A-1210 Overview
Revision 21-0; Effective January 15, 2021
This section gives general information about each section of the OAA.
A-1220 Title I of the Older Americans Act
Revision 21-0; Effective January 15, 2021
Title I, Declaration of Objectives; Definitions, gives the declaration of Congress in support of the OAA and the definitions for terms used throughout the act.
A-1230 Title II of the Older Americans Act
Revision 21-0; Effective January 15, 2021
Title II, AoA, creates the Office of the Secretary and the AoA. Title II describes the responsibilities and functions of the Assistant Secretary for Aging. The AoA is a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
A-1240 Title III of the Older Americans Act
Revision 21-0; Effective January 15, 2021
Title III, Grants for State and Community Programs on Aging, sets up grants to states for programs to support people who are 60 or over and eligible caregivers. Title III includes definitions, appropriations, area and state plans, and specific program requirements.
This manual includes policy related to Grants for State and Community Programs on Aging.
A-1250 Title IV of the Older Americans Act
Revision 21-0; Effective January 15, 2021
Title IV, Activities for Health, Independence, and Longevity, sets up grants for special projects that can be administered by states, public agencies, private non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education, tribal and other organizations.
This manual does not include policy related to Activities for Health, Independence, and Longevity grants.
A-1260 Title V of the Older Americans Act
Revision 21-0; Effective January 15, 2021
The Department of Labor administers Title V, the Community Service Senior Opportunities Act of the OAA.
The program encourages self-sufficiency for people 55 or older who are low-income and not employed. Grants to states support projects that provide community service and work-based job training with the goal of gainful employment which is no longer subsidized by OAA funds, in both the private and public sectors.
The Texas Workforce Commission administers this grant for Texas.
This manual does not include policy related to the Community Service Senior Opportunities Act administered by the Department of Labor.
A-1270 Title VI of the Older Americans Act
Revision 21-1; Effective December 1, 2021
Title VI, Grants for Native Americans, awards separate appropriations for supportive and nutrition services to American Indians, Alaskan Natives and Native Hawaiians that are comparable to services provided under Title III of the OAA.
This manual does not include policy about Grants for Native Americans.
A-1280 Title VII of the Older Americans Act
Revision 21-0; Effective January 15, 2021
Title VII of the OAA awards separate appropriations for the:
- long-term Care Ombudsman Program;
- program for prevention of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation; and
- elder rights and legal aid programs.
This manual does not include policy related to the Long-term Care Ombudsman Program administered in Texas.