WIC Client-Centered Nutrition Education (CCNE)

Client-Centered Nutrition Education is a style of education that encourages participants to play an active role in their own learning and allows staff to act as a guide or a facilitator. CCNE provides opportunities for group discussion, incorporates hands-on activities and, best of all, allows participants to share experiences and provide social support to each other. CCNE makes the learning experience more fun, engaging, and meaningful, not only for participants, but also for staff.

Texas WIC Resources

Facilitating with Confidence Module

Download Facilitating with Confidence Module (PDF)

Use the link above to download the full module. Individual handouts and activities from the module can be downloaded using the links below.


The Real (WIC) World: Applying CCNE in the Clinic

Lesson Development Tools

Resource Documents

Client Centered Nutrition Education Toolkit Documents

Below are selected documents from each module of the CCNE Toolkit. For more information, see full toolkit.

Module 1: Introduction to Client Centered Approach

Guidelines for Making Nutrition Education More Client Centered (PDF)

Module 2: Foundations of Nutrition Education

Moving Beyond Knowledge in Nutrition Education to Facilitate Behavior Change (PDF)

Module 3: Fostering a Positive Learning Environment

Module 4: Creating Learning Opportunities in Nutrition Education

Module 5: Hands-on Learning, Observation, and Practice for Staff

Nutrition Education Session Observation Guide (PDF)

Staff Trainings

Check schedules and memos for upcoming CCNE learning opportunities.


How much flexibility is allowed during CCNE classes?

During client centered classes, lesson plans shall be followed with some flexibility to address client centered concepts or techniques. Addressing client concerns and questions brought up in the class is encouraged. However, reasonable attempts should be made to redirect the conversation to keep the class focused.

Example: During a child class about feeding vegetables to children, participants bring up potty training. Since this is a concern of the parents, it is acceptable to allow participants to share ideas for a few minutes. However, after validating the participant concerns, it is best for the instructor to attempt to redirect the conversation back to child feeding by saying something like “We began today talking about ways to get children to eat vegetables, what other ideas do you have?”

Many tips on effectively managing classroom discussion are included in Module 3 of the new CCNE video and also in the CCNE Toolkit, specifically in the Troubleshooting Guide for Classroom Management document in Module 3.

Who can teach CCNE classes?

Anyone who teaches classes at WIC may teach client centered classes. It is the responsibility of the WIC Director to ensure staff has had adequate training on the class content and skills needed.

What if my local agency develops a new client centered class?

Please discuss with your state agency partner. The CCNE template was developed as a tool for lesson development, and is strongly recommended for all new lessons. All nutrition education requires adequate planning, and the CCNE template guides the nutrition educator through the steps of developing the resources, objectives, activity/discussion questions, and evaluation. An alternate method for writing a streamlined “hot topics” style discussion lesson is also provided in the CCNE Toolkit. “Hot topics” lessons are intended to be taught by advanced instructors and must have the following at a minimum: a main topic, an objective, at least 3 discussion questions, and an evaluation question.