11.1 Purpose of the Post-Training Assessment

 A post-training assessment is necessary to evaluate the consumer’s assistive technology skills after training is complete.

11.2 Conducting the Post-Training Assessment

The post-training assessment is conducted by the EAS specialist, VRC, or AT trainer after training is complete and is used to determine training effectiveness and assess whether the consumer requires additional training. On average, each assessment takes two to four hours to complete. The EAS specialist, VRC, or designee may observe the post-training assessment. The post-training assessment is documented on form DARS2902 and is listed as a separate line item on the purchase order.

11.3 Elements of the Post-Training Assessment

Complete form DARS2902 for the post-training assessment. The following must be included in the assessment.

  1. Review the consumer’s training objectives and goals.
  2. Conduct performance tests on the training modules that have been covered.
  3. Evaluate the consumer’s performance on job-related applications using assistive technology.
  4. Verify that the consumer can
    • identify software and hardware problems, and
    • communicate the problems to the appropriate technical support.
  5. Verify that reports document the consumer’s overall competencies including, but not limited to, the following skills.
    • The consumer can identify and define hardware such as monitors, CPU, disk drives, and removable media.
    • The consumer understands software types such as word processors, screen readers, screen magnifiers, and assistive software.
    • The consumer can identify the important elements of the extended keyboard including the ESC key, function keys, numeric keypad, six-pack keypad, Ctrl keys, Alt keys, and Windows logo key.
    • The consumer can execute multikey commands using Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and F6.
    • The consumer consistently types 30 words per minute or faster.