April 2022

Administrators of residential child care operations have daily supervision and overall administrative responsibility for the operation for which they are designated. They are responsible for ensuring that the operation complies with Chapter 42 of the Human Resources Code, applicable minimum standards, and other applicable rules and laws. The administrators are also responsible for the operation’s program(s) and personnel, regardless of whether the person has an ownership interest in the operation or shares duties with anyone.

A person may not serve as the administrator of a general residential operation without a Child Care Administrator’s License, unless the applicant is a military spouse currently licensed in good standing in another state that has licensing requirements that are substantially equivalent and meets certain other requirements.

A person may not serve as the administrator of a child-placing agency without a Child-Placing Agency Administrator’s License, unless the applicant is a military spouse currently licensed in good standing in another state that has licensing requirements that are substantially equivalent and meets certain other requirements.

Texas Human Resources Code, §43.003

26 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 745, Subchapter N

26 TAC §§748.535; 749.635

See also:

9340 Approving a Military Spouse to Act as an Administrator Without a License


The Licensed Administrator program offers these online resources:

9110 Documents Required for a Complete Licensed Administrator’s Application

April 2022

A complete application for an administrator’s license includes all of the following:

  1. A completed Form 3015, Application for a Child Care Administrator License or a Child-Placing Agency Administrator License;
  2. A transcript or letter of verification from the appropriate educational institution;
  3. Two professional references (Form 3016, Administrator Licensing – Reference for an Applicant, to be completed by references);
  4. An employer reference that documents one year of supervisory experience (Form 3016, to be completed by employer);
  5. The application fee, unless the fee was waived (see 9350 Waiving Application and Exam Fees for an Applicant Who is a Military Member, Military Spouse or Military Veteran);
  6. A notarized affidavit documenting background information on Form 2985, Affidavit for Applicants for Employment with a Licensed Operation or Registered Child Care Home, provided by HHSC;
  7. A completed background check request (Form 3017, Child Care Regulation Request for Background Checks for an Administrator’s License);
  8. Submitted fingerprint checks, unless the applicant has previously undergone a fingerprint-based criminal history check that remains valid (see 10121 Persons For Whom Operations Must Submit Requests for Background Checks);
  9. The fee for a background check;
  10. Any supporting documentation to verify the information provided on the application; and
  11. If the applicant is a military member, military spouse or military veteran, all items listed in 9310 Additional Required Documentation if the Applicant is a Military Member, Military Spouse or Military Veteran Requesting Expedited License or Special Considerations.

26 TAC §§745.625; 745.8933; 745.8934

9120 Processing an Administrator’s License Application

April 2022


After receiving an application for an administrator’s license, the CCR program specialist responsible for the licensed administrator program processes the application by: 

  • determining if the application is complete;
  • determining if the applicant is eligible to take the license examination; and
  • updating the application status in CLASS.

Updating the application status in CLASS generates an email notifying the applicant whether:

  1. CCR received a complete application, including the required supporting documents/forms and fees, and determined the applicant meets the initial qualifications and is eligible to take the licensing examination;
  2. CCR received complete application materials and fees, and the applicant does not meet the initial qualifications and is not eligible to take the licensing examination; or
  3. CCR determined the application is pending because it is incomplete and either the application, supporting documents/forms or the fees were not submitted, or do not show compliance with relevant statutes and rules.

Time Frames for Processing an Administrator’s License Application

If the applicant is not a military member, military spouse or military veteran, the CCR program specialist responsible for the licensed administrator program processes the application within 21 days of the date the application was received.

If the applicant is a military member, military spouse or military veteran, the CCR program specialist responsible for the licensed administrator program expedites the application and processes it according to the time frames in 9320 Expedited Licensure if the Applicant is a Military Member, Military Spouse or Military Veteran.

26 TAC §745.8933

See also:

9300 Applicant is a Military Member, Military Spouse or Military Veteran
9310 Additional Required Documentation if the Applicant is a Military Member, Military Spouse or Military Veteran Requesting Expedited License or Special Considerations
9330 Special Considerations for an Applicant Who is a Military Member, Military Spouse or Military Veteran

9121 Applications that Remain Incomplete for 12 Months

April 2022

If a licensed administrator application remains incomplete for 12 months:

  1. the application expires;
  2. the applicant may not apply again for one year from the date that the incomplete application expired; and
  3. CLASS shows the application has the status of Lapsed, which triggers the system to generate and send an email to the applicant.