Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024

Enforcement actions are actions HHSC recommends or imposes to ensure the safety of children in care at operations subject to regulation.

Enforcement actions may be voluntary or non-voluntary, and include the following:

Voluntary Enforcement ActionNon-Voluntary Corrective ActionsNon-Voluntary Monetary ActionsNon-Voluntary Adverse ActionsNon-Voluntary Judicial Actions
  • plan of action
  • probation
  • administrative penalty
  • civil penalty
  • denial of permit
  • revocation of permit
  • refusal to renew
  • suspension of permit
  • adverse amendment to permit
  • temporary restraining orders
  • injunctions

Enforcement actions are neither punitive in nature nor required to be taken in any certain order. HHSC recommends or imposes enforcement actions based on the seriousness of the situation and on the operation’s compliance history. HHSC does not have to recommend or impose a less serious action if HHSC determines that a more serious action is more appropriate.

Human Resources Code (HRC), Chapter 42, Subchapter D, Remedies (Sections 42.0705-42.079)

26 TAC Sections 745.8601, 745.8603 and 745.8607

7110 Circumstances That May Call for Enforcement Action

Revision 24-2; Effective May 22, 2024

HHSC may recommend or impose an enforcement action under the circumstances listed in the table below.

Topic and Rule ReferenceCircumstance
Abuse, neglect, or exploitation resulting in a single serious deficiency, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(5)DFPS determined abuse, neglect or exploitation occurred at the operation.
Administrative Penalties, 26 TAC Sections 745.8605(23) and 745.8605(24)

CCR identified a reason in HRC Section 42.078.

The operation fails to pay an administrative penalty under HRC Section 42.078.

Applicant Fails to Comply with Public Notice and Hearing Requirements (Residential Child Care Only), 26 TAC Section 745.8605(21)(A)The applicant or permit holder fails to comply with the requirements of a public notice or hearing in 26 TAC Section 745.277.
Applicant Gives False Information or Makes False Statements, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(1)During the application process, the operation gives false information or makes false statements.
Applicant Has Certain History in Another State, 26 TAC Sections 745.8605(18) and 745.8605(19)

The applicant:

  • has had a permit for a child care operation revoked by another state; or
  • is barred from operating a child care operation in another state for reasons like those that would cause CCE to take adverse action.
Applicant or Other Person Has Certain History with Another HHSC Agency, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(20)

The applicant has had a permit revoked, suspended, or terminated by another HHSC agency as outlined in Texas Government Code, Chapter 531, Subchapter W, relating to Adverse Licensing, Listing, or Registration Decision.

A controlling person associated with the operation that is applying for a permit has had a permit denied or revoked by another HHSC agency for a substantive reason.

Applicant is a Designated Controlling Person, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(16)The applicant is a designated controlling person and due process for the designation is not complete.
Applicant is a Sustained Controlling Person Within Certain Time Frame, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(17)The applicant is a sustained controlling person, and the person was designated as a controlling person within five years of the date the application was submitted.
Applicant Provides Information Showing a Deficiency (DCCR Only), 26 TAC Sections 747.1003 and 747.1103During the application process, the applicant for a registered or licensed child care home permit provides information that shows a deficiency in meeting the primary caregiver qualification requirements.
Background Check Matches, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(5)

The CBCU identifies a background check match or possible match that makes a permit holder or applicant ineligible to be present at the operation.

Note: When a non-relative listed family home fails to submit a five-year background check by the due date CCR staff process an automatic action, and do not take an enforcement action.


Automatic Suspensions, 5810
Automatic Revocations, 5820

Deficiencies, 26 TAC Sections 745.8605(5), 745.8605(6), and 745.8605(7)

The operation has:

  • a single serious deficiency of a statute, administrative rule or minimum standard;
  • several deficiencies that create an endangering situation; or
  • a repetition or pattern of deficiencies.
Failure to Comply After Suspension Period, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(13)The operation fails to comply with statutes, administrative rules, or minimum standards after the suspension period has ended.
Failure to Comply with Liability Insurance Requirements, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(3)

The operation fails to comply with liability insurance requirements.


Evaluating Compliance with Liability Insurance Requirements, 4600

HRC Sections 42.049 and 42.0495

Failure to Comply with Permit Conditions or Restrictions, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(11)The operation fails to comply with the limits, restrictions, or conditions placed on the permit.
Failure to Correct Deficiencies, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(15)The operation fails to correct by the compliance date any deficiency not pending due process.
Failure to Follow Conditions or Restrictions for a Person’s Presence, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(25)

The operation fails to follow conditions or restrictions placed on a person’s presence at an operation.


26 TAC Sections 745.631 and 745.637.

Failure to Meet Public Notice and Hearing Requirements After Exemption is No Longer Valid (RCCR Only), 26 TAC Section 745.8605(26)

During the application process the operation:

  • was exempt from the public notice and hearing requirements under 26 TAC Section 745.273(b); but  
  • never provided or ceased to provide trafficking victim services and failed to meet the public notice and hearing requirements.
Failure to Meet Terms of Probation, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(12)The operation fails to meet the terms and conditions of probation, which may result in a more serious enforcement action.
Failure to Notify of Changes other than a change in location, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(10)The permit holder fails to timely report changes to CCR as required by statute, administrative rules, and minimum standards.
Failure to Pay Fees, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(4)

The operation fails to pay required fees other than an annual permit fee.

CCR staff process an automatic action, not take an enforcement action, when the operation does not pay the annual permit fee.


Automatic Suspensions, 5810
Automatic Revocations, 5820

Failure to Report Change in Location, 26 TAC Section 745.429The holder of a compliance certificate fails to notify CCR staff before a change in location.
Failure to Report Change in Location, 26 TAC Sections 745.431 and 745.433

The permit holder of a registered or listed home fails to notify CCR staff within 15 days after a change in location.


Handling Changes in an Operation, Type of Permit, Location and Ownership, 3800

Failure to Report Change in Location, 26 TAC Section 745.435

The permit holder of a licensed home fails to notify CCR staff at least 15 days before a change in location.


Handling Changes in an Operation, Type of Permit, Location, and Ownership, 3800

Failure to Report Change in Location, 26 TAC Section 745.435

The permit holder of a before or after-school program, school-age program, child care center, general residential operation, or child-placing agency fails to notify CCR staff 30 days before a change in location.


Handling Changes in an Operation, Type of Permit, Location, and Ownership, 3800

Failure to Timely Submit Changes to Controlling Persons, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(14)The operation fails to submit information to CCR within two days of a change in controlling persons as required by 26 TAC Section 745.903
False Records, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(2)The operation has falsified or permitted to be falsified any record or other materials that are required to be maintained by minimum standards
Immediate Threat or Danger, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(8)There is an immediate threat or danger to the health and safety of children in care.
Refusal of Inspection or Investigation, 26 TAC Section 745.8605(9)Someone at the operation refuses, prevents, or delays an inspection or investigation conducted by HHSC or DFPS.
Results of Public Hearing (Residential Child Care Only), 26 TAC Section 745.8605(21)(B)

As a result of a public hearing, CCR determines:

  • the community has insufficient resources to support the children the operation proposes to serve;
  • issuing the license or amending the permit would adversely affect the children the operation proposes to serve as outlined in 26 TAC Section 745.340(2); or
  • issuing the license or amending the permit would have a significant adverse impact on the community and would limit opportunities for social interaction for the children that the operation proposes to serve.
Retaliation for Complaint for Misuse of Restraint or Seclusion (Residential Child Care Only), 26 TAC Section 745.8605(22)The operation discharges or retaliates against an employee, client, resident, or other person because the person or someone on behalf of the person files a complaint, presents a grievance, or otherwise provides, in good faith, information relating the misuse of restraint or seclusion at the operation.