Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024
Abuse or neglect history is reviewed by Centralized Background Check Unit (CBCU) staff to determine if the subject will be eligible or ineligible to be present at the operation or if any conditions are needed to protect the health and safety of children in care of an operation.
Types of Background Checks, 10112
26 TAC 745, Subchapter F, Background Checks
HRC Sections 42.0445, 42.056, 42.159 and 42.206
10210 Reviewing Results from a Central Registry Search
Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024
The CBCU must conduct a Central Registry background check for each background check subject to determine if, per 26 TAC section 745.671:
- the subject has an allegation or a designated or sustained finding of abuse or neglect that makes the subject ineligible to be present at an operation; or
- any conditions need to be placed on the subject’s presence at the operation to protect the health or safety of children.
The Central Registry background check is conducted by an automated search of the DFPS IMPACT system, including allegations of abuse or neglect of a child in Texas.
Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool, 1427
Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files, 1430
Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files, 1431
Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library, 1432
Overview of CCR Staff Responsibilities Related to Background Checks, 10111
HRC Sections 42.0445, 42.056, 42.159 and 42.206
10211 Processing Central Registry Recheck Results
Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024
When the subject has an active background check, CLASS processes a Central Registry recheck to update a subject’s Central Registry background check history. CLASS creates a Central Registry row on the subject’s Background Check Results History page for the recheck result. The recheck returns all possible matches for the subject.
When a recheck returns possible matches, CBCU staff:
- review each possible match result;
- determine if each possible match result is for the background check subject per 10210 Reviewing Results from a Central Registry Search; and
- review all results received and finalize the match determination as soon as possible but by three business days of receiving the Central Registry Match, unless more time is needed to complete the actions required to finalize the match determination.
Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024
Before assessing the Central Registry match for determination of immediate threat, CBCU staff decide if more action is needed based on:
- the destruction date;
- findings before April 16, 1999;
- prior due process offers; and
- the status of the investigation or alternative response case.
10220 Determining if Additional Action is Needed for Central Registry Matches
Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024
Before assessing the Central Registry match for determination of immediate threat, CBCU staff decide if more action is needed based on:
- the destruction date;
- findings before April 16, 1999;
- prior due process offers; and
- the status of the investigation or alternative response case.
10225 Ensuring Complete Abuse or Neglect History
Revision 25-1, Effective Feb. 7, 2025
When processing abuse or neglect history, CBCU staff review all active background checks for a subject to verify that each active background check includes all abuse or neglect history.
If CBCU staff determine an active background check does not include all results, staff add any missing or new results as new abuse or neglect history.
10230 Acting on a Central Registry Background Check Match
Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024
If the background check subject has a Central Registry match, CBCU staff evaluate if conditions are needed for the subject’s presence at the operation.
CBCU staff assess the Central Registry Match by following procedures in 10231 Assessing the Abuse or Neglect Results for Determination of Immediate Threat.
If the match is for a sustained perpetrator role, CBCU staff refer to 10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check results.
Central Registry Recheck: Reconsideration of an Existing Risk Evaluation Decision
If the subject has a risk evaluation for any prior matches, CBCU staff process the Central Registry recheck results per 10441.2 Reconsideration of Risk Evaluation Due to New or Updated Central Registry Results.
Assessing the Abuse or Neglect Results for Determination of Immediate Threat, 10231
Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results, 10280
Types of Eligibility Determinations, 10510
26 TAC Sections 745.671 and 745.751
10231 Assessing the Abuse or Neglect Results for Determination of Immediate Threat
Revision 24-4, Effective Nov. 13, 2024
Under certain circumstances, CBCU staff may make an ineligible determination for a match of:
- an alleged perpetrator (AP) role before the subject becomes a designated perpetrator (DP);
- a DP role before the subject’s due process is exhausted; or
- other abuse or neglect history.
CBCU staff complete the assessment within 10 business days of receiving the Central Registry match or criminal history from the DPS name-based or fingerprint-based results, whichever occurs later.
26 TAC Section 745.751
10240 Notifications and Due Process for Designated Perpetrators
Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024
A background check subject with a Central Registry background check match for a designated finding has the right to request a due process hearing to challenge the finding.
CBCU staff notify the background check subject of the results and offer due process for designated findings made by DFPS Child Protective Investigations (CPI) and HHSC Provider Investigations.
DFPS staff offer and process due process for DFPS Child Care Investigation (CCI) findings. CBCU staff track due process for all designated findings and document the status of due process per 10242 Documenting Due Process in CLASS.
10241 Notifying the Designated Perpetrator of the Central Registry Background Check Results and Offering Due Process
Revision 24-3; Effective Aug. 15, 2024
CBCU staff offer due process to designated perpetrators (DPs) for a Central Registry background check match resulting from DFPS Child Protective Investigations (CPI) or HHSC Provider Investigations (PI). CBCU staff offer due process by sending the Central Registry Match Letter to Perpetrator to the DP. CBCU staff make sure the Central Registry Match Letter to Perp letter includes all applicable Central Registry history.
Note: If the DP is a minor, the Central Registry Match Letter to Perp must be sent to the parent or guardian. CBCU staff follow procedures in section 10250 Responses to Due Process Offers if response is not received for the minor’s due process offer.
DFPS staff offer and complete due process for DPs with a finding resulting from DFPS Child Care Investigations (CCI).
CBCU staff are responsible for:
- tracking due process offered by CBCU; and
- documenting the status in CLASS.
CBCU staff review the DP’s background check history to determine if the DP has:
- not been offered due process for each finding;
- been offered due process previously and requested a hearing; or
- been offered due process, but the time to request the hearing has not passed.
If the DP has not been previously offered due process for a finding resulting from an investigation conducted by DPFS CPI or HHSC PI, CBCU staff:
- offer due process with Central Registry Match Letter to Perp;
- summarize due process action taken in CLASS; and
- track and document due process status.
If the DP has been offered due process but has not requested it, CBCU staff determine if the DP meets the criteria to be a sustained perpetrator per section 10222 Reviewing Prior Due Process Offers. If the DP does not meet the criteria, CBCU staff take action per the following.
CBCU Cannot Sustain the Finding Because | Temporary Risk Evaluation Eligibility | CBCU Staff |
Time frame for DP to request due process has not passed. | Not eligible |
Hearing was requested. | Eligible |
Hearing was requested. | Not Eligible |
Receipt of previous offer not confirmed per CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint. | Not eligible |
Sending the Due Process Notification
CBCU staff notify the background check subject of the right to request the due process hearing by email if available, and regular and certified mail with the Central Registry Match Letter to Perp. CBCU staff send the notification per the following.
Email Address Availability for Subject | When to Email the Notification | When to Mail the Notification Via Regular and Certified Mail |
| Within three business days of receiving the instructions to send and track due process | On the next day the staff person is in the office. |
CBCU staff cannot get an email address | Not applicable. | Within three business days of receiving the instructions to send and track due process. |
CBCU staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide on CCR SharePoint site for more details.
Types of Eligibility Determinations, 10510
Types of Background Check Notifications, 10531
26 TAC Sections 745.8837 and 745.8839
10242 Documenting Due Process in CLASS
Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024
When CBCU staff offer due process to a designated perpetrator (DP) per 10240 Notifications and Due Process for Designated Perpetrators, CBCU staff document and track the offer until the DP requests due process or the time frame to request is exhausted.
When sending the notification and tracking the request for due process, CBCU staff document the following in the Information Specific to this Result section on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS:
- the method(s) of sending all due process notifications, including notifications that were resent;
- any communication relating to the due process offer;
- receipt of due process requests;
- waiving of due process rights, either by non-response or written waiver;
- receipt of any returned mail, including certified mail green cards; and
- updates to the hearing request.
CBCU staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for additional details.
10250 Response to Due Process Offers
Revision 24-2; Effective May 22, 2024
When CBCU staff send the due process notification per 10241 Notifying the Designated Perpetrator of the Central Registry Background Check Results and Offering Due Process, they are responsible for tracking the due process offer to verify if the background check subject:
- waives the right to the hearing in writing;
- does not respond to the notification in a timely manner; or
- requests the hearing in a timely manner.
Designated Perpetrator (DP) Requests Due Process
When the subject, or the subject’s parent or guardian if the subject is a minor, requests due process per 5700 Due Process Hearings CBCU staff:
- create digital files of the due process request as needed; and
- email the request to the docket clerk for the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department per 10253 Actions Taken When a Due Process Hearing is Requested.
DP Does Not Respond to the Due Process Offer
If the background check subject does not respond to the notification within 45 days from CBCU sending the notification, the subject becomes a sustained perpetrator (SP). After the 45 days has passed, CBCU staff sustain the finding within 10 business days. CBCU staff update IMPACT and CLASS with the SP role information.
Exception if the DP is a minor: When a DP is a minor, CBCU staff only change the DP role to an SP role when a hearing is held or waived in writing. If due process is not requested, the minor remains a DP. The CBCU will re-offer due process to the DP when the results are received in Central Registry recheck per 10211 Processing Central Registry Recheck Results or a new background check request is submitted and the DP is no longer a minor.
DP Waives the Right to Due Process
If the background check subject waives the right to a hearing in writing, CBCU staff update IMPACT and CLASS with the SP role information within 10 business days.
DP From a DFPS Child Care Investigation (CCI)
If the background check subject is a DP resulting from a DFPS Child Care Investigation (CCI), CBCU staff refer to 10241 Notifying the Designated Perpetrator of the Central Registry Background Check Results and Offering Due Process.
CBCU staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, on CCR SharePoint site, for more details.
Sustained Findings in DFPS Child Protective Investigations and HHSC Provider Investigations, 10251
Actions Taken When a Due Process Hearing is Requested, 10253
10251 Sustained Findings in DFPS Child Protective Investigations and HHSC Provider Investigations
Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024
Designated Perpetrator (DP) Does Not Respond to the Due Process Offer
After reviewing documentation about the tracking of due process and confirming the DP’S receipt of the notification, CBCU staff document sustaining the finding in CLASS and IMPACT as a comment in the Information Specific to this Result section in CLASS.
If the DP match is a result of a DFPS Child Protective Investigation (CPI) or HHSC Provider Investigation (PI), and the subject does not request a due process hearing within the time frame, CBCU staff sustain the finding in IMPACT and CLASS per the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site.
The Designated Finding is Upheld
If the DP requests due process and the finding is upheld, DFPS CPI or HHSC Provider Investigations (PI) staff are notified of the due process decision. DFPS CPI or HHSC PI staff are responsible for updating the finding in IMPACT. CBCU staff verify whether the finding is sustained in IMPACT. After verifying the finding is sustained in IMPACT, CBCU staff update the finding in the background check results as a sustained finding and process the background check determination within three business days according to 10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results.
CBCU staff upload any documentation related to the hearing decision, if applicable, to CLASS Document Library.
10252 Sustaining a DFPS Child Care Investigation Finding
Revision 24-1; Effective Feb. 20, 2024
If the finding is the result of a DPFS Child Care Investigation (CCI) investigation, CBCU staff track due process by reviewing CLASS and IMPACT and updating the progress of any due process actions on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS as long as the background check remains open. When DFPS staff sustain a finding in IMPACT CBCU staff process the SP match per 10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results.
10253 Actions Taken When a Due Process Hearing is Requested
February 2021
10253.1 DFPS Child Protective Investigations or HHSC Provider Investigations
Revision 23-3; Effective Sept. 22, 2023
After receiving a request for due process from the designated perpetrator (DP) (or the DP’s parent if the DP is a minor), CBCU staff upload the digital copies of the following to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page:
- the hearing request;
- the letter requesting the hearing and the envelope in which the letter was received, if applicable; or
- the email requesting the hearing;
- any letters notifying the DP of the right to request a hearing;
- any returned mail;
- any certified mail green cards; and
- any additional documentation the background check subject provides with their request.
CBCU staff complete the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS as follows:
- in the Information Specific to this Result section document the request and any other needed information; and
- in the Due Process Section:
- change the Release Hearing Status field from “Choose” to “Requested”; and
- in the Release Hearing Requested Date field record:
- the date stamp on the envelope; or
- the date of the email or fax.
After uploading the documents, CBCU staff emails the electronic copy of the letter and the envelope in which it was received to the docket clerk for the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department. The docket clerk determines whether the request is timely and valid and notifies CBCU staff of this determination.
When the docket clerk notifies CBCU staff the request is timely and valid, CBCU staff determine if the DP is eligible for a temporary risk evaluation and apply conditions if needed, as described in 10411 Temporary Risk Evaluation and 10510.3 Eligibility Determinations Which Include Conditions.
When the docket clerk notifies CBCU staff the request is not timely or valid, CBCU staff change the designated finding to a sustained finding as described in 10251 Sustaining Findings in a DFPS Child Protective Investigations and HHSC Provider Investigations and 10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results.
1427 Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430 Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431 Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432 Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library
10254 Role of the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department in Due Process Hearings and Related Actions
February 2021
The docket clerk for the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department determines whether a request for a due process hearing is timely.
The docket clerk prepares records for cases that are assigned to an Enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing.
The attorney prepares and presents each case. Preparation for the hearing includes gathering and analyzing relevant evidence and identifying and preparing witnesses. Preparing may also include resolving discovery and the handling of any open records requests. Presentation at hearings includes making legal arguments and examining witnesses.
10260 Temporary Risk Evaluation for a Central Registry Match
Revision 24-4; Effective Nov. 13, 2024
CBCU staff offer a background check subject a temporary risk evaluation for a Central Registry match when:
- the Central Registry history is eligible for a risk evaluation per 26 TAC Section 745.671(a)(7); and
- the subject has requested a due process hearing.
CBCU staff decide if the subject is eligible to complete a temporary risk evaluation and process the temporary risk evaluation per 10411 Temporary Risk Evaluation and 10441 Risk Evaluation Reconsideration for New and Updated Background Check Results.
Exception for a Foster Home or Adoptive Home Pending Verification or Approval
Background check subjects who are foster or adoptive parents or household members at a foster home or adoptive home and verification is pending are eligible to complete a temporary risk evaluation only when:
- DFPS has placed a child in the home;
- DFPS plans to place a child in the home pending a background check decision; or
- a placement of an adoptive child is pending a background check decision.
Foster and adoptive parents and household members are not eligible to complete a temporary risk evaluation if they are pending verification or approval and do not meet the criteria above.
CBCU staff may consult with CPI staff or the HHSC Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department to determine if a temporary risk evaluation is needed because of one of these exceptions.
Assessing the Risk of Abuse or Neglect Results for Determination of Immediate Threat, 10231
Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results, 10280
26 TAC Sections 745.671 and 745.683
10270 Due Process Hearing Results
January 2022
Upon completion of the background check subject’s due process and if the subject remains affiliated with an operation, CBCU staff process the background check results according to the due process decision documented in IMPACT and CLASS.
10271 Finding is Upheld in the Due Process Hearing
Revision 24-2; Effective May 22, 2024
If the finding is upheld, staff in the HHSC Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department take the following actions:
- send a copy of the due process decision, order and instructions to the appropriate HHSC or DFPS division that conducted the investigation to update the abuse or neglect finding in the Central Registry and file the decision and order in the case record;
- request that the role of the perpetrator be changed to a sustained perpetrator role in IMPACT;
- provide CBCU staff with a copy of the order; and
- notify CBCU staff of the due process decision and action to be taken based on the decision.
After receiving the notification, CBCU staff do the following on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS:
- In the Type of Abuse section, update the Perpetrator field to Sustained Perpetrator.
- In the Information Specific to this Result and Overall Background Check sections, document;
- the due process decision;
- the subject is sustained; and
- any other relevant information.
- In the Due Process section, update as needed:
- the Release Hearing Status and associated date fields; and
- the Admin Review Status and associated date fields.
- Upload the SOAH status notification email to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page.
- Save the page by selecting the Save button.
CBCU staff process the sustained Central Registry result per 10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results.
10272 Finding is Overturned After a Due Process Hearing
February 2021
When an administrative law judge overturns the abuse or neglect finding after a due process hearing, CBCU staff update the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS and send notifications to the operation and the subject of the background check.
When a finding is overturned in the due process hearing, the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department staff take the following actions:
- send a copy of the due process decision, order and instructions to the appropriate HHSC or DFPS division that conducted the investigation to remove the abuse or neglect finding from the Central Registry and file the decision and order in the case record;
- request that the role of the perpetrator be changed in IMPACT, as appropriate; and
- notify CBCU staff of the due process decision, the order and actions to be taken in the matter.
After receiving the notification from the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department, CBCU staff do the following on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS:
- In the Results section, Change the “Match” to “Cleared.”
- In the Information Specific to This Result and Overall Background Check sections, as needed, document;
- the SOAH decision; and
- any other relevant information.
- In the Due Process section,
- update the Admin Review Status and Release Hearing Status; and
- the associated dates.
- save the page by selecting the Save button.
After completing the above steps, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation.
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications
10280 Handling Sustained Central Registry Background Check Results
Revision 24-2; Effective May 22, 2024
A sustained perpetrator (SP) is a person in the Central Registry who can no longer challenge a finding of child abuse or neglect because:
- the person waived all the person’s due process rights by:
- not requesting an administrative review and due process hearing on a timely basis; or
- waiving those rights in writing; or
- the finding was upheld after a due process hearing and any subsequent appeals.
After evaluating the destruction date and deciding the case does not meet the requirements for destruction per 10220 Determining if Additional Action is Needed for Central Registry Matches, CBCU staff determine if the subject is eligible for a risk evaluation. If the subject is eligible for a risk evaluation, CBCU staff apply conditions to the subject’s presence if needed. CBCU staff process the risk evaluation per 10400 Risk Evaluations.
If the subject is eligible for a risk evaluation, CBCU staff do the following on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS:
- In the Type of Abuse section:
- verify and, correct the information for the finding if needed;
- select MSV-Risk Evaluation Required in the Finding Determination field; and
- select Yes in the Can Be Present field.
- In the Information Specific to this Result, document:
- the risk evaluation eligibility, presence and conditions;
- the due date for any more information needed; and
- any other relevant information.
- Select the Preview the Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections are correct. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
- Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the background check type eligibility.
- Save the page by selecting the Save button.
CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and the operation after the above steps are complete.
CBCU staff do the following on the Central Registry Background Check Results page in CLASS if the subject is not eligible for a risk evaluation:
- In the Type of Abuse section:
- verify and correct the information for the finding if needed;
- select MSV-Barred in the Finding Determination field; and
- select No in the Can Be Present field.
- Document the Information Specific to this Result in:
- the ineligible determination; and
- any other relevant information.
- Select the Preview the Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections are correct. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
- Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the background check type eligibility.
- Save the page by selecting the Save button.
CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation after completing these steps.
Due Process Hearings, 5700
Types of Eligibility Determinations, 10510
Types of Background Check Notifications, 10531
26 TAC Sections 745.671 and 745.751
10290 Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Checks
Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024
Out-of-state abuse or neglect background checks are to determine if the background check subject has any child abuse or neglect findings in another state or U.S. territory that would make the subject ineligible to be present at an operation or provisionally eligible pending a risk evaluation request and decision. The process for obtaining results varies by state or U.S. territory.
The background check subject’s eligibility determination becomes provisional when all other background check types are eligible or provisional and out-of-state background check request types are pending.
The subject communicates with CBCU to complete out-of-state background check requests. CBCU staff document communication with the subject and other state agencies in the Information Specific to this Result section of the applicable Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Check Results page in CLASS.
Out-of-state abuse or neglect check results are valid for five years from the Date Submitted field for the first background check that included the state on the subject’s background checks. The results automatically copy into additional background checks until the results expire. If the out-of-state check is required after that time:
- the out-of-state background check is resubmitted;
- the background check subject re-requests the search; and
- CBCU staff follow 10291 Requesting Out-of-Sate Abuse and Neglect History Searches.
CBCU staff close a background check as noncompliant if the subject has not initiated out-of-state background checks on or before 45 days from the background check submission date (10510.41 Determination of Ineligible Due to Noncompliant Background Checks).
26 TAC Section 745.613
10291 Requesting Out-Of-State Abuse and Neglect History Searches
Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024
If an out-of-state abuse or neglect background check is required, within 45 days from the submission date of the background check, the subject of the background check:
- provides the results of the search to CBCU staff; or
- requests CBCU staff initiate the search, if required by the state or U.S. territory as outlined in the Out-of-State Resource Guide for Child Care Employees and Foster and Adoptive Parents in Texas.
After the subject has requested the CBCU initiate the out-of-state search, CBCU staff:
- follow instructions to submit the request, as outlined in the CBCU Internal Out-of-State Resource Guide, available on the CCR SharePoint site; and
- work with the subject, operation, and the out-of-state agency, as needed, to get the results.
10292 Evaluating Results from Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect History Searches
Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024
CBCU staff receive out-of-state abuse and neglect background check results from the applicable state agency, the subject or the operation. Within 10 business days, CBCU staff review the results to determine if the results meet the following requirements:
- the documents have at least one of the following:
- an official seal;
- on letterhead from the providing agency, court or other official entity; or
- details indicating that the search was completed by the appropriate state repository;
- the name of the state searched is included;
- the names and identifying information used to complete the search are included and are the same as information submitted for subject of the background check request; and
- the completion date of the search is no older than the following, unless a CBCU manager has approved an exception:
- six months before the Date Submitted for the background check, if the subject of the background check currently lives in Texas; or
- 45 days before the Date Submitted for the background check, if the subject of the background check currently lives in the state searched.
If the results do not meet the requirements, they are rejected.
If the results meet the requirements, they are accepted.
CBCU staff upload electronic versions of any documents that support the background check decision to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page and follow the applicable procedures in:
- 10373 Rejecting Out-of-State Criminal History Results; or
- 10374 Acting on Accepted Out-Of-State Criminal History Results.
1427 Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430 Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431 Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432 Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library
10293 Rejecting Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Check Results
Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024
When CBCU staff reject out-of-state abuse and neglect search results, CBCU staff communicate with the subject by email or phone and provide the reason(s) for the rejection.
Next, CBCU staff document the following on the correct state’s Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Check Results page in CLASS in the Information Specific to This Result section:
- the information received;
- the reason for the rejection; and
- communication with the subject.
10294 Acting on Accepted Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Results
Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024
After receiving the results, CBCU staff document and process the results to make an eligibility determination of eligible, ineligible or provisionally eligible, as appropriate.
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications
26 TAC Section 745.613
10294.1 Background Check Subject Has an Out-of-State Abuse or Neglect Registry Match
Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024
CBCU staff may consult with an Enforcement attorney for Child Care Licensing as needed to determine if the subject is ineligible or provisionally eligible to be present because of an out-of-state abuse or neglect registry match.
Based on the information in the results and any legal guidance from the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department, CBCU staff determine if the subject is eligible, ineligible, or eligible for a risk evaluation. If the subject is eligible for a risk evaluation, staff follow the procedure in 10400 Risk Evaluations.
CBCU staff document out-of-state abuse and neglect history and send notifications to the subject and operation, as applicable, within three business days of receiving the accepted results. If a consultation is needed, CBCU staff send the notification within two business days of completing the consultation.
If the search for a requested state does not include abuse or neglect history, staff follow the procedures in 10294.2 Background Check Subject Does Not Have an Out-Of-State Abuse or Neglect Registry Match.
Documenting Results
On the correct state’s Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Background Check Results page in CLASS, CBCU staff do the following:
- In the Results section:
- change the Status field to Match; and
- enter the date the result was received into the Date Received field.
- In the Abuse/Neglect Findings section, create a row for each finding with the correct selections.
- In the Information Specific to this Result section document:
- the decision for each finding included in the results rows;
- the determination of the out-of-state history, the subject’s ability to be present at the operation, and any conditions based on the determination;
- any consultation with the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department;
- any action required by the subject and operation and the due date provided in the notification; and
- a summary of any other relevant information.
- Select the Preview Match Determination button to verify the Match Determination and Can Be Present selections are correct. If the selections are incorrect, make corrections until the selections are correct.
- Select the Finalize Match Determination button to complete the eligibility determination.
- Save the page by selecting the Save button.
CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to the subject and operation, after the above steps are complete.
CBCU staff upload electronic copies of the out-of-state records search to CLASS Document Library from the applicable CLASS page.
Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for more details.
After completing the above steps for each out-of-state background check requested that includes abuse or neglect history, CBCU staff send appropriate notifications to:
- the subject (10540 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Subject of the Background Check); and
- the operation (10533 Background Check Notifications Sent to the Operation and 10533.1 Additional Information Sent to a Child-Placing Agency).
Staff ensure manual notifications:
- include all applicable out-of-state abuse or neglect results; and
- provide a due date for risk evaluation or other information needed.
1427 Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430 Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431 Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432 Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications
10294.2 Background Check Subject Does Not Have an Out-of-State Abuse or Neglect Registry Match
Revision 24-1, Effective Feb. 20, 2024
Within two business days of receiving an out-of-state result and determining the subject does not have abuse or neglect history in the state, CBCU staff update that state’s Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect History Background Check Results page in CLASS.
On the correct state’s Out of State Abuse and Neglect Background Check Results page in CLASS, CBCU staff take the following steps:
- In the Results section:
- change the Status field to cleared; and
- enter the date the result was received into the Date Received field in the Results section.
- In the Information Specific to This Result section, document;
- a summary of the information received;
- any consultation with the Child Care Licensing Legal Enforcement Department;
- a summary of any information used in the evaluation from prior background checks; and
- a summary of any other relevant information.
- Saves the page by selecting the Save button.
After completing the above steps for each requested state that does not have abuse or neglect history, and if there are no other background check results that have a match, CLASS sends the eligible notification to the background check subject and the operation. If a risk evaluation is required for any other background check type and all out-of-state background checks are completed, CBCU staff process a risk evaluation according to 10400 Risk Evaluation.
If the search for a requested state includes abuse or neglect history, CBCU staff follow the procedures in 10294 Acting on Accepted Out-of-State Abuse and Neglect Results.
Staff refer to the CBCU Resource Guide, available on CCR SharePoint site, for more details.
1427 Using Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files as a Regulatory Tool
1430 Documenting and Storing Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1431 Documenting Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files
1432 Storage of Photographs, Video, Audio, Scanned Documents and Other Digital Files in CLASS Document Library
10510 Types of Eligibility Determinations
10531 Types of Background Check Notifications