Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024

Child Care Enforcement (CCE) is a unit within the Regulatory Enforcement (RE) department of the Regulatory Services Division (RSD) responsible for making decisions about enforcement actions and administrative reviews. These decisions are based on information CCR staff gather for all regulated providers and unregulated operations subject to regulation.

Credentialing and Registry Enforcement (CARE) is a unit within the RE department of the RSD. They are responsible for making decisions about remedial actions taken against the holder of, or applicant for, an administrator’s license issued by CCR.

The following table provides a general overview of the roles and responsibilities of CCR, CCE, and CARE staff related to enforcement and remedial actions.

CCR StaffCCE StaffCARE Staff
  1. Monitor regulated operations and licensed administrators for compliance with statutes, administrative rules, and minimum standards.
  2. Cite violations, and provide technical assistance, as appropriate.
  3. Investigate reports of alleged unregulated operations to evaluate if the person or operation is subject to regulation.
  4. Evaluate and discuss an operation’s compliance history to determine if the Referral for Enforcement Action should be submitted to CCE.
  5. Submit the Referral for Enforcement Action to CCE, located on the CCR SharePoint site.
  6. Process applications and renewal applications for an administrator’s license.
  7. Issue an administrator’s license.
  8. Evaluate and discuss if remedial action should be taken on an administrator’s license, or application for an administrator’s license.
  9. Submit the Child Care Regulation Administrators Credentialing and Registry Enforcement Referral Memo and Checklist to CARE.
  10. Respond to any requests for more information or questions from CCE or CARE after the Referral for Enforcement Action or Child Care Regulation Administrators Credentialing and Registry Enforcement Referral Memo and Checklist are submitted.
  11. Attend meetings with CCE, CARE, or the operation, as needed.
  12. Notify an operation by hand-delivering the notification when certain enforcement actions are imposed.
  13. Monitor regulated and unregulated operations per the enforcement action that is imposed, including an amendment to a corrective action plan.
  14. Document the results of the following enforcement actions in CLASS:
    • probation
    • involuntary suspension
  15. Enter chronologies in CLASS, as needed.
  16. Upload relevant files to the CLASS Document Library, as needed.
  1. Evaluate the Referral for Enforcement Action submitted by CCR.
  2. Make enforcement decisions related to:
    1. Probation, including amending probation conditions;
    2. adverse actions;
    3. judicial actions; and
    4. administrative penalties.
  3. Initiate enforcement decisions related to:
    1. temporary restraining order; and
    2. injunction
  4. Notify an operation or person of their right to request an administrative review or due process hearing for an enforcement action or controlling person designation.
  5. Document the status of the administrative review or due process hearing in CLASS.
  6. Process requests for an administrative review.
  7. Conduct administrative reviews for certain CCR and CCE decisions or actions. Notify a person or operation of the outcome of the review.
  8. Review citations for abuse, neglect, or exploitation when a DFPS finding is overturned.
  9. Enter enforcement decisions in CLASS, including designating controlling persons.
  10. Coordinate meetings with CCR, the operation, or both to discuss an enforcement action, as needed.
  11. Notify an operation when an enforcement action is imposed, as needed.
  12. Enter information about operations and controlling persons in the Adverse Action Record Sharing (AARS) system.
  13. Verify and handle changes to administrative penalty fee payments.
  14. Initiate administrative penalty refunds.
  15. Enter chronologies in CLASS, as needed.
  16. Upload relevant files to the CLASS Document Library, as needed.
  1. Evaluate the Child Care Regulation Administrators Credentialing and Registry Enforcement Referral Memo and Checklist submitted by CCR.
  2. Decide whether to take remedial action against an administrator’s license, or application for an administrator’s license.
  3. Enter the remedial actions taken on an administrator’s license in CLASS.
  4. Notify a licensed administrator, or applicant for an administrator’s license, of their right to request due process. Document the status of due process in CLASS.
  5. Conduct administrative reviews for remedial actions taken against an administrator’s license, or an application for an administrator’s license. Notify a person of the outcome of the review.

7210 Referring Enforcement Decisions to Child Care Enforcement or Credentialing and Registry Enforcement

Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024

CCR staff refer enforcement decisions to Child Care Enforcement (CCE) or Credentialing and Registry Enforcement (CARE) as follows: 

How to Refer Enforcement DecisionWhen CCR Submits the ReferralWho Submits the Referral
Submit the Referral for Enforcement Action to CCE, located on the CCR SharePoint site.

When CCR staff determine that an enforcement action: 

  • is necessary based on criteria in 26 TAC Section 745.8605; or
  • should be amended.
Regional Director or Program Administrator
Submit the Child Care Regulation Administrators Credentialing and Registry Enforcement Referral Memo and Checklist to CARE.When CCR staff determine that a remedial action on an administrator’s license or an administrator's license application is necessary based on criteria in Human Resources Code Section 43.010 and 26 TAC Section 745.9037.CCR Administrator Licensing Program Improvement Specialist or Designee

Reference the Referral Instructions for Probation, Adverse Actions, and Judicial Actions job aid located on the CCR SharePoint site for more information about submitting the Referral for Enforcement Action to CCE.