Revision 24-2; Effective May 22, 2024
CCR staff provide information about the regulation process and child care regulatory activities to:
- potential applicants and applicants for a child care permit;
- operations that hold child care permits; and
- community members.
Visit 1110 CCR’s Regulatory Activities for a list of child care regulation activities.
HRC Section 42.047
CCR staff provide information about the child care regulation process through:
- pre-application interviews;
- phone calls while on intake duty for DCCR staff only;
- technical assistance with operations;
- community engagement events; and
- encounters with parents or other stakeholders.
Orientation, Inquiry Meeting, or Pre-Application Interview, 3210
Providing Technical Assistance, 4154.1
Referring Requestors to the CCR Public Website, 8110
Providing Information About Child Care Operations, 8120