I would like to open a nurse aide training program. What are the NATCEP qualifications and how do I apply?

Entities interested in offering a NATCEP must submit an application via TULIP: Log into the TULIP account to create applicant registration, login and reset password.

The requirements for NATCEPs are listed in the Licensing Standards for Nurse Aides (40 TAC Chapter 556). The Texas Administrative Code can be found at the Texas Secretary of State website.

I would like to offer in-service education to nurse aides. How do I apply for approval?

All approved NATCEPs are eligible to offer in-service education. A NATCEP must submit a change application via TULIP to offer in-service education: Log into the TULIP account to create applicant registration, login and reset password. In addition, all non-facility based NATCEPs are required to obtain additional approval through the Texas Workforce Commission. Please contact TWC at 512-936-3100.

What are the qualifications for a program director?

A program director must:

  • Be licensed as a registered nurse in the State of Texas
  • Have a minimum of two years of nursing experience, at least one year of which must be in the provision of long-term care services in a facility
  • Have completed a course in teaching adults or have experience in teaching adults or supervising nurse aides
  • Either the program director or a program instructor must have at least one year of experience providing long term care services in a nursing facility. If an instructor is an LVN, a NATCEP must have:
    • a director with at least one year of providing long term care services in a nursing facility; or
    • an instructor who is an RN with at least one year of providing long term care services in a nursing facility.

What are the qualifications for a program instructor?

A program instructor must:

  • Be a licensed nurse in the State of Texas
  • Have a minimum of one year of nursing experience in a facility
  • Have completed a course in teaching adults or have experience in teaching adults or supervising nurse aides
  • Work under the general direction of the program director or be the approved program director who meets the requirement
  • Either the program director or a program instructor must have at least one year of experience providing long term care services in a nursing facility. If an instructor is an LVN, a NATCEP must have:
    • a director with at least one year of providing long term care services in a nursing facility; or
    • an instructor who is an RN with at least one year of providing long term care services in a nursing facility.

What is on the competency evaluation program (examination)?

The CEP consists of:

  • A skills examination, which requires the candidate to demonstrate competency in five randomly selected skills drawn from a list of 34 skills.
  • A written examination made up of 70 multiple-choice questions. The exam may be taken orally upon request.

Is there a list of training providers?

I understand that Texas NATCEP providers must teach the state-approved curriculum for nurse aides. How can I obtain a copy?

Can the training program charge for Nurse Aide Training curriculum materials?

Pursuant to 42 CFR 483.152 (c), trainees who are employed by a nursing facility may not be charged for training or training materials.

How can I check on the status of a nurse aide?

Visit the Employee Misconduct Registry Search System. For the best results, enter a Social Security number. Email HHSC Credentialing for questions.

Where can I find a link to the HHSC Computer Based Training (CBT) for Nurse Aide Classroom portion of the training?