Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) Program Manual



The Texas Medicaid program provides medical benefits to groups of low-income individuals, some of whom may have no medical insurance or inadequate medical insurance. Medicaid is a jointly funded cooperative venture between federal and state governments to assist states in providing adequate medical care to eligible needy individuals.


In Texas, the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is responsible for determining eligibility to Medicaid programs for individuals who are aged, blind or disabled. The policies for the Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) program are found in the MEPD Handbook.

In addition to the state contribution, federal Medicaid matching funds provide for medical care and supportive services (for example, vendor drugs, nursing facility and institutional care) to individuals who qualify for Medicaid under one of the Texas Medicaid programs. Federal law requires that anyone who wishes to apply for Medicaid be allowed to file an application, regardless of the individual’s ultimate eligibility for services.

This appendix replaced HHSC Information Letter 2006-46, Citizenship Verification Requirement from the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. The verification policy is found in the MEPD Handbook:

  • Appendix V, Levels of Evidence of Citizenship and Acceptable Evidence of Identity Reference Guide
  • Appendix XV, Notification to Provide Proof of Citizenship and Identity; and
  • Section D-5300, Acceptable Documentation of Citizenship and Identity.