HHSC licenses nursing facility administrators (NFAs) and enforces professional standards. Email forms to the NFA Licensing Program.
TULIP NFA Licensing System
As of Feb. 28, 2022, licensees and applicants must apply through the Texas Unified License Information Portal (TULIP), a web-based system designed specifically for licensed long-term care providers and licensees. TULIP allows NFAs to complete all licensing and application functions online.
Visit TULIP to create an applicant registration, login or reset a password.
For assistance with using TULIP, read the user guide for NFA licensing applicants (PDF).
Check NFA Licensure Status
To check the status of an NFA license as of Feb. 28, 2022, visit the NFA Public Registry under Verify a License.
FAQs Related to the New TULIP Credentialing System
HHSC implemented a new credentialing system in TULIP on July 5, 2023. This transition has resulted in issues that have affected individuals trying to use the system. HHSC IT is working diligently on correcting these issues.
The following are some of the frequently asked questions HHSC has received:
What can I do if I have problems with registering in TULIP?
If you’re experiencing registration issues, HHSC IT has a new web form to report issues 24/7. TULIP users can access the form from the TULIP homepage.
- If you have not logged into TULIP and you need help with password reset or registration, you can report the issue on TULIP Support Request.
- If you can log into TULIP and still need additional help, look for the Support option in the menu.
HHSC IT also has deployed a new TULIP Support Helpdesk Call Center with a team ready to assist you. To access phone support, call 512-438-2584.
Hours of operation are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central, Monday to Friday, excluding state and federal holidays. Please note: Due to the new implementation of this call center, TULIP Support may be experiencing a high volume of calls and wait times may be long.
When I report a technical issue to TULIP Support, what information should I include?
In all cases, report the issue on TULIP Support Request. To access phone support, call 512-438-2584.
Is there a resource for more information regarding TULIP?
How long should it take to receive a response from TULIP Help Desk?
Who do I contact if I have questions about information I need to enter into an application?
For questions about the application process, use the following contacts:
Nursing Facility Administrator
NFA Call Line: 512-438-2015
Email HHSC NFA Licensing Program
TULIP Credentialing Transition Grace Period Ending Nov. 30
The grace period that allowed nurse aides, medication aides, nursing facility administrators and Nurse Aide Training Competency Evaluation Programs to continue with an expired status is ending on Nov. 30. This will be the last extension, and everyone must submit a renewal application before the grace period ends. An expired status after Nov. 30 will no longer be considered active.
For NFA questions, email HHSC NFA Licensing Program.
Infection Control and PPE for NFAs Computer-based Training
- This course is designed to increase infection control knowledge in long-term care settings. All knowledge gained from this training can be directly applied to the NFA role.
- The course is designed for NFAs to meet the Continuing Education Requirements for License Renewal for Infection Control (IC) and PPE.
- To document successful course completion, participants must print a copy of the course certificate available at the end of the training and keep the certificate for documentation purposes.
Your computer must have the following:
- The pop-up blocker turned off to access the course.
- Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari. (We suggest not using Internet Explorer, as your certificate may not populate. If this happens you will need to retake the course on a different web browser to obtain credit.)
- The ability to print or save your learning certificate as a PDF.
To take a training, select a link below:
- Module 1: Infection Prevention Control Program
- Module 2: Recognizing and Containing Outbreaks
- Module 3: Standard and Transmission-based Precautions
- Module 4: Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection
- Email Policy Rules Training with technical issues.
- Ensure all pop-up blockers are turned off before taking any of the web-based courses.
Veterans, Military Members and Spouses
The state of Texas recognizes the contributions of our military service members and their spouses and veterans.
Military service members or veterans may have met some licensing requirements resulting from their military service or other training, knowledge and experience. Military spouses of current, active duty military service members also may have met some licensing requirements related to this status. Modifications to renewal requirements may also be available for some military service members on active duty.
For more information regarding special licensure provisions, military service members, military veterans or military spouses may qualify for, please read Senate Bill 422, 88th Regular Legislative Session, 2023.
Military personnel and their spouses and veterans who are interested in the NFA occupation and would like additional information regarding requirements may email HHSC NFA Licensing Program or call 512-438-2015.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to military service members, veterans, and their families for their dedicated service to the U.S. and to the state of Texas.
Licensing Branch
NFA licensing activities are conducted by the HHSC NFA Licensing Branch and include:
- Validating initial and continuing education
- Providing seminars for administrators in training preceptors
- Taking licensure action to include issuance, renewal, denial or revocation
For more information, call 512-438-2015.
Credentialing and Registry Enforcement (CARE)
The Credentialing and Registry Enforcement unit conducts NFA enforcement activities, including:
- Imposing and monitoring sanctions.
- Coordinating program activities with the governor-appointed NFA Advisory Committee.
For public complaints against a nursing facility administrator, contact Complaint and Incident Intake at 1-800-458-9858.
To send questions regarding adverse actions against an NFA license, email Credentialing and Registry Enforcement.
For more information, call 512-438-5495.
Interested in the licensing process for assisted living facilities (ALF) in Texas? Read How to Become an ALF Provider.