Transition Assistance Services Orientation Handbook

3000, Eligible Transition Assistance Services Providers

Revision 06-0; Effective May 22, 2006

All authorized Transition Assistance Services (TAS) will be delivered by a Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) contracted TAS provider agency. The provider agency must meet all provisions described in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 62, Contracting to Provide Transition Assistance Services, and Chapter 49, Contracting for Community Care Services.

The provider agency must:

  • be a center for independent living, as defined by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or
  • have a current Community Care contract; or
  • be currently designated as a Texas Area Agency on Aging.

A TAS provider agency must meet the requirements described in ยง62.11, Contracting Requirements. Relocation services are considered a community service; therefore, an entity that currently contracts with HHSC to provide relocation services may contract to provide TAS. A TAS provider agency may subcontract this service with approval from HHSC contract management staff. Once a TAS provider agency is awarded a contract, the TAS provider agency will be included on a regional TAS provider agency choice list. The waiver case manager will have the applicant choose the TAS provider agency during the waiver application process.

The provider agency must deliver HHSC authorized Transition Assistance Services to Medicaid waiver individuals according to applicable TAS rules and the procedures as addressed in this orientation handbook. See authorization and assessment forms that are used for TAS, as well as Chapter 62, Contracting to Provide Transition Assistance Services.

The provider agency employees who deliver services must:

  • be 18 years of age or older;
  • have a high school diploma or its equivalent;
  • not be the individual's spouse, the parent of an individual who is a minor child, have legal conservatorship of the individual or live in the individual's household; and
  • be capable of providing the required services.