contact if the power of attorney, guardian or legally authorized representative lives out of state. Additional exceptions may be made for people placed on an interest list while living in Texas, who then move temporarily out of the state because of military assignments.

People on military assignments who are temporarily out of state include:

  • Military member - A member of the United States military serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty who has declared and maintained Texas as the member's state of legal residence in the manner provided by the applicable military branch;
  • Military family member - A person who is the spouse or child, regardless of age, of a military member or a former military member; or
  • Former military member - A person who served in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard who declared and maintained Texas as the person’s state of legal residence in the manner provided by the applicable military branch while on active duty or who was killed in action or died while in service, or whose active duty otherwise ended.

People are released from the interest list on a first-come, first-served basis. Eligibility determinations are conducted when a person is released from the interest list.

When a person on an interest list transfers from one region to another, they must be added to the receiving region's list using the original intake date for the service as documented by the losing region. The staff person who first becomes aware that the person has transferred to another region, whether losing or gaining, is responsible for notifying the other region. This ensures that both regions' lists are accurate.

When a person is released from the interest list, the caseworker must contact the person to determine their continued interest in services and if interested, schedule a home visit if required by the service. If the person is no longer interested in services and voluntarily withdraws, the caseworker enters the appropriate CSIL closure code in the CSIL system. No entries in the Service Authorization System Online (SASO) are required, and Form 2065-A, Notification of Community Care Services, is not sent.

During routine interest list contacts, remove people on the interest list not living in Texas. Inform them they must be a resident of Texas to be on an interest list. Exceptions may be made for people on military assignments who are temporarily living out of state.

If the person is interested in services, the case will be processed as a routine intake.

Refer to the following for more information about the CSIL system:

2231, Community Services Interest List Bypass Criteria; and

2232, The Community Services Interest List System.

Note: The Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) can refer people to available services. Service needs, resources, and available service providers vary across the state. Not all the services identified by AAA may be available in every area. The applicant or person should contact the local AAA to determine if a specific service is available. To find the phone number for the local AAA, call 800-252-9240.

When the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) intake staff determine a request is for STAR+PLUS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), they may place the person on the STAR+PLUS HCBS interest list.

2230.1 Adding a Person's Name Back to CSIL

Revision 24-5; Effective Nov. 1, 2024

A person's name may be added back to the Community Services Interest List (CSIL) at any time within 90 calendar days after the CSIL service has been closed if the person contacts the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC):

  • within 90 calendar days of the closure date, the original date of request can be used; or
  • more than 90 calendar days following the closure date, the current date must be used.

If a CSIL closure occurred during release or assigned status and the person is added back to the interest list, the name may be released for eligibility determination, as needed, to ensure the region is fully utilizing its funding.

Any exceptions for adding names back to CSIL with the original date after 90 calendar days must be approved by the state office CSIL manager.

When an applicant or person has been denied for a service, the earliest date the applicant or person may be added back to CSIL for the same program is the date the applicant or person is determined to be ineligible or is no longer eligible for the program.

If the person's name is added back to CSIL before the last date of program eligibility, the CSIL interface match with the Service Authorization System Online (SASO) will cause the name to be removed from the interest list for that program. Example: A person's Family Care (FC) services are denied and end on Aug. 13, 2024. The first date the person can be added back to the FC interest list is Aug. 14, 2024. If the person is already on the Home-Delivered Meals (HDM) Interest List, the denial date for FC services would not impact the person's original date on the HDM Interest List.

2231 Community Services Interest List Bypass Criteria

Revision 24-5; Effective Nov. 1, 2024

Under certain circumstances, people can bypass the interest list to start the enrollment process. The bypass must meet specific criteria and be approved by the regional director.

2231.1 People Who May Receive Title XX Services with Regional Director Approval

Revision 24-5; Effective Nov. 1, 2024

A person may be given a bypass code to be placed at the top of the interest list, in the following circumstances. The regional director decides if the person may bypass the interest list and begin the enrollment process.

Personal Attendant Services (PAS)

People who meet the criteria for immediate or expedited intakes and need immediate service initiation may be given a bypass code and go to the top of the interest list. People in the following programs may be considered for the criteria:

  • Family Care;
  • STAR+PLUS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) people denied STAR+PLUS HCBS;
  • people who have been denied Primary Home Care (PHC) due to loss of Medicaid; and
  • people denied Community Attendant Services (CAS) due to denial of financial eligibility by Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) for reasons other than failure to cooperate or refusal to sign up for the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program (MERP).

The criteria are:

  • the applicant has no available caregiver;
  • has personal care needs that are not being met; and
  • cannot go without personal care services for a full day; or
  • the applicant needs personal care, and the need for services has increased during the five days before the service request or will increase during the five days following the service request. Review 2310, Criteria for Immediate or Expedited Responses to Service Requests, for more information.
  • A person authorized for any Title XX service who is transferring to a new region is allowed to continue receiving that service.
  • A person in a STAR+PLUS HCBS Residential Care facility who is denied STAR+PLUS HCBS may go to CCSE Residential Care. If a bed is not available, the person is placed on the Community Services Interest List (CSIL) and given a bypass code to move to the top of the interest list.

All people meeting bypass criteria are placed at the top of the specific program interest list. Additionally, the bypass criteria will now apply to people meeting the criteria who are no longer eligible for STAR+PLUS or STAR+PLUS HCBS or people denied financial eligibility for CAS. The regional director will decide if a person can be released immediately or remain on the interest list until funding is available. The decision must be documented.

2231.2 Bypass Criteria for Additional Services

Revision 24-5; Effective Nov. 1, 2024

People in the following circumstances may be given a bypass code and placed at the top of an interest list. The regional director decides if the person can be released immediately or will remain on the interest list until funding is available. The decision must be documented.

  • Title XIX Day Activity and Health Services (DAHS) people denied Medicaid but who remain eligible for Title XX DAHS.
  • People in a STAR+PLUS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Residential Care facility who are denied STAR+PLUS HBCS may go to Community Care Services Eligibility (CCSE) Residential Care. If a bed is not available, the person remains at the top of the interest list until a placement is available.
  • People in a STAR+PLUS HCBS Adult Foster Care (AFC) who are denied STAR+PLUS HCBS may go to a CCSE AFC. If a bed is not available, the person is placed at the top of the interest list until a placement becomes available.
  • People denied STAR+PLUS HCBS who had received additional services through STAR+PLUS HCBS, such as Home-Delivered Meals or Emergency Response Services, may be given a bypass code for those services.
  • People authorized for any Title XX service that transfer to a new region are allowed to continue receiving that service.

2231.3 People Who May Not Bypass the Interest List

Revision 24-5; Effective Nov. 1, 2024

A person who has been denied Primary Home Care (PHC) because they do not need help with a personal care task should be placed on the Family Care (FC) interest list using the date of the PHC denial. They may not bypass the FC interest list.

People leaving a nursing facility are not eligible to bypass the interest list unless they meet the criteria for immediate or expedited as listed in 2231.1, Individuals Who May Receive Services with Regional Director Approval.

For people who have a temporary loss of categorical status or financial eligibility, follow the procedures in 3441, Loss of Categorical Status or Financial Eligibility, and 3441.1, Procedures Pending Reinstatement.

2231.4 Bypass Approval

Revision 24-5; Effective Nov. 1, 2024

The final decision on if a person is approved to bypass the interest list is made by the regional director or their designee rather than the regional budget officer or the contract manager. Releasing a name from the interest list and offering services to a person remains subject to available funding. 

2232 The Community Services Interest List System

Revision 24-3; Effective July 1, 2024

Interest lists for community care services are registered on the Community Services Interest List (CSIL) system.

Initial requests for services are documented using Form 2110, Community Care Intake, in the Long Term Care Service Intake (NTK) system, regardless  if funds for the requested service are available. If the person needs a service that is currently unavailable, use the interface on the NTK system or enter the person on CSIL. Complete and send the person:

Only people who live in the state of Texas may be placed on an interest list for Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) community services. An out-of-state address can be used as a contact if the power of attorney, guardian or legally authorized representative is living out of state.

Information provided by the person for the interest list must include a Texas address as the contact location for the person requesting services. Exceptions may be made for people who are temporarily out of the state due to military assignments.

Exceptions involving military members and military family members, as described in 2230, Interest List Procedures, apply when:

  • the applicant is a military family member living outside of Texas:
    • while the military member is on active duty; or
    • for less than one year after the former military member’s active duty ends; or
  • the applicant declines the offer of a Community Services program with an interest list and the applicant is a military family member living outside of Texas:
    • while the military member is on active duty; or
    • for less than one year after the former military member's active duty ends.

If the caseworker is making a home visit to assess the person for other services, it is preferable for the caseworker to help complete appropriate application forms at that time. If not, this task may be accomplished by mail. If Form 2111 and Appendix XXXV are mailed, they must be sent within two workdays of intake. Forms being filled out in person at the time of the home visit must be completed within the time frames as indicated in 2320, Case Worker Response, as determined by intake priority.

Within five workdays of intake, staff enter all relevant data into the CSIL. Staff may choose to use Form 2113, Community Services Interest List Registration and Follow-Up, to manually record interest list information to be data entered. Although use of Form 2113 is not mandatory, regional staff are responsible for entering all applicable data fields it contains into the CSIL.

Staff may not perform functional or financial determinations at the time the person is being added to the interest list, even if staff are not using the determination to screen the applicant off the interest list. If a person insists that they be assessed for eligibility immediately, even though staff have assured them that no funds are currently available, staff are required to do so. This action is considered an application, not an interest list case. All notification and civil rights procedures apply.

People on an interest list are contacted annually to confirm that they wish to stay on the list. Form 2247, Interest List Contact Letter, is mailed to the person.

If a person does not respond and no update is made to the annual contact date in CSIL within 120 days past the annual contact due date, CSIL automatically updates the person’s record as inactive. An annual contact is no longer required for people in an inactive status. A person with a status of inactive will not lose their place on the interest list. If or when the CSIL persons record is updated with a current contact date, the record will automatically go back into an active status.

The CSIL must also be updated within five workdays of the caseworker’s determination and the date that a completed Form 2065-A, Notification of Community Care Services, is mailed or given to the person. Within five workdays of the case action, the caseworker records if the case was certified, application denied or closed without application. If the case was closed or denied, the reason for closure or denial must be indicated.

Review Appendix XXV, Community Services Interest List (CSIL) Closure Code User's Guide, or the CSIL User’s Guide found on the intranet and for staff use only.

2240 Reserved for Future Use

Revision 24-3; Effective July 1, 2024


2241 Supervisor Responsibilities

Revision 24-5; Effective Nov. 1, 2024

CCSE unit supervisors ensure that their units have procedures for:

  • receiving service requests;
  • mailing applications to requesters of service, when appropriate; calling requesters to ensure that applications were received; and
  • instructing applicants, their families or both about completing applications;
  • assigning service requests to appropriate caseworkers within required time frames;
  • notifying caseworkers about applicants who may need help completing applications, when appropriate;
  • ensuring that the intake priority is accurate and reassigning the response category if documentation shows the need; and
  • monitoring and tracking requests for service, beginning with the date the request is received or assigned.

2242 Caseworker Responsibilities

Revision 24-5; Effective Nov. 1, 2024

CCSE caseworkers are responsible for the following:

  • establishing a date for a home visit by calling a person when feasible;
  • determining if the applicant is categorically eligible through Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) and printing verification if eligible;
  • mailing an application to the non-categorically eligible applicant who requires a routine response to their service request if the applicant can complete the form or has help available;
  • informing an applicant about the financial documentation, if any, that must be available at the time of the visit, such as verification needed when the applicant applies for Community Attendant Services (CAS);
  • requesting that a person with knowledge of the person's financial affairs be available at the time of the visit, if possible and appropriate;
  • requesting that the person's caregiver be present at the time of the visit, if possible;
  • mailing the appropriate letter; and
  • changing the intake priority if more information warrants. Document any changes made to the intake priority.

2243 Conflicts of Interest

Revision 24-3; Effective July 1, 2024

Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) staff control and direct significant amounts of public funds and must avoid the appearance of impropriety or conflict of interest. This applies to the awarding of Community Care Services Eligibility (CCSE) benefits and determining how these benefits are provided.

HHSC staff must not help a person receive CCSE benefits if the person is a relative either by blood or marriage, a roommate, dating companion, supervisor or someone under the person's supervision. Staff may not determine or redetermine eligibility, need for CCSE services or the amount of service a person may receive. HHSC staff may provide anyone with an application for services and inform them how and where to apply. It is also permissible to help any person gather documents needed to verify eligibility and the need for services. Staff must refrain from performing any other role in determining eligibility for CCSE services.

Caseworkers must consult with their supervisors if the person is a friend or an acquaintance. Generally, staff should not work on cases or applications involving these people, but the degree and nature of the relationship should be considered.

If staff have a relative either by blood or marriage, a roommate, dating companion or close friend who owns or is employed by a provider that contracts with HHSC to provide CCSE services, they must not demonstrate any special consideration toward that provider. Referrals of people to a provider must be based strictly on the person’s preference and the person's need for the service provided. In addition, instructions or lack of instructions to the provider about service delivery must be based solely on the person's needs and HHSC policy.

If a staff member suspects that a conflict exists, use intranet Form 2115 Conflict of Interest Notification, to notify the supervisor that a conflict of interest may exist that could result in an unethical or biased business relationship. The supervisor will record on the Supervisory Response section what action, if any, may be necessary and return the signed and dated form to the sender.

All CCSE staff are required to complete Form 2115 regardless of potential conflict of interest when:

  • hired;
  • the annual performance review occurs;
  • transferring between units or programs; and
  • assigned to another supervisor.

The form is also used to notify the first-line supervisor if a potential conflict of interest involves provider employees, people, even if staff are not involved in the eligibility determination for the applicant or person. Staff must complete Form 2115 if the potential conflict involves a person who is:

  • living in their home;
  • a dating companion;
  • their supervisor;
  • a relative; or
  • reporting directly to them.