Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities Handbook
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Chapter A, General Information and MEPD Groups
A-1000, General Information
Revision 20-2, Effective June 1, 2020
Medicaid is a jointly funded federal and state program that provides health coverage to certain groups of low-income people. It provides medical care and supportive services to people who qualify for Medicaid under one of the programs in this chapter. Services include doctor visits, vendor drugs, nursing facility services, and long-term care. While the federal government establishes general guidelines for the program, each state determines Medicaid eligibility. To participate in Medicaid, states are required to cover certain mandatory groups of people and may choose to cover other optional groups.
HHSC Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) staff determine eligibility under one of the MEPD programs in this chapter for people who are aged, blind, or have a disability.
Related Policy
Mandatory Coverage Groups, A-2000
Optional Coverage Groups, A-3000
Other Service-Related Programs, A-4000
Type Programs (TP) and Type Assistance, A-7000
A-1100, Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
A-2000, Mandatory Coverage Groups
Revision 22-3; Effective September 1, 2022
HHSC provides Medicaid for adults 65 and older and people with disabilities who fall into at least one of the following mandatory coverage groups:
- Supplemental Security Income
- Emergency Medicaid Coverage for Aliens
- RSDI Cost of Living Adjustment Increase
Related Policy
Supplemental Security Income, A-2100
Emergency Medicaid Coverage for Aliens, A-2200
RSDI Cost of Living Adjustment Increase, A-2300
A-2100, Supplemental Security Income
Revision 19-4; Effective December 1, 2019
The Social Security Administration (SSA) administers the SSI program. In Texas, persons found eligible for SSI cash payment are automatically eligible for Medicaid. SSA notifies the state through an automated interface called the State Data Exchange System (SDX). Once received, the person is certified for Medicaid and sent a Your Texas Benefits Medicaid card.
SSI appears as type of assistance ME-SSI (TP 13) in TIERS.
Related Policy
SSI Applications, B-7100
MEPD Eligibility Pending a Decision of SSI Application, B-7300
Interstate Requests for Assistance, D-3610
SSI Recipient Visiting in Texas, D-3660
Co-Payment for SSI Cases, H-6000
A-2200, Emergency Medicaid Coverage for Aliens
Revision 12-3; Effective September 1, 2012
Certain aliens with an emergency medical condition who meet all SSI criteria, except citizenship, may be eligible for Medicaid coverage for the medical emergency. Coverage is for the duration of the emergency period. It is not considered as a "prior" medical, though prior months may be covered.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-A and D Emergency
A-2300, RSDI Cost of Living Adjustment Increase
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Medicaid eligibility for the aged, blind and disabled is directly related to receipt of SSI in most states. Loss of SSI payments can result in loss of Medicaid coverage. To preserve Medicaid coverage for certain groups of persons who lose SSI payments, Congress enacted special Medicaid continuation provisions. Persons denied SSI due to certain increases in Social Security benefits may continue to be eligible for Medicaid coverage. SSA informs HHSC through automated files to help locate potential eligible persons who may apply for continued Medicaid.
A-2310 Disabled Adult Children (DAC)
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
This applies to persons denied SSI after July 1, 1987, and who meet SSI eligibility criteria when qualifying RSDI disabled adult children's benefits are excluded from countable income (OBRA 1986). These persons were denied SSI benefits because of an increase in or receipt of RSDI disabled children's benefits. These persons may continue to be eligible for Medicaid if they:
- are at least 18;
- become disabled before they are 22;
- are denied SSI benefits because of entitlement to or an increase in RSDI disabled children's benefits received on or after July 1, 1987, and any subsequent increase; and
- meet current SSI criteria, excluding the children's benefit specified above.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Disabled Adult Child
Note: Based on SSA information, adult disabled child benefits generally end if the person gets married. There are exceptions such as marriage to another adult disabled child. This is an SSA requirement and not part of MEPD policy.
A-2320 Historical 1972 Income Disregard
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
This applies to persons who were receiving both public assistance and Social Security benefits in August 1972. These persons must meet current SSI or MEPD eligibility criteria, with the exclusion from income of the amount of the October 1972, 20% Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA) increase.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Pickle
A-2330 Pickle
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
This applies to persons denied SSI cash benefits for any reason since April 1977. They must meet all current SSI eligibility criteria, with the exclusion of any Social Security COLA increases received since they were eligible for and entitled to both SSI and Social Security benefits in the same month. The earliest COLA increase that can be excluded is the increase received in July 1977. There are two files received from SSA for Title II COLA denials. The 503 file identifies "Pickle" potentials and is received late November of each year. The Lynch vs. Rank file is usually received mid-December.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Pickle
A-2340 Widow(er)s
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
This applies to persons age 60 to 65 who are ineligible for Medicare and who are denied SSI due to excess widow/widower's RSDI benefits. They must meet SSI eligibility criteria, with the exclusion of their RSDI benefit and any subsequent COLA increases from countable income (OBRA 1987).
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Early Age Widow(er)
This applies to persons age 50 to 60 who are ineligible for Medicare and who are denied SSI due to excess disabled widow/widower's and surviving divorced spouse's RSDI benefits. They must meet SSI eligibility criteria, with the exclusion of their RSDI benefit and any subsequent COLA increases from countable income (OBRA 1990).
Historically this also applies to persons denied SSI due to a recomputation of their Social Security disabled widows/widowers benefits for January 1984. They must meet SSI eligibility criteria, with the exclusion of the recomputation increase and any subsequent Social Security COLA increases from countable income. Persons had to have filed an application before July 1, 1998, to be eligible under this program. Enrollment for this program ended June 30, 1998 (OBRA 1985).
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Disabled Widow(er)
A-2350 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 19-4; Effective December 1, 2019
A-3000, Optional Coverage Groups
Revision 22-3; Effective September 1, 2022
HHSC also provides Medicaid for adults 65 and older and people with disabilities who fall into an optional coverage group. Although federal regulations may allow other optional coverage groups, HHSC only provides benefits to a person who is a member of one of the following optional coverage groups included in the Texas Medicaid State Plan.
- SSI denied Due to Entry into a Long-Term Care Facility
- Special Income Limit
- Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs
- Medicaid Buy-In for Children
- Medicaid Buy-In
Related Policy
SSI Denied Due to Entry into a Long-Term Care Facility, A-3100
Special Income Limit, A-3200
Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs, A-3300
Application for Waiver Programs, O-1100
Medicaid Buy-In for Children, A-3400
Program Overview, N-1200
Medicaid Buy-In, A-3500
Program Overview, M-1200
A-3100, SSI Denied Due to Entry into a Long-Term Care Facility
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
This optional coverage group covers a person who would be eligible for SSI, if the person were not in an institutional setting.
A-3200, Special Income Limit
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
The special income limit applies to persons who will reside in a Medicaid-approved long-term care facility or who apply for certain Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver programs. Countable income must be equal to or less than the special income limit established by HHSC (see Appendix XXXI, Budget Reference Chart). A person must live in one or more Medicaid-certified long-term facilities at least 30 consecutive days to be eligible under the special income limit. The following are included in this group:
- Persons of any age in Medicaid-certified nursing facilities who meet medical necessity
- Persons of any age in Medicaid-certified sections of state supported living centers and private facilities for persons with intellectual disabilities
- Persons age 65 and over in Medicaid-approved sections of state hospitals (institutions for mental diseases)
- Persons applying for certain HCBS waiver programs who are not already Medicaid eligible under another coverage group covered by the waiver and who meet the waiver eligibility criteria.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Nursing Facility; ME-State School; ME-Non-State Group Home; ME-State Group Home; ME-State Hospital; ME-Waivers
A-3300, Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver programs may have limited enrollment and are an alternative to institutionalization. A person can enroll in only one HCBS waiver at a time, but may be on the interest list for multiple HCBS waivers. Persons applying for certain HCBS waiver programs who are not already Medicaid eligible under another coverage group covered by the waiver and who meet the waiver eligibility criteria may be Medicaid eligible using the special income limit.
For additional information about HCBS waiver programs, including interest lists, see Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD) – Long-term Care.
Descriptions for some of the Home and Community-Based Services waiver programs follow in this section.
A-3310 Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS)
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A person may be eligible for services through CLASS if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- is age 65 or older or, if less than 65, receives a Social Security Administration (SSA), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Railroad Retirement (RR) disability benefit or has a disability determination by HHSC, which is required;
- has an ICF/IID Level of Care (LOC) VIII;
- has an approved plan of care or service plan;
- has a service begin date no later than 30 days from certification; and
- is eligible for Medicaid using the special income limit.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Waivers
A-3320 Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD)
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A person may be eligible for services through DBMD if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- is 65 or older or, if less than 65, receives a Social Security Administration (SSA), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Railroad Retirement (RR) disability benefit or has a disability determination by HHSC, which is required;
- has an ICF/IID Level of Care (LOC) VIII;
- has an approved plan of care or service plan;
- has a service begin date no later than 30 days from certification; and
- is eligible for Medicaid using the special income limit.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Waivers
A-3330 Home and Community-based Services (HCS)
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A person may be eligible for services through HCS if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- is age 65 or older or, if less than 65, receives a Social Security Administration (SSA), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Railroad Retirement (RR) disability benefit or has a disability determination by HHSC, which is required;
- has an ICF/IID Level of Care (LOC) VIII;
- has an approved plan of care or service plan;
- has a service begin date no later than 30 days from certification; and
- is eligible for Medicaid using the special income limit.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Waivers
A-3340 Youth Empowerment Services (YES)
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A person may be eligible for services through YES if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- is at least age 3, but less than age 19;
- receives a Social Security Administration (SSA), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Railroad Retirement (RR) disability benefit or has a disability determination by HHSC, which is required;
- meets clinical level of care criteria;
- has an approved individual plan of care (IPC);
- has a service begin date no later than 30 days from certification; and
- is eligible for Medicaid using the special income limit.
Note: This program is administered by the Department of State Health Services. For additional information, go to
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Waivers
A-3350 Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP)
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A person may be eligible for services through MDCP if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- is less than age 21;
- receives a Social Security Administration (SSA), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Railroad Retirement (RR) disability benefit or has a disability determination by HHSC, which is required;
- has an MN;
- has an approved plan of care or service plan;
- has a service begin date no later than 30 days from certification; and
- is eligible for Medicaid using the special income limit.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Waivers
A-3360 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
A-3370 Texas Home Living (TxHmL)
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
A person may be eligible for services through TxHmL if the person:
- is residing in the community;
- has an ICF/IID Level of Care (LOC) VIII;
- has an approved plan of care or service plan; and
- is currently a Medicaid recipient.
Eligibility is not determined using the special income limit.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS shows this as ME-Pickle, ME-Disabled Adult Child, etc. HHSC puts the person on TxHmL.
A-3380 STAR+PLUS Waiver (SPW)
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
The SPW provides for the managed care delivery of home and community-based Medicaid services in addition to all other services provided through STAR+PLUS.
A-3400, Medicaid Buy-In for Children
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
This program covers children with disabilities up to the age of 19 with family income up to 300 percent of the federal poverty level. A family may have to pay a monthly premium as a condition of eligibility. The MBIC program began Jan. 1, 2011. For more information, see Chapter N, Medicaid Buy-In for Children.
Automated System Program Identifier
TA 88
A-3500, Medicaid Buy-In
Revision 16-1; Effective March 1, 2016
Texans with disabilities who work can apply for health insurance benefits even if their income exceeds traditional Medicaid limits. A person may have to pay a monthly premium as a condition of eligibility. For more information on the Medicaid Buy-In Program, see Chapter M, Medicaid Buy-In Program.
Automated System Program Identifier
TA 87
A-4000, Other Service-Related Programs
Revision 22-3; Effective September 1, 2022
HHSC also provides Medicaid for adults 65 and older and people with disabilities who meet the criteria for one of the following services.
- Community Attendant Services
- Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
- Retroactive Coverage
Related Policy
Community Attendant Services, A-4100
Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, A-4200
Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, O-2100
Retroactive Coverage, A-4300
Prior Coverage, G-7000
A-4100, Community Attendant Services
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
Those who may be eligible for CAS services are persons who are not eligible under a Medicaid program and have a functional need for Medicaid Primary Home Care (PHC) services. The intent of the program is to delay or prevent the need for institutional care; therefore, countable income must be equal to or less than HHSC's special income limit. Eligible persons do not receive regular Medicaid benefits; they receive only PHC services. The program has its statutory basis in §1929(b) of the Social Security Act. This program historically was called Waiver Five and later 1929(b).
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Community Attendant and CC-CCAD-Community Attendant
A-4200, Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
Revision 20-4; Effective December 1, 2020
The PACE program serves the frail elderly and features a comprehensive service delivery system and integrated Medicare and Medicaid financing. Those who may be eligible for PACE services are people 55 years and older, with chronic medical problems and functional impairments who meet criteria for MN and are eligible for Medicaid (see §1905(a)(26) of the Social Security Act (enacted in Section 4802 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997)).
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-Waivers
A-4300, Retroactive Coverage
A-4310 General
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
In addition to the creation of the SSI program, Public Law 92-603 extended Medicaid benefits to cover the three-month time period before the month an application is filed with the Social Security Administration for SSI, if unpaid or reimbursable medical bills are incurred during the prior months.
Medicaid coverage also is extended to cover the three-month time period before the month an application is filed with MEPD for an ongoing MEPD program. For example, if an individual applies for ME – Nursing Facility, the eligibility specialist explores three months prior coverage.
People are potentially eligible for coverage in the prior months, regardless of their eligibility for the month of application and ongoing is approved or denied.
Note: This provision does not provide prior coverage for an application for which no MEPD program is available.
For specific program coverage, see Section G-7100, Prior Coverage for SSI Applicants, Section G-7200, Prior Coverage for Medical Assistance Only (MAO) Applicants, Section G-7210, Prior Coverage for Deceased Applicants, and Section G-7300, Prior Coverage for Aliens.
A-4320 Two Months Prior
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
Public Law 104-193, Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), Section 3502.4, changed policy for retroactive Medicaid coverage for persons found eligible for SSI. Effective July 1997, HHSC automatically adds Medicaid coverage for the month prior to the first month of SSI cash payment due (20 CFR §416.501). The person may apply with HHSC for coverage for the two preceding months if there are unpaid or reimbursable medical bills and the person meets all Medicaid eligibility requirements in those months.
Automated System Program Identifier
A-4330 Deceased Individuals
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
Medicaid coverage is extended to a deceased person, if a bona fide agent files an application with MEPD on behalf of a deceased person. The three-month time period is the three months prior to the month the application is received by MEPD.
A-5000, Texas Medicaid Hospice Program
Revision 22-3; Effective September 1, 2022
People eligible for full Medicaid benefits may elect to participate in the Texas Medicaid Hospice Program if they have a medical prognosis of six months or less to live. In order to enroll in the Texas Medicaid Hospice Program, the person or authorized representative signs and dates Form 3071, Individual Election/Cancellation/Update. This election remains in effect until another Form 3071 is completed canceling hospice election. Recipients electing hospice waive their rights to other Medicaid services related to treatment of the terminal illness(es). They do not waive their rights to Medicaid services that are not related to treatment of the terminal illness(es). Hospice services may be received at home, in a hospital or in a Medicaid-contracted long-term care facility.
Related Policy
Hospice in the Community, A-5100
Hospice in a Long-Term Care Facility, A-5200
Hospice Recipients, H-2751
A-5100, Hospice in the Community
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
Persons residing in a community-based living arrangement, such as their home or a hospital, may elect to participate in the Texas Medicaid Hospice Program if they are eligible for full Medicaid benefits. This means that they qualify as an SSI recipient (ME-Temp Manual SSI or ME-SSI) or an MEPD recipient in the community (certified under ME-Pickle, ME-Disabled Adult Child or ME-Early Aged Widow(er)).
Persons whose only eligibility is MC-SLMB, MC-QMB and MC-QDWI may not participate in the Texas Medicaid Hospice Program because they receive only limited Medicaid coverage. However, they may be entitled to receive Medicare hospice services.
For a list of programs, see the TIERS Policy and Procedures Guide, Section A-6, Type Program Lists in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) in the Texas Works Handbook.
A-5200, Hospice in a Long-Term Care Facility
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
A Medicaid recipient may elect to receive hospice services in a Medicaid-certified nursing facility (NF) or intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID). In order to receive Medicaid hospice services, the person must meet all eligibility criteria for MEPD in a long-term care facility, including confinement in one or more Medicaid-certified long-term care facilities for 30 consecutive days. Form 3071, Individual Election/Cancellation/Update, substitutes for the medical necessity determination when hospice is elected.
The hospice provider informs the eligibility specialist of the possibility of hospice election by a recipient. When the recipient (or authorized representative) signs and dates Form 3071, the hospice provider contacts the eligibility specialist, providing the effective date that the recipient is starting/electing hospice services. The hospice provider follows up this contact by sending Form 3071 to the contractor for Medicaid claims, with a copy to the eligibility specialist.
For Medicaid hospice residents in long-term care facilities, the hospice provider is responsible for collecting the applied income, and the nursing facility manages the patient trust fund. The hospice provider is responsible for completing Form 3071 in the event of any change in the hospice provider, cancellation of the hospice election, and death. There is normally no need for the eligibility specialist to take any action in response to any of these changes. The automated system receives this information through interfacing with the Service Authorization System Online (SASO) and communication with HHSC. If the eligibility worker becomes aware of the death of the recipient, manual denial of the case should be taken.
A-6000, People in Institutions for Mental Diseases
Revision 23-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2023
People 65 and older who live in an institution for mental diseases (IMD) may be eligible for Medicaid coverage. IMDs are commonly referred to as state hospitals.
A person living in an IMD must meet all eligibility criteria for institutional care to receive Medicaid. A letter from the IMD indicating that in-patient care is necessary fulfills the medical necessity requirement. The co-payment calculation for a Medicaid recipient residing in an IMD follows the same policy as the co-payment calculation for a Medicaid recipient living in a nursing facility, including the personal needs allowance.
Note: There is no protected earned income allowance for Medicaid recipients residing in an IMD.
Medicaid recipients living in IMDs receive a Your Texas Benefits Medicaid card.
Automated System Program Identifier
TIERS – ME-State Hospital
Related Policy
Application for Institutional Care, B-7400
Co-Payment, Chapter H
A-7000, Type Programs and Type Assistance
Revision 19-4; Effective December 1, 2019
Staff can access the Type Programs (TP) and Type Assistance (TA) chart that lists and describes all the types of assistance and program types in the Texas Works Handbook (TWH), C-1150 , Type Programs (TP) and Type Assistance (TA).
The chart lists all Texas Works (TW), Texas Department of Family Protective Services (DFPS), and Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) programs.
A-8000, Medicare Savings Programs
A-8100, Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
Low-income Medicare beneficiaries may be eligible for the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program.
QMB provides coverage for Medicare-related expenses, including Medicare premiums, copays, deductibles and coinsurance.
A person may be eligible for Medicaid or Community Attendant Services program and QMB at the same time.
SSI recipients with Medicare are eligible for QMB.
Automated System Program Identifier
Related Policy
MSPs and Medicare Part B-ID, Q-1500
Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries, Q-2000
A-8200, Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
Low-income Medicare beneficiaries with income above the QMB limit, more than 100% but less than 120% of the federal poverty level, may be eligible for the Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) program.
SLMB provides coverage for Medicare Part B premiums.
A person may be eligible for certain Medicaid programs or the Community Attendant Services program and SLMB at the same time.
Automated System Program Identifier
Related Policy
MSPs and Medicare Part B-ID, Q-1500
Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries, Q-3000
SLMB Eligibility and Other Programs, Q-3500
A-8300, Qualifying Individuals
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
Low-income Medicare beneficiaries with income more than 120% but less than 135% of the federal poverty level may be eligible for the Qualifying Individual (QI) program.
QI-1 provides coverage for the Medicare Part B premiums.
Note: A person cannot be certified for QI-1 and any other Medicaid-funded program at the same time.
Automated System Program Identifier
Related Policy
MSPs and Medicare Part B-ID, Q-1500
Qualifying Individuals (QIs), Q-5000
A-8400, Qualified Disabled Working Individuals
Revision 14-2; Effective June 1, 2014
Persons eligible for this program do not receive regular Medicaid benefits and must be disabled working individuals entitled to Medicare Part A (hospital coverage). Medicaid will pay the Medicare Part A premiums for QDWIs. These persons must be entitled to enroll in Medicare Part A, not otherwise certified under any other Medicaid-funded program, have countable income of no more than 200% of the federal poverty guidelines, have countable resources of no more than twice the SSI resource limit and be referred by SSA (Public Law 101-239, OBRA 1989). For more information on the QDWI program, see Section Q-6000, Qualified Disabled and Working Individuals (QDWI) – MC-QDWI.
Automated System Program Identifier
A-9000, Medicaid-Medicare Relationship
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
Medicare beneficiaries who have low incomes and limited resources may also receive help from the Medicaid program. For persons who are eligible for full Medicaid coverage, Medicare health coverage is supplemented by services that are available under the Medicaid program, according to eligibility category. For persons enrolled in both programs, any services that are covered by Medicare are paid for by the Medicare program before any payments are made by the Medicaid program, since Medicaid is always the "payer of last resort." Certain other Medicare beneficiaries may receive help with Medicare premium and cost-sharing payments through the Medicaid program.
A-9100, Medicare Benefits
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
Medicare is a federal program under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act and is administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Medicare provides health care benefits for individuals age 65 or older, under age 65 with certain disabilities, and any age with permanent kidney failure (called end-stage renal disease).
Those younger than 65 will receive Medicare after getting Social Security disability benefits for at least two years.
There are exceptions to the two-year waiting period, including:
- a chronic renal disease that requires a kidney transplant or maintenance dialysis (SSA determines if an individual with a chronic renal disease diagnosis meets the requirements for the exception to the waiting period); or
- Lou Gehrig's disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).
Medicare is available to an individual who has paid into the Medicare trust account through payroll taxes sometimes called the Federal Income Contributions Act (FICA). Most employers are required to withhold FICA taxes, but there are some exceptions. Federal government employees have been eligible to participate in Social Security only since 1984. As a result, some older employees have opted to remain with the former Civil Service Retirement System. Some state and local government employee retirement plans also are not covered by Social Security.
If an individual receives Medicare, they are either:
- 65 years old or older; or
- determined disabled by SSA.
Medicare is divided into four parts:
- Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) – Helps pay for inpatient care in a hospital, skilled nursing facility or hospice, and for home health care if certain conditions are met. Most people do not have to pay a monthly premium for Medicare Part A because they or a spouse paid Medicare taxes while working in the U.S. If the Part A premium is not automatically free, an individual still may be able to enroll and pay a premium.
- Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) – Helps pay for medically necessary doctors’ services and other outpatient care. It also pays for some preventive services (like flu shots), and some services that keep certain illnesses from getting worse. Most individuals pay the standard monthly Medicare Part B premium.
- Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage Plans) – Individuals must be enrolled in both Part A and Part B. These plans are available through Medicare-approved private insurance companies. The plans cover all of the Part A and Part B services and, in most cases, include Part D Prescription Drug Coverage as well. Some plans offer additional services, such as vision, hearing, dental, and health and wellness programs. Individuals pay a monthly premium and co-payments that are usually lower than the coinsurance and deductibles under the original Medicare. Actual costs and benefits vary by plan.
- Medicare Part D (Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage) provides prescription drug coverage. Individuals can add Part D by joining a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (PDP). Individuals must pay a deductible and usually pay coinsurance each time services are received. The PDPs are available through private insurance companies approved by Medicare. Costs and benefits vary by plan.
In most cases, the Part B and Part D premiums are deducted from the Social Security or Railroad Retirement check. The recipient is responsible for calendar-year deductibles and co-pay liabilities for both Parts A and B.
The Part C premium is handled by the private company that offers the benefit as a Medicare Advantage Plan. The Medicare Advantage Plan has its own benefits and coverage that differs from the traditional Medicare benefits. Medicare pays a fixed amount every month to the companies offering Medicare Advantage Plans. These companies must follow rules set by Medicare. However, each Medicare Advantage Plan can charge different out-of-pocket costs and have different rules for how one gets services.
Extra help for Part D (Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage) is available for people with Medicare who have limited income and resources. If eligible for extra help, Medicare will pay for almost all prescription drug costs. Extra help provides a subsidy based on the amount of income and resources an individual has.
Full Subsidy Benefits from Extra Help:
- Full premium assistance up to the premium subsidy amount
- Nominal cost sharing up to out-of-pocket threshold
- No coverage gap
Other Low Income Subsidy Benefits from Extra Help:
- Sliding scale premium assistance
- Reduced deductible
- Reduced coinsurance
- No coverage gap
Individuals who have Medicare and Medicaid or who are eligible for the Medicare Savings Program (MSP) do not need to apply for extra help through the SSA.
Individuals can apply for extra help or get more information about extra help subsidy by calling Social Security at 800-772-1213 (TTY 800-325-0778) or visiting
A-9200, Medicare Buy-In
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
To ensure that Medicaid recipients who are entitled to Medicare receive maximum health care protection, the state pays for certain recipients' Medicare Part B premiums. This process is called buy-in. For those persons who have dual entitlement, Medicare becomes the payer of first resort, with Medicaid paying deductibles and co-insurance for Medicaid-covered services.
If recipients in ME-Nursing Facility, ME-State School, ME-Waivers and ME-Community Attendant are not eligible for QMB or SLMB, they are not eligible for buy-in.
A-9210 Eligibility Requirements for Medicare Buy-In
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
Recipients are eligible for buy-in if they are:
- 65 or older and U.S. citizens;
- 65 or older and lawfully admitted aliens who have lived in the U.S. five consecutive years;
- under 65 and have received or been eligible to receive Social Security or Railroad Retirement disability benefits for 24 consecutive months; or
- under 65 and qualify for Medicare Part A because of chronic renal disease.
If recipients in ME-Nursing Facility, ME-State School, ME-Waivers and ME-Community Attendant are not eligible for QMB or SLMB, they are not eligible for buy-in.
A-9220 Time Frames for Medicare Buy-In Enrollment
Revision 13-4; Effective December 1, 2013
Persons who have Medicare Part B coverage at the time they are certified for Medicaid are enrolled as follows:
- SSI and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients are enrolled for buy-in effective the first month they receive a cash payment.
- ME-Pickle recipients who are RSDI pass-on recipients are enrolled in continuous buy-in.
Example: The recipient was denied SSI on Dec. 31 due to a cost of living increase. The recipient applied for ME-Pickle in February and was certified eligible on March 5. Medical effective date is Jan. 1. Medicare Part B buy-in is effective Jan. 1. The recipient will be reimbursed by SSA for any premiums withheld from the recipient's RSDI check.
- ME-Disabled Adult Child (DAC) recipients who are RSDI pass-on recipients are enrolled in continuous buy-in.
Example: The recipient was denied SSI on Dec. 31 due to a cost of living increase. The recipient applied for ME-DAC in March and was certified eligible on April 10. Medical effective date is Jan. 1. Medicare Part B buy-in is effective Jan. 1. The recipient will be reimbursed by SSA for any premiums withheld from the recipient’s RSDI check.
- ME-Nursing Facility, ME-State School, ME-Waivers, ME-Non-State Group Home and ME-State Group Home recipients who are QMB-eligible, whose certification was accomplished as a program transfer, and whose certification has no break in Medicaid coverage are eligible for continuous buy-in.
Example: The MQMB recipient has SSI and RSDI income and enters a nursing facility in January. SSI is denied effective Feb. 28. The recipient qualifies for QMB and Medicaid. The medical effective date for MQMB is March 1. The recipient is entitled to continued Medicare buy-in and is reimbursed for any premium withheld from the RSDI check.
- Recipients who are denied in error and are recertified have continuous enrollment for buy-in. This is true except for those recipients in ME-Nursing Facility who are not eligible for QMB benefits.
Example: The MQMB recipient is enrolled in Medicaid, ME-Nursing Facility. During the first year's review process, the recipient was denied due to excess resources effective Jan. 31. During a subsequent application in March, the eligibility specialist discovers the recipient should not have been denied in January and grants a medical effective date of Feb. 1, reopening the case. The recipient is entitled to continued Medicare buy-in and is reimbursed for any premium withheld from the RSDI check.
- ME-Nursing Facility recipients who are also QMB-eligible are enrolled for buy-in effective the month of their eligibility for QMB benefits.
Example: The recipient is certified for ME-Nursing Facility and is also eligible for MQMB. Certification is Jan. 15, and the MQMB effective date is Feb. 1. Medicare buy-in is effective Feb. 1. The recipient will be reimbursed by SSA for any premiums withheld after the effective date of buy-in.
- Recipients eligible for QMB who do not have Medicare Part B coverage at the time of Medicaid certification are enrolled in buy-in when they meet Medicare criteria. These recipients remain on the buy-in rolls while they are eligible for Medicare, Medicaid and QMB benefits.
When a recipient is enrolled in buy-in, SSA stops charging for Part B premiums. Usually this occurs the month after SSA has acknowledged receiving the recipient's name as an addition to the buy-in rolls. If premiums have been withheld from the monthly benefit, the recipient's check should reflect an upward adjustment by the third month after the month of certification.
Address questions about the buy-in status of a recipient who has been certified for at least three months to:
Chapter B, Applications and Redeterminations
B-1000, Applications and Redeterminations
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
This chapter contains processes for applications and redeterminations for all MEPD coverage groups.
See Chapter A, General Information and MEPD Groups, for descriptions.
B-1100, Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
B-2000, Responsibilities of an Eligibility Specialist
B-2100, Reporting Abuse and Neglect
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
HHSC staff are mandated to report abuse or neglect that threatens the health or welfare of a child or an elderly or disabled adult. Staff must report instances of:
- physical or mental injury;
- sexual abuse;
- exploitation; and
- neglect.
Report such instances to the Department of Family and Protective Services. The toll-free number to report abuse is 800-252-5400.
For reports of domestic violence, abuse or neglect of adults, inform the person or his or her authorized representative of the report unless you believe informing them would place the person at risk of serious harm.
B-2200, Conflict of Interest
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
An eligibility specialist has an obligation to avoid even the appearance of impropriety or conflict of interest when determining Medicaid eligibility. The eligibility specialist must not work on or review an ongoing case nor assist an applicant or recipient to receive benefits if the applicant or recipient is a relative (by blood or marriage), roommate, dating companion, supervisor or someone under the specialist's supervision. The specialist may not determine their eligibility for Medicaid. The specialist may provide anyone with an application for Medicaid and may inform anyone how and where to apply. The specialist may help anyone gather documents to verify eligibility and need for Medicaid, but must not take any other role in determining eligibility.
The specialist must consult with the supervisor if the applicant or recipient is a friend or acquaintance. Generally, the specialist should not work on cases or applications involving these individuals, but the degree and nature of the relationship should be taken into account.
B-2300, Eligibility Determination
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Verify all eligibility factors according to the verification and documentation requirements for each factor.
Document all factors of eligibility in the case record to substantiate the decisions made on all applications and redeterminations before certifying, recertifying, denying or taking any other action on a person's eligibility and/or co-payment.
B-2400, Documentation Standards
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
Documentation standards are in this handbook. Find specific documentation and verification standards in Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide. Appendix XVI provides documentation expectations and suggested sources for getting information resulting in quality, accurate cases.
When supervisor approval is suggested, written or documented, verbal contact is acceptable. Requirements for documenting phone contacts are in Appendix XVI.
Documentation standards include the date and name or signature of the MEPD eligibility specialist on all recording documents and case actions.
B-2500, Explaining Policy vs. Giving Advice
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Explaining policy is appropriate. The law requires that Medicaid rules, policies and procedures be freely available to the public. The rules governing MEPD are contained in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 1, Part 15, Chapters 358, 359 and 360. This handbook also contains the MEPD rules, as well as policies, procedures and examples. Both the TAC and MEPD Handbook are available online. MEPD eligibility specialists act properly in explaining the rule or policy that applies to an applicant's or recipient’s situation, and in referencing the applicable rule or handbook sections.
Giving advice is contrary to HHSC policy. Giving advice includes suggesting options for how to become eligible or how to avoid Medicaid estate recovery, as well as expressing any opinion of what is preferable or more advantageous to the applicant or recipient. Giving advice is contrary to HHSC policy because it:
- usually constitutes the unauthorized practice of law (which can subject the eligibility specialist to legal penalties);
- encroaches on the contractual relationship that may exist between the applicant or recipient and attorney or financial advisor; and
- can subject the eligibility specialist to personal liability for giving advice that is incorrect or that fails to take into account issues other than eligibility (attorneys and financial planners take into account other issues, such as tax laws, in giving estate planning advice relating to Medicaid eligibility).
The approach taken by MEPD eligibility specialists should be to explain policy but not to make recommendations. If an MEPD eligibility specialist is asked for advice, an appropriate response would be to provide the policy that applies to the situation, and to otherwise decline the request. The MEPD eligibility specialist should explain that agency policy prohibits giving advice, and may suggest that the applicant or recipient seek the assistance of an attorney or other estate planning professional of their own choosing.
Excess Income
See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide, and Appendix XXXVI, Qualified Income Trusts (QITs) and Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD).
If an applicant is income ineligible in an institutional living arrangement, Appendix XXXVI may be shared with applicants and their representatives to assist them in understanding the purpose of and requirements for a QIT.
To prevent allegations that MEPD staff are engaging in the unauthorized practice of law, the following instructions are provided. Use the instructions on the chart regarding the appropriate actions to take and the actions to avoid.
MEPD Staff
May | May Not |
Provide applicants or their representatives with a copy of Appendix XXXVI for informational purposes only. | Tell applicants or their representatives that they need a QIT. |
Provide applicants or their representatives with applicable policy and procedures. | Recommend specific actions applicants or their representatives should take to become eligible for Medicaid. |
Refer applicants or their representatives to the following allowable referral list:
Tell applicants or their representatives whether or not they must have an attorney to establish a QIT.
Recommend that an applicant or representative consult with a specific attorney or organization. (See allowable referral list.) |
Speak with their supervisor or regional services attorney about any questions they have regarding the use of Appendix XXXVI. | Recommend that an applicant or representative call an HHSC attorney for legal advice. |
Excess Resources
See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.
If excess resources can be designated as burial funds, allow the individual the opportunity to do so. See Section F-4227, Burial Funds.
If a person is determined ineligible because of excess funds in a joint account, allow an opportunity to disprove the presumed ownership of all or part of the funds. The person also must be allowed to disprove ownership of joint accounts that currently do not affect eligibility but may in the future. See Section F-4121, Joint Bank Accounts.
B-2600, Medicaid Estate Recovery Program Notification Requirements
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
Medicaid Estate Recovery Program (MERP) is not part of the eligibility determination process for Medicaid.
MERP recovers from a Medicaid recipient’s estate the cost of Medicaid assistance paid for an individual who:
1) was age 55 or older at the time Medicaid services were received; and
2) initially applied for certain types of long-term care (LTC) services on or after March 1, 2005.
Individuals whose estate may be subject to MERP recovery include:
- an applicant for a Medicaid program that covers these LTC services; or
- a recipient who requests a change to a Medicaid program that covers these LTC services.
Individuals applying for or receiving these LTC services must be informed about MERP.
A signed Form 8001, Medicaid Estate Recovery Program Receipt Acknowledgement, or documentation the Form 8001 was provided, must be in the case record of each applicant whose estate is subject to MERP recovery.
B-2610 Types of MEPD Groups Subject to MERP
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
On March 1, 2005, Texas implemented MERP in compliance with federal Medicaid and state laws. The program is managed by HHSC. Under this program, the state may file a claim against the estate of a deceased Medicaid recipient who: 1) was age 55 or older when Medicaid services were received; and 2) first applied for certain long-term care services and supports on or after March 1, 2005. The most complete, current and accurate source of information regarding MERP is the HHS website: Medicaid Estate Recovery Program. MERP Claims include the cost of Medicaid assistance paid for the following services:
- nursing facilities;
- intermediate care facilities for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID), which include state supported living centers;
- Home and Community-Based Services waiver programs. See Chapter O, Waiver Programs, Demonstration Projects and All-Inclusive Care;
- Community Attendant Services; and
- related hospital and prescription drug services.
- A person who is placed on an interest list for a Home and Community-Based Services waiver program is not considered to be an applicant.
- As of Jan. 1, 2010, states are prohibited from recovering the value of Medicare cost-sharing paid under Medicare savings programs as a result of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) signed into law on July 15, 2008.
B-2620 HHSC MERP Notification Requirements
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
HHSC staff must inform anyone requesting Medicaid assistance for long-term services and supports that may be subject to MERP recovery. Complete the following to document this requirement:
- Form 8001, Medicaid Estate Recovery Program Receipt Acknowledgement, is mailed with all Form H1200 application requests received on or after March 1, 2005.
- Ensure the signed MERP Receipt Acknowledgement (Form 8001) is imaged in the case record.
- Include the MERP documentation with SSI monitoring requirements outlined in Section B-7100, SSI Monitoring.
- Record information (name, address, telephone number) of any of the following individuals representing the applicant:
- guardian of the person or guardian of the estate of the applicant;
- agent under a durable power of attorney or a medical power of attorney; or
- if none of the above individuals are known, family members acting on behalf of the applicant.
- If a signed MERP Receipt Acknowledgement form is not returned by the applicant/recipient, send Form 8001 and document in case comments that the MERP information was sent to inform the recipient about MERP and the potential for estate recovery. Include in the documentation the date the form was sent to the recipient.
If a Form H1746-A, MEPD Referral Cover Sheet, has a mark in the box "MERP shared," do not send MERP notifications to the individual. The agency making the referral has shared MERP information with the individual.
The MERP notification requirement applies to any individual, age 55 or older, who is applying for Medicaid assistance for long-term care services and supports that are subject to MERP on or after March 1, 2005, either through an application or program transfer. Individuals transferring to long-term care services and supports subject to MERP must have documentation of Form 8001 in the case record. If there is no documentation in the case record, send Form 8001 and follow documentation guidelines outlined in this section.
Example: Mr. Andy Allen applied for a Medicare Savings Program (MSP) before Nov. 1, 2004, and was certified, but did not receive Form 8001 since Mr. Allen was on an MSP before March 1, 2005. Mr. Allen entered a nursing facility this month and requested a program transfer. Based on Section B-7450, Medicaid Certified Person Enters Nursing Facility or Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Program, the program transfer is complete, and Form 8001 is sent to Mr. Allen. Staff document in case comments the date the Form H8001 was mailed.
B-3000, Applications
B-3100, Application Process
Revision 20-2; Effective June 1, 2020
For Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD), the application for assistance is based on one of the following versions of Form H1200:
- Form H1200, Application for Assistance — Your Texas Benefits, for all MEPD programs;
- Form H1200-EZ, Application for Assistance — Aged and Disabled, for Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) programs;
- Form H1200-PFS, Medicaid Application for Assistance (for Residents of State Facilities) Property and Financial Statement, for state supported living centers, state hospitals, and state centers;
- Form H1200-MBI, Application for Benefits — Medicaid Buy-In, for the MBI program only; or
- Form H1200-MBIC, Application for Benefits — Medicaid Buy-In for Children (MBIC), for the MBIC program only.
If requested, give the applicant a receipt (Form H1800, Receipt for Application/Medicaid Report/Verification/Report of Change) to verify they provided an application. An applicant may request Form H1800 by fax or mail. Mail the receipt to the applicant’s listed address.
Related Policy
Date of Application, B-4000
Previous Completed Application, B-5000
Notices and Forms, M-9000
Notices and Forms, N-9000
B-3200, Application Requirements
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
Federal law requires allowing anyone wanting to apply for a Medicaid program be allowed to file an application immediately, regardless of the person's ultimate eligibility for assistance.
An application form must be mailed within two working days from the receipt of the request for an application.
Applications can be submitted through any of the following channels:
- online through;
- in the local office;
- by mail, fax or phone
Use an application form to test eligibility for all Medicaid programs when a person meets the criteria. A separate application form is not required for each of the different Medicaid programs for the elderly and people with disabilities.
Consider the application complete with a name, address and signature.
B-3210 Who May Complete an Application for Assistance
Revision 23-2; Effective June 1, 2023
A person who may complete or sign an application for an applicant may not be on the list of people to whom the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) can release the applicant’s individually identifiable health information. See section C-5000, Personal Representatives, for people who may receive or authorize the release of an applicant's individually identifiable health information under Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy regulations.
An authorized representative may accompany, help and represent an applicant or recipient in the application or eligibility redetermination process.
Anyone may help the applicant, guardian, power of attorney or authorized representative complete an application form. If someone helps complete the application for assistance, the name of the person completing the form must appear as requested on the application.
See section B-3220, Who May Sign an Application for Assistance, to determine who may sign an application for assistance form. The requirements for signing a redetermination form are the same as the requirements for signing an application.
See section C-1100, Responsibility of Applying.
Most applicants in an institutional setting such as a nursing facility are signed into the facility by someone else. An application and information from the applicant or the person(s) having knowledge of the applicant's financial circumstances are required.
B-3220 Who May Sign an Application for Assistance
Revision 16-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2016
An individual who may complete or sign an application for an applicant may not be on the list of people to whom HHSC can release the applicant’s individually identifiable health information. See section C-5000, Personal Representatives, for individuals who may receive or authorize the release of an applicant’s individually identifiable health information under HIPAA privacy regulations.
An applicant, authorized representative or someone acting responsibly for the applicant (if the applicant is incompetent or incapacitated) may sign an application for assistance. The application for assistance must be signed under penalty of perjury.
If an applicant has a guardian, the guardian must:
- sign the application for assistance;
- obtain a copy of the guardianship papers; and
- work with the guardian in the eligibility process.
If an application is signed by someone other than the applicant or the applicant’s guardian, power of attorney, family member, or a friend who is knowledgeable of the applicant’s finances, the individual must provide a Form H1003, Appointment of an Authorized Representative (PDF), signed by the applicant, or evidence of:
- authority to complete and sign an application on behalf of an applicant;
- the individual’s relationship to the applicant; and
- responsibility for the applicant’s care.
If an applicant makes an "X" on the signature line for applicant/recipient, a witness must sign on the witness signature line.
B-3221 Valid Signatures
Revision 24-1; Effective March 1, 2024
All applications and renewals must be signed under the penalty of perjury statement.
Valid signatures include only the following:
- a traditional written signature;
- a faxed written signature;
- an electronic signature submitted through;
- an electronic signature submitted through an account transfer from the Marketplace; and
- a telephonic signature submitted by calling 2-1-1.
Applications submitted online through by a person or authorized representative (AR) are considered electronically signed. A traditional written signature is not required before the person can be certified.
Federal Marketplace Applications
The Marketplace sends a person's information electronically to HHSC through an account transfer. Applications from the Marketplace are received by staff in the same way as an application from and are considered electronically signed.
Other Electronic Signatures
Other electronic signatures not specifically mentioned above, including those captured or copied by electronic devices, are not valid signatures.
Calling 2-1-1
A person may apply for Medicaid by calling 2-1-1. A person or AR may complete and sign an application over the phone by:
- providing their information over the phone to a customer care representative (CCR); and
- signing the application telephonically by stating their name and agreeing to the penalty of perjury statement read by the CCR.
The CCR enters and submits the information provided by the person or AR through
Unsigned Applications
An application or renewal form is considered invalid when:
- it is received without a signature below the penalty of perjury statement; or
- the agency receives an application without a signature and does not accept the application by giving the application an established file date.
Staff must return the application with a letter and a self-addressed return envelope explaining that the application must be signed before the agency can establish a file date.
If the agency receives and accepts an application without a signature and the application is given an established file date in error, the date the application is received is considered a valid file date. Staff must send Form H1020, Request for Information or Action (PDF), along with the signature page requesting a signature. If the person applying for Medicaid fails to provide a signed application by the final due date, staff must deny the application for failure to provide information.
Related Policy
Processing Deadlines, B-6400
Who May Sign an Application for Assistance, B-3220
B-3230 Receipt of Duplicate or Identical Applications
Revision 20-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2020
Duplicate Application
An application filed after another application has already been filed is a duplicate application if it:
- does not include a request for a new program (i.e.: a type of program not requested on the initial application or a type of program not currently received by the applicant); and
- is not needed for a redetermination of the active program(s).
Example: An application is received on January 2 and a second application for the same program is received on January 5. The second application is considered a duplicate application.
If a duplicate application is received while the first application is being processed:
- treat the duplicate application as a report of change; and
- assign to the eligibility staff currently processing the case.
If a duplicate application is received after the first application has been processed, review the application to ensure the person is not applying for a different type of program and that a redetermination is not due. If a new program is not being requested:
- consider the duplicate application as a report of change; and
- assign as a change indicating "duplicate application."
If the person is applying for a new program, the application is not a duplicate application. Process the application as a new request for assistance.
Identical Application
An identical application is an exact copy of an application previously submitted by an applicant.
Example: An application is received by fax on January 2 and an exact copy of the same application (with the same signature and date of the previously submitted application) is received by mail on January 5. The second application is considered an identical application.
Required Action on Identical Application Received
If an identical application is received, write "Identical Application" on the front page of the application and route for imaging. The identical application will be imaged and added to the electronic case record. No other action is needed.
B-3240 Electronic Correspondence
Revision 22-3; Effective September 1, 2022
At any time, an applicant, recipient, or authorized representative (AR) for a case may view available eligibility correspondence electronically through instead of receiving them by mail. By selecting this option, applicable forms and notices are posted to the recipient’s or AR’s case account. A text message or an e-mail reminder is sent to the recipient each time a new form or notice is posted to their account. The recipient may print a copy of the correspondence from their account or request a paper copy be mailed to them. Forms and notices that are not available electronically will continue to be mailed to the recipient or AR.
Related Policy
Notices, R-1300
B-3300, Authorized Representative
Revision 21-1; Effective March 1, 2021
An authorized representative (AR) is a person who is familiar with the applicant and knowledgeable of the applicant’s financial affairs.
An applicant, person receiving benefits, head of household (HOH), or someone with legal authority to act on their behalf (e.g., legal guardian or power of attorney) may designate a person or organization as an AR.
When applying for benefits, an AR must be verified using one of the following:
- applicant's or recipient’s signature on one of the following HHSC applications for benefits containing the AR designation:
- applicant's signature on a Marketplace application for health care benefits that is transferred to HHSC and contains the AR designation;
- legal documentation that the AR has authority to act on behalf of the applicant or recipient under state law (e.g., legal guardianship or power of attorney);
- letter designating AR authority and containing the applicant's or recipient’s signature, in addition to the name, address and signature of the AR;
- completed Form H1003, Appointment of an Authorized Representative (PDF);
- applicant’s or recipient’s electronic signature designating the AR on an application, renewal or reported change submitted through; or
- applicant’s or recipient’s telephonic signature submitted by calling 2-1-1.
If a person or organization submits an application on behalf of an applicant and indicates they wish to be the AR but the application is not signed by the applicant, send correspondence to both the unverified AR and the applicant to request the verification.
- Send the following to the applicant:
- Form H1020, Request for Information or Action (PDF), listing the missing information needed before eligibility can be determined.
- Form H1003, to capture the AR designation and the signatures of the applicant and the AR.
- Send the following to the unverified AR:
- Form H1004, Cover Letter: Authorized Representative Not Verified (PDF), explaining what is needed to verify the AR.
- Form H1003, to capture the AR designation and the signatures of the applicant and the AR.
For the AR to be verified, either the AR or the applicant must return the completed Form H1003 within 10 days (or 39 days from the file date). All missing information listed on the Form H1020 must also be returned timely. If the AR verification is not received by the due date, do not designate an AR.
The AR designation is effective from the date the AR is verified until:
- the applicant or recipient notifies HHSC that the AR is no longer authorized to act on their behalf;
- the AR notifies HHSC that they no longer wish to act as the AR for the applicant or recipient;
Note: The AR will not be able to do this during the redetermination process if the AR is the person completing and signing the redetermination.
- there is a change in the legal authority (i.e., legal guardianship or power of attorney) on which the AR’s designation is based; or
- the applicant or recipient designates a new AR to act on their behalf. If there is an existing AR designated on a case, the person or organization most recently designated as the AR will replace the existing AR on the case.
Requests to end the designation of an AR must include the signature of the applicant, the recipient or the AR as appropriate.
Note: An AR is not automatically a personal representative.
An AR is designated at the case level to have access to all benefit information for that case. A verified AR may:
- sign an application on behalf of an applicant;
- complete and submit a renewal form;
- receive copies of notices or renewal forms in the preferred language selected on the application, and other communications from HHSC;
- designate a health plan; and
- act on behalf of the applicant or the recipient in all other matters with HHSC.
The applicant, recipient or AR may also request that the AR receive the recipient’s Medicaid ID card and enrollment-related agency correspondence.
Mailing Address for AR
When processing the application, obtain the AR’s complete mailing address if not included on the application form. Record the AR’s address on the TIERS Data Collection page, Household – Authorized Representative. If the applicant cannot provide a complete mailing address for the AR, do not pend the case. Record the applicant’s mailing address as the AR’s address in TIERS.
When an applicant or recipient and their designated AR have the same mailing address, correspondence will be sent only to the AR.
When an applicant or recipient has a legal guardian, correspondence will be sent only to the guardian, even if the applicant or recipient and the guardian have different mailing addresses.
Applicants, recipients or ARs who have chosen to receive eligibility correspondence electronically will continue to receive correspondence electronically.
Related Policy
Who May Complete an Application for Assistance, B-3210
Who May Sign an Application for Assistance, B-3220
Prior Coverage for Deceased Applicants, G-7210
B-3400, General Procedures
Revision 21-4; Effective December 1, 2021
If an applicant or authorized representative (AR) contacts HHSC to initiate an application and appears to be eligible for SSI, refer the person or AR to the Social Security Administration (SSA). If the person or AR wishes to file an application with HHSC, provide the appropriate cover letter, application for assistance and Form H0025, HHSC Application for Voter Registration.
Explain that eligibility is determined based on:
- a completed, signed and dated application for assistance;
- information obtained from the completed form, the applicant and AR, tape matches and interviews if needed; and
- required verification documents.
When determining eligibility for a person in an institutional setting using the special income limit, the eligibility determination cannot be disposed in the system of record until the person has resided in an institutional setting for at least 30 consecutive days. The person must also have an approved level of care (LOC) for an intermediate care facility for persons with intellectual disabilities (ICF/IID) or an approved medical necessity (MN) with a nursing facility LOC.
Do not approve medical assistance for a person in an institutional setting unless the person has been in a Medicaid facility for at least 30 days and has an approved LOC or MN determination.
Related Policy
Institutional Living Arrangement, B-6300
Voter Registration, C-7000
Assessment and SPRA, J-4000
B-3500, Coordination with the Federal Marketplace
Revision 24-1; Effective March 1, 2024
Eligibility determinations for Medicaid must be coordinated with the federal Marketplace. A person who applies for health care coverage through the Marketplace at is also assessed for Medicaid eligibility. If the Marketplace assessment does not show the person may be eligible for Medicaid, the person can still request their information be transferred to HHSC for a full eligibility determination.
The Marketplace assesses a person as:
- potentially eligible for Medicaid based on Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) rules; or
- potentially eligible for Medicaid on a non-MAGI basis if the person is 65 or older or reports having a disability or blindness.
If the assessment shows the person may be eligible for Medicaid, the person’s application information is transferred to HHSC.
HHSC must evaluate the person’s eligibility for Medicaid without requiring a new application.
B-3510 Applications Received from the Marketplace
Revision 24-1; Effective March 1, 2024
The federal Marketplace sends a person’s application information to HHSC through an electronic interface when:
- the Marketplace assessment shows the person may be eligible for Medicaid; or
- the person requests a full eligibility determination for Medicaid.
The electronic transfer of application information is called an account transfer. The account transfer includes information provided by the person on the Marketplace application and information verified by the Marketplace.
The account transfer process generates a PDF application with the information the Marketplace provides. Verifications completed by the Marketplace are included in the Verifications section of the PDF. Like an application from, enter applicant information into the appropriate logical unit of work (LUW) following the verification policies. This includes any required documentation about blanks or discrepancies on the PDF application.
B-3520 Verifications Provided by the Marketplace
Revision 24-1; Effective March 1, 2024
Medical Programs
Marketplace account transfer PDFs also include a Verifications section. Enter information from the verification section as follows:
- If the Marketplace verified the person's Social Security number (SSN) or citizenship status using data from the Social Security Administration (SSA), accept the information as Verified by SSA.
- If the Marketplace verified the person's alien status using data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), accept the information as Verified by DHS.
- If the Marketplace verified other eligibility criteria, such as income or resources, per HHSC verification policy, accept the information as verified.
All other applicant information must be verified as required by the applicable HHSC verification policy. Do not request additional verification for information verified by the Marketplace per HHSC verification policy.
Related Policy
Documentation and Verification Guide, Appendix XVI
B-4000, Date of Application
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
The file date of an application is the date the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) receives an application form containing the person’s name, address and valid signature. This is day zero in the application process.
Applications can be submitted through any of the following channels:
- online through;
- in the local office;
- by mail, fax or phone
For electronically filed applications, the file date is the date the applicant clicks the Submit Application button in
For applications received after the close of business or on days when HHSC is closed, including weekends and holidays, the file date is the next business day.
If an application is denied in error, protect the original file date of the application no matter how old the application for assistance is.
Send Notice H1236, Notification of Receipt of Application, to the nursing facility or ICF/IID where a person resides or plans to reside within 10 calendar days from receipt of an application. Provide a Form H1800, Receipt for Application/Medicaid Report/Verification/Report of Change (PDF) if the person requests a receipt. A person can request Form H1800 by fax or mail. Mail the receipt to the person’s listed address.
Related Policy
Previously Completed Application, B-5000
Application Due Dates, B-6410
B-5000, Previously Completed Application
Revision 20-4; Effective December 1, 2020
A previously completed application for assistance is valid for 90 days. It may be used to reopen the application or renewal in the following situations.
Failure to Provide Requested Information
- An application is denied for failure to provide information and all requested information is provided within 90 days of the date of denial.
- A renewal is denied for failure to provide information and all requested information is provided after the date of denial but within 90 days of the last day of the last benefit month.
Reopen and re-evaluate eligibility using the information provided and the previously submitted application or renewal form. A written request to reopen is not required.
The date all the information and verification that was originally requested is provided is the new file date. If additional information is needed to make an accurate eligibility determination based on the new file date, request the needed information following regular policy and process.
Failure to Provide Verification of Level of Care (LOC) or Medical Necessity (MN)
If an application is denied for failure to provide verification of LOC or MN and all other eligibility criteria are met:
- Reopen and re-evaluate eligibility using the previously submitted application if verification of LOC or MN is received within 90 days of the date of denial. A written request to reopen is not required. The date the verification is received is the new file date.
- If additional information is needed to make an accurate eligibility determination based on the new file date, request the needed information following regular policy and processes.
Application or Renewal Denied for Reasons Other Than Failure to Provide Information
If an application or renewal is denied for a reason other than failure to provide information and the person requests to reapply:
- Obtain a written, dated and signed statement of request to reapply from the person or authorized representative to establish the file date.
- The previously completed application for assistance is valid for 90 days from the date of denial.
- The previously completed renewal form is valid for 90 days from the last day of the last benefit month.
- Verification must be updated if circumstances have changed.
Application or Renewals Denied in Error
- If an application is denied in error, the original file date of the application must be used regardless of the age of the application.
- If a renewal is denied in error, the receipt date of the renewal packet must be used regardless of the age.
- If the application or renewal denial is determined to be agency error, do not require a new application or statement to reapply from the person or authorized representative to reopen the application if supervisory approval is obtained.
Applications Received from Other HHSC Areas
Applications for assistance may be received by other areas within HHSC, including Community Care Service Eligibility (CCSE) staff or waiver staff. Regardless of the signature date, the applications must be forwarded to Medicaid eligibility staff for an eligibility determination. Staff must contact the applicant or authorized representative to obtain current information.
Example: CCSE staff refer a person receiving Family Care to MEPD for a financial eligibility determination for Community Attendant Services (CAS). The application was signed and dated two months prior. MEPD staff must contact the person to obtain current income and resource information.
Related Policy
B-6000, Eligibility Determination
B-6100, Face-to-Face and Telephone Interviews
As a result of the initiative to integrate application and eligibility determination processes, a face-to-face interview or a telephone interview is not required in determining eligibility for Medicaid programs within this handbook.
At the request of the person or the person's authorized representative, conduct a face-to-face interview or an interview by telephone based on the request. Form H1246, Medicaid Eligibility Interview Guide, is optional for staff to use to record information during the interview.
Information to consider for the case documentation:
- Whether a face-to-face or telephone interview was conducted.
- Date of the interview and name of the person interviewed (applicant or authorized representative).
- Relationship of the authorized representative to the applicant.
- Reason, if an interview was requested but not conducted.
Interviews are not required for Medicaid applicants or recipients. If an appointment is scheduled and the person does not keep the appointment, do not deny based on the missed appointment.
B-6200, Financial Management
If a person does not report a bank account, trust fund or similar account on Form H1200, Application for Assistance – Your Texas Benefits, or other application for assistance, ask the person or the authorized representative to explain how the person's financial affairs are handled. This includes determining who:
- cashes the checks and where;
- pays the bills and how; and
- keeps the money and how the funds are kept.
If the person reveals previously unreported liquid resources, request verification to determine the value, ownership and accessibility according to the requirements for the resource involved.
Sources for verifying financial management are as follows:
- Statements from the applicant and the person who handles the applicant's funds.
- Statement from a knowledgeable third party (for example, an administrator or bookkeeper in the facility usually knows who receives the applicant's benefit payments and pays the bills).
Use Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide, for sources of needed verifications.
Include the following information in the case record documentation:
- Where checks are cashed and how bills are paid.
- Who handles the person's checks, pays the person's bills and maintains the person's money.
- How much money, if any, the person or anyone else keeps.
- How much has accumulated.
- Source of information.
Note: If the person's bank account is dormant, financial management must be verified and documented. For applications, explore financial management if there has been no activity in a reported account during the month of application and the month before.
B-6300, Institutional Living Arrangement
Determine the first day a person’s eligibility can be established under the special income limit. Form 3618, Resident Transaction Notice (PDF); Form 3619, Medicare/SNF Patient Transaction Notice (PDF); and Form H0090-I, Notice of Admission, Departure (PDF), Readmission or Death of an Applicant/Recipient of Supplemental Security Income and/or Assistance Only in a State Institution, provide adequate verification of dates of admission to a Medicaid facility. In absence of the above-listed forms, eligibility staff may contact the administrator, bookkeeper or office manager for the date of admission.
Eligibility under the special income limit cannot be processed or disposed until the applicant has resided in an institutional setting for at least 30 consecutive days.
The 30-day requirement begins with confinement to one or more Medicaid-certified facilities (Medicare-SNF, NF or ICF/IID) for at least 30 consecutive days. The date of admittance to an institution is day zero.
Example 1: Mr. Smith entered the nursing facility on March 27. He stayed there for 30 consecutive days – not going home, to the hospital or to another nursing facility. The earliest staff can certify the case is the 31st day, which is April 27.
Example 2: Mr. Lopez entered the hospital on Feb. 10 and entered the nursing facility on Feb. 19. He stayed there for 30 consecutive days – not going home, to the hospital or to another nursing facility. The start of the 30 consecutive days started on Feb. 19, not Feb. 10. The earliest staff can certify the case is the 31st day, which is March 22.
Example 3: Mr. Johnson entered the nursing facility on March 1. He went to the hospital on March 5. He returned to the nursing facility on March 10. The 30 consecutive days started on March 1 and was not interrupted by the hospital stay. The earliest staff can certify the case is the 31st day, which is April 1.
Example 4: Mr. Brown entered the nursing facility on May 10. The 31st day is June 10. He went home on June 1. He did not stay the required 30 consecutive days. Staff cannot certify the case.
Example 5: Mr. Leo entered the nursing facility on April 20. The 31st day is May 21. He died on May 10. He did not stay the required 30 consecutive days, however, staff can certify the case if the person meets all other eligibility requirements.
Example 6: Mr. Smith entered the hospital on Feb. 15 and then went directly to the nursing home on March 10. His wife continues to live in their home in the community. The 30 consecutive days starts on March 10, not Feb. 15. The earliest staff can certify the case is the 31st day, which is April 10th.
Note: The hospital stay in February is the start date for the continuous period in an institution for the spousal resource assessment – which is different than the 30-consecutive day’s requirement.
See Chapter J, Spousal Impoverishment, regarding the resource assessment and spousal protected resource amount (SPRA). When determining the 30 consecutive day requirement, consider both the days in a medical facility and the days in the Home and Community-Based Services waiver setting.
Use the special income limit for the month of entry to a Medicaid-certified long-term care facility (Medicare-SNF, NF or ICF/IID) if it is anticipated that the person will remain in a Medicaid-certified facility for at least 30 consecutive days. When eligibility is based on the special income limit, finalization of the person’s eligibility cannot be processed or disposed until the 30 consecutive days in an institutional setting have been met. See MEPD Due Date Chart job aid on The LOOP, to determine the 31st day.
It may be necessary to verify the living arrangement for prior months by contacting the applicant or authorized representative to ensure the appropriate income limit is used for determining eligibility for prior months. It may also be necessary to contact the facility, the Home and Community-Based Services waiver provider or the hospital, if an applicant has been discharged to a hospital, to ensure that the 30 consecutive day requirement is met.
The case record must include the following verification and documentation :
- Date the applicant entered the Medicaid facility.
- Date the applicant met the 30 consecutive day requirement (or date of death).
- Source of verification.
See Appendix XXX, Medical Effective Dates (MEDs). Use the information under the Institutional Based area to determine the appropriate income limit for the month of application and the prior months.
The 30 consecutive day requirement does not apply to a regular Medicaid recipient who:
- is eligible for SSI; or
- was eligible for SSI and continues regular Medicaid eligibility through one of the cost of living adjustment (COLA) disregard programs.
The COLA disregard programs are:
- ME-Pickle
- ME-Disabled Adult Child
- ME-Disabled Widow(er)
- ME-Early Aged Widow(er)
Related Policy
Medical Effective Dates (MEDs), Appendix XXX
Medicaid Certified Person Enters Nursing Facility or Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Program, B-7450
Institutional Eligibility Budget Types, G-6000
Prior Coverage, G-7000
B-6400, Processing Deadlines
Make and document an eligibility decision on an application as soon as all required verification is received.
Time frame for eligibility determination:
- Make an eligibility decision within 45 days on applications from applicants 65 years or older.
- Make a decision within 45 days on applications from applicants under age 65 who have had disability established based on the Social Security Administration criteria for RSDI Title II or SSI Title XVI disability.
- Make a decision within 90 days on applications from applicants who must have disability established by the HHSC Disability Determination Unit.
- See section B-4000, Date of Application, for clarification of date of application and complete application.
- See section R-3100, Establish Processing Deadlines, for automation procedures to follow when applications cannot be completed within the normal 45/90-day limit and for requirements to request a delay in certification.
- See section D-2100, When a Medical Determination Is Not Required, and section D-2200, When a Medical Determination Is Required, for further information regarding a medical determination for applicants under age 65.
B-6410 Application Due Dates
Applications must be processed in a timely manner. For timeliness and processing purposes:
- The timeliness count begins the date the completed and signed application for assistance is received by HHSC.
- The file date of an application is day zero for application processing.
If a person applies for multiple programs and all requested information is provided for one program and not the other(s), make an eligibility determination for the program in which all the information has been received. Continue to allow for the opportunity to provide the remaining missing information for the other program(s) until the final due date.
- The date of application is established when HHSC receives the completed and signed application form.
- For applications submitted after the close of business for the day, or on days when HHSC is closed (including weekends and holidays), the date of application is the following business day.
- If an application is denied in error, the original date of application must be protected no matter how old the original date on the application for assistance. A new application processing date must be established.
Related Policy
Date of Application, B-4000
Previously Completed Application, B-5000
B-6420 Missing Information Due Dates
Use Form H1020, Request for Information or Action (PDF), to request missing information or verifications. The final due date for missing information for applications on Form H1020 is the:
- 39th day from the date of application, or
- 84th day from the date of application for a person who needs a disability determination.
Do not send a second request for missing information. Take appropriate case action based on the original request for missing information.
Delay in Certification
When there is an approved delay in certification, the 39th and 84th days are extended 90 days.
Always send notification to the applicant/authorized representative and nursing facility, using Form H1020 and Form H1247, Notice of Delay in Certification (PDF).
Use Form H1020 to indicate the needed information and the re-established due dates during the delay in certification. See section B-6510, Failure to Furnish Missing Information.
Re-established due dates are based on the reason for the delay in certification and reasonable MEPD specialist judgment. For example, if the delay is due to the 30-day consecutive requirement not being met, the re-established due date would not automatically need to be the full 90-day extension. However, if the delay is due to the facility pending certification, the full 90-day extension may be necessary. When unsure of the re-established due dates based on the reason for the delay in certification, consult the supervisor to determine the re-established pending period. Do not send a second request for missing information during the re-established due dates based on the delay in certification. Take appropriate case action based on the Form H1247 and Form H1020 used to notify the applicant of the delay in certification and the needed verification.
Use Form H1020 to request missing information or verifications. The due date for missing information or verifications for redeterminations should be 10 days from the date on Form H1020.
B-6500, Denials
Before a person is denied for any reason during application, eligibility for QMB/SLMB must also be tested.
- An applicant for nursing facility coverage also must be tested for QMB coverage. If the applicant is ineligible for nursing facility coverage but eligible for QMB, certify the applicant for QMB. Indicate on the notice that the applicant is ineligible for nursing facility coverage but eligible for QMB coverage.
- When an MQMB recipient dually eligible for nursing facility coverage leaves the nursing facility to live at home, test for continuing QMB coverage in the new living arrangement.
- When a Community Attendant Services (CAS) recipient who is also QMB-eligible no longer has physician's orders and is ineligible for CAS, do not deny the QMB coverage unless a change in the recipient’s circumstances also results in ineligibility for QMB.
B-6510 Failure to Provide Missing Information
Revision 20-4; Effective December 1, 2020
For applications, initiate the written request for verification within 30 calendar days from the date the application is received by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).
If more information or verification is required to complete an application, the applicant or the applicant’s authorized representative (AR) is allowed at least 10 days to provide the information or verification. The final due date must be a workday.
Send Form H1020, Request for Information or Action (PDF), to request the needed verification. The Form H1020 provides:
- the information or verification needed;
- the date the information or verification is due; and
- the final decision date.
Note: The final decision date is the date the application may be denied if the required information or verification is not received.
The day Form H1020 is sent is considered day zero of the pending period.
Deny the application if the requested information is not received by close of business on the final decision date provided on the H1020.
If the required information is requested more than 30 days after the file date, allow at least 10 days to provide the required verification. Do not deny the application for the missing information before close of business on the 10th day.
Do not send a second request for missing information for applications.
Delay in Certification
Delay in certification procedures may be necessary if the applicant or the AR is attempting to obtain the information but cannot meet the deadline.
Note: If Asset Verification System (AVS) information impacts eligibility, pend the case and send Form H1020. Allow at least 10 days to provide verification of the new information. Delay in certification procedures may be necessary if the missing information due date is after the application due date.
All information and verification needed to make an eligibility redetermination decision must be provided.
Send Form H1020, Request for Information or Action, to request the needed verification. The Form H1020 provides:
- what is required;
- the date the verification is due; and
- the date the renewal could be denied if the verification is not received.
The day Form H1020 is sent is considered day zero of the pending period.
Allow at least 10 days to provide the requested verification. The system-generated due date is 10 days from the date of the H1020.
Do not send a second request for previously requested information for redeterminations.
If all previously requested information is returned and new information that impacts eligibility is discovered before disposition, send a new Form H1020 and allow at least 10 days to provide verification of the new information.
Deny the redetermination if the information or verification is not provided by the close of business on the final decision date indicated on the H1020.
Do not deny the redetermination for missing information before close of business on the 10th day.
Related Policy
Date of Application, B-4000
Missing Information Due Dates, B-6420
Establish Processing Deadlines, R-3100
Consideration of AVS Information, R-3744
B-6600, Continuous Medicaid Coverage
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
Children under 19 who are determined eligible for Medicaid at application or redetermination receive 12 months of continuous eligibility.
A child remains continuously eligible for the full 12-month eligibility period through the month they turn 19. The 12-month continuous eligibility period begins on the first day of the eligibility determination month.
Coverage is continuous regardless of changes, unless the child:
- turns 19;
- moves out of state;
- dies;
- requests a voluntary withdrawal; or
- was not validly enrolled due to:
- certification in error at application or last redetermination; or
- Office of Inspector General (OIG) determination that the person fraudulently received Medicaid and coverage should be denied.
A child may transfer to a different type of Medicaid coverage during the 12-month continuous eligibility period if:
- the new program provides the same or better benefits; and
- the child meets all eligibility criteria for the new program.
Do not transfer a child to a Medicaid program with lesser benefits during the 12-month continuous eligibility period.
Examples: Transfers from Medicaid to Community Attendant Services (CAS) or Medicaid to Medicare Savings Program (MSP) only are not allowed. Transfers from a Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver program to Nursing Facility Medicaid or other HCBS waiver program are allowed.
B-7000, Special Application Procedures
B-7100, SSI Applications
Revision 11-1; Effective March 1, 2011
The Social Security Administration (SSA) determines Medicaid eligibility for all persons who apply for SSI cash benefits. When SSA makes a determination on an application for SSI cash benefits (either approved or denied), HHSC is notified by means of the SSA/State Data Exchange System (SDX).
SSA is responsible for redetermination of SSI Medicaid eligibility. See section H-6000, Co-Payment for SSI Cases, for other special handling of SSI eligible individuals.
B-7110 Continuous Medicaid Coverage After SSI Denial for Income
Revision 20-3; Effective September 1, 2020
Certain SSI recipients are eligible for temporary Medicaid following the loss of SSI due to excess income. Medicaid eligibility is automatically extended for a short time for the following SSI recipients:
- children under 18 years old who receive waiver services; and
- people who receive an increase in Social Security Disabled Adult Children (DAC) benefits or Early Aged or Disabled Widow(er)’s benefits, who have no other income.
Recipients must return the Form H1200 and be determined eligible to continue to receive Medicaid after the short-term extended period ends.
Recipients who do not return a Form H1200 will be denied Medicaid at the end of the extended period. If SSA reinstates the recipient’s SSI benefits, SSI Medicaid will be reinstated. Medicaid coverage will not be extended again at subsequent SSI denials or suspensions for the following 12 months.
Send the following correspondence when Medicaid is extended after the loss of SSI:
- Form H1296, Notice of SSI Medicaid Ending – to notify the person that SSI Medicaid is ending due to the loss of SSI benefits.
- Form TF0001, Notice of Case Action – to inform the person of the extended Medicaid period and that they must complete and return the Form H1200 by the due date in order to receive Medicaid after the extended period; and
- Form H1200, Application for Assistance - Your Texas Benefits.
If Form H1200 is received, determine ongoing eligibility for the appropriate type of Medicaid. Expedite processing applications received before the extended Medicaid coverage ends. Expedited applications must be processed within 10 workdays from the date of application.
Children Receiving Waiver Services
Children who receive services through one of the following waiver programs are eligible to receive temporary ME-Waiver Medicaid for one month following the loss of SSI due to excess income:
- Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP);
- Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS);
- Home and Community-based Services (HCS);
- Youth Empowerment Services (YES); or
- Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD).
Ongoing Eligibility
If Form H1200 is received, determine ongoing eligibility for ME-Waiver Medicaid. If eligible, ME-Waiver Medicaid will remain active through the end of the month of the child’s 18th birthday. If the child is determined not eligible under any other Medicaid type of assistance, Medicaid is denied at the end of the one-month extended period.
- Applications submitted by the child or their parent or authorized representative do not require an associated Form H1746-A, MEPD Referral Cover Sheet.
- Applications submitted by program providers, including Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), Local Intellectual & Developmental Disability Authorities (LIDDAs) and Local Authorities (LAs), on behalf of a child receiving extended ME-Waiver Medicaid must include an associated Form H1746-A.
SSI Eligibility
If SSI benefits are reinstated while the child is active ME-Waiver Medicaid, SSI Medicaid will be suppressed, and ME-Waiver Medicaid will remain active. This is to avoid future gaps in coverage.
If SSI benefits are active when the child turns 18, ME-Waiver Medicaid will terminate and SSI Medicaid will be reinstated.
If SSI benefits are not active when the child turns 18, ME-Waiver Medicaid will remain active and will follow the regular renewal process.
Recipients of DAC or Widow/Widower Benefits
SSI recipients denied due to an increase in or receipt of RSDI disabled adult children’s benefits or widow/widower’s benefits, who do not receive income other than RSDI, are eligible to receive temporary Medicaid for two months following the loss of SSI.
- People receiving Social Security DAC benefits are eligible for ME-DAC Medicaid. (Note: People receiving SSI and QMB will receive ME-DAC and MC-QMB.)
- People receiving Social Security Early Aged or Disabled Widow/Widower’s benefits are eligible for ME-Disabled Widow(er) or ME-Early Aged Widow(er) Medicaid.
If Form H1200 is received, determine ongoing eligibility for the appropriate type of Medicaid, ME-DAC, ME-Disabled Widow(er) or ME-Early Aged Widow(er). If the recipient is determined not eligible, Medicaid will be denied at the end of the two-month extended period.
Related Policy
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), A-2100
Disabled Adult Children (DAC), A-2310
Pickle, A-2330
Widow(er)s, A-2340
SSI Applications, B-7100
When Deeming Procedures Are Not Used, E-7200
B-7120 Pregnancy and 12-Month Postpartum Coverage After SSI Denial
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
Pregnant and postpartum women will automatically transition to Medicaid for Pregnant Women (TP 40) for the remainder of their pregnancy and the 12-month postpartum period if:
- they received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medicaid while pregnant; and
- lose ongoing eligibility for SSI.
A new TP 40 EDG is created without an application for pregnancy Medicaid. A full redetermination of eligibility must occur at the end of the TP 40 certification period.
Continuous Medicaid and CHIP coverage is provided through the pregnancy and the 12-month postpartum period regardless of any change in circumstance unless the woman:
- voluntarily withdraws;
- moves out of state;
- dies; or
- is ineligible due to agency error, fraud, abuse or perjury attributed to the person.
Unverified Pregnancy
When a recipient loses SSI eligibility, and pregnancy information is received through an interface, the woman is automatically certified for TP 40 with postponed verification. Form H1020, Request for Information or Action is sent. If verification is provided, the woman is eligible for TP 40 coverage through her pregnancy and postpartum period. If verification is not provided, or shows the woman does not meet eligibility requirements, TP 40 coverage is terminated unless the woman is under 19.
Related Policy
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), A-2100
Disabled Adult Children (DAC), A-2310
Pickle, A-2330
Widow(er)s, A-2340
SSI Applications, B-7100
Extending Postpartum Coverage After MEPD Termination, B-9400
When Deeming Procedures Are Not Used, E-7200
B-7200, SSI Cash Benefits Denied Due to Entry into a Medicaid Facility
Revision 12-3; Effective September 1, 2012
When an SSI recipient enters a Medicaid facility and the SSI cash benefit will be denied because the income is greater than the reduced federal benefit rate, and:
- If contacted by the recipient/authorized representative (AR), inform the recipient/AR to notify SSA of the entry to the Medicaid facility. Send Form H1200, Application for Assistance – Your Texas Benefits (PDF), to the recipient/AR to complete and return to HHSC.
- If contacted by the Medicaid facility, inform the facility to notify SSA of the entry to the Medicaid facility. Obtain the AR's information, including mailing address, and send Form H1200 to the AR to complete and return to HHSC.
TIERS is notified by the State Data Exchange (SDX) system when SSI cash benefits have been denied because of income that is greater than the reduced SSI federal benefit rate. Once the SDX denial notice is received by TIERS, the SSI Medicaid will be denied by the system.
There is no overlay option in TIERS. Certification for MEPD benefits cannot occur until the SSI is denied. This may require delay in certification, closing and re-opening applications until the SSI is denied.
When SSI has been denied and an MEPD application has not been filed, and:
- If contacted by the recipient/AR, send Form H1200 to the recipient/AR to complete and return to HHSC.
- If contacted by the Medicaid facility, obtain the AR's information, including mailing address. Send Form H1200 to the AR to complete and return to HHSC.
Reference: See section B-7210, Ensuring Continuous Medicaid Coverage.
After receipt of Form H1200, determine the recipient's financial eligibility for MEPD using the special income limit beginning with the first month after SSI denial. Also determine whether the recipient has an approved medical necessity or level of care and meets all other eligibility requirements. If the recipient has been denied a medical necessity or level of care but remains in the Medicaid facility (Medicare-SNF, NF or ICF/IID), or if the recipient does not remain in a Medicaid facility (Medicare-SNF, NF or ICF/IID) for 30 consecutive days, deny the MEPD application and refer the recipient back to SSI for reinstatement of full SSI benefits. If the recipient will not be reinstated for full SSI benefits, test eligibility for other Medicaid-funded programs, such as QMB, ME-Pickle, etc.
- If the MEPD application is not returned, the eligibility specialist contacts the recipient/authorized representative to attempt to obtain information to determine continued Medicaid eligibility. The eligibility specialist uses Form H1200 as a recording document, if necessary.
- Follow the procedures for SSI to MEPD transfer, unless continued SSI eligibility occurs under temporary provisions. If that situation occurs, do not process an institutional Medicaid application unless the SSI benefits are denied and the recipient is still in the facility.
Reference: See Chapter H, Co-Payment, for exceptions to reduced SSI payment standard.
B-7210 Ensuring Continuous Medicaid Coverage
Revision 13-4; Effective December 1, 2013
When a recipient is eligible for institutional Medicaid coverage, the medical effective date (MED) is the day after the date of SSI denial, when the SSI denial is due to entry into an institution. This ensures continuous Medicaid coverage.
Note: To ensure continuous Medicaid coverage for SSI recipients who enter institutions, the coverage may be more than three months from the application file date. For example, SSI was denied March 31, 2013. The individual applied for ME-Nursing Facility on Sept. 10, 2013. The MED can go back to April 1, 2013, which is more than three months prior.
B-7300, MEPD Eligibility Pending a Decision of SSI Application
Revision 19-4; Effective December 1, 2019
Persons who have applied for SSI, whose SSI application has been delayed longer than 90 days, may be certified under the appropriate MEPD program pending the SSI eligibility decision.
Person(s) must meet all non-financial and financial MEPD criteria to be eligible including:
- establishing disability, if applicable;
- pursuing all other benefits; and
- meeting the 30 consecutive days of institutionalization, if applicable.
Consider the age of the person to determine if a disability determination is needed.
The state office Disability Determination Unit (DDU) needs a disability determination if the person is younger than 65. DDU cannot make a disability determination decision unless 90 days have passed since the SSI date of application and SSA's disability decision is still pending. If SSA finds the person is not disabled after DDU has established a disability, DDU is required to follow SSA’s decision and eligibility must be denied. Staff must set a special review for the fifth month to monitor the final SSA decision on disability.
Once an MEPD eligibility recipient becomes eligible for SSI, SSA will report the SSI eligibility to HHSC via the SDX system. Once the SDX information is received, TIERS will automatically deny MEPD coverage and activate the SSI coverage. This is not an adverse action because the person does not lose benefits.
The above should be used only in situations where the processing of a SSI application has been delayed. Staff must verify and document that an SSI application has been filed.
Note: If the person is age 65 or older, no disability determination is needed. Verify that the person has filed an application for SSI.
Related Policy
SSI Applications, B-7100
Special Reviews, B-8430
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Applicants and Retroactive Coverage, D-2500
Application for Other Benefits Requirement, D-6300
Other Benefits Subject to Application Requirement, D-6310
Other Benefits Exempt from Application Requirement, D-6320
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), D-6340
B-7400, Application for Institutional Care
Revision 12-3; Effective September 1, 2012
HHSC is responsible for processing Medicaid applications for certain residents of Medicaid facilities (Medicare SNF, NF, ICF/IID and institutions for mental diseases (IMD)). To qualify for medical assistance for institutional care, a person must:
- meet the 30-consecutive-day stay requirement (for verification and documentation requirements, see Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide);
- meet financial criteria; and
- have an approved level of care or medical necessity determination.
Reference: Section B-6300, Institutional Living Arrangement.
HHSC processes:
- initial applications from persons whose income is equal to or in excess of the reduced SSI federal benefit rate; and
- reapplications for Medicaid from persons who will be or have been denied SSI on the basis of excess income because the SSI federal benefit rate has been reduced after entry into a Medicaid facility.
B-7410 Persons Under Age 22
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
State law (Chapter 242, Health and Safety Code) requires that community resource coordination groups (CRCG) be notified when a recipient under age 22 with a developmental disability enters an institutional setting. HHSC must notify the CRCG in the county of residence of the recipient's parent or guardian within three days of the recipient's admission.
The name and telephone number of the appropriate CRCG can be obtained by calling the CRCG state office at 1-866-772-2724. A CRCG list is available on the Internet at: /services/service-coordination/community-resources-...
Documentation of the notification to the CRCG should be filed in the case record.
B-7420 Level of Care/Medical Necessity
Revision 20-4; Effective December 1, 2020
To be eligible for Medicaid in an institutional setting, a person must have an approved level of care (LOC) for an intermediate care facility for persons with intellectual disabilities (ICF/IID) or an approved medical necessity (MN) with a nursing facility LOC. Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP), the state Medicaid claims administrator, is responsible for determining MN for recipients in Medicaid certified facilities.
Do not approve a person for medical assistance for institutional care unless the person has been in a Medicaid facility for at least 30 days and has an approved LOC or MN determination.
For applicants residing in a Medicare skilled nursing facility, the Medicare determination of need for care is acceptable as verification of a valid MN determination. Form 3071, Recipient Election/Cancellation/Discharge Notice (PDF), substitutes for the MN determination when hospice is elected as referenced in A-5200, Hospice in a Long-Term Care Facility.
Use the previous LOC or MN determination if:
- a person is being reinstated for assistance (a case that was denied in error or a request for a program transfer from SSI to MEPD institutional care); and
- vendor payments were made to the Medicaid facility up to the date of denial based on the previous LOC or MN determination.
Program Support Unit (PSU) staff are responsible for providing verification of an approved LOC or MN determination for a person applying for a Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver program.
An approved MN determination for HCBS waiver eligibility is valid to complete a program transfer from an HCBS waiver Medicaid program to the appropriate institutional care program.
A permanent MN determination remains valid at reapplication if a denied Medicaid recipient is discharged from a Medicaid facility for not more than 30 days.
If the LOC or MN determination is still pending prior to certification and the person meets all other eligibility criteria, place the application on delay pending the approved LOC or MN. If verification of the LOC or MN is not received before the end of the delay period, deny the application for no LOC or MN. If the LOC or MN determination is denied, deny the application.
Reopen the application if verification of an approved LOC or MN is received within 90 days of the date of denial following policy in B-5000, Previously Completed Application.
Related Policy
Previously Completed Application, B-5000
Establish Processing Deadlines, R-3100
Documentation and Verification Guide, Appendix XVI
B-7430 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 20-4; Effective December 1, 2020
B-7431 Denial of Level of Care/Medical Necessity Determination
Revision 13-4; Effective December 1, 2013
If a level of care/medical necessity determination is denied for an MEPD recipient, initiate denial procedures immediately.
A recipient may continue to be Medicaid-eligible as long as the recipient meets all eligibility criteria and:
- has a diagnosis of mental illness, intellectual disabilities or a related condition;
- no longer meets the medical necessity criteria; and
- has lived in a nursing facility for 30 months before the date medical necessity is denied and chooses to remain in the facility.
If the recipient has not been in the facility for 30 months, regular Medicaid denial procedures apply.
If an MEPD recipient in a private Medicaid facility is denied solely because of no level of care/medical necessity determination, refer the person to SSA if available income is less than the SSI full federal benefit rate. Refer SSI recipients who are denied a level of care/medical necessity determination to SSA for rebudgeting to the full federal benefit rate.
B-7440 Alternate Care Services
Revision 21-3; Effective September 1, 2021
Information about all available long-term services and supports must be provided to long term care recipients, their authorized representatives (ARs) and at least one family member of the recipient, if possible. This allows them to make an informed decision about service options.
Form H1204, Long Term Care Options (PDF), provides information on available long-term services and supports. It is included with the TF0001, Notice of Case Action, for all MEPD certifications, except for recipients residing in state supported living centers, state hospitals and state centers.
If an applicant, recipient, AR or family member(s) has questions about available long-term care services, refer them to 2-1-1 for current information.
Form H1746-A, MEPD Referral Cover Sheet (PDF), includes an "LTSS Information Shared" checkbox. Referring agencies will select the box to indicate that Form H1204 has been shared with the person.
B-7450 Medicaid Certified Person Enters Nursing Facility or Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Program
Revision 22-2; Effective June 1, 2022
Eligibility Systems and Payment Systems
Service Authorization System Online (SASO) identifies the recipient as Service Group 1 and allows vendor payment when:
- an active recipient with coverage Code R (either Long Term Care or Texas Works) enters a nursing facility; and
- has a valid medical necessity and facility admission.
The system also automatically assigns a Code 60 (authorization for unlimited medications). This allows all medications to be paid through the vendor drug benefit.
If the nursing facility stay is temporary and the recipient returns home before being transferred to institutional Medicaid, no action is required. Retroactive coverage code changes are not needed.
Texas Works Medicaid to MEPD
If an active Texas Works Medicaid recipient enters a facility for a long-term stay, TIERS receives the nursing facility admission information from the HHSC webservice interface. TIERS automatically denies the Texas Works Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) and creates a pending ME-Nursing Facility EDG. An H1200 Application for Assistance - Your Texas Benefits must be received before testing for ME-Nursing Facility Medicaid. Disposition of both EDGs must be coordinated. There is no need for retroactive coverage code changes. Vendor payment and medications are authorized through SASO.
If a facility notifies HHSC that an active Texas Work Medicaid recipient has entered the facility, staff should advise the facility that an application is required. Once the application is received, process as any other application and coordinate with Texas Works.
Community to Nursing Facility or Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Eligibility Considerations
If an active MEPD Medicaid or Medicare Savings Program recipient enters a facility for a long-term stay or requests waiver services, before completing a program transfer, staff must address all factors that may impact eligibility or co-payment. Staff must explore transfer of assets and substantial home equity and provide required information about annuities, estate recovery and long-term care options.
Related Policy
Medicaid Estate Recovery Program Notification Requirements, B-2600
Alternative Care Services, B-7440
Notice Requirements for Application and Redeterminations, F-7250
Medicaid Coverage Issues Related to Nursing Facility Costs, H-7300
Medicare Skilled Nursing Facilities, R-1210
Notices, R-1300
B-8000, Redeterminations
B-8100, Certificates of Insurance Coverage
The certificate of insurance coverage is proof of a Medicaid recipient's most recent period of Medicaid coverage. The Department of State Health Services sends the certificate, a requirement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, to denied recipients. HIPAA mandates that prior health insurance coverage must be counted toward reducing or eliminating any applicable pre-existing condition exclusion period when a person enrolls in a new health insurance plan. Former Medicaid recipients may request a certificate within 24 months after their Medicaid is denied by calling 1-800-723-4789.
B-8200, Redetermining Eligibility
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
Redetermine eligibility at least once every 12 months and:
- when a change is anticipated;
- within 10 business days after a reported change that may affect eligibility or co-payment, including program transfers;
- within 30 business days after a reported change that does not affect eligibility or co-payment; and
- at least every six months when income is averaged or an incurred medical expense is budgeted.
Note: Children under 19 receive 12 months of continuous eligibility. Refer to continuous Medicaid coverage policy for exceptions.
Redeterminations can be submitted through any of the following channels:
- online through;
- in the local office; or
- by mail, fax or phone.
For couple cases, including cases with spouses who may be certified under different types of programs, align the annual redeterminations to simplify the renewal process. Complete a full redetermination of each spouse's eligibility at least once every 12 months.
The following information must be included in the case record documentation:
- If a special review is needed
- Date special review will occur
- Method of monitoring for special review
Clearly document:
- specific information about the reason for setting a special review;
- which person is affected; and
- the eligibility criteria subject to the review.
Example: If the person has a private pension and the pension amount is anticipated to increase in the future, set a special review for the anticipated change. The case documentation must specify pension information that needs to be verified at the special review, including:
- date that the anticipated change will occur;
- type of pension;
- source of pension; and
- payment frequency of the pension.
Use Form H1020, Request for Information or Action, and Form H1020-A, Sources of Proof, to request information from the person or their authorized representative (AR). When requesting more information during a change or redetermination, allow the person at least 10 calendar days from the date of the notice to provide the information. Deny the case for failure to provide information after the due date listed on Form H1020.
Note: Monitor special reviews for resource or income elements through entry of the special review due date in the eligibility determination system.
Data Broker request is not required on redeterminations.
Related Policy
Continuous Medicaid Coverage, B-6600
Procedures for Redetermining Eligibility, B-8400
Special Reviews, B-8430
Streamlined Redetermination (Passive Redetermination), B-8440
How to Budget Variable Income at Applications, E-5400
Ongoing IME Budget, H-2400
B-8300, Who May Sign a Redetermination Form
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
A recipient, authorized representative or someone acting responsibly for the recipient if the recipient is incompetent or incapacitated, may sign a redetermination form. The redetermination form must be signed under the penalty of perjury statement. If the recipient has a legal guardian, the guardian must sign the redetermination form. Refer to related policy on Who May Sign an Application for Assistance.
Redetermination forms can be submitted through any of the following channels:
- online through;
- in the local office;
- by mail, fax or phone.
Note: A person who may complete or sign a redetermination form might not be on the list of people HHSC can release the recipient’s individually identifiable health information to. Refer to related policy on Personal Representatives for people who may receive or authorize the release of a recipient’s individually identifiable health information under HIPAA privacy regulations.
Related Policy
Who May Sign an Application for Assistance, B-3220
Valid Signatures, B-3221
Personal Representatives, C-5000
B-8400, Procedures for Redetermining Eligibility
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
Administrative Renewal Process
All MEPD types of assistance (TOAs) go through an annual administrative renewal process. The system starts the administrative renewal without staff action.
The automated administrative renewal process uses information from the existing case record and electronic data sources (ELDS) to determine if the person remains eligible for Medicaid benefits. The electronic data is requested the weekend before cutoff in the eighth month of the recipient’s certification period. The renewal packets are generated in the ninth month of the recipient’s certification period.
The administrative renewal process uses electronic data to automatically:
- assess the verification required by program type;
- determine the eligibility outcome; and
- send the renewal correspondence to the recipient, the authorized representative (AR) or both.
Note: This automated process does not change the verification requirements for renewals.
If there is enough information to verify continued eligibility, the person’s eligibility is renewed without any staff action.
If more verification is required, the system automatically generates and mails a renewal form to the recipient, AR or both. The renewal form and all required verification must be returned within 30 days to complete the renewal.
The system generates the applicable correspondence from the list below based on the eligibility outcome of the automated renewal process and the action needed by the person:
- Form H1211, It Is Time to Renew Your Health Care Benefits Cover Letter;
- Form H1233, Redetermination Cover Letter;
- Form H1233-MBIC, Redetermination Cover Letter (Medicaid Buy-In for Children);
- Form H1200, Application for Assistance – Your Texas Benefits;
- Form H1200-A, Medical Assistance Only (MAO) Recertification;
- Form H1200-EZ, Application for Assistance;
- Form H1200-MBIC-R, Application for Benefits – Medicaid Buy-In for Children;
- Form H1200-PFS, Medical Application for Assistance (for Residents of State Facilities);
- Form H1206ME, Health-Care Benefits Renewal;
The cover letter informs the recipient that it is time to renew benefits. The cover letter also provides instructions on how to complete and return the renewal form, along with any required verification documents. It informs the recipient that the information must be returned within 30 days. If the recipient does not return the renewal form and required verification, eligibility is automatically terminated at cutoff in the 12th month for failure to provide the requested information.
Recipients can submit a renewal form through any of the following channels:
- online through;
- in the local office;
- by mail, fax or phone.
Notes: Form H1211 and Form H1206ME are generated when the automated renewal process results in Eligibility Approved. Form H1211 informs the recipient to only return Form H1206ME if the information is incorrect or if there has been a change to their case.
For MEPD programs that require a resource test, Asset Verification System (AVS) is included with the ELDS request that occurs in the eighth month of the certification period.
If the renewal form shows that the recipient wants to register to vote, complete the Voter Registration Information section of the Citizen tab in the Individual Demographics logical unit of work (LUW). Select Yes in the Send Voter Registration Application? dropdown to send Form H0025, HHSC Application for Voter Registration, to the mailing address on file. If the recipient contacts the office declining to complete Form H0025, mail Form H1350, Opportunity to Register to Vote, to the recipient. Form H1350 records the recipient's decision about registering to vote.
Related Policy
Who May Complete an Application for Assistance, B-3210
Who May Sign an Application for Assistance, B-3220
Redetermination Cycles, B-8200
Streamlined Redetermination (Passive Redetermination), B-8440
Voter Registration, C-7000
Asset Verification System (AVS), R-3740
B-8410 Financial Management
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
For redeterminations, explore financial management if there has been no activity in the person’s bank account other than interest credited since the last redetermination.
If a person does not report a bank account, trust fund or similar account on the application for assistance, ask the person or the authorized representative how the person’s financial affairs are handled. This includes who cashes the checks and where, who pays the bills and how, and who keeps the money and how the funds are kept.
If the person reveals past unreported liquid resources, determine the value, ownership and accessibility per the policy for the type of resource.
Acceptable verification sources for financial management include:
- Statement from the recipient and the person who handles the recipient’s funds.
- Statement from a knowledgeable third party, such as an administrator or bookkeeper in the facility that knows who receives the recipient’s benefit payments and pays the bills.
- Information received through AVS.
Document the following information in the case record:
- Where checks are cashed and how bills are paid.
- Who handles the person’s checks, pays the person’s bills and maintains the person’s money.
- How much money, if any, the person or anyone else keeps.
- If any funds have accumulated.
- Source of information.
B-8420 Notification of Changes as a Result of Redetermination
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
On receipt of the completed, signed and dated H1200 series form, redetermine eligibility for MEPD. A review may result in no changes being made or one of the following situations:
- Decrease of co-payment
If a review results in a decrease in a recipient's co-payment, dispose of the case action and send Form TF0001, Notice of Case Action, to notify the recipient, and Form TF0001P, Provider Notice, to notify the facility. To correct co-payment for a previous period of time, complete Form H1259, Correction of Applied Income. - Increase of co-payment
If a review results in an increase in the recipient's co-payment, dispose the case action and send Form TF0001 to the recipient and Form TF0001P to the facility. If the recipient does not indicate a desire to appeal by the end of the 12-day notification period, the increased co-payment remains. - Denial of benefits
If a review results in a denial of benefits, send Form TF0001 to advise the recipient and Form TF0001P to notify the facility (if applicable). If the recipient does not indicate a desire to appeal by the end of the 12-day notification period, the benefits remain denied.
Note: Complete Form H1259 manually for notification if co-payment involves averaged income (raised or lowered) or incurred medical expenses. If all amounts are lower in the reconciliation shown on Form H1259, then adverse action is not required. In the above situations, ensure that if Form TF0001 and/or Form TF0001P is not sent automatically, a manual Form TF0001 and/or Form TF0001P is sent.
If there is no change in eligibility or co-payment, there is no mandate to send a notification to the recipient.
B-8430 Special Reviews
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
A special review occurs between the annual review cycles to evaluate one or more eligibility elements without completing the annual review. The annual review (redetermination) packet is not required for a special review.
The need for a special review is based on policy, a reported change or the eligibility specialist's judgment.
Examples of when special reviews are needed for follow-up:
- On the person's action for applying for potential benefits. An initial 30-calendar day special review is required to evaluate if the person made application after the person has been notified to do so. This may occur before the application is completed. Another special review will be needed to follow up to see if the recipient continues to be eligible.
- When variable income and/or incurred medical expenses are averaged and projected. Special reviews are required at least every six months unless documentation substantiates an exception.
- Within a 90-day time frame when the total countable income is within $10 of the income limit.
- Within a 90-day time frame when the total countable resources are within $100 of the resource limit.
- When any change is anticipated to occur.
For special reviews, document clearly the detailed reason(s) for the special review. Documentation must include:
- specific information regarding the reason a special review is set;
- the name of the individual who is affected; and
- the eligibility area(s) subject to the review.
Include this information on correspondence sent to the person to request information concerning the special review. No redetermination packet is required.
For example, if someone has a private pension and the pension amount is anticipated to increase in the future, set a special review for the anticipated change. The eligibility area will be income. Documentation must specify pension information that will need to be verified at the special review. Include the:
- date on which the anticipated change is to occur;
- type of pension;
- source of pension; and
- frequency of payment of pension that will need to be verified at the special review.
Form H1020, Request for Information or Action, and Form H1020-A, Sources of Proof, are used to request information from the person or authorized representative. Include the due date on Form H1020 or H1020-A. If the recipient calls with questions, follow Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide, for acceptable verification sources.
George Black called this morning saying he received a letter requesting verification that he had applied for Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits. He stated that he had applied and was told that it would take at least six months to hear anything.
Document what Mr. Black said. Recipient declaration is acceptable verification that he has applied for additional benefits. Be sure to tell Mr. Black to call and report if he hears anything about his eligibility from the VA.
B-8440 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
B-8450 Special Reviews when Facility Contract Closure or Cancellation Occurs
Revision 21-3; Effective September 1, 2021
When a facility’s Medicaid contract is terminated, the facility notifies the recipient and provides them with the option to move to a Medicaid covered facility.
If the Medicaid recipient continues to live in an uncontracted facility, deny Medicaid eligibility and send Form TF0001, Notice of Case Action, to the recipient and or authorized representative (AR) and TF0001P, Provider Notice of Case Action, to the facility. The person will then be responsible for the full vendor payment for that facility.
If the recipient relocates to a Medicaid contracted facility, process a change of address, verify the person continues to meet all Medicaid eligibility criteria and send out a new TF0001 to the recipient and or AR and TF0001P to the new facility.
Related Policy
Institutional Living Arrangements, B-6300
Redetermination Cycles, B-8200
Notices, R-1300
B-8460 Changes and Program Transfers
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
Changes in circumstances are certain events that may affect a person’s eligibility, continued eligibility or co-payment amount.
All changes must be reported within 10 calendar days of the event, including changes in the person’s:
- address;
- living arrangements;
- income;
- resources; and
- marital status.
Act on reported changes within:
- 10 business days for changes that may affect eligibility or co-payment; or
- 30 business days for changes that do not affect eligibility or co-payment.
Send Form H1020, Request for Information or Action if more information is needed to process the change. Allow the person at least 10 days from the notice date on the Form H1020 to provide the information.
Request verification for the new spouse if an active recipient reports a new spouse. Redetermine eligibility as appropriate for a couple or companion case.
When a change can be reasonably anticipated, such as an increase in pension or retirement income, set a special review to take timely action on the change.
Program Transfers
A program transfer occurs when an active recipient is determined eligible for another type of Medicaid or Medicare Savings Program (MSP).
Example: A CAS recipient enters a nursing facility and is determined eligible for nursing facility Medicaid.
A request for a program transfer is considered a change. Process the program transfer within 10 business days of receiving the request.
Redetermine eligibility and verify all required eligibility criteria for the new program, including 30-day consecutive stay, transfer of assets, substantial home equity and spousal impoverishment. Request 60 months of AVS information if the transfer is from a community program to a full verification program.
Send Form H1020 if more information is needed to process the program transfer. Allow the person at least 10 days from the notice date on the Form H1020 to provide the information.
Note: Do not transfer a child to a Medicaid program with lesser benefits during the 12-month continuous eligibility period.
Continuous Medicaid Eligibility
Children under 19 receive 12 months of continuous Medicaid eligibility. Coverage is continuous, regardless of changes, unless the child:
- turns 19;
- moves out of state;
- dies;
- requests a voluntary withdrawal; or
- was invalidly enrolled due to certification in error or an OIG determination of fraud, abuse or perjury.
Do not terminate a child’s eligibility when a change is reported or an agency-generated change is received during the 12-month continuous eligibility period, unless the change is reporting one of the exceptions to continuous coverage listed above. Document the change and address it at the next annual redetermination.
Take action to update the case record if a change of address or a change in contact information is reported during the 12-month continuous eligibility period.
Related Policy
Missing Information Due Dates, B-6420
Continuous Medicaid Coverage, B-6600
Medicaid Certified Person Enters Nursing Facility or Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Program, B-7450
Redetermining Eligibility, B-8200
Responsibility to Provide Information and Report Changes, C-8000
Asset Verification System (AVS), R-3740
B-9000, Denials
B-9100, General Information for Denials and Terminations
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
Although often used interchangeably, denials and terminations are different types of adverse case actions.
- A denial refers to a determination of ineligibility for Medicaid benefits that a person is not currently receiving. A denial action may occur when processing an application, a request for a new type of benefit, or a program transfer request.
- A termination refers to a determination of ineligibility for ongoing Medicaid benefits that a person is currently receiving. A termination action may occur when processing a renewal or redetermination based on a change in circumstances.
Unless otherwise specified, the policy in the following sections applies to both denials and terminations.
Procedural Denials
A procedural denial occurs when a person is ineligible for benefits because they failed to provide all information needed to make an eligibility determination. Examples of actual procedural denial reasons on the TF0001, Notice of Case Action, include:
- Individuals was sent forms to renew benefits. They didn't return the forms by the due date.
- You failed to provide required information by the due date.
Non-Procedural Denials
A non-procedural denial occurs when a person is not eligible for benefits based on the information provided. They do not meet one or more specific financial or non-financial eligibility requirements, and there are no exceptions that would make them eligible. Examples of non-procedural denial reasons on the TF0001 notice include:
- The money Individuals gets (income) is more than allowed for this program.
- The value of the things this person is paying for or owns is more than allowed by program rules.
- [Client] didn't give proof showing that they live in Texas.
- [Client] has not shown that they are either a citizen or a non-citizen who is qualified to receive benefits.
Determine Medicaid Eligibility on All Bases
Consider Medicaid eligibility on all bases prior to denying or terminating Medicaid eligibility. Determine if the person is eligible for any other Medicaid and Medicare Savings Program (MSP) benefits, including both Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) and non-MAGI types of assistance (TOAs).
If the person is eligible for another type of Medicaid or MSP program, transfer to the new TOA without requiring a new application. If more information is needed to determine eligibility for another TOA, including transfers from a non-MAGI program to a MAGI program or vice versa, pend the case and request only the information needed. Do not request a new application or verification of information available through an electronic data source.
Example: A person submits Form H1200, Application for Assistance - Your Texas Benefits, to apply for Waiver Medicaid for a minor child. The child does not have an established disability determination and is not eligible for Waiver Medicaid. Based on the information provided, the system cascades to Children’s Medicaid (CMA). Confirm the eligibility determination is correct and certify the child for CMA without requiring a Form H1010, Texas Works Application for Assistance - Your Texas Benefits, or Form H1205, Texas Streamlined Application.
Related Policy
Previously Completed Application, B-5000
Denials, B-6500
Potential Resource Exclusions, F-5200
B-9200, Medical Necessity/Level of Care Determination at Redetermination
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
When reviewing an MEPD case, verify medical necessity/level of care determination if:
- the recipient's medical necessity or level of care determination has been denied, or
- the recipient has relocated to a different facility and no medical necessity/level of care determination has been received.
If the medical necessity/level of care determination has been denied, do not sustain the review.
Reference: See Section B-7431, Denial of Level of Care/Medical Necessity Determination, for procedures when medical necessity/level of care is denied.
B-9300, Date of Death Denials and Verification Sources
Revision 19-3; Effective September 1, 2019
Date of Death Matches
HHSC matches recipients on active TIERS Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs) with records from the Social Security Administration (SSA), Texas Bureau of Vital Statistics (BVS), the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS), and HHSC Webservices to identify deceased persons and automatically remove them from active EDGs. If unable to process the death data automatically, TIERS creates tasks for staff to perform more research to determine the validity of the computer match. TIERS will attempt to update the Date of Death (DOD) information for all active and inactive person(s).
Death Verification Sources
Take action to clear any discrepancies when DOD data is received on an active or inactive person within TIERS and the system is unable to automatically dispose the case. When the system cannot dispose the case, a series of alerts are created for staff to explore and request additional verification of the death data.
Primary source of verification of death is the Bureau of Vital Statistics (BVS).
If BVS is not available, verify the date of death using two of the following sources:
- Social Security Administration (SSA);
- statement from guardian or other authorized representative;
- copy of death certificate;
- statement from a doctor;
- newspaper death notice (obituary);
- statement from a relative or household member;
- statement from funeral director; or
- records from hospital or other institution where the person died.
Note: If BVS is received but the date of death does not match previously reported information, accept BVS as verification and dispose the case. No additional verification is needed because BVS is considered the primary verification source.
Example: DOD data received from an SSA interface shows a DOD of 01/15/2019 but, the same person had a DOD of 01/13/2019 listed in TIERS. Alert 812, Verify Discrepancy in Date of Death for Individual is created for additional action. Staff verify the DOD by contacting the nursing home where the person was residing prior to death and also locate the person's obituary online. Staff enter the DOD based on the additional information and clear the alert
For detailed processing instructions, staff may review the Eligibility Services State Processes document and the Change and Alert Guide.
Related Policy
Social Security Administration Deceased Individual Report, R-4110
B-9400, Extending Postpartum Coverage After MEPD Termination
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
Pregnant or postpartum women who lose eligibility for the following types of assistance automatically transition to Medicaid for Pregnant Women (TP 40) coverage for the remainder of their pregnancy and 12-month postpartum period:
- ME - Waivers
- ME - State Group Home
- ME - Pickle
- ME - SSI
- ME - State School
- ME - Non-State Group Home
- ME - State Hospital
- ME - Medicaid Buy-In
- ME - Medicaid Buy-In for Children (MBIC)
- ME - Nursing Facility
- ME - Disabled Adult Child
- ME - Disabled Widow(er)
- ME - Early Aged Widow(er)
Note: ME - Community Attendant is not full Medicaid. Community Attendant Services (CAS) provides payment for attendant care only. Recipients certified on ME - Community Attendant must submit an application to determine eligibility for Pregnant Women (TP 40).
If a pregnant or postpartum woman loses ongoing eligibility for their current Medicaid coverage, a new TP 40 EDG is created without an application for pregnancy Medicaid. A full redetermination of eligibility must occur at the end of the TP 40 certification period.
Continuous Medicaid coverage is provided through the pregnancy and the 12-month postpartum period regardless of any change in circumstance unless the woman:
- voluntarily withdraws;
- moves out of state;
- dies; or
- is ineligible due to agency error, fraud, abuse or perjury attributed to the person.
Unverified Pregnancy
When a recipient loses MEPD eligibility, and pregnancy information is received through an interface, the woman is automatically certified for TP 40 with postponed verification and Form H1020, Request for Information or Action is sent. If verification is provided, the woman is eligible for TP 40 coverage through her pregnancy and postpartum period. If verification is not provided, or shows the woman does not meet eligibility requirements, TP 40 coverage is terminated unless the woman is under 19 years old.
Children Under 19
If pregnancy verification is not provided by the 30th day, TP 40 coverage is terminated and the MEPD type of assistance is re-established based on continuous eligibility for children under 19 policy.
If a child who is certified on CHIP during their pregnancy or postpartum period becomes eligible for SSI, MEPD Facility, or MEPD Non-Facility TOA, the CHIP coverage is terminated to allow the transition to SSI, MEPD Facility, or MEPD Non-Facility TOA. The household will receive a denial notice showing the child is not eligible for CHIP for the remainder of their pregnancy and 12-month postpartum period because they are eligible for Medicaid.
Related Policy
Continuous Medicaid Coverage, B-6600
Pregnancy and 12-Month Postpartum Coverage After SSI Denial, B-7120
Chapter C, Rights and Responsibilities
C-1000, Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
C-1100, Responsibility of Applying
Revision 10-2; Effective June 1, 2010
Federal law requires that anyone who wishes to apply for Medicaid be allowed to file an application, regardless of the person's ultimate eligibility for services. See Chapter B, Applications and Redeterminations, for more information.
In addition to meeting other requirements, a person must file an application to become eligible to receive benefits. An authorized representative may accompany, assist and represent an applicant or recipient in the application or eligibility redetermination process.
Someone who is Supplemental Security Income (SSI) eligible automatically receives Medicaid and does not have to file a separate application unless coverage for unpaid or reimbursable bills during prior months to the SSI application is requested. See Section A-4300, Retroactive Coverage.
To apply for an MEPD program, an application for assistance must be received that is:
- HHSC approved for MEPD Medicaid,
- completed according to HHSC instructions, and
- signed and dated under penalty of perjury by the applicant and/or authorized representative or someone acting responsibly for the applicant (if the applicant is incompetent or incapacitated).
An applicant or authorized representative must also provide all requested information according to HHSC instructions. See Section C-8000, Responsibility to Provide Information and Report Changes.
If someone helps an applicant or authorized representative complete the application for assistance, the name of the person completing the form must appear as requested on the application.
Filing an application will:
- permit HHSC to make a formal determination whether or not a person is eligible to receive Medicaid; and
- give a person the right to appeal if there is a disagreement with the determination.
C-2000, Confidential Nature of the Case Record
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
Information collected when determining eligibility is confidential. The restriction on disclosing information is limited to information about applicants and recipients. HHSC may disclose general information, including:
- financial or statistical reports;
- information about policies, procedures or methods of determining eligibility; and
- any other information that is not about or does not specifically identify an applicant or recipient.
An applicant or recipient may review all information in the case record and in HHSC handbooks that contributed to the eligibility decision.
C-2100, Correcting Information
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
Applicants and recipients have a right to correct any information that HHSC has about them or any other person on their case.
A request for correction must:
- be in writing;
- identify the person asking for the correction;
- identify the disputed information;
- state the reason the information is incorrect;
- include any verification that the information is incorrect;
- state what correction is requested; and
- include a return address, phone number or email address where HHSC can contact the person.
If HHSC agrees to change individually identifiable health information, the corrected information is added to the case record. The incorrect information remains in the file with a note that the information was amended per the applicant's or recipient's request.
Notify the requestor within 60 days that the information has been corrected or will not be corrected and the reason. Inform the requestor if HHSC needs to extend the 60-day period by an additional 30 days to complete the correction process or obtain additional information.
If HHSC makes a correction to individually identifiable health information, ask the person for permission before sharing with third parties. HHSC will make a reasonable effort to share the correction with any entity who may have used the incorrect information from HHSC, and it adversely impacted the person. Contact the HHSC Privacy Office for a record of disclosures
Note: Do not follow procedures above if the accuracy of information provided by an applicant or recipient is reviewed by another process, such as:
- a fair hearing;
- a civil rights hearing; or
- another appeal process.
The decision in that review process is the decision on the request to correct information.
C-2200, Establishing Identity for Contact
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
Keep all information confidential about an applicant, recipient or any person on a case. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, individually identifiable health information.
Before discussing or releasing confidential information about a person, take steps to ensure the person receiving the information is either the applicant or recipient or someone authorized to receive confidential information, such as an attorney or personal representative.
C-2210 Phone Contact
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
To establish the identity of a person who claims to be the applicant, recipient or personal representative, request the following:
- the Social Security number, date of birth or other identifying information for the applicant or recipient, or their representative;
- to call the person back at a number that has been verified as belonging to the person or their representative.
Establish the identity of attorneys or legal representatives by asking the person to provide Form H1003, Appointment of an Authorized Representative, completed and signed by the applicant or recipient.
Contact the HHS Office of Chief Counsel upon receipt of any requests for confidential information from law enforcement, state officials or legislators.
C-2220 In-Person Contact
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
Establish the identity of a person at an HHSC office who states they are an applicant, recipient or personal representative by requesting their:
- driver's license;
- date of birth;
- Social Security number; or
- other identifying information.
Establish the identity of other HHSC staff, federal agency staff, researchers or contractors by viewing their:
- employee badge; or
- government-issued identification card with a photograph.
Verify the need for other HHSC staff, federal agency staff, researchers or contractors to access confidential information through:
- official correspondence or phone call from state office or regional offices; or
- contact with regional attorney.
Contact appropriate regional or state office staff when federal agency staff, contractors, researchers or other HHSC staff come to an HHSC office without prior notification or adequate identification and request permission to access HHSC records.
Note: Contractors cannot have access to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Federal Tax Information (FTI).
C-2230 Verification and Documentation
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
When disclosing individually identifiable health information, document the method of verification for the identity of the person if contact is outside an interview.
Verify the identity of a person who requests disclosure of individually identifiable health information using the following sources:
- valid driver's license or Department of Public Safety identification (ID) card;
- birth certificate;
- hospital or birth record;
- adoption papers or records;
- work or school ID card;
- voter registration card;
- wage stubs; or
- U.S. passport.
As a condition for receiving federal taxpayer information from the IRS, HHSC is required per Internal Revenue Code 6103(p)(4) to establish and maintain, to the satisfaction of the IRS, safeguards designed to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, and use of all returns and return information and to maintain the confidentiality of that information. The IRS security requirements for safeguarding IRS FTI are outlined in Publication 1075, Tax Information Security Guidelines for Federal, State and Local Agencies, Safeguards for Protecting Federal Tax Returns and Return Information.
Income Eligibility and Verification System (IEVS) specialists must independently verify the income and resource information from any data matches to ensure continuous financial eligibility.
When processing the IEVS match of IRS FTI, staff must not enter any IRS FTI into TIERS, including comments. Documentation in the TIERS income or resource screens is limited to the approved language available for staff use on The LOOP.
C-2240 Alternate Means of Communication
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
HHSC must accommodate a person’s reasonable request to receive communications by alternative means or at alternate locations.
The person must specify in writing the alternate mailing address or means of contact and include a statement that using the home mailing address or normal means of contact could endanger the applicant or recipient.
C-2300, Safeguarding Federal Income Data
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
Federal Tax Information (FTI) includes tax returns or return information received directly from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or obtained through an authorized secondary source, such as the Social Security Administration. Staff must protect digital and non-digital media containing FTI from unauthorized inspection and disclosure. Digital media includes computers, mobile devices and removable storage, such as CDs, DVDs and external hard drives. Non-digital media includes a paper form, report and log.
HHSC limits FTI access to staff whose duties require access. HHSC agency and non-agency staff access FTI physically and through the Automated System for Office of Inspector General (ASOIG). Staff must handle FTI using the following policies to ensure information does not become misplaced, stolen or made available to unauthorized personnel.
HHSC Income Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) staff must retain electronic IEVS worksheets for five years. Staff may log and destroy any printed IEVS module records using IRS safeguarding requirements once they are no longer needed because the electronic records are available and kept in ASOIG for the applicable retention period.
The following forms must be kept for five years from the date of the last entry on the form:
- Form H1861, Federal Tax Information Record Keeping and Destruction Log;
- Form H1862, Federal Tax Information Transmittal Memorandum;
- Form H1863, Federal Tax Information Removal Log;
- Form H1864, Federal Tax Information Fax Transmittal; and
- Form H1866, Federal Tax Information Visitor Access Log.
C-2310 IRS FTI Security and Awareness Training
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
HHSC and non-HHSC staff who access or may potentially encounter FTI must take and pass the annual Safeguarding IRS Federal Tax Information training to receive and maintain their access permissions to ASOIG. HHSC staff access the training course under System Training Solutions (STS) in the Centralized Accounting and Payroll/Personnel System (CAPPS). Non-HHSC staff may contact the HHSC IRS Coordinator by email at the HHSC AES Federal Tax Info Training Mailbox to get a copy of the training.
HHSC developed the Safeguarding IRS Federal Tax Information training with role-based job aids as an agency resource for security and privacy awareness. HHSC updates this training on an annual basis to reflect any system and policy changes and address audit findings.
HHSC staff submit a confirmation of understanding in STS once the Safeguarding IRS Federal Tax Information training is complete. The confirmation acknowledges staff completed a thorough review of the web-based training and job aids in the resources tab relevant to their professional role. Additionally, it confirms understanding of incident reporting requirements. STS maintains a record of completion for each employee. Non-HHSC staff must review a PDF version of the training, sign Form H4096, Safeguarding Information Certification, and submit the form to their management. The form confirms completion and understanding of the material within the training, as well as the penalties involved for any unauthorized inspection and disclosure of FTI. Non-HHSC management must maintain a copy of the Form H4096 in the employee’s file.
HHSC staff must also complete the HHS Information Security/Cybersecurity Awareness Training and the HHS Privacy Training within 30 days from their hire date and before accessing ASOIG. These trainings are available in STS in CAPPS.
C-2400, Custody of Records
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
Records must be safeguarded. Use reasonable diligence to protect and preserve records and to prevent disclosure of the information they contain except as provided by HHS regulations.
Reasonable diligence for employees responsible for records includes always keeping records:
- in a locked office when the building is closed;
- properly filed during office hours;
- in the office except when authorized to remove or transfer them; and
- per the guidelines for electronic file information as referenced in the HHS Computer Usage and Information Security training.
In addition to the measures for custody of records, use the following to safeguard tape match data obtained through the Income Eligibility and Verification System (IEVS) module within the Automated System of Office of Inspector General (ASOIG) application:
- Use IEVS data only for the purpose of determining eligibility for MEPD, Medicare Savings Program (MSP), Medical Assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.
- Verify IEVS tax data before taking adverse case actions.
- Review the Annual Safeguarding IRS Federal Tax Information training and the following three laws that explain criminal and civil penalties for unauthorized disclosure of tax data once a year:
- Section 7213 – Unauthorized Disclosure of Returns or Return Information, a criminal felony punishable upon conviction by a fine up to $5,000 not including the cost of prosecution, imprisonment for up to five years or both.
- Section 7213A – Unauthorized Inspection of Returns or Return Information, a criminal misdemeanor punishable upon conviction by a fine up to $1,000 not including the cost of prosecution, imprisonment for up to one year or both.
- Section 7431 – Civil Damages for Unauthorized Disclosure of Returns and Return Information, which permits a taxpayer to sue for civil damages if a person knowingly or negligently discloses tax return information and upon conviction, a notification to the taxpayer.
Related Policy
Custody of Records, C-2300
System Generated IEVS Worksheet Legends of IRS Tax Data, Appendix XVII
IRS Tax Code, Sections 7213, 7213A and 7431, Appendix XVIII
C-2410 Accessing IRS FTI
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
HHSC and non-HHSC staff are prohibited from using personally owned media on agency systems or system components. Staff are also prohibited from using portable storage devices in agency systems when such devices have no identifiable owner.
HHSC and non-HHSC staff must adhere to policies and procedures for the handling and protection of FTI to prevent unauthorized access and disclosure. Failure to adhere to the policies or procedures will result in disciplinary action, including warnings, access suspension, permanent access removal or termination.
HHSC and non-HHSC management notify their staff within 72 hours when the formal employee sanction process is initiated. The notification includes the staff member sanctioned and the reason for the sanction.
HHSC and non-HHSC management must remove system and physical access when their staff transfer or are reassigned to a position that no longer requires ongoing operational need to access FTI. HHSC and non-HHSC management submit a modified access request within 24 hours of the transfer or reassignment.
HHSC and non-HHSC management must remove system and physical access and discuss information security during an exit interview when employment is terminated. HHSC and non-HHSC management submit a modified access request within 24 hours of the termination.
Work areas where staff physically access FTI should be limited to authorized personnel only. These areas must be prominently posted and separated from non-restricted areas by physical barriers that control access. FTI must be secured during and after normal operating hours. Staff accessing secured areas must clearly display a picture identification badge. The badge may not be obstructed and must be displayed above the waist.
Staff responsible for protecting access to FTI must mark system media containing FTI to show the distribution limitations, handling caveats and applicable security markings, if any. Additionally, staff responsible for protecting access to FTI must physically control and securely store media containing FTI within agency-controlled areas. Protect system media until it is sanitized or disposed of using approved equipment and methods.
C-2411 Minimum Protection Standards
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
Minimum protection standards (MPS) require the agency to use at least two barriers to protect FTI from unauthorized access. These barriers include a combination of secured perimeters, security rooms, badged employees and security containers.
- Secured Perimeters are enclosed by slab-to-slab walls constructed of durable materials and supplemented by periodic inspection. Any lesser-type partition must be supplemented by electronic intrusion detection and fire detection systems. All doors entering the space must be locked per Locking Systems for Secured Areas. In the case of a fence or gate, the fence must have intrusion detection devices or be continually guarded. The gate must be either guarded or locked with intrusion alarms.
- Security Rooms are constructed to resist forced entry. The entire room must be enclosed by slab-to-slab walls constructed of approved materials, such as masonry brick or concrete, and supplemented by periodic inspection. Door hinge pins must be non-removable or installed on the inside of the room. Access must be limited to specifically authorized personnel.
- Badged Employees can serve as the second barrier during business hours between FTI and unauthorized persons. The authorized personnel must wear picture identification badges or credentials. The badge must be clearly displayed and worn above the waist.
- Security Containers are storage devices, such as turtle cases, safes, vaults or locked IT cabinets, with resistance to forced penetration and a security lock with controlled access to keys or combinations.
C-2412 Locking Mechanisms
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
All buildings, rooms and containers containing FTI must be locked when not in actual use. Key or combination locking mechanisms may secure FTI. Staff not authorized to access FTI may have a key to the building but not the secured room. This includes unauthorized agency staff, contractors, security personnel, custodial staff and landlords.
The following guidelines apply to key locking mechanisms:
- The number of keys must be kept to a minimum.
- Only authorized staff can access the secured area.
- The unauthorized duplication of keys is prohibited.
- Keys must be returned before departure for staff who retire, terminate employment or transfer to another position.
- Management must conduct annual reconciliation of key records.
The following rules apply to combination locking mechanisms:
- The combination is only shared with authorized staff.
- The unauthorized disclosure of the combination is prohibited.
- Management must change the combination at least annually or upon departure of staff that retire, terminate employment or transfer to another position.
C—2413 Authorized Access, Visitor Access and Authorized Personnel Lists
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
HHSC must maintain a visitor log and authorized access list (AAL) to record access to physical work areas containing FTI. Staff maintain Form H1866 as a record of visitor access to a restricted area. Security staff must validate a visitor’s identity by examining a government-issued identification, such as a state-issued identification, driver’s license or passport. An AAL is maintained and MPS enforced to facilitate the entry of staff who have a frequent and continuing need to enter a restricted area but who are not assigned to the area. The AAL must contain the following:
- name of employee, vendor, contractor or non-agency personnel;
- name of agency or department;
- name and phone number of the agency point-of-contact authorizing access;
- address of agency, vendor or contractor; and
- purpose and level of access.
HHSC management must review the AAL monthly or upon potential indication of an event such as a security breach or personnel change. HHSC management must maintain an authorized personnel list of all staff who have access to information systems areas containing FTI.
C-2414 Access Control Systems
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
Access control systems such as badge readers, smart cards or biometrics, that provide the capability to audit access control attempts must maintain access control logs with successful and failed access attempts to secured areas containing FTI or systems that process FTI. Management must review access control logs monthly. Access control logs must contain the following information for each access request:
- the name of the access control device owner;
- the success or failure of the access request; and
- the date and time of the access request.
C-2420 Transporting IRS FTI
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
Staff must transport media containing FTI in a way that prevents loss or unauthorized disclosure. The IRS prohibits staff from transmitting FTI by agency email systems, Microsoft Teams or by phone. Staff must not use HHSC email addresses to send confidential or agency-sensitive information to personal email addresses.
Staff must secure computers and electronic media that receive, process, store, access, protect or transmit FTI in an area with restricted access. The agency must use encryption mechanisms on all computers and mobile devices that contain FTI to prevent access if lost or stolen. Staff must label removable media containing FTI.
Authorized staff must keep all computers, electronic media and removable storage containing FTI in their immediate protection and control during use. When not in use, authorized staff must secure the device in the proper storage area or container. Staff may not leave devices unattended in a public area. HHSC management must maintain inventory records of computers, electronic devices and removable media and complete a semi-annual review for control and accountability.
C-2421 In-Person Transport
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
Staff transporting media containing FTI must always keep it in their possession. Never leave FTI unattended in a public setting. Use Form H1863 when removing FTI from a file and retain the form for five years from the last FTI removal indicated.
For office relocations, ensure plans include the proper protection and accountability of all FTI. Staff must lock FTI in cabinets or sealed packing cartons while in transit. HHSC staff maintain custody of FTI to ensure cabinets or cartons containing FTI are not misplaced or lost in transit.
C-2422 Mail or Courier Transport
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
Double seal all FTI transported through the mail by sealing one envelope within another envelope. On the inner envelope, staff must mark Confidential to indicate that only the designated recipient is authorized to open it. Do not label the outermost envelope as FTI or provide any indication that it contains FTI. Use Form H1862 when mailing all paper documents that contain IRS data. The sender ensures the receiver acknowledges the receipt of the information.
C-2423 Fax Transport
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
Fax machines must be placed in a secure area and staff should refrain from faxing FTI, when possible. There must be trusted staff at both the sending and receiving fax machines. When faxing is required, staff must use Form H1864. The form must accompany all faxed documents that contain IRS data when transferred from one office to another or from an office to a banking institution for verification purposes. The sender ensures the receiver acknowledges the receipt of the information and retains this form for five years.
C-2500, Disposal of Records
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
To dispose of documents with an applicant or recipient's information, follow procedures for destruction of confidential data per Texas Health and Human Services (HHSC) records management policies.
C-2510 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Federal Tax Information (FTI) Sanitization
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
The sanitization process removes FTI from media to ensure the information cannot be retrieved or reconstructed. Examples include, but are not limited to, digital media found in scanners, copiers, printers, computers, network components, mobile devices, and non-digital media such as paper and microfilm. Staff must use agency-approved software and methods for sanitizing FTI. The following are acceptable sanitization methods:
- Clearing protects the confidentiality of information against a robust keyboard attack. Simple deletion of items is not sufficient. Clearing must not allow information to be retrieved by data, disk or file recovery utilities. It must be resistant to keystroke recovery attempts. Overwriting is an example of an acceptable clearing method.
- Purging protects the confidentiality of information against a laboratory attack. This type of attack involves using signal processing equipment and specially trained personnel. Examples of acceptable purging methods are executing the firmware Secure Erase command for ATA drives and degaussing by destabilizing a device’s magnetic field.
HHSC must maintain sanitization records which include the:
- control number, file name and contents, or both for each record;
- total number of records;
- date and method of sanitation; and
- date of sanitization verification.
C-2520 IRS FTI Destruction
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
The destruction process ensures that media with FTI cannot be reused as originally intended. Examples include but are not limited to disintegration, incineration, pulverizing, shredding and melting. Staff use Form H1861 to record and track the destruction of FTI. If non-HHSC staff destroy FTI, an HHSC employee must witness the destruction. Staff must use the following approved destruction methods for destroying FTI:
- Incinerators certified to produce enough heat to burn the entire bundle. If the incinerator cannot burn the entire bundle, separate the pages to ensure all materials are incinerated.
- Shredders producing crosscut particles which are a maximum of 1 mm by 5 mm or 0.04 inches by 0.2 inches. If shredding deviates from these specifications, then the FTI must be safeguarded until it reaches the stage where it is rendered unreadable through additional means, such as burning or pulping.
- Disintegrator or Pulverizer equipped with a 2.4-mm or 3/32-inch security screen.
HHSC must maintain destruction records which include:
- date the records were received;
- control number, file name and contents, or both for each record;
- name of the person receiving the records;
- total number of records, if available;
- movement of records from receipt to destruction; and
- date and method of destruction.
C-2600, Reporting Security Incidents
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
- If information about an applicant or recipient is requested but cannot be released, inform the inquiring person or agency that federal and state laws and HHSC regulations require that the information being requested remain confidential. Refer the questioner to Title 42 of the United States Code, Section 1396a(a)(7); 42 CFR Sections 431.300-431.307; and Texas Human Resource Code, Sections 12.003 and 21.012. For individually identified health information, refer the requestor to 45 CFR sections 164.102-164.534. For tax information obtained through IEVS, also refer the requestor to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code, Sections 7213, 7213A and 7431. Title 26 US Code Section 6103 is the confidentiality statue that prohibits disclosure of FTI. For human services agencies, it is IRC 6103(1)(7).
Note: Refer to Appendix XVIII, IRS Tax Code, Sections 7213, 7213A and 7431. - If subpoenaed to appear in court with an applicant's or recipient's record, notify the supervisor immediately. Give the supervisor all the facts about the case and the date and time of the court hearing. The supervisor should contact the lawyer who is requesting the record and determine if the requested information is confidential. If a problem exists, the supervisor should inform the regional attorney about all relevant facts. Usually, the subpoenaed employee must take the record and appear in court as directed by the summons. When requested to disclose information from the record, ask the judge to be excused from disclosing the information because of the statutory prohibitions stated previously in this section. Abide by the ruling of the judge.
- If subpoenaed to appear in court, and no time is allowed to follow the steps specified in this section, take the record and appear in court as directed by the summons. When requested to disclose the information from the record, follow the procedure described in Step 2.
For individually identifiable health information, refer the requestor to 45 CFR Sections 164.102-164.534.
FTI security incidents include loss of control, unauthorized access, unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized inspection. Once an actual or possible compromise of IRS FTI or an unauthorized inspection or disclosure of IRS FTI is discovered, including breaches and security incidents, the person observing or receiving the information must immediately contact the HHSC IRS coordinator within 24 hours of initial discovery. Send a secure email with the subject line, URGENT: FTI Data Incident Report to the HHSC IRS Coordinator Mailbox.
The HHSC IRS Coordinator reports the incident by:
- contacting the office of the appropriate special agent-in-charge, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA); and
- following the IRS Office of Safeguards, as directed in Section 10.2 of IRS Publication 1075.
In the event the HHSC IRS coordinator fails to respond by the close of the next business day, staff immediately inform management by sending an email with the subject line, URGENT – POSSIBLE UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE OR INSPECTION OF FTI to HHSC Offices for Information Technology, Privacy Division, Chief Information Security Office and IRS coordinator.
Examples of FTI security incidents include but are not limited to:
- leaving an agency computer or laptop with FTI unlocked and unattended;
- leaving a file cabinet with FTI unlocked;
- allowing contract IT Help Desk support access to an agency device with FTI while the user is accessing ASOIG;
- printing FTI on Xerox Multi-Factor Office Devices;
- allowing unmonitored contractor access to an FTI hardware server;
- discussing FTI on a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone with people or other agency employees;
- viewing FTI remotely without approval;
- sending screenshots of FTI data from the ASOIG application;
- screensharing FTI during virtual meetings, which includes meetings conducted through Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Go To Meeting, Webex and Google Meet; and
- stealing or losing laptop computers, removable devices or non-digital media containing FTI.
C-2610 Penalties for Disclosing FTI
Revision 24-3; Effective Sept. 1, 2024
All Programs
People responsible for the willful unauthorized inspection or disclosure of FTI may be subject to criminal and civil penalties in addition to disciplinary action. Security incidents may also result in temporary or permanent suspension from ASOIG access.
Criminal penalties for willful unauthorized inspection of FTI are:
- a fine up to $1,000; and
- one year in prison, together with the costs of prosecution.
Criminal penalties for willful unauthorized disclosure of FTI are:
- a fine up to $5,000; and
- up to five years in prison, together with the costs of prosecution.
Civil penalties for willful unauthorized inspection or disclosure of FTI are:
- the greater of $1,000 or actual damages for each incident; and
- court costs and attorney fees to the plaintiff.
C-3000, When and What Information May Be Disclosed
Revision 21-4; Effective December 1, 2021
Staff must make reasonable efforts to limit the use or disclosure of individually identifiable health information to determine eligibility and operate the program. Disclosure of medical information from HHSC records must be minimal to achieve the requested disclosure. For example, If a person authorizes release of income verification, including disability income, do not release related case medical information unless specifically authorized by the person.
Case information may be released to Medicaid providers to help in providing services and filing claims for payment.
Only release case information, such as personal information or addresses, to a person who has written permission from the applicant or recipient to get the information.
You must have the applicant’s or recipient’s consent to respond to inquiries from their relatives or friends requesting addresses or personal information. Inform the applicant or recipient of any inquiries. Allow the applicant or recipient to decide if they wish to share the information before providing the information to the inquiring party.
The applicant or recipient authorizes the release of information by completing and signing:
- Form H1003, Appointment of an Authorized Representative;
- Form H1826, Case Information Release; or
- A document containing all following information:
- the case name and case number, or full name, including middle initial, and either their date of birth or Social Security number;
- a description of the information to be released. If a general release is authorized, provide the information that can be disclosed to the person. Withhold confidential information from the case record, such as names of people who disclosed information about the household without the household's knowledge, and the nature of pending criminal prosecution;
- a statement specifically authorizing HHSC to release the information;
- the name of the person or entity to whom the information will be released;
- the purpose of the release;
- an event that triggers an expiration of the authorization, or an expiration date of the release;
- a statement about whether refusal to sign the release affects eligibility for or delivery of services;
- a statement describing the person's right to revoke the authorization to release information;
- the date the document is signed; and
- the signature of the person or Authorized Representative (AR).
If the case information released includes individually identifiable health information, the document must clearly indicate the applicant or recipient understands any information released may not be private and may be released again by the person receiving the information.
When information is requested from the case records of a deceased person, protect the privacy of the deceased person. Follow policy to determine who can act for the deceased person about individually identifiable health information.
Do not include Form H1826 or other information release authorization documents in application packets.
The HHSC Office of the Chief Counsel handles questions about the release of information under the Open Records Act. Refer all questions and issues encountered by people concerning release of information to the Open Records Division, Office of the General Counsel.
Follow Confidential Nature of Medical Information – HIPPA policy for restrictions on the release of a person's protected health information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy regulations.
Related Policy
Confidential Nature of Medical Information, C-4000
Deceased Individuals, C- 5300
Prior Coverage for Deceased Applicants, G-7210
C-4000, Confidential Nature of Medical Information
Revision 15-2; Effective June 1, 2015
Applicants/recipients requesting assistance on the basis of disability must complete a medical information release form.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law that sets additional standards to protect the confidentiality of individually identifiable health information. Individually identifiable health information is information that identifies or could be used to identify an individual and that relates to the:
- past, present or future physical or mental health or condition of the individual;
- provision of health care to the individual; or
- past, present or future payment for the provision of health care to the individual.
C-4100, Privacy Notice
Revision 21-4; Effective December 1, 2021
HIPAA requires HHSC to provide a notice of privacy practices that explains:
- the person’s privacy rights;
- the duties of HHSC to protect the person’s health information; and
- how HHSC may use or disclose the person’s health information without an authorization. For example, HHSC may share health information with the person’s providers to:
- arrange for services; or
- with other government entities to report suspected abuse or neglect.
Provide Form 0401, Notice of Privacy Practices (English), or Form 0401S, Aviso de Normas Sobre la Privacidad (Spanish), as appropriate, to each household with a person enrolled in a medical program.
Provide Form 0401 or Form 0401S with Form TF0001, Notice of Case Action, to each household enrolled in a medical program:
- at initial certification; or
- at recertification after a break in services of more than 180 days.
Form 0403, Explanation to Health Information Privacy Rights, provides a reminder of privacy practices and where to locate Form 0401.
Provide Form 0403 with Form TF0001 to each head of household:
- at each recertification;
- after a break in services of at least 30 days but not more than 180 days; or
- when a new person is added to a case.
C-4200, Applicant/Recipient Authorization
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
The applicant/recipient may authorize the release of his or her health information from HHSC records by using a valid authorization form. Form H1003, Appointment of an Authorized Representative, includes all the authorization elements required by HIPAA privacy regulations. See Section C-3000, When and What Information May Be Disclosed, for the elements necessary for a valid authorization.
C-4300, Minimum Necessary
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Reasonable efforts must be made to limit the use, request or disclosure of individually identifiable health information to the minimum necessary to determine eligibility and operate the program. The disclosure of individual medical information from HHSC records must be limited to the minimum necessary to accomplish the requested disclosure. For example, if an applicant/recipient authorizes release of income verification, including disability income, do not release related case medical information unless specifically authorized by the applicant/recipient.
C-5000, Personal Representatives
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Only an applicant's/recipient's personal representative can exercise the applicant's/recipient's rights with respect to individually identifiable health information. Therefore, only a applicant's/recipient's personal representative may authorize the use or disclosure of individually identifiable health information or obtain individually identifiable health information on behalf of an applicant/recipient. Exception: HHSC is not required to disclose the information to the personal representative if the applicant/recipient is subjected to domestic violence, abuse or neglect by the personal representative. Consult the regional attorney if you believe that health information should not be released to the personal representative.
Note: A responsible party is not automatically a personal representative.
C-5100, Adults and Emancipated Minors
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If the applicant/recipient is an adult or emancipated minor, including married minors, the applicant/recipient's personal representative is a person who has the authority to make health care decisions about the applicant/recipient and includes a:
- person the applicant/recipient has appointed under a medical power of attorney, a durable power of attorney with the authority to make health care decisions, or a power of attorney with the authority to make health care decisions;
- court-appointed guardian for the applicant/recipient; or
- person designated by law to make health care decisions when the applicant/recipient is in a hospital or nursing home and is incapacitated or mentally or physically incapable of communication. Follow regional procedures to contact the regional attorney for approval.
C-5200, Unemancipated Minors
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A parent is the personal representative for a minor child except when:
- the minor child can consent to medical treatment by himself or herself. Under these circumstances, do not disclose to a parent information about the medical treatment to which the minor child can consent. A minor child can consent to medical treatment by himself or herself when the:
- minor is on active duty with the U.S. military;
- minor is age 16 or older, lives separately from the parents and manages his own financial affairs;
- consent involves diagnosis and treatment of a disease that must be reported to a local health officer or the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS);
- minor is unmarried and pregnant and the treatment (other than abortion) relates to the pregnancy;
- minor is age 16 years or older and the consent involves examination and treatment for drug or chemical addiction, dependency or use at a treatment facility licensed by DSHS;
- consent involves examination and treatment for drug or chemical addiction, dependency or use by a physician or counselor at a location other than a treatment facility licensed by DSHS;
- minor is unmarried, is the parent of a child, has actual custody of the child and consents to treatment for the child; or
- consent involves suicide prevention or sexual, physical or emotional abuse; and
- a court is making health care decisions for the minor child or has given the authority to make health care decisions for the minor child to an adult other than a parent or to the minor child. Under these circumstances, do not disclose to a parent information about the health care decisions not made by the parent.
C-5300, Deceased Individuals
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
The personal representative for a deceased applicant/recipient is an executor, administrator or other person with authority to act on behalf of the applicant/recipient or the applicant's/recipient's estate. These individuals include:
- an executor, including an independent executor;
- an administrator, including a temporary administrator;
- a surviving spouse;
- a child;
- a parent; and
- an heir.
Consult the regional attorney if you have questions about whether a particular person is the personal representative of an applicant or recipient.
C-6000, Fraud and Fair Hearings
C-6100, Appeals
Revision 13-2; Effective June 1, 2013
If an individual is dissatisfied with HHSC's decision concerning his eligibility for any MEPD program, including Medicaid Savings Programs, the individual has the right to appeal through the appeal process established by HHSC. In certain circumstances, the individual is entitled to receive continued benefits or services until a hearing decision is issued. Whether an individual is entitled to continued assistance is based on requirements set forth in appropriate state or federal law or regulation of the affected program. See the Fair and Fraud Hearings Handbook.
Individuals whose medical assistance is denied because of an SSA decision should file an appeal with the appropriate SSA office.
Note: If an individual submits an application during the time the continued benefits are being processed, the application must be processed as normal. See Chapters B-2300, Eligibility Determination, B-3200, Application Process, and B-6400, Processing Deadlines.
C-6110 Program Representation at Fair Hearings
Revision 18-4; Effective December 1, 2018
If an applicant or recipient requests a fair hearing, the burden of proof to uphold HHSC's decision rests with HHSC. The hearing officer is a neutral party and is restricted by law from presenting HHSC's case.
Form H4800, Fair Hearing Request Summary, provides a space for the names of HHSC's representative and supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that either the HHSC representative participates in the hearing or that a back-up person is assigned. Additionally, the supervisor should ensure that the designated representative is sufficiently prepared and knowledgeable of the case to represent HHSC during the fair hearing process.
The hearing officer has the responsibility of setting the date and time of the hearing. In those program areas where Form H4800 may be completed by someone other than agency staff (contracted case management, HHSC representatives, etc.), it is important that the hearing officer be given the name(s) of those people who are to be notified of the date and time of the hearing. If there is not sufficient space on Form H4800 to provide this information, list the name(s) on Form H4800-A, Fair Hearing Request Summary (Addendum), Item 3, "Additional Information."
In those program areas where Form H4800 is completed by HHSC staff but someone other than, or in addition to, HHSC staff will appear (Attorney General's Office staff, Workforce Commission staff, home health nurses, nursing facility staff, etc.), the person completing Form H4800 is responsible for providing the hearing officer with the name(s) of those people who are to be notified of the date and time of the hearing. If there is not sufficient space on Form H4800 to provide this information, list the name(s) on Form H4800-A, Item 3, " Additional Information."
C-6200, Applicant/Recipient and Provider Fraud Detection and Referral
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
Applicants/recipients receiving MEPD programs are perceived by HHSC as essentially honest and entitled to the same protection under the law as all other individuals. When potential fraud is indicated, the allegations must be investigated.
HHSC also endorses the concept that people who provide services are essentially honest and are entitled to the same protection under the law as all other individuals. However, if there is an indication of potential fraud, the allegations must be investigated.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigates waste, abuse and fraud in all health and human services programs in Texas. Any state employee or private citizen may report waste, abuse and fraud to the OIG.
HHSC staff, concerned citizens, providers (for example, doctors, dentists, counselors, etc.), Medicaid applicants/recipients and others can help prevent cases of waste, abuse and fraud by notifying OIG.
If applicant/recipient or provider waste, abuse or fraud is suspected in the Medicaid system, complete the OIG's online complaint form, which is available at:
If access to the Internet is not available, contact the fraud hotline at 800-436-6184 or mail the complaint to:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Office of Inspector General
Mail Code 1361
P.O. Box 85200
Austin, TX 78708-5200
C-7000, Voter Registration
Revision 21-4; Effective December 1, 2021
HHSC must offer applicants and recipients an opportunity to register to vote at application, redetermination and any time the person has a change of address.
Form H0025, HHSC Application for Voter Registration, is included with each application and redetermination packet. Additionally, the Form H0025 is provided when a person reports a change of address. System-generated application and redetermination packets contain Form H0025.
If the person indicates they do not wish to register to vote, mail Form H1350, Opportunity to Register to Vote. Document that the person declined in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS), Voter Registration Information section of the person Demographics — Citizen page. If the person returns Form H1350, sign and mark the Client Declined box in the Agency Use Only: Voter Registration Status section of Form H1350 and send the form for imaging.
Who Can Register to Vote
To register to vote, a person must be:
- a U.S. citizen; and
- at least 17 years and 10 months.
The opportunity to register to vote is not required if a person does not meet these two requirements.
Staff Requirements for Voter Registration
Staff must tell the person:
- HHSC offers the same help and services when aiding the person with voter registration activities as when helping them with agency forms. This can happen whether HHSC provides the service in the office, outside of the office or at the person's home.
- The decision to register or to decline to register to vote does not affect eligibility or benefit amount. HHSC will keep all voter registration information confidential and only use it for voter registration purposes.
- The person may decide to seek help from staff to fill out the voter registration application form. The person may also fill out the application form in private.
- The person may return the completed application form to:
- the Secretary of State (SOS), by mail using the postage-paid, self-addressed application form;
- the local voter registrar, by mail or in person; or
- the advisor.
- The person may ask more voter registration questions or file a voter registration complaint by contacting the Elections Division of the Secretary of State, P.O. Box 12060, Austin, TX 78711, 800-252-8683.
Staff must not:
- influence a person’s political preference or party registration;
- display any political preference or party affiliation;
- make any statement to discourage the person from registering to vote;
- make any statement to a person or take any action to make the person believe that a decision to register or not to register has any bearing on the availability of services or benefits; or
- pend the EDG or delay or deny benefits if the person fails or refuses to complete the voter registration information on any form, or fails to return Form H0025 or Form H1350.
Document all actions taken to provide the person with an opportunity to register to vote at application, redetermination, and change of physical address in TIERS in the Voter Registration Information section of the person’s Demographics — Citizen page.
C-8000, Responsibility to Provide Information and Report Changes
Revision 10-2; Effective June 1, 2010
Providing Information
When a person applies for Medicaid, HHSC will ask for documents and any other information needed to make sure all the requirements for Medicaid are met. HHSC will ask for information about income, resources and other eligibility requirements.
As a requirement of Medicaid, a person must provide HHSC MEPD staff with the necessary documentation and information to determine eligibility for Medicaid.
If HHSC sends an applicant or authorized representative a request for missing information or verification documents, or both, the applicant or authorized representative must provide the requested information to HHSC by the due date given in the request, or eligibility may be denied.
See Section B-6510, Failure to Furnish Missing Information.
Reporting Changes
Report to HHSC MEPD staff certain events that affect Medicaid eligibility and co-payment.
HHSC requires that the applicant/recipient or authorized representative must report certain events because they may affect eligibility or continued eligibility or the amount of the co-payment in the cost of care. See Chapter H, Co-Payment.
Who, What, When and How of Reporting Changes
Who must make reports? The person(s) responsible for making required reports to HHSC include an:
- eligible individual;
- eligible spouse;
- eligible child; or
- applicant awaiting a final determination upon an application.
- If the applicant/recipient has an authorized representative and has not been legally adjudged incompetent, either the applicant/recipient or the authorized representative must make the required reports.
- If the recipient’s co-payment is impacted by either the community spouse or a dependent family member, the recipient, authorized representative, community spouse or dependent family member is responsible for making required reports to HHSC.
- If the applicant/recipient has an authorized representative (legal guardian) and has been legally adjudged incompetent, the authorized representative (legal guardian) is responsible for making required reports to HHSC.
What must be reported?
Although not all inclusive, events that must be reported are:
- Change of address — Report any change in mailing address and any change in the address where the person (or spouse/dependent family member) lives.
- Change in living arrangements — Report any change in the make-up of the household; that is, any person who comes to live in the household and any person who moves out of the household.
- Change in income — Report any increase or decrease in income, and any increase or decrease in the income of:
- the ineligible spouse who lives with the recipient;
- the community spouse or dependent family member;
- the parent, if the recipient is an eligible child and the parent lives with the eligible child; or
- an ineligible child who lives with the eligible child.
- Change in resources — Report any resources received or parted with by the:
- applicant/recipient;
- ineligible spouse who lives with the recipient;
- community spouse or dependent family member; or
- parent, if the recipient is an eligible child and the parent lives with the eligible child.
- Eligibility for other benefits — Report eligibility for benefits. Responsibility to apply for any other benefits for which a person may be eligible is required. See Section D-6000, Social Security Number (SSN) and Application for Other Benefits.
- Certain deaths — If the person is an eligible individual, the individual or the individual's authorized representative must report the death of:
- the eligible spouse;
- the ineligible spouse who was living with the individual; and
- any other person who was living with the individual including a parent of an eligible child.
Additionally, if the recipient’s co-payment is impacted by either the community spouse or a dependent family member, the recipient, authorized representative, community spouse or dependent family member is responsible for making required reports to HHSC. - Change in marital status — Report the marriage, divorce or annulment of a marriage of the:
- eligible individual;
- parent who lives with the eligible child; or
- spouse or dependent family member.
Additionally, report the marriage of an ineligible child who lives with an eligible individual.
- Medical improvements — If eligible for Medicaid because of disability or blindness, report any medical condition improvement.
- A termination of residence in the U.S. — Report leaving the U.S. voluntarily with the intention of abandoning residence in the U.S. or leaving the U.S. involuntarily.
- Leaving the U.S. temporarily — Report leaving the U.S. for 30 or more consecutive days or for a full calendar month (without the intention of abandoning residence in the U.S.).
Include in the Reports
When reporting changes either in writing or verbally, include the following:
- applicant or recipient's name and Social Security number;
- event and the date it happened; and
- reporter’s name.
Reports are due to HHSC when:
- an event happens, the report is due within 10 days of the event.
- HHSC requests a report and provides a due date.
C-9000, Interpreter and Translation Services
C-9100, Requirement for Interpreter and Translation Services
Revision 13-3; Effective September 1, 2013
All Programs
HHSC is required to provide interpreter services and written translated materials to applicants and recipients who are Limited English Proficient (LEP). HHSC also is required to provide an effective method to communicate with applicants and recipients who indicate they are deaf or hearing impaired. Applicants and recipients indicate on Form H1200, Application for Assistance – Your Texas Benefits, or during an interview that they need interpreter services. For more information on procedures, refer to the Eligibility Operations Procedures Manual.
C-9200, Availability of Translated Written Material
Revision 19-3; Effective September 1, 2019
All Programs
Staff must inform applicants and recipients about the availability of written or verbal translation services for written materials HHSC sends to them at application and redetermination.
When staff verbally communicate with Limited English Proficient (LEP) applicants or recipients at the time of application, redetermination and change actions, staff must ensure that applicants or recipients understand the eligibility action (Form H1020, Request for Information or Action, and Form TF0001, Notice of Case Action) being taken and the requirements for the application process (including the request for any missing information).
Note: This requirement is not applicable when staff process the case action without talking with the applicants or recipients.
The Vietnamese Translation Interpreter Form is automatically attached to applicable eligibility notices when Vietnamese is selected as the primary household language.
Chapter D, Non-Financial
D-1000, Aged, Blind or Disabled
D-1100, Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
D-1200, Age
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
In determining age for aged, blind, or disabled individuals, the age is reached the day before the anniversary of birth. This affects the month a disability determination is required for persons born on the first day of the month. Example: The person turns 65 on Jan. 1, and is eligible for Medicare Dec. 1, before the person’s 65th birthday in January. If the person meets all other eligibility criteria, the person can be certified for benefits for December without a disability decision.
Determine a person's age by the person’s statement on the application. Compare the reported information with Social Security Administration records using systems in place to exchange or request data. Other acceptable evidence includes such readily available sources as:
- insurance policies;
- family Bible;
- marriage record;
- child's birth certificate;
- hospital admission record;
- driver's license;
- hunting license;
- fishing license; or
- voter registration card.
D-1210 Definition of a Child
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A child is neither married nor a head of a household and is either:
- under age 18; or
- under age 22 and a student regularly attending school, college or training that is designed to prepare him/her for a paying job.
Child status ceases effective with the month after the month of attainment of age 22 (age 18, if not a student) or the month after the month the person last meets the definition of child.
SSI policy defines full-time student as an individual attending at least:
- 12 hours per week if in high school or under;
- 12 hours per week if in a technical or vocational school (shop practice is not included in the course);
- 15 hours per week if in a technical or vocational school (shop practice is included in the course); or
- eight hours per week per semester if in a college or university.
A student is deemed to be in regular school attendance during normal vacation periods if he attends regularly during the month immediately following the vacation period. A person may be considered a full-time student without attending the required number of hours per week, if the person is disabled and physically unable to attend full-time, has difficulty obtaining transportation or is taking all that is needed to complete the person's education.
The age requirements involved in identifying a child apply only to a person who is otherwise eligible. A blind or disabled applicant who meets these age requirements, however, can become eligible for Medicaid, even though the person does not meet the definition of a child.
D-1300, Blindness
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
In determining blindness for aged, blind or disabled individuals, blindness is met if a person is considered “legally blind” as defined by the Social Security Administration. Based on a medical determination of blindness, a person is considered blind if the visual acuity in the person's better eye is 20/200 or less with corrective lenses, or if the person has tunnel vision that limits the field of vision to 20 degrees or less.
D-1400, Disability
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
In determining disability for aged, blind or disabled individuals, disability is met if the person is considered disabled as defined by the Social Security Administration. Based on a medical determination of disability, a person is considered disabled if the person is unable to engage in any substantial, gainful activity because of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment that can be expected to result in death or has continued or can be expected to continue for at least 12 months. A child who is not engaged in substantial, gainful activity is considered disabled if the child suffers from any medically determinable physical or mental impairment of comparable severity to that which would preclude an adult from engaging in substantial, gainful activity.
Note: A person who lives in an institution for mental diseases (IMD) must be 65 years of age or older to be eligible for an MEPD program. Do not establish a medical determination for blindness or disability for a person who lives in an IMD who is less than 65 years old.
D-2000, Determining Blindness or Disability
D-2100, When a Medical Determination Is Not Required
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
Receipt of Medicare is an indication that the person is either:
- age 65 or older; or
- has been determined blind or disabled based on the Social Security Administration (SSA) criteria for RSDI Title II or SSI Title XVI disability.
A medical determination is not required to establish blindness or disability if the person has Medicare. The receipt of the Medicare is satisfactory verification that the person has been determined to meet the SSA's criteria for aged, blind or disabled. This includes a person determined blind or disabled by SSA in the 24-month period before receiving Medicare. Upon verification of the receipt of a disability benefit, a medical determination is not required to establish blindness or disability if a person is currently receiving disability benefits from:
- SSI;
- RSDI; or
- Railroad Retirement.
For an eligibility determination during the retroactive coverage months, a medical determination is not required to establish blindness or disability during that retroactive coverage period if a person:
- has unpaid or reimbursable covered Medicaid expenses during the retroactive coverage months prior to the application;
- has a date of onset for RSDI Title II blindness or disability based on SSA query records; and
- the date of onset for the RSDI Title II blindness or disability covers the retroactive coverage months prior to the application.
Note: Do not use the Title XVI "Dsblty Onset Date" on the SSI Entitlement screen as the basis to establish blindness or disability for:
- retroactive coverage;
- current coverage; or
- future coverage.
A medical determination is not required to establish blindness or disability if a person:
- applies with HHSC for SSI-related medical assistance only (MAO);
- is under age 65; and
- lost SSI for reasons other than a decision that the disability or blindness has stopped.
D-2200, When a Medical Determination Is Required
Revision 16-4; Effective December 1, 2016
When an individual does not have Medicare or is not receiving a disability benefit from SSI, RSDI, or Railroad Retirement (See E-4200, Railroad Retirement Benefits), a medical determination, including date of onset, of either disability or blindness is required. The date of onset can affect the start date of Medicaid.
The following must not be used to establish disability for MEPD programs:
- a Civil Service disability determination;
- a medical certification an individual submits to an Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) program or to the Internal Revenue Service as proof of meeting ABLE program requirements.
An individuals under age 65 who lives in an institutional setting and who would, except for income, be eligible for SSI if they lived outside the facility, must meet the SSA's definition of disability or blindness. These individuals may or may not have applied for SSI cash benefits.
If a medical decision for determining blindness or disability is required, request a decision from the Disability Determination Unit (DDU). See Section D-2300, Requesting a Decision from the Disability Determination Unit (DDU).
Do not request a decision from the DDU in the following circumstances.
If an individual … | then … |
resides in a state supported living center or the Rio Grande State Center, |
the staff at these facilities, and not HHSC staff, is responsible for ensuring the completion of the forms for a disability determination. |
requests an eligibility determination during a retroactive period and the individual:
the DDU cannot establish an earlier date of onset for RSDI Title II blindness or disability because federal regulations prevent a state's disability determination to conflict with the RSDI Title II date of onset. |
A medical determination of disability or blindness is required when RSDI Title II blindness or disability is not established and an individual is:
- under age 65;
- either under or over age 65 and applying for the Medicaid Buy-In (MBI) program; or
- either under or over age 65 and presumed to be a child with a disability to meet exception to transfer penalty.
To determine whether RSDI Title II blindness or disability is established, query the SSA records available.
Do not use the SSI Title XVI "Dsblty Onset Date" as the basis to establish blindness or disability.
D-2300, Requesting a Decision from the Disability Determination Unit
Revision 14-4; Effective December 1, 2014
When a medical decision for determining blindness or disability is necessary, a decision must be requested from DDU. Complete and submit these forms for imaging, along with the medical records, to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, P.O. Box 149027, Austin, TX 78714-9971:
- Form H3034, Disability Determination Socio-Economic Report
- Form H3035, Medical Information Release/Disability Determination
In addition to these forms, submit the following when available:
- Minimum Data Set information (physician's signature page)
- Medical treatment records for a waiver applicant
- Medical records for an applicant for primary home care services through Community Attendant Services (CAS)
DDU may request more complete medical documentation.
On receipt of Form H3034, Form H3035 or other medical records, DDU uses this information to determine whether the person meets SSA's definition of disability or blindness and makes the final decision about disability or blindness.
DDU will consider the date of onset for the retroactive period, if needed. Specify the retroactive months needed on Form H3034. DDU's date of onset, however, cannot precede the RSDI Title II disability onset date indicated on the SSA query.
D-2400, Disability Determination Unit Request Required
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
When the application is for a person who is younger than age 65 and has never had a disability determination, an override for the application due date default of 45 days is needed. The application due date will be 90 days from the file date. Follow the steps in the system procedure instructions for this override.
Sometimes an application cannot be certified within 90 days because a disability determination is pending past the initial 90 days. In these cases, send Form H1247, Notice of Delay in Certification, to the applicant and the facility administrator, if applicable.
Applications for which delay-in-certification procedures have been followed are excluded from the delinquent count in timeliness reports. These applications are excluded for 180 days (90 days + 90-day extension); however, if the application is still pending on the 181st day, it will be counted as delinquent. Applications that cannot be certified within the normal 90-day limit, plus the 90-day extension, must be denied. A new application will be necessary to reconsider eligibility.
D-2500, Supplemental Security Income Applicants and Retroactive Coverage
Revision 14-4; Effective December 1, 2014
An applicant for Social Security disability benefits is evaluated for both SSI Title XVI and RSDI Title II disability eligibility. HHSC determines Medicaid eligibility for retroactive coverage for up to:
- three months before the date of SSI application for a person who has been denied SSI; or
- two months before the month in which an SSI recipient's Medicaid coverage automatically begins.
In these cases, the medical records; Form H3034, Disability Determination Socio-Economic Report; and Form H3035, Medical Information Release/Disability Determination, should be imaged in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS). DDU uses this information to make the final decision (disability or blindness) for the retroactive coverage months. DDU enters the disability determination in case comments and in the Disability Determination — DDU page in TIERS, which indicates the decision, including the date of onset of the disability or blindness.
Federal regulations prevent a state's disability determination to conflict with the RSDI Title II date of onset, and DDU cannot establish an earlier date of onset for RSDI Title II blindness or disability. As a result, deny an application based on the person not meeting blind (Not Blind) or disabled (Not Disabled) criteria when a person applies for Medicaid and the person:
- has unpaid or reimbursable covered Medicaid expenses during the retroactive coverage months prior to the application;
- has a date of onset for RSDI Title II blindness or disability based on Social Security Administration (SSA) query records; and
- the date of onset for RSDI Title II blindness or disability does not cover any of the retroactive coverage months prior to the application.
Note: Do not use the SSI Title XVI "Dsblty Onset Date" on the SSI Entitlement screen as the basis to establish blindness or disability for retroactive coverage.
Federal regulations prohibit a state from making a disability decision that conflicts with an SSA decision. DDU cannot make an independent decision until all appeals to SSA regarding the date of disability onset for both RSDI Title II and SSI Title XVI are settled.
Request medical records covering the period for which eligibility is being tested when:
- there is no date of onset for RSDI Title II disability; or
- 90 days have elapsed since the SSI/RSDI file date and SSA has not completed a disability determination.
Submit the following items for imaging to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, P.O. Box 149027, Austin, TX 78714-9971:
- Medical records
- Form H3034
- Form H3035
Occasionally, Form 4116, Authorization for Expenditures, is required to provide payment to medical providers for submitting medical records. If Form 4116 is required, submit this form for imaging with the medical records, Form H3034 and Form H3035.
D-2600, Disability Determination Unit Decision
Revision 13-2; Effective June 1, 2013
DDU will enter the disability determination in TIERS case comments and in the Disability Determination – DDU page. This determination will include notification about the decision, including the date of onset of the disability or blindness and if the individual is permanently excused from any further medical review.
- Do not make a final eligibility decision until DDU has completed the Disability Determination – DDU page in TIERS and documented the decision in case comments.
- Medicaid cannot begin and the medical effective date cannot precede or be earlier than the first day of the month in which the onset of the disability or blindness occurred.
- Medicaid begin and end date for ME – A&D Emergency is date-specific. Medicaid does not occur in full month increments for this program.
- Before certifying a person under age 65 for Medicaid, the eligibility specialist must review case comments and the Disability Determination – DDU page to see if the individual has had a previous disability determination and/or is permanently excused. If documentation does not indicate that the individual is permanently excused, the eligibility specialist may contact DDU. The specialist must document in case comments concerning any previous disability determination decision.
D-2700, Use of Decision on the Disability Determination – DDU Page in TIERS
Revision 13-2; Effective June 1, 2013
Some applicants for Medicaid in an institutional setting are former recipients of Medicaid.
If a person was certified for Medicaid in an institutional setting based on the medical decision for either disability or blindness reflected in TIERS case comments and documented on the Disability Determination – DDU page, continue to use the existing record to reinstate the Medicaid in an institutional setting, unless case comments indicates a review of the disability or blindness is needed.
In addition, if TIERS case comments and the Disability Determination – DDU page indicates the applicant is permanently excused from further medical review, staff can continue to use this decision for future ME-A and D-Emergency requests or applications.
Do not use the existing Disability Determination – DDU page to process an application in any other situations, except those mentioned above.
D-2800, Disability Determination at Time of Review
Revision 23-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2023
At each annual redetermination, review case comments or the “DDU” tab in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) Disability Determination logical unit of work (LUW). Determine if the disability or blindness decision is current or if the recipient is permanently excused from further medical review. If the determination is not current and the recipient is not excused from further review, complete a new Form H3034, Disability Determination Socio-Economic Report. Submit to the Disability Determination Unit (DDU) with Form H3035, Medical Information Release/Disability Determination, and current medical records before the required date of review.
D-3000, Residence
D-3100, Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
D-3200, Eligibility
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
To be eligible for Medicaid, a person must be a resident of the U.S.
To be eligible for an MEPD program under Texas Medicaid, a person must be a resident of the state of Texas. The person must have established residence in Texas and must intend to remain in Texas.
Consider a person a resident of the U.S. and Texas if the person has:
- established an actual dwelling place within the geographical limits of the U.S. and Texas; and
- the intent to continue to live in the U.S. and Texas.
Accept the person's statement on the application or redetermination form regarding Texas residency.
Further evidence of Texas residency is required only if Texas residency is questionable. A person can prove residency by providing document(s) that indicate a Texas address. For example, sources of evidence could be from the following:
- Property, income or other tax forms or receipts
- Utility bills, leases or rent payment records
D-3300, Maintaining Presence in the U.S.
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
A Medicaid recipient is not eligible for Medicaid for any month during all of which the person is outside of the U.S. If a person is outside of the U.S. for 30 or more days in a row, they are not considered to be back in the U.S. until they are back for 30 days in a row. A person may again be eligible for Medicaid in the month in which the 30 days end if they continue to meet all other eligibility requirements.
Note: The U.S. is considered the 50 States, the District of Columbia and the Northern Mariana Islands.
The period of absence begins with the day after the person's departure from the U.S. The period of absence ends for eligibility purposes:
- the day before the person's return to the U.S., if the time outside the U.S. is less than 30 consecutive days; or
- 30 consecutive days after return to the U.S., including a person newly arrived in the U.S. (that is, for the very first time), if the time outside the U.S. is 30 consecutive days or more.
Develop continuous presence in the U.S. if there is reason to believe the person has been outside the U.S. for 30 consecutive days or a full month.
If otherwise eligible, a person whose eligibility has been denied because of absence from the U.S. can be recertified effective with the day:
- following the 30th day of continuous presence in the U.S. after the person's return, if the time outside the U.S. was 30 consecutive days or more; or
- the person returned to the U.S., if the time outside the U.S. was a full calendar month, but less than 30 consecutive days (calendar month of February only).
D-3310 Exceptions to U.S. Presence
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
The U.S. residence requirement does not apply to:
- a child who is a citizen and is living with a parent who is a member of the U.S. Armed Forces assigned to permanent duty ashore outside the U.S.; or
- to certain persons temporarily abroad for study.
D-3400, Change of Address
Revision 12-3; Effective September 1, 2012
When a recipient moves, the recipient is required to report this change within 10 days to HHSC. A permanent change of address or residence is important for the following reasons:
- It is very important to receive and maintain current address and residence information on the recipient's record to ensure proper receipt of Medicaid. Processing a change of address (COA) or residence request promptly will help alleviate any problems affecting the recipient's Medicaid eligibility.
- A COA or residence request may indicate that a change in circumstances has occurred which may affect continuing Medicaid eligibility. For example, there may be changes in living arrangements, marital status, in-kind support and maintenance, and resources (for example, home ownership).
When a recipient wishes to visit another address within the state for more than a month, the recipient is required to report this change within 10 days to HHSC. If this COA is temporary, a temporary COA does not impact eligibility if the visit is for no longer than three months.
See Section F-3121, Intent to Return Policy.
D-3500, Intent to Remain in Texas
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
To be eligible for Texas Medicaid, a person must be a resident of the state of Texas; that is, the person must have established residence in Texas and must intend to remain in Texas.
D-3510 Intent to Return
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
A visit to another state does not terminate Texas residence if the person intends to return when the purpose of the visit is completed.
If a Texas resident visits out of the state (but remains in the United States) with subsequent returns or expressions of intent to return, the person’s Texas residence is not interrupted. A recipient is responsible for requesting a temporary change of address because of an absence from the state. The recipient is also responsible for informing HHSC about the purpose, plans, date of departure and date of planned return.
If the recipient does not contact HHSC before departure, but HHSC learns about the recipient’s absence from some other source, treat this information as a reported change. Attempt to get the recipient’s out-of-state address. After receiving the out-of-state address, contact the recipient to determine whether the absence from the state is temporary, why the recipient left and when the recipient plans to return to Texas.
The length of out-of-state visits is not limited. Review the recipient’s situation every three months to determine where the recipient intends to live permanently.
If the recipient’s absence from the state is temporary and an annual review is scheduled, mail the redetermination packet directly to the recipient at the out-of-state address. If the nature of the recipient’s visit is questionable, additionally request the recipient to:
- restate the purpose of the absence; and
- indicate the recipient’s official permanent residence.
Review the recipient’s response on the redetermination packet as to residency and intent to remain a Texas resident. Redetermine eligibility based on the recipient’s usual living arrangement unless the recipient no longer indicates Texas residency with the intent to remain a Texas resident.
Reference: Chapter F, Resources, for treatment of a home and out-of-state property.
D-3520 No Intent to Return
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A recipient leaving the state with no declared intent to return, and without any evidence that would indicate plans to return, is considered to have moved from the state and Medicaid is denied immediately. If the recipient subsequently returns to the state and declares the intent to remain, Medicaid may be resumed if the recipient meets all other eligibility requirements.
D-3600, Interstate Issues
D-3610 Interstate Requests for Assistance
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a recipient is eligible for Medicaid in another state and receives Medicaid in that state, the person is not eligible for Medicaid from the state of Texas.
If a person is placed in an institution located in Texas by an agency of another state, the person remains a resident of the state that made the placement.
D-3620 Out-of-State Medicaid and Texas Medicaid Recipients
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Under certain conditions, HHSC makes vendor payment to out-of-state providers on behalf of Texas Medicaid recipients. An out-of-state provider must be contracted with Texas as a Medicaid provider in its own state to provide care or services to Medicaid recipients and the recipients must be eligible for Texas Medicaid for the time involved. No payment commitment can be made until all necessary forms have been completed.
An out-of-state provider can contact Texas' contracted Medicaid claims administrator, currently the Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP). TMHP's website for the Texas Medicaid Program is
The provider should furnish as much information as possible about the recipient, including the recipient's full name, Texas Medicaid number, Social Security number, date of birth, date of admission and date of discharge.
Note: If the person receives SSI and intends to live in the other state, inform the person to notify the Social Security Administration immediately about the move.
D-3630 Texas Applicant Outside the State of Texas
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a person from Texas wishes to apply for Medicaid while outside the state, the person should contact the other state's Medicaid agency. The other state's Medicaid agency determines whether:
- the person plans to live or visit in that state; and
- that state's Medicaid is available to the person.
If the other state's Medicaid agency determines that the person is not eligible for that state's Medicaid, the other state's Medicaid agency contacts HHSC.
HHSC sends the person an application to apply for Texas Medicaid.
When the completed application is returned, use the person's Texas address as the residence address and the out-of-state address as the mailing address. Consider the person as a resident of Texas for the month of application and for the retroactive coverage period if appropriate.
After eligibility is determined, a copy of the decision is sent to the other state's Medicaid agency.
D-3640 Applicant from Another State
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A person from another state may ask to apply for Medicaid in Texas. Although the opportunity to apply for Medicaid cannot be denied to another, ask the following questions to assist the person in determining whether an application in Texas is appropriate:
- Is the person visiting or does the person intend to live in Texas?
- Is the person receiving Medicaid from another state?
- Does the person want to receive Medicaid from Texas or from the other state?
- Has the person declared intent to live in Texas with the full knowledge that if the person is eligible for Medicaid in Texas, the person is not eligible to receive Medicaid from the other state?
- Is the person aware that if the person declares the intent to live in Texas and is certified for Medicaid in Texas, HHSC notifies the other state?
In some instances, a person might tentatively declare intent to live in Texas but is found to be ineligible for Medicaid in Texas. Be careful to avoid action that might jeopardize a person's continued eligibility for Medicaid from another state. Although a person might at first declare intent to live in Texas, the person might decide to continue receiving Medicaid from the other state (if the person learns of ineligibility for Medicaid in Texas). Consequently, the person might revoke the declaration of intent to live in Texas and keep the person's residence in the other state.
D-3650 Out-of-State Recipient Visiting Texas
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a recipient who receives a money grant (TANF, general assistance, state supplementary payments to SSI) or Medicaid, including Medicare Savings Program benefits, from another state and applies for Medicaid in Texas, determine whether:
- the recipient intends to continue receiving the money grant or Medicaid from the other state; and
- Medicaid benefits are available to the recipient from that state.
Declaration to continue living in the other state — If the recipient declares the intent to continue living in the other state, the recipient is not eligible for Medicaid in Texas. Contact the out-of-state Medicaid agency to determine which services are covered and how providers file claims. Have the recipient inform any Texas Medicaid provider to send any claim to the out-of-state Medicaid agency in the recipient's state of residence.
Declaration to live in Texas — If a recipient who receives a money grant from another state (TANF, general assistance, state supplementary payments to SSI) makes a declaration of intent to live in Texas, this declaration does not automatically establish eligibility. Determine eligibility according to the requirements of the Texas Medicaid Program.
Impact on the medical effective date — If the intent to live in Texas is made by the recipient and the recipient meets Texas MEPD requirements, contact the out-of-state Medicaid agency of the recipient's former state of residence to determine the last day Medicaid claims will be paid by that state. The denial effective date is the last day for which the recipient 's former state of residence will pay Medicaid claims. This is not necessarily the denial effective date on the former state's computer system. The medical effective date for the recipient in Texas is no earlier than the day following the date the recipient 's former state of residence will pay Medicaid claims.
D-3660 SSI Recipient Visiting in Texas
Revision 16-3; Effective September 1, 2016
If an out-of-state SSI recipient indicates an intent to live in Texas, refer the recipient to a Social Security Administration (SSA) office. SSA makes the SSI residence determination. SSA will modify the SSI file indicating the new address. The change in the SSI file will trigger a change in the new address for the Medicaid file.
If the SSI recipient indicates a need for medical care during the month of the move to Texas, give the recipient Form H1300, Declaration of Texas Residency, and refer the recipient to an SSA office for verification of SSI status. SSA accepts Form H1300 via fax.
When the completed Form H1300 is returned, process under ME – Nursing Facility, to begin Medicaid coverage in Texas effective the day after the last date claims will be paid in the former state. Once the application has been disposed, Form H1027-A, Medicaid Eligibility Verification, covering the recipient's residence in Texas can be issued, if needed.
Example: An SSI recipient moves to Texas on Aug. 10 and needs medical care. After receipt of confirmation of SSI status for the month of August and verification from the former state that it will pay no Medicaid claims after Aug. 9, the eligibility specialist processes the application using ME – Nursing Facility for 8/10/YYYY through 8/31/YYYY and issues Form H1027 for those dates, if needed.
Note: Remember that Medicaid coverage in Texas may begin no earlier than the day after the last date claims will be paid by the former state.
If the request for coverage of medical care received in the month of the recipient's move to Texas is made during a subsequent month (or received in the month of the move, but the application is not disposed until the following month), the procedure is the same as above except that the application is processed using ME-SSI Prior for the month of move to Texas. In this instance, the medical effective date would be the first day of the month of move and the denial date would be the last day of that month. Do not issue Form H1027 for a past month. Instead, inform the recipient that Your Texas Benefits Medicaid ID card will be sent so that receipt is within seven to 14 days. The recipient must notify all providers of the added coverage for purposes of timely claims filing.
Example: An SSI recipient moves to Texas on May 24 and receives medical care on May 26. On June 15, the recipient requests assistance for that expense. After receipt of confirmation of SSI status for the month of May and verification from the former state that it will pay no Medicaid claims after May 23, the eligibility specialist processes the application using ME-SSI Prior for 5/1/YYYY through 5/31/YYYY. Inform the recipient that Your Texas Benefits Medicaid ID card will be sent so that receipt is within seven to 14 days, which the recipient must then use to notify provider(s) of Medicaid eligibility.
TIERS Procedures
Process as a manual SSI during the month of move. The medical effective date will be the first of the month.
Note: Even though the medical effective date precedes the actual date the recipient moves into the state, Texas medical claims would not have been incurred prior to the move date.
D-3700, Special Situations
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
In the following situations, the state in which the person resides is influenced by several factors.
- Under age 21 and not in an institutional setting. A person under age 21 who is not residing in an institutional setting is a Texas resident if the person is:
- living in Texas more than temporarily;
- living in another state when Texas has legal custody of the person; or
- living in Texas, meets the blindness or disability criteria, and is MEPD eligible.
- Under age 21 and in an institutional setting.
- If the parent(s) or legal guardian lives outside of Texas, the residence of an institutionalized person under age 21 is the state in which the parent or legal guardian states the institutionalized person is present, and intends to stay.
- If the parents have abandoned the person and no legal guardian has been appointed, the person's residence is the state in which the institution is, if the authorized representative acting on behalf of the person in making an application for MEPD lives in that same state.
- If the person is married, the person's residence is the institution's state.
- Age 21 or over and in an institutional setting.
- The residence of an institutionalized person age 21 or over is the state in which the person is residing with the intent to remain.
- If the person is incapable of indicating intent, the person's residence is determined in the same way as the residence of an institutionalized person under age 21.
Interstate institutional setting issue — If a person, regardless of his/her age, is placed in an institution located in Texas by an agency of another state, the person remains a resident of the state that made the placement.
Reminder: A person who lives in an institution for mental diseases must be age 65 or older to be eligible for an MEPD program.
D-3800, People Confined in a Public Institution
Revision 21-4; Effective December 1, 2021
A person confined in a public institution, including a jail, prison, reformatory or other correctional or holding facility, is not eligible for Medicaid.;
Permanent Release
A person who enters a Medicaid certified long-term care facility, skilled nursing facility, nursing facility or intermediate care facility for people with an intellectual disability or related condition after a permanent release from a correctional facility is not considered to be in a public institution.
Related Policy
People Confined in a County Jail in Texas, D-3810
D-3810 People Confined in a County Jail in Texas
Revision 22-2; Effective June 1, 2022
When a Texas county jail reports a Medicaid recipient is confined for more than 30 days, suspend or terminate benefits.
If notified of the person’s confinement from a source other than a county jail in Texas, terminate the person’s Medicaid.
Suspend Medicaid within two business days of receiving a report of confinement from a county jail for the following types of assistance (TOAs):
- TA 10, ME – Waivers
- TA 88, ME – Medicaid Buy-In for Children
- TP 03, ME – Pickle
- TP 14, ME – Community Attendant Services
- TP 18, ME – Disabled Adult Child
- TP 21, ME – Disabled Widow(er)
- TP 22, ME – Early Aged Widow(er)
- TP 23, MC – SLMB
- TP 24, MC – QMB
- TP 26, MC – QI-1
The suspension is effective the day after the report of confinement is received.
Provide a new reasonable opportunity period to submit documentation of citizenship or alien status if a person’s original reasonable opportunity period expires during the suspension period. The new reasonable opportunity period is the earlier of:
- 95 days from the date the reinstatement is disposed; or
- the last day of their current certification period.
Keep the original reasonable opportunity period if the person’s Medicaid coverage is reinstated before the reasonable opportunity period end date.
The TF0001, Notice of Case Action, generated at reinstatement will include the reasonable opportunity information to remind the person to submit documentation of citizenship or alien status.
Note: For couple cases, suspend Medicaid for the incarcerated person only. The spouse may continue to receive benefits, if eligible.
Reinstate Medicaid that was suspended due to incarceration in a county jail within two business days of receiving notification from any source that a person has been released from a Texas county jail. To reinstate Medicaid:
- Perform individual inquiry. Determine if the person has suspended Medicaid.
- If Medicaid is suspended, perform a County Jail Release - Search. Determine if:
- the person’s Medicaid was suspended due to confinement; and
- there are months remaining in their original certification period.
- If yes, create a Process a County Jail Confinement/Release task for all active cases where the person was included before suspension. Enter the release information into TIERS on the County Jail Release - Details page.
Medicaid coverage is reinstated effective the date of the person’s release from the county jail for the remaining months of the original certification period. Form TF0001 is generated to notify the person of the reinstatement.
Consider the report of release as a change report for all other types of assistance. Determine if the person needs to be added to the other types of assistance.
If the person’s health care coverage terminated at confinement or the original certification period has ended, the person is not eligible for reinstatement. Send a Medicaid application to the person’s last known address.
Terminate Medicaid within two business days of receiving a report of confinement for the following TOAs:
- TA 12, ME – State Group Home
- TP 10, ME – State Supported Living Center
- TP 15, ME – Non-State Group Home
- TP 16, ME – State Hospital
- TP 17, ME – Nursing Facility
- TP 25, MC – QDWI
- TP 87, ME – Medicaid Buy In
Medicaid is terminated effective the day after HHSC receives the notification.
Related Policy
People confined in a Public Institution, D-3800
Reasonable Opportunity to Provide Verification of Alien Immigration Status, D-8841
D-4000, Fiduciary Agents and Living Arrangement
D-4100, Fiduciary Agents
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
D-4110 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
D-4120 Transactions Involving Agents
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
Agents act on the person's behalf to sign applications and redetermination packets. When a guardianship exists, only that person can act on the person's behalf to sign applications and redetermination forms.
Guardian of the estate. Under Section 1151.101 and 1151.151 of the Texas Estates Code, it is the duty of the guardian of the estate to take care of and manage the estate as a prudent person would manage the person's own property. The guardian of the estate collects all debts, rentals or claims due to the ward, enforces all obligations in favor of the ward, and brings and defends suits by or against the ward. Only the guardian of the estate can deal with resources.
Guardian of the person. Under Section 1151.051 of the Texas Estates Code, the guardian of the person has the:
- right to have physical possession of the ward;
- right to establish the ward's legal domicile;
- duty of care, control and protection of the ward;
- duty to provide the ward with clothing, food, medical care and shelter; and
- power to consent to medical, psychiatric and surgical treatment other than the in-patient psychiatric commitment of the ward.
For HHSC purposes, the guardian of the person can sign documents, represent the person at hearings, and deal with small amounts of money. The guardian of the person is like other authorized representatives in that they have the authority to protect the interests of the ward.
Under Section 1151.004 of the Texas Estates Code, a court may appoint the same person to be both guardian of the estate and guardian of the person. If there are two guardians, one of the estate and one of the person, then the eligibility specialist must examine the court orders establishing the guardianships to decide which is the most appropriate to represent the person with HHSC.
A person's resources are available to him if they are being managed by a legal guardian, representative payee, power of attorney or fiduciary agent. If, however, a court denies a guardian or agent access to the resources, HHSC does not consider the resources available to the person.
If a person's guardianship papers do not show that the legal guardian is prohibited access, and if a court has not subsequently ruled a prohibition, the person's resources are considered available. A guardian's routine need to petition the court for permission to dispose of a person's resources is not a prohibition. When the court rules on a petition to dispose of a person's resources, resources are considered available only to the extent to which the court has made them available for the person's benefit.
If a legal guardian exists, obtain a copy of the guardianship or power of attorney document. Identify a fiduciary relationship by the way in which a resource is styled. A bank account established in two names connected by "for" or "by" indicates a fiduciary relationship. Another indication is an account established in two names with the designation of "representative payee" next to one of the names, or an account with the designation "special."
D-4121 Examples
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
- A person has resources valued at $1,300, which are being managed by his son. The son claims that as the power-of-attorney, he is the only one who has access to the funds.
Because a power-of-attorney is given voluntarily, and management of the resources is with the person's consent and for his benefit, this person's resources are available to him. - Another person's parents used their own funds to purchase a certificate of deposit (CD) for him. The CD was issued as "Person's Name, by Parents' Names, Joint Representative Payees."
The CD is an available resource to this person, because the designation indicates that the parents are acting in a fiduciary capacity in controlling funds belonging to him, regardless of the fact that the parents paid the purchase price. - A third person recently left the hospital and entered a long-term care facility. She is in a coma, and there are no known living relatives or friends. After the person had a stroke, her landlady looked through the person's papers and found a $600 term life insurance policy and a checkbook showing a balance of $3,840.65. The eligibility specialist verified the bank balance.
Although court action to appoint a guardian would be necessary to allow disposal of the person's excess funds, the resources are available to her. Until a court judges the person to be incompetent and unable to handle her affairs, the eligibility specialist cannot assume that the court will prohibit an appointed guardian from disposing of any of the funds in the checking account. This person is ineligible because of excess resources.
D-4200, Living Arrangements
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Whether or not a person is married or has children has some bearing on the treatment of income and resources in determining Medicaid eligibility, both in a community setting or an institutional setting.
If the living arrangement is in a community setting, deeming of income and resources affects the budget.
When the living arrangement is in an institutional setting, spousal impoverishment and dependant allowances may have a bearing on the budget. This chapter focuses on the community setting. Chapter J covers spousal impoverishment policy for institutional settings.
D-4210 Deeming
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
When neither a person's spouse nor child is in an institutional setting, deeming from spouse-to-spouse or parent-to-child applies in household situations. Only those residing in the household are considered part of the household for deeming purposes.
Exceptions to deeming:
- A person is in an institutional setting, including receiving services through a Home and Community-Based Services waiver program.
- Spouse-to-spouse and parent-to-child deeming do not apply in situations where a family does not have a residence. For example, if a family lives in a car because they cannot afford shelter, neither spouse-to-spouse nor parent-to-child deeming would apply.
- A person is not a member of the household if he/she is absent from home for a period that is not a temporary absence (for example, confinement in a public institution). Consider absences due to active duty military assignments as temporary.
- If a child is born in an institution (for example, a hospital), the child is not a member of the household until the month after the month the child goes home.
- Deeming does not apply when either an eligible person or an ineligible spouse is in an institutional setting, even when sharing a room.
Deeming does apply in noninstitutional care situations (for example, adult foster care), if the eligible person is living with an ineligible spouse.
D-4211 Spouse
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
For Medicaid purposes, whether two people are married governs whether:
- couple computation rules apply;
- spousal or parental deeming applies; and/or
- spousal impoverishment rules apply.
Note: Someone who is married cannot be a child for Medicaid purposes.
Accept a person's allegation that he or she is married unless:
- the person would otherwise be considered a child for Medicaid purposes;
- there is evidence to the contrary; or
- the allegation could be self-serving.
Normally, for Medicaid purposes, two people are married as of the first moment of the month. If a marital relationship ends by death, divorce or annulment in the same month it began, treat the marriage as if it had never existed. Otherwise, the termination of marriage is effective the month after the month of death, divorce or annulment.
In Texas, there are three ways to terminate a marriage:
- Void marriages — A determination that the marriage could not have existed because of one of the following legal impediments: the parties married within a prohibited degree of consanguinity (for example, nephew or niece), or at least one party has a previous marriage that has not been resolved. Void marriages do not require a lawsuit, and the marriage may be declared void in a collateral action (for example, contest of will). A legal marriage between parties never existed.
- Annulments — Also called voidable marriages. Grounds for annulment include, but are not limited to, marrying under the influence of drugs/alcohol, at least one party being incapacitated or the marriage being coerced. Annulments require court action, but under common law, an annulment is retroactive to the date of marriage.
- Divorce — Requires court action, and the marriage is dissolved effective the date of the divorce decree.
Persons with void marriages or who have obtained a court annulment of their marriages are treated as though they were always individuals. In the instance of a divorce, persons are considered married through the end of the calendar month in which the divorce is issued.
For spouse-to-spouse deeming purposes, consider the following in the budget:
- the eligible individual; and
- the spouse; or
- any of the couple's children (or children of either member of the couple).
D-4212 Child
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A child is someone who is neither married nor the head of a household, and is:
- under age 18; or
- under age 22 and a student.
Eligible child for deeming purposes. For deeming purposes, an eligible child is a natural or adopted child under age 18 who lives in a household with one or both parents, is not married and is eligible for Medicaid.
Deeming to such an eligible child no longer applies beginning the month following the month the child attains age 18.
A person attains a particular age on the day preceding the anniversary of his/her birth. Deeming applies in the month of attainment of age 18 regardless of whether an application filed that month is filed before or after the day of attainment.
Ineligible child for deeming purposes. For deeming purposes, an ineligible child must:
- be either a natural or adopted child of:
- an eligible person or the eligible person's spouse; or
- an ineligible parent or the ineligible parent's spouse;
- live in the same household with an eligible person;
- not be married; and
- be either:
- under age 18; or
- under age 22 and a student.
Verification and Documentation Guidelines
- Verify an eligible child's date of birth and document the file. Accept the allegation of an ineligible child's age, absent evidence to the contrary.
- Accept a person's statement that a parent-child relationship exists.
- If a child under age 18 alleges to have no earnings, accept the allegation of student status. If an eligible or ineligible child under age 18 (or a student child age 18 to 22) alleges student status and earnings, verify school attendance and document.
- Document an eligible child's income and verify when necessary following general income rules for an eligible person.
- If any ineligible children in the household have income, and the ineligible spouse or parent has income that is subject to deeming, verify and document the ineligible child's income. However, if the alleged income exceeds the amount of the ineligible child allocation (that is, no ineligible child allocation applies for that ineligible child), document the allegation, but do not verify the income unless the income would be subject to the student child earned income exclusion. Accept an allegation when any ineligible child living in the household has no income.
D-4213 Parent
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A parent whose income and resources are subject to deeming is one who lives in the same household with an eligible child and is:
- a natural or adoptive parent of the child; or
- the spouse of the natural or adoptive parent (“stepparent”) who lives in the same household as the natural or adoptive parent.
Deeming applies from a parent to a child when they live together in the same household, except in a Home and Community-Based Services waiver situation. Deem a parent's income and resources to an eligible child beginning the month:
- after the month the child comes home to live with the parent(s) (for example, the month following the month the child comes home from the hospital);
- of birth if a child is born in the parent's home;
- after the month of adoption (the month of adoption is the month the adoption becomes final); or
- after the month of a parent’s marriage (that is, when a natural or adoptive parent marries) or the month after the month a parent begins living in a “holding out” relationship.
Generally, the same deeming rules that apply to a parent also apply to the spouse of a parent (a stepparent).
Exceptions: Do not deem the income or resources of a stepparent living with an eligible child if the natural or adoptive parent:
- is deceased;
- is divorced from the stepparent; or
- has permanently left the household.
Treat any absence by a natural or adoptive parent as permanent unless it is considered a temporary absence, such as military duty.
For parent-to-child deeming purposes, consider the following in the budget:
- the eligible child;
- the eligible child's parent(s); and
- other children of the parents.
Note: A person whose parental rights have been terminated due to adoption no longer meets the definition of “parent” for Medicaid purposes. This remains true even if the adopted child later lives in the same household with the former parent.
Refer cases involving adopted Native American children who return to the household of a former parent to your regional attorney. The parent-child relationship in these cases is governed by tribal law and likely requires further legal interpretation.
D-5000, Citizenship and Identity
Revision 21-3; Effective September 1, 2021
All U.S. citizens and nationals are entitled to apply for and receive Medicaid if they provide documentation of their citizenship and identity and meet all other eligibility requirements.
D-5100, Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
D-5200, Citizenship
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
An individual may become a U.S. citizen by birth or naturalization.
For Medicaid eligibility purposes, a person meets the citizenship requirement if he/she:
- was born in one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands of the U.S., American Samoa, Swains Island or the Northern Mariana Islands;
- was born to a U.S. citizen living abroad; or
- is a naturalized U.S. citizen.
The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 provides that a child of unknown parentage found in the U.S. while the child is under five years old is a citizen of the U.S. unless it is shown (before the child is 21) that the child was not born in the U.S.
Note: While all U.S. citizens are U.S. nationals, persons born in American Samoa or Swains Island are technically considered non-citizen U.S. nationals. For purposes of Medicaid eligibility, "citizenship" includes these non-citizen nationals when discussed in this section. A person born in the Independent State of Samoa (formerly known as Western Samoa) is not a U.S. national and therefore is not included in the discussion of citizenship in this section.
D-5210 Child Citizenship Act of 2000
Revision 13-4; Effective December 1, 2013
The Child Citizenship Act (CCA) of 2000 amended the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide derivative citizenship to certain foreign-born children of U.S. citizens. This applies to individuals who were under age 18 on Feb. 27, 2001, and anyone born since that date. Children included in the provisions of the CCA are:
- adopted children meeting the two-year custody requirement,
- orphans with a full and final adoption abroad or adoption finalized in the U.S.,
- biological or legitimated children, or
- certain children born out of wedlock to a mother who naturalizes.
The CCA provides that foreign-born children who meet the conditions below automatically acquire U.S. citizenship on the date the conditions are met. They are not required to apply for a certificate of naturalization or citizenship to prove U.S. citizenship. These conditions are that the child:
- has at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen (whether by birth or naturalization);
- is under age 18;
- has entered the U.S. as a legal immigrant;
- if adopted, has completed a full and final adoption; and
- lives in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent in the U.S.
Adopted children automatically become U.S. citizens if they meet all of the above conditions and were:
- adopted under the age of 16 and have been in the legal custody of and resided with the adopting parent or parents for at least two years;
- adopted while under the age of 18, have been in the legal custody of and resided with the adopting parent or parents for at least two years, and are siblings of another adopted child under age 16;
- orphans adopted while under the age of 16 who have had their adoption and immigration status approved by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) (need not have lived with the adoptive parents for two years); or
- orphans adopted under the age of 18 who have had their adoption and immigration status approved by USCIS and are siblings of another adopted child under age 16 (need not have lived with the adoptive parents for two years).
USCIS, under the Department of Homeland Security, is the federal agency formerly known as the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) that is responsible for citizenship and lawful immigration to the U.S.
D-5220 Compact of Free Association (COFA) Citizens
Revision 21-3; Effective September 1, 2021
The Compacts of Free Association (COFA) are agreements between the United States and three independent states:
- Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI);
- Federated States of Micronesia (FSM); and
- Republic of Palau (PAL).
Under these agreements, COFA citizens have a special status with the U.S. which allows them to enter the country, work and acquire a Social Security number without obtaining an acceptable immigration status.
COFA citizens are considered qualified non-citizens and are exempt from the five-year waiting period and the seven-year limited period. They are eligible for full Medicaid if they meet all other eligibility requirements.
Acceptable verification of immigration status for COFA citizens includes:
- I-94 or I-766 with the following Class of Admission (COA) Codes:
- CFA/RMI – Citizen of Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) due to the Compact of Free Association
- CFA/FSM – Citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
- CFA/PAL – Citizen of the Republic of Palau
- I-766 Employment Authorization Document (EAD) with the following Category Code:
- A-08 Citizen of the Marshall Islands, Micronesia or Palau admitted as a nonimmigrant
- An unexpired passport with annotations “CFA/RMI,” “CFA/FSM” or “CFA/PAL.”
Related Policy
Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period, D-8320
D-5300, Acceptable Documentation of Citizenship and Identity
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
A person applying for or receiving Medicaid and declaring to be a U.S. citizen or national must provide evidence of citizenship. Documentation must establish both citizenship and identity.
The following primary evidence documents are acceptable as verification of both citizenship and identity:
- U.S. passport
- Certificate of Naturalization (N-550 or N-570)
- Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (N-560 or N-561)
If a person does not provide one of these primary evidence documents to establish both U.S. citizenship and identity, the person must provide two separate documents, one document each to verify:
- U.S. citizenship; and
- identity.
Refer to Appendix V, Levels of Evidence of Citizenship and Acceptable Evidence of Identity Reference Guide, for other verification sources based on the reliability level of the document as proof of citizenship when primary evidence of citizenship is not available. Begin with the second level of evidence and continue through the levels to explore the most reliable source of documentation available. If a document from the second level is not used, include in the case record the reason why a more reliable source of documentation of citizenship is not available.
Example: If a hospital record of birth is used to verify citizenship, document why a second-level source was not used.
Note: If citizenship verification is not a primary-level source, that verification cannot also be used to verify identity.
Example: If a person provides a birth certificate to verify citizenship, the person must provide a different document to verify identity.
Note: Affidavits are a last resort if the person is unable to provide any other documentary evidence of citizenship.
Criteria for acceptable affidavits:
- The person or their authorized representative must provide an affidavit explaining why documentary evidence does not exist or cannot be readily obtained.
- Two adults, regardless of the blood relationship to the person, must each complete an affidavit.
- The two adults must attest that they have proof of their own citizenship and identity. These adults are not required to submit proof of citizenship and identity.
- The two adults must provide any available information explaining why documentary evidence establishing the person's claim of citizenship does not exist or cannot be readily obtained.
- Affidavits must be signed under penalty of perjury.
Form H1097, Affidavit for Citizenship/Identity, meets the required criteria.
Verification of citizenship and identity is a one-time requirement. Once citizenship is verified and documented in the case record, do not re-verify even after a break in eligibility.
If the person has a Social Security number (SSN), use all available electronic data sources (ELDS) to verify citizenship before requesting verification.
Follow the instructions in the table below if the person has not been issued an SSN yet: If the person has applied for an SSN but has not been issued one, and: | Then: |
more information is required to determine eligibility | request the additional information and verification of citizenship. Allow the person 10 days to provide proof. |
no other information is required to determine eligibility | allow the person a period of reasonable opportunity to provide the verification. If a reasonable opportunity period has been provided, citizenship must be verified before certifying for Medicaid. |
If the person refuses or fails to provide proof of citizenship during the reasonable opportunity period, deny the person.
Note: If a person declares U.S. citizenship but cannot provide documentation, do not certify the person for ME – A&D Emergency.
Related Policy
Reasonable Opportunity to Provide, D-5500
D-5310 Exceptions to Documentation of Citizenship and Identity Requirement
Revision 13-1; Effective March 1, 2013
The following individuals are not required to provide evidence of identity and citizenship when they claim to be U.S. citizens or U.S. nationals and are:
- active SSI recipients.
- denied SSI recipients. If the State Data Exchange (SDX) contains the needed information to verify U.S. citizenship. Use SDX as a valid documentation source of both citizenship and identity when the denial is for any reason other than citizenship. SDX action code N13 is the denial code for citizenship.
- determined to be entitled to or enrolled in Medicare Part A or B. This includes persons determined disabled for Social Security benefits who are in the 24-month period before receiving Medicare.
- receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits based on their own disability.
- in foster care and assisted under Title IV-B of the Social Security Act, and are beneficiaries of foster care maintenance or adoption assistance payments under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act.
Note: Neither the ineligible spouse of a person applying for Medicaid nor a parent applying for a child are required to provide evidence of citizenship and identity.
D-5320 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
D-5400, Notification
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Notify a person applying for Medicaid about the requirement to provide proof of citizenship and identity. A person receiving Medicaid must also be notified at their next annual redetermination, if proof of citizenship and identity is not already in the case record.
Use Appendix XV, Notification to Provide Proof of Citizenship and Identity, to provide information about the requirement and some of the common acceptable sources of documentation of citizenship and identity.
Add a copy of Appendix XV to each application and redetermination packet. If documentation is already in the case record (for example, SOLQ/WTPY showing Medicare entitlement or enrollment), do not add a copy of Appendix XV to the application or redetermination packet.
D-5500, Reasonable Opportunity to Provide
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Inform an applicant or recipient of the reasonable opportunity to provide documentation of citizenship and identity. The reasonable opportunity to provide is different for applicants and recipients. Case action will be different if the person indicates that acceptable documentation does not exist, as opposed to refusing to furnish the documentation.
D-5510 Initial Request at Time of Application
Revision 14-4; Effective December 1, 2014
Allow an applicant a reasonable opportunity to provide documentation. If the person makes a good faith effort to provide documentation of citizenship and is unable to locate or does not provide the documentation by the application due date, but meets all other eligibility criteria, do not deny the application based on the lack of documentation of citizenship. If the applicant meets all other eligibility factors except for verification of citizenship, do not delay certifying the application. Form TF0001, Notice of Case Action, instructs the applicant to submit documentation of citizenship within 95 days for each of the individuals listed on the form.
If the person refuses to provide documentation of citizenship within the 95 days, deny the application based on failure to furnish.
D-5520 Initial Request at Time of Redetermination
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Reminder: Because Medicare is one of the eligibility criterion for Medicare Savings Programs (MSP), documentation of citizenship is not required for MSP.
If proof of citizenship and identity is not in the case record at the time of redetermination, allow the Medicaid recipient a reasonable opportunity to provide documentation. If the person is making a good faith effort to provide documentation of citizenship and identity and is unable to locate or does not provide the documentation, do not deny eligibility based on the lack of documentation for citizenship or identity at this complete redetermination. Send a notice to the person upon completion of the redetermination informing the person that documentation must be provided by the next complete redetermination in order to continue receiving benefits.
If the person refuses to provide documentation of citizenship and identity, deny based on failure to furnish.
If a Medicaid recipient is denied for failing to provide proof of documentation of citizenship after a reasonable opportunity to provide is given, and the person later reapplies, consider the person as a new applicant when allowing a reasonable opportunity to provide documentation of citizenship and identity.
D-5600, Providing Assistance
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a person is unable to provide documentary evidence of citizenship and identity in a timely manner because of incapacity of mind or body or the lack of an authorized representative to assist, assist the person in obtaining documentary evidence of citizenship and identity by referring the person to appropriate entities.
The following is a nonexclusive list of entities that may be able to provide assistance:
- Department of Family and Protective Services, Adult Protective Services
- Legal Aid
- Social Security Administration
- 2-1-1
Dialing 2-1-1 will connect persons with community-based organizations that may be able to help.
For persons born out of state, some sources to obtain a birth certificate are:
-; and
- or its toll free number, 1-888-736-2692.
When assisting a person in providing documentary evidence of citizenship and identity, request available documents, regardless of the level of evidence. Ensure the case record comments address the situation.
D-6000, Social Security Number and Application for Other Benefits
Revision 19-4; Effective December 1, 2019
HHSC requires an applicant to provide his/her Social Security number (SSN). An exception to this requirement is for treatment of an emergency medical condition.
HHSC requires an applicant to apply for and obtain, if eligible, all other benefits to which he/she may be entitled, with some exceptions.
D-6100, Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec.1, 2024
D-6200, SSN Requirement
Revision 14-2; Effective June 1, 2014
As a condition of eligibility, a person must furnish HHSC with his/her Social Security number (SSN). If the person is married, the person must also provide his/her spouse's SSN.
State office uses two tape exchanges with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to verify the person’s SSN.
Sources for verification of an SSN are:
- Social Security card; and
- verification of a Medicare number with suffix A, J1, M, S or T.
The applicant should be given a reasonable opportunity to provide an SSN.
D-6210 When a Person Does Not Have an SSN
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
Explain to the person the necessity and the procedure for obtaining a Social Security number (SSN) if the person does not have one. Document the explanation in the case record.
Give the person or authorized representative notice that an SSN must be obtained by the first redetermination. This notice can be on the eligibility letter or on Form H1020, Request for Information or Action. The person must apply for and secure an SSN by the redetermination date.
Complete Form H1106, Enumeration Referral, which is found in the Texas Works (TW) Handbook. Upon receipt of Form H1106, the Social Security Administration (SSA) processes an SSN application.
If necessary, give SSA-5, Application for a Social Security Number, to the person and assist the person in completing the SSA-5. Inform the person to forward the SSA-5 to SSA with proof of his/her age, identity and citizenship (or lawful admission to the U.S.).
Grant eligibility at application, if otherwise eligible, pending receipt of an SSN. Tell the person to inform HHSC as soon as the SSN is received. Upon receipt, enter the SSN in the system of record.
At the first redetermination, verify that the person applied for an SSN if the person cannot provide an SSN. Failure of the person or authorized representative to follow through and secure an SSN is grounds for denial at the first redetermination. Document the circumstances of the denial in the case comments.
D-6300, Application for Other Benefits Requirement
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Medicaid is intended to be a program of last resort. Therefore, it is important to assess the other benefits for which a person may be eligible based on the person's own activities or on indirect qualifications through family circumstances.
If a person is not receiving potential benefits, notify the person in writing of the requirement to apply for and comply with the application requirements of the other benefit(s).
A person is not eligible for Medicaid if:
- HHSC informs the person on a written, dated notice of his/her potential eligibility for other benefits; and
- the person does not take all appropriate steps to apply for the benefit within 30 days of receipt of such notice.
The notice informs the person or authorized representative that the person must take all appropriate steps to pursue eligibility for other benefits within 30 days of receipt of such notice. Appropriate steps include:
- applying for the benefit; and
- providing the other benefit source with the necessary information to determine eligibility for the benefit.
D-6310 Other Benefits Subject to Application Requirement
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
"Other benefits" includes any payments for which a person can apply that are available to that person on an ongoing or one-time basis of a type that includes annuities, pensions, retirement benefits or disability benefits, including:
- RSDI Title II benefits;
- veterans' pension and compensation payments;
- retirement benefits;
- workers' compensation payments;
- pensions; and
- unemployment insurance benefits.
These benefits are common in that they:
- require an application or similar action;
- have conditions for eligibility; and
- make payments on an ongoing or one-time basis.
See D-6340 through Section D-6380 for details regarding benefits subject to the application requirement.
D-6320 Other Benefits Exempt from Application Requirement
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
"Other benefits" exempt from the requirement to apply for other benefits are:
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF);
- general public assistance;
- Bureau of Indian Affairs general assistance;
- victims' compensation payments;
- other federal (other than SSI), state, local or private programs that make payments based on need; and
- earned income tax credits.
D-6330 Payments That Are Not Other Benefits
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
"Other benefits" do not include:
- payments that a person may be eligible to receive from a fund established by a state to aid victims of crime; or
- payments such as child support, alimony and accelerated life insurance.
D-6340 Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a person who has no income applies for Medicaid with HHSC, refer that person to the Social Security Administration (SSA) for SSI benefits. SSI eligibility will provide a greater benefit to the person by allowing the person to receive a cash benefit as well as Medicaid.
Exception: Process the application and do not refer a person who has no income to SSA for SSI if the application is for Medicaid coverage for:
- retroactive months for a deceased person or based on an SSI application; or
- treatment of an emergency medical condition.
D-6341 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 19-4; Effective December 1, 2019
D-6350 Veterans Benefits
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
The most common types of benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are:
- pension;
- compensation;
- educational assistance;
- aid and attendance allowance;
- housebound allowance;
- clothing allowance;
- payment adjustment for unusual medical expenses;
- payments to Vietnam veterans' children with spina bifida; and
- insurance payments for disability insurance and life insurance.
Explore the possibility of receipt of, or potential eligibility for, a VA benefit when it appears that a person is:
- a veteran;
- the child or spouse of a disabled or deceased service person or veteran;
- an unmarried widow or widower of a deceased service person or veteran; or
- the parent of a service person or veteran who died before Jan. 1, 1957, from a service-connected cause.
A person who is potentially eligible for some VA benefits must apply for those benefits. When referring a person to the VA, recommend that the person call the VA first to obtain information on application requirements and proof the person may need to bring.
D-6351 VA Pension or Compensation
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
Refer a person for VA pension payments (based on a nonservice-connected disability) if all of the following conditions are met:
- The veteran or deceased service member served at least 90 days, at least one of which was during a wartime period (see D-6352, VA Wartime Periods).
- The person being referred is a veteran, surviving spouse or surviving child.
- The person has not alleged, in a signed statement, having previously applied for the Department of Veterans Affairs Improved Pension Plan (VAIP).
Refer the person for VA compensation payments if the veteran or deceased service person suffered a service-connected disability (even though minor) or died.
Refer a person for VA payment increases for medical expenses. However, do not monitor for the person’s compliance to apply for other benefits when it is to increase the VA payment for medical expenses. These VA payment increases for medical expenses are known as aid and attendance, housebound benefits or additional payments for unusual medical expenses and are considered exempt payments that do not affect eligibility or co-payment.
See the following references:
- E-1710, Medical Care and Services That are Not Income
- E-4315, VA Aid and Attendance and Housebound Payments
- B-8430, Special Reviews
- Do not refer a person who has been eligible for a VA pension since before 1979.
- Do not refer a person who is receiving the $90 VA pension in an institutional setting.
See the following references:
D-6352 VA Wartime Periods
Revision 14-1; Effective March 1, 2014
The wartime periods are:
War | Time Periods |
World War I | Apr 6, 1917 to Nov 11, 1918 |
World War II | Dec 7, 1941 to Dec 31, 1946 |
Korea | Jun 27, 1950 to Jan 31, 1955 |
Vietnam (served in the Republic of Vietnam) | Feb 28, 1961 to Aug 4, 1975 |
Vietnam (served other than in the Republic of Vietnam) | Aug 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975 |
(Persian) Gulf War | Aug 2, 1990 through a date to be set by law or presidential proclamation (per VA) |
Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) and Operation Iraqi Freedom | 2001 to present Note: This war period is not yet listed on the VA's website. Refer person to VA Benefit Counselor at 1-800-827-1000. |
D-6353 VA Payments for Dependents
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
The VA may take a dependent's needs into account in determining a pension. Usually, however, the VA does not make a pension payment directly to a dependent during the lifetime of the veteran. Instead, the amount of the veteran's basic pension is increased if the veteran has dependents.
Augmented VA payment — A VA pension payment that has been increased for dependents is an augmented VA payment. For Medicaid purposes, the augmented benefit includes a designated beneficiary's portion and one or more dependents' portions.
Apportioned VA payment — A VA compensation payment made directly to the dependent of a living veteran is an apportioned payment. Apportionment is direct payment of the dependent's portion of VA benefits to a dependent spouse or child. The VA decides whether and how much to pay by apportionment on a case-by-case basis. Apportionment reduces the amount of the augmented benefit payable to the veteran or veteran's surviving spouse.
D-6354 Requirement to Apply for Apportionment of Augmented VA Benefit
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
To be eligible for Medicaid, a dependent of a veteran must apply for apportionment (direct payment) of an augmented VA benefit if the dependent specifically:
- is the spouse or child of a living veteran, or the child of a deceased veteran with a surviving spouse, and the veteran or surviving spouse receives VA compensation, pension or educational benefits;
- does not reside with the designated beneficiary (that is, the veteran or the veteran's surviving spouse); and
- has not been denied apportionment since living apart from the designated beneficiary.
Dependents who are receiving a VA benefit by apportionment do not receive automatic cost-of-living adjustments. Do not refer these individuals to the VA to request an increase.
D-6400, Treatment of Other Benefits
D-6410 Deeming Situations
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Do not require a deemor to apply for other benefits. If a deemor applies for and receives other benefits on his/her own initiative, the amount of benefits he/she receives and/or retains is subject to the deeming policies for income and resources.
D-6420 Payment Options for Other Benefits
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Most of the types of benefits for which a person must apply offer choices about the method of payment. The person must apply for all other benefits payable at the earliest month and in the highest amount available based on the earliest month.
Note: Irrevocable choices and selections of benefits from pensions or retirement programs made before a person applies for Medicaid do not affect eligibility.
D-6421 Survivor's Benefits for Spouses and Other Dependents
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Certain pensions and retirement programs permit a person to elect survivor's benefits for dependents by electing a reduced retirement benefit. Inform the person that he/she must elect the higher current benefit to retain Medicaid eligibility. Election of the reduced retirement benefit will result in the loss of Medicaid eligibility until such time as the pension or retirement program election is changed or the option for change is no longer available.
Some pensions and retirement programs require a spouse to apply a waiver of rights to a survivor's benefit. The person is not penalized for failing to comply with the requirement to apply for other benefits if the reduced retirement benefit results from the spouse’s refusal to sign a waiver of rights to a survivor's benefit.
D-6422 Lump Sum or Annuity Payment Option
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a person can choose between a lump sum or an annuity as the payment method for a benefit, inform the person that he/she must choose the annuity option.
Consider lump sum payments as follows:
- Request for a Lump Sum Payment – If an application has been made for a lump sum payment of the monies on which a potential annuity is based and the benefit source permits the person to change the decision and apply for the annuity, the person must pursue the change to be eligible for Medicaid. If the benefit source does not permit such a change, accept the person's word that the decision is irreversible, absent evidence to the contrary.
- Retroactive RSDI Title II Benefit Lump Sum Payment – Although filing for full retroactive RSDI Title II benefits may result in a lump sum payment, this payment represents the amount of the past due RSDI Title II benefits and is not a fund that determines future regular payments.
- Lump Sum Only Payments – Do not require a person to apply if only a lump sum payment is available. In this situation, the payment is a resource. (This does not include a lump sum death payment under RSDI Title II.) All sources of available support (unless otherwise excluded) are considered in determining eligibility. This is true even if current needs compel a person to sacrifice future pension benefits.
For a purchased annuity, see related policy in Chapter F, Resources, and Chapter I, Transfer of Assets.
D-6430 Electing the Month of Entitlement
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a person can select the month in which benefits begin, whether retroactively or prospectively, direct the person to elect the earliest month benefits can begin, regardless of the impact on other benefits from that program. Election of a later month of entitlement to qualify for higher ongoing benefits or to protect benefits paid to other individuals is cause for denying Medicaid. Election of a later month will result in the loss of Medicaid eligibility until such time as the election is changed or the option for change is no longer available.
D-6440 Establishing Eligibility After Denial
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If denial has occurred because of failure to pursue other benefits, establish or reestablish eligibility when:
- the other benefit is no longer available, effective the month following the month the other benefit is no longer available; or
- the person takes the necessary steps to obtain the other benefit, effective the earliest day in a month that the person takes appropriate steps to obtain other benefit.
D-6500, Exceptions to the Application for Other Benefits Requirement
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A person is eligible for Medicaid, despite failure to apply for other benefits within the 30-day period or to take other necessary steps to obtain other benefits, if there is good reason for not doing so. For example, there is good reason if:
- the person’s guardian or authorized representative is unable to apply for other benefits because of illness; or
- it would be useless to apply because the person had previously applied and the other program has already turned the person down for reasons that have not changed.
According to Public Law 101-508, a person is not required to accept, as a condition of eligibility, payments that a state may make as compensation to victims of crime.
When applying for or receiving benefits under a Medicare Savings Program, a person is not required to apply for SSI benefits in order to be eligible for MSP coverage.
D-6600, When Not to Refer for Other Benefits
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
No Apparent Eligibility — If a person does not meet the basic eligibility requirements for a benefit:
- do not refer the person to apply for that benefit; and
- document the case record with the reason.
Prior Denial — If the person alleges having applied for other benefits previously and having been denied for reasons other than failure to pursue, accept the signed statement regarding the denial, unless there is evidence to the contrary.
Contributions Withdrawn — If a person alleges withdrawal of contributions from a public sector pension, accept the person's signed statement regarding the withdrawal unless:
- the employee was a teacher in a public college or university or was employed by a state or local police/fire department (and no precedent exists stating that, once funds are withdrawn, no benefits are payable); or
- there is evidence to the contrary (for example, prior knowledge indicates funds may not be withdrawn).
Application Pending — If a person alleges an application for another benefit is pending:
- send a verification letter to the benefit source; and
- set up a special review to monitor receipt of the benefit.
Consider the following when assessing the possibility of other benefits a person may be eligible for:
- General identification:
- Employer's name and address.
- Name and telephone number of the person who can supply pension information.
- Pension plan:
- Existence of a pension plan.
- Statement as to whether or not employees contribute and, if they do, what happens to those contributions upon termination of employment for reasons other than retirement or disability.
- Vesting requirements.
- Pension plan provisions for survivors and/or dependents (including divorced spouses).
- Union:
- Whether or not there is a union.
- If so, whether the union provides a pension.
- Name, address and local telephone number of the union.
- Conditions to qualify for the pension.
- Union contact for additional information on the pension (including the telephone number).
- Any other pertinent information, such as the date pension information was obtained and recorded.
D-7000, Third-Party Resources
D-7100, Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
D-7200, Cooperation and Assignment of Rights for Medicaid Eligibility
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Texas requires, as conditions of Medicaid eligibility, that a person must:
- cooperate in providing any third-party resource (TPR) information to HHSC; and
- agree to the assignment of rights (AOR) of any TPR benefits to HHSC.
Medicaid is usually the payer of last resort. A TPR is a source of payment for medical expenses other than the person, HHSC or Medicaid. A TPR must be applied toward the person's medical and health expenses.
Under state law, an applicant or recipient of Medicaid automatically gives HHSC his/her right to financial recovery from personal health insurance, other recovery sources or personal injuries, to the extent HHSC has paid for medical services. This allows HHSC to recover the costs of medical services paid by the Medicaid program. Any applicant or recipient who knowingly withholds information regarding any sources of payment for medical services violates state law.
Fraud Referrals — Medicaid recipients must report any TPR within 60 days of learning about the coverage or liability. An applicant or recipient who knowingly withholds information regarding any sources of payment for medical services violates state law.
Refer the person for fraud, if the person:
- fails to report any TPR coverage or liability within 60 days; or
- does not reimburse HHSC when a third-party payment for medical services is received and the expenditure is $100 or more.
Denial — Deny the person if the person refuses to:
- cooperate in providing TPR information; or
- agree to the AOR of TPR benefits to HHSC.
See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.
D-7300, Potential Sources of Third-Party Coverage
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
TPRs include:
- health insurance;
- group health plans;
- government health insurance;
- liability or casualty insurance and court settlements; and
- long-term care insurance policies.
A TPR is any individual, entity or program, including health insurance, that is or may be legally liable to pay all or part of the costs for medical assistance before money from the Medicaid program is spent.
D–7310 Examples of Third-Party Resources
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
Examples of TPRs include, but are not limited to, the following:
- health insurance;
- self-insured plans;
- group health plans;
- service benefit plans;
- employer, private purchase; and
- union membership-based health insurance;
- sheltered workshops;
- continuation of health insurance coverage under statute (COBRA continuation);
- and coverage available from an employer under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA);
- medical support derived from noncustodial parents;
- armed forces and the public health service;
- pending lawsuits or no-fault clauses or state laws covering accidents, product liability and workers' compensation;
- employee conversion/extension rights;
- fraternal and benefit societies and churches and church groups;
- Insurance purchased or endowed as part of a college fee;
- membership in a health maintenance organization (except for those with a contract under Medicare/Medicaid);
- pharmacy other insurance;
- worker's compensation;
- government health insurance;
- liability or casualty insurance and court settlements;
- insurance (including automobile, homeowners and medical malpractice);
- indemnity plans (if review of the plan determines that the policy provides for payment of health care items or services, including policies that pay a cash benefit to the policyholder if the payment is conditional upon the occurrence of a medical event);
- long-term care insurance policies;
- any other parties that are, by statute, contract, or agreement legally responsible for paying a claim for a health care item or service; and
- Medicare.
Liability or casualty insurance and court settlements — Accidental injuries may result in third parties being liable for medical expenses. The usual sources of payment for medical expenses in these situations are automobile insurance; homeowners insurance; owners', landlords' and tenants' insurance; workers' compensation and lawsuit settlements.
Individual or group health insurance — Health insurance policies include individual or group contracts and commercial hospital, medical and surgical policies. A recipient may have medical insurance coverage from current employment, residual coverage from previous employment or private insurance paid for by the recipient or a relative. A recipient's relative may have personal or group insurance that covers the recipient's medical expenses.
TRICARE, formerly known as CHAMPUS, is a health insurance plan available to dependent children and spouses of active, retired and deceased military services personnel.
Parts A and B of Medicare provide a TPR for Medicaid recipients entitled to Medicare.
D-7400, Use of Third-Party Resources
Revision 20-4; Effective December 1, 2020
There are two methods of Third-Party Recovery (TPR):
- cost avoidance, in which available third-party benefits are applied before Medicaid payment is made. This is the method of Third-Party Recovery required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS); and
- post-payment recovery, where Medicaid pays the medical costs before seeking reimbursement. This method is typically used when Medicaid is unaware of the TPR at the time of billing or the TPR is not eligible for use at the time of billing (e.g., a trust or annuity).
HHSC uses the cost avoidance method of TPR for Medicaid payments to nursing facilities (NF), hospice providers, and non-state intermediate care facilities for persons with intellectual disabilities (ICF/IID). The cost avoidance method requires providers to bill the recipient’s long-term care insurance (if applicable) before billing Medicaid. This ensures that Medicaid is the payer of last resort.
A Medicaid recipient must reimburse HHSC as soon as they receive a third-party payment for medical services already paid by Medicaid.
A provider who receives a third-party payment for medical services already paid by Medicaid must process an adjustment claim and report the third-party payment amount on the claim. The Medicaid paid claim is reduced by the amount of the other insurance payment reported on the adjustment claim.
Providers can contact Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) for assistance with adjustment claims at 800-626-4117, option 3.
Providers may contact TMHP at 800-626-4117, option 6 to report other insurance coverage for a Medicaid recipient.
D–7410 Cost Avoidance
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
Inform the person to:
- use health insurance as a resource;
- tell medical providers that the person has insurance coverage; and
- show providers any insurance identification card the person may have.
If the person, the employer or other sources indicate that ... | then complete ... |
Medicaid-eligible household members have private health insurance coverage, | information about the private health insurance on:
health insurance coverage is available for Medicaid-eligible household members, but the members are not enrolled in the health insurance plan, | information about the available health insurance on:
To contact the TPR Unit with questions or problems concerning TPR:
- HHSC staff may email
- Medicaid recipients and providers may call the Medicaid TPR Hotline at 800-846-7307, option 2.
HIPP Program Notes: Individuals approved for the HIPP Program receive reimbursement for the employee’s portion of an employer-sponsored health insurance premium payment. For eligibility and co-payment calculations, HIPP reimbursement checks are not considered income. For co-payment calculations, the reimbursed health insurance premium payment is not considered an incurred medical expense.
TMHP will take action to deny all benefits to a recipient who voluntarily drops his or her health insurance coverage or fails to provide TMHP with the information needed to determine cost effectiveness.
A recipient cannot appeal decisions made by TMHP. To obtain assistance in resolving problems or issues concerning HIPP, contact the TPR HIPP Unit at 800-440-0493.
For more information about the HIPP program, see HHS' HIPP website:
Recipients may also call 800-440-0493 for more information.
D–7420 Post-Payment Recovery
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
Major sources for post-payment recovery are liability or casualty insurance and court settlements resulting from accidental injuries. If a recipient reports an injury that requires medical treatment for which liability or casualty insurance may provide payment, ask the recipient to provide the date of the accident.
Report the recipient’s name, Medicaid number, and date of the accident to the HHSC TPR Unit and Provider Recoupment and Holds.
Third Party Recovery
Mail Code 1354
4900 North Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78751
Information can be sent via email to:; and
Provider Recoupments and Holds
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Mail Code W-406
P.O. Box 149030
Austin, TX 78714-9030
701 W. 51st Street
Austin, TX 78751
When the TPR Unit at HHSC becomes aware of accidental injuries, it will seek cost recovery from recipients who receive a health insurance or settlement payment for medical services already paid by Medicaid.
Use Form H1210, Subrogation (Trusts/Annuities/Court Settlements), to report to Provider Claims any potential subrogation funds available from trusts, annuities and court settlements.
When a recipient reimburses HHSC for medical expenses, the reimbursement should be in the form of a personal check, cashier's check or money order. If reimbursement is received from a recipient, follow these steps:
Step | Procedure |
1 | Give the recipient Form H4100, Money Receipt. |
2 | Enter the types and dates of the medical services in the "For" section of Form H4100. |
3 | If unsure about which medical services are involved, attach a memorandum giving as much information as possible about the reimbursement. |
4 | Attach a copy of any other information identifying the nature of the payment, such as a statement from the insurance company. |
5 | Send the reimbursement, a copy of Form H4100, and other information, if any, to HHSC Accounts Receivable, P.O. Box 149055, Mail Code 1470, Austin, TX 78714-9055. |
State office verifies the actual claims paid by Medicaid and refunds any overpayment.
D-7500, Third-Party Resources for SSI Recipients
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
Because the Social Security Administration (SSA) determines eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients, Medicaid eligibility specialists are not routinely involved in TPR information from these individuals. Instead, at the time an SSI recipient is certified for Medicaid and annually thereafter, the state office generates a letter to the recipient requesting information about any insurance coverage they may have. The recipient completes the insurance questionnaire enclosed with the letter and returns it in the envelope provided for that purpose directly to:
Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP)
Third Party Resources Unit
P.O. Box 202948
Austin, TX 78720-2948
TMHP enters data from the returned insurance questionnaire into the TPR system. TMHP also maintains a toll-free number (800-846-7307, option 2) that SSI recipients may use to ask questions about the form or about their health insurance.
SSA also reports TPR information for SSI recipients to HHSC. An SSI recipient who refuses to cooperate with HHSC in verifying TPR is ineligible for Medicaid.
Occasionally, an SSI recipient may ask for an explanation or help completing the insurance questionnaire. Explain the purpose of the form and the proper use of available TPRs and help the recipient complete and submit the form, if necessary. If an SSI recipient asks about a change in insurance coverage or about the availability of TPRs related to accidental injury, have the recipient report this information to the TPR Unit at 800-846-7307, option 2 or:
Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership
Third Party Resources Unit
P.O. Box 202948
Austin, TX 78720-2948
D–7510 Social Security Administration (SSA) Role and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Recipients
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
In Texas, SSA must inform SSI applicants and recipients and SSI recipients who move to Texas about the requirement under Section D-7200, Cooperation and Assignment of Rights for Medicaid Eligibility.
D-7600, Long-Term Care Insurance Policies
Revision 17-1; Effective March 1, 2017
Long-term care insurance policies pay for nursing facility care. The policies purchased by individuals specify the benefits covered. Long-term care insurance policies do not affect Medicaid eligibility. For individuals who have such policies, report the policies as a third-party resource (TPR), using Form H1039, Medical Insurance Input.
As of March 1, 2015, HHSC Provider Recoupment and Holds cannot accept other insurance payments for individuals when a managed care organization (MCO) pays the nursing facility claims. Nursing facility providers must contact the appropriate MCO for claims submitted on Medicaid eligible individuals enrolled in MCOs on or after March 1, 2015 with service dates on or after March 1, 2015.
For questions about other insurance on Fee-for-Service (FFS) claims or for claims submitted prior to March 1, 2015, contact HHSC Provider Claims Services at 512-438-2200, Option 4.
Send long-term care insurance checks to Provider Claims Services at the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. The payment of large sums from long-term care insurance companies may affect an individuals' resource eligibility if Provider Claims Services provides a refund.
Procedure for TPR checks received for long-term care insurance coverage on FFS claims:
- give the recipient Form H4100, Money Receipt, correctly documented; and
- send the check, a copy of Form H4100 and other information to:
Provider Recoupments and Holds, W-406
P.O. Box 149081
Austin, TX 78714-9081
The policy and procedures in this section do not apply to Long-Term Care Partnership (LTCP) qualified policies. Information for LTCP qualified policies is located in Chapter P, Long-Term Care Partnership (LTCP) Program.
D-7700, Health Insurance Premium Payment Reimbursement Program
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
The HIPP program is a Medicaid benefit that helps families pay for employer-sponsored health insurance.
To qualify for HIPP, an employee must either be Medicaid eligible or have a family member who is Medicaid eligible. The HIPP program may pay for individuals and their family members who receive, or have access to, employer-sponsored health insurance benefits when it is determined that the cost of insurance premiums is less than the cost of projected Medicaid expenditures.
Note: An employee and the employee's Medicaid-eligible family member must be enrolled in the employer-sponsored health insurance in order to receive HIPP reimbursements.
Medicaid-eligible HIPP enrollees do not have to pay out-of-pocket deductibles, co-payments, or co-insurance for health care services that Medicaid covers when seeing a provider that accepts Medicaid. Instead, Medicaid reimburses providers for these expenses.
HIPP enrollees who are not Medicaid eligible must pay deductibles, co-payments, and co-insurance required under the employer's group health insurance policy.
Report individuals who are potentially eligible for HIPP on Form H1039, Medical Insurance Input. Send Form H1039 to HHSC's Third Party Resource (TPR) Unit, Mail Code 1354, or send via email to:
For the Medicaid Buy-In for Children (MBIC) program, when employer-sponsored insurance is entered into the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS), this information is automatically sent to HIPP. HIPP eligibility does impact the MBIC premium amount. See Section N-7400, Premium Amounts.
HHSC's TPR Unit refers Form H1039 to the current state Medicaid contractor, TMHP. If TMHP determines it is cost-effective for Medicaid to pay the individual's employer-sponsored health insurance premiums, then TMHP sends:
- a letter to the individual and requests verification of the employer-sponsored insurance plan and premium payments; and
- a premium reimbursement to the individual upon receipt of complete documentation and proof of the premium payment.
Note: Because an employer-sponsored health insurance premium deduction has already been counted as part of the recipient's income, a HIPP reimbursement check sent to recipients by TMHP is not income. Do not consider an incurred medical deduction for the reimbursed premium as income for recipients participating in HIPP.
TMHP will terminate HIPP enrollment if the individual is no longer enrolled in health insurance coverage or fails to provide TMHP with the information needed to determine cost effectiveness or proof of premium payments.
For more information about the HHSC's HIPP program, see HHSC's website:, or contact the Medicaid HIPP program at
Individuals may call 800-440-0493 for more information. Individuals may also visit the HIPP website at
D-7800, Medicaid Estate Recovery Program
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
Another post-payment resource is through the MERP. On March 1, 2005, Texas implemented MERP in compliance with federal Medicaid and state laws. The program is managed by HHSC. Under this program, HHSC may file a claim against the estate of a deceased Medicaid recipient who: 1) was age 55 or older at the time Medicaid services were received; and 2) initially applied for certain long-term care services and supports on or after March 1, 2005. The most complete, current and accurate source of information regarding MERP is the HHS website, Medicaid Estate Recovery Program.
Long-term care services and supports that are subject to MERP include:
- nursing facility services;
- intermediate care facilities for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID) services, which include state supported living centers;
- Medicaid waiver programs, such as:
- Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS);
- Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD);
- Home and Community-based Services (HCS);
- Texas Home Living Program (TxHmL); and
- STAR+PLUS Waiver (SPW);
- Community Attendant Services (CAS); and
- related hospital and prescription drug services.
- A person who is placed on an interest list for a Medicaid waiver program is not considered to have applied.
- If a person, aged 55 or older, was eligible for Medicaid or received other Medicaid-paid benefits, such as QMB, SLMB or QI-1, before March 1, 2005, but did not initially apply for or transfer to one of the types of long-term care services and supports subject to MERP until March 1, 2005, or after, the person's estate is subject to recovery of the cost of certain long-term care services and supports received after March 1, 2005.
The acceptance of Medicaid assistance for the covered long-term care services provides a basis for a Class 7 probate claim. (This means there are six other classes of claims that receive priority in payment from the estate before Texas gets paid.) HHSC files a MERP claim in probate court against the estate of a deceased Medicaid recipient to recover the cost of certain Medicaid long-term care services and supports received by the Medicaid recipients. MERP will follow claims procedures specified in the Texas Estates Code and HHSC’s Medicaid Estate Recovery Program rules found at 1 TAC, Part 15, Chapter 373.
For notification requirements, see Section B-2620, HHSC MERP Notification Requirements.
D-8000, Alien Status
D-8100, Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
D-8200, Authorized Alien Status
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
To lawfully remain in the U.S., a person who is not a U.S. citizen or a U.S. national and is present in the U.S. must have authorization from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
D-8210 United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Documents
Revision 21-3; Effective September 1, 2021
Commuter I-551 — An Alien Registration Receipt Card (Type 2) issued to an alien who has been granted Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status but lives in Mexico or Canada and commutes to the U.S. to work. The second digit of the ISS/T field identifies the type of card.
Grommeted I-151 — The Alien Registration Receipt Card with a grommet (a hole surrounded by a metal ring), in the upper right corner. This card was previously issued by INS to an alien who had LPR status but lived in Mexico or Canada and commuted to the U.S. to work.
I-94 — The Arrival/Departure Record issued by DHS to all documented nonimmigrants (students, visitors, parolees, refugees and Cuban/Haitian entrants).
I-151 — The version of the Alien Registration Receipt Card issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to aliens from July 1946 through late 1978.
I-551 — The current version of the Alien Registration Receipt Card (Type 1). INS (now DHS) began issuing this card in 1978 to immigrants who have been granted LPR status and are residing in the U.S. The second digit of the ISS/T field identifies the type of card.
I-688 — A temporary resident card that was laminated and issued by INS to legalized aliens and Special Agricultural Workers (SAWs) whose status had been adjusted to lawful temporary resident (LTR). In certain cases, INS placed a label (I-688EXT) on the back of the card to use until the I-551 was issued. This is not a current immigration form and DHS is no longer issuing this document. Currently, there are no valid I-688 cards (or I-688 cards with extension stickers).
I-688A — An employment authorization card issued by INS to legalize SAW applicants who filed an application to adjust their status to LTR. This is not a current immigration form and DHS no longer issues this document. Currently, there are no valid I-688A cards.
I-688B — The employment authorization document that was a laminated card given by DHS to newly admitted nonimmigrants or those with previous employment authorization who needed an extension. The I-688B replaced the “employment authorization” annotation previously placed on other DHS documents. This is not a current immigration form and DHS is no longer issues this document. Currently, there are no valid I-688B cards.
I-688EXT — Form I-688 with an extended period of validity of the Temporary Resident Card. In certain situations, INS placed a sticker on the back of the card. This served as temporary evidence of permanent residence until the alien received an I-551. This is not a current immigration form and DHS no longer issues this document. Currently, there are no valid I-688 cards or I-688 cards with extension stickers.
I-766 — Employment Authorization Document. Currently, the I-766 is the only valid document verifying employment authorization. This form replaced all other employment authorization documents issued previously.
Passport — A travel document issued by a competent authority showing the bearer's origin, identity and nationality, if any, that is valid for the entry of the bearer into a foreign country.
Temporary I-551 — The card issued to either an immigrant who has just been granted a lawful status or to an immigrant who has lost his Alien Registration Receipt Card and has applied for a replacement I-551.
Visa — A document issued by U.S. embassies and consulates in foreign countries that is a permit for a foreign national to proceed to a U.S. port of entry to apply to DHS for admission to the U.S. The DHS immigration office at the port of entry decides the conditions (that is, category of admission and length of stay in the U.S.) based on the visa category.
D-8220 Groups of Aliens
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
For Medicaid eligibility purposes, an alien is any person who is not a natural-born or naturalized citizen or national of the U.S.
Effective Aug. 22, 1996, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) limited an alien’s eligibility for Medicaid.
Most aliens must meet two requirements to be eligible for full Medicaid and/or a Medicare Savings Program (MSP):
- the noncitizen must be in a "qualified alien" category (see Section D-8300, Qualified Alien Categories); and
- meet an LAPR condition for qualified aliens (see Section D-8400, LAPR Conditions for Medicaid).
Generally, aliens are now referred to as:
- qualified aliens; or
- non-qualified aliens.
Qualified aliens are potentially eligible for ongoing full Medicaid benefits and/or MSP. Non-qualified aliens are not eligible for ongoing Medicaid coverage however, may qualify for limited Medicaid eligibility for the treatment of an emergency medical condition only.
Except when it involves undocumented aliens, use the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Verification Information System (VIS) to verify the alien status on all noncitizens.
D-8221 Date of Qualifying Classification
Revision 19-4; Effective December 1, 2019
Use SAVE VIS to verify the alien status of all documented non-citizens. If a person is undocumented, do not run SAVE.
A qualified alien’s eligibility is based on the:
- date of entry with a qualifying classification;
- alien's qualifying classification; and
- Medicaid application date.
Use the date of entry into the U.S. and, if different, the date of entry with a qualifying alien classification to determine the correct category for the qualified alien.
The date on the alien's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) document or card often represents the alien's first date of entry into the U.S.
In some cases, an alien may be present in the U.S. without a qualifying classification, depart, and then return to the U.S. with a qualifying alien classification. Other aliens may have entered the U.S. without a qualifying alien classification and remained continuously present in the U.S. until obtaining qualified immigrant status. For these aliens, the date on their DHS document or card reflects the date of entry with a qualifying alien classification or the date the qualifying alien classification was granted, not the alien's original date of entry.
Allow aliens with a DHS document or card showing an entry date on or after Aug. 22, 1996, who claim to have entered before that date, an opportunity to submit evidence of their claimed date of entry. This evidence may include pay stubs, a letter from an employer, or a lease or utility bill in the alien's name.
Verifying continuous presence
DHS maintains a record of arrivals to and departures from the country for most legal entrants. This record may be used to establish that an alien has continually resided in the U. S. since before Aug. 22, 1996.
Verify via SAVE with DHS-USCIS to confirm continuous presence in the U.S. Any single absence from the U.S. of more than 30 days, or a combined absence of more than 90 days, is considered to interrupt "continuous presence."
Other entrants, including aliens who entered the U.S. without USCIS documents, must provide documentary evidence proving continuous presence, such as a letter from an employer, a series of pay stubs or utility bills in the alien's name, spanning the time in question.
Note: Once an alien obtains a qualifying alien status, the person does not have to continuously remain present in the U.S.
Related Policy
Documentation and Verification Guide, Appendix XVI
Initial Request at Time of Application, D-5510
Verification of Alien Status, D-8700
Documentary Evidence by Classification, D-8710
Secondary Verification of Alien Immigration Status, D-8840
Reasonable Opportunity to Provide Verification of Alien Immigration Status, D-8841
Entry Before 1996, D-8910
Entry on or After Aug. 22, 1996-Qualifed Alien No Waiting Period, D-8920
LPR Aliens With or Without Five-Year Waiting Period, D-8930
D-8222 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
D-8300, Qualified Alien Categories
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
MEPD provides full Medicaid and/or MSP to qualified aliens whose eligibility is mandatory under federal requirements. Mandatory qualified aliens fall into three categories. Refer to the following sections for information about the three categories of qualified aliens potentially eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP:
- Section D-8310, Qualified Aliens Subject to a Seven-Year Limited Period
- Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period
- Section D-8330, Qualified Aliens with a Five-Year Waiting Period
D-8310 Qualified Aliens Subject to a Seven-Year Limited Period
Revision 14-4; Effective December 1, 2014
The following qualified aliens are immediately eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP benefits, provided they meet other program requirements, but are limited to seven years of eligibility:
- Refugees under Section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
- Asylees under Section 208 of the INA.
- Aliens whose deportation is being withheld under Section 243(h) of the INA or whose removal has been withheld under Section 241(b)(3) of the INA.
- Cuban/Haitian entrants under one of the categories in Section 501(e) of the Refugee Education and Assistance Act of 1980, or aliens in a status that is to be treated as a "Cuban/Haitian entrant" for Medicaid purposes.
- Amerasian immigrants under Section 584 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 1988. "Amerasian immigrants" are by definition lawfully admitted for permanent residence (LAPR), thus they are qualified aliens. If a person is an "Amerasian immigrant" and meets no other condition permitting eligibility, then the person is potentially eligible for Medicaid for seven years beginning with the date "Amerasian immigrant" status was granted.
Note: Amerasians who enter as legal nonimmigrants as defined in Section D-8610, Ineligible Aliens, (for example, foreign students pursuing studies in the U.S.) cannot be qualified aliens unless their classification changes.
- Afghan and Iraqi special immigrants eligible for resettlement assistance, federal benefits and entitlements. When determining eligibility for full Medicaid and/or MSP, treat these aliens as refugees according to provisions of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2010, signed by the president on Dec. 19, 2009.
Under federal law, a qualified alien in this category is limited to seven years of potential eligibility for full Medicaid and/or MSP unless the qualified alien fits into another category or becomes a naturalized citizen.
Start the Clock — The clock on the seven years begins to run from the date the person obtains a qualified alien classification, not from the date the person becomes eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP.
Stop the Clock — The clock on the seven years stops with the beginning of the first month after the seventh anniversary of the date the person obtained qualified alien classification. Once the seven-year period ends, in order to remain eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP, the alien described in this section must either:
- become a naturalized citizen or meet citizenship status; or
- be eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP in the same manner as qualified aliens in Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period.
Consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition when the seven-year period expires and the person does not meet either of the above.
D-8320 Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period
Revision 21-3; Effective September 1, 2021
Certain aliens are exempt from both the five-year waiting period and the seven-year limited period when they meet certain criteria.
The following aliens are eligible for full Medicaid and or MSP if they meet all other eligibility criteria:
- honorably discharged veterans or active duty members of the U.S. armed forces;
- spouses, unmarried surviving spouses or minor unmarried children of honorably discharged veterans or active duty members;
- Canadian born American Indians;
- members of federally recognized Indian tribes;
- aliens receiving SSI and or Medicaid on Aug. 22, 1996, and lawfully residing in the U.S. on or before Aug. 22, 1996;
- LPRs admitted for permanent residence prior to Aug. 22, 1996, and credited with 40 qualifying quarters of Social Security coverage;
- LPRs lawfully admitted on or after Aug. 22, 1996 and five years have passed since their legal date of entry, and have 40 qualifying quarters of Social Security coverage; and
- Compact of Free Association (COFA) citizens residing in the U.S.
Related Policy
Compact of Free Association (COFA) Citizens, D-5220
Qualified Aliens with a Five-Year Waiting Period, D-8330
Veterans, Armed Forces Active Duty and Dependents, D-8410
American Indians Born Outside the U.S., D-8420
LPR Residing in the U.S. on Aug. 22, 1996, D-8430
D-8330 Qualified Aliens with a Five-Year Waiting Period
Revision 14-4; Effective December 1, 2014
Aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence on or after Aug. 22, 1996, are not eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP benefits for a period of five years from the date they enter the U.S. or obtain a qualified alien classification, whichever is later, unless they meet:
- certain classifications described in Section D-8310, Qualified Aliens Subject to a Seven-Year Limited Period; or
- one of the LAPR conditions in Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period.
Start the Clock — The clock on the five-year waiting period begins to run from the date the person:
- enters the U.S. with the qualified alien classification; or
- obtains the qualified alien classification.
Stop the Clock — The clock stops:
- with the beginning of the first month after the fifth anniversary of the date the person obtains the qualified alien classification, or
- earlier than the fifth anniversary if:
- the alien classification changes and the alien meets criteria in Section D-8310, or
- the alien meets one of the LAPR conditions in Section D-8320.
Once the five-year period ends, a qualified alien with a five-year waiting period who meets all other eligibility criteria must do one of the following to be eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP:
- Become a naturalized citizen or meet citizenship status.
- Be credited with 40 qualifying quarters of Social Security coverage.
- Meet an alien classification criterion in Section D-8310 if the clock for the seven years has not ended.
- Meet one of the LAPR conditions in Section D-8320.
Consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition if the person does not meet one of the above or is still within the five-year waiting period.
D-8340 Establishing Qualifying Quarters of Social Security Coverage
Revision 14-4; Effective December 1, 2014
The Social Security Administration (SSA) defines a quarter as a period of three calendar months.
- Quarter 1: January, February, March
- Quarter 2: April, May, June
- Quarter 3: July, August, September
- Quarter 4: October, November, December
A quarter of coverage is credit for a requisite (necessary) amount of covered earnings assigned to a calendar quarter on a worker's earnings record.
A qualifying quarter is credit for a requisite (necessary) amount of covered earnings and/or non-covered earnings assigned to a calendar quarter for determining eligibility of an LAPR alien.
Individuals can get up to four qualifying quarters of credit each calendar year based on their own earnings. Individuals also can be credited with additional quarters in a calendar year based on the earnings of a parent or spouse.
To be potentially eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP, an LAPR alien must be credited with 40 qualifying quarters, either from the alien’s own record, or combined with the quarters earned by a spouse or parent.
Note: The 40-qualifying-quarter requirement does not exempt the individual from the five-year waiting period (bar).
See the policy that follows to determine if the LAPR alien meets the 40-qualifying-quarter requirement.
D-8341 Combining Qualifying Quarters of Spouse/Parent
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
Quarters from a spouse — Aliens can count their spouse's quarters earned during the marriage in addition to their own quarters to meet the 40 qualifying quarter requirement. For example, if each spouse has 20 quarters, the quarters are added and both spouses are credited with 40 quarters.
Count the spouse's quarters earned during the marriage when the spouse is either a citizen or an alien and any of the following conditions apply:
- The couple is currently married.
- A spouse is deceased and the surviving spouse has not remarried.
- The couple is separated but not divorced.
When determining whether to credit a person's quarters to his spouse, count quarters earned beginning with the quarter from the date of marriage.
Do not count quarters earned by divorced spouses for either ex-spouses.
Note: Aliens who divorce after certification retain their eligible alien status through the end of the current certification period. This also applies to stepchildren.
Quarters from a parent – Aliens also can count the quarters earned by a living or deceased parent in addition to their own quarters to meet the 40 qualifying quarter requirement. In this instance, a parent means the natural or adoptive parent or the stepparent.
Count the parent's quarters when the parent is either a citizen or an alien and the quarters were earned before the child turned 18, including quarters earned before the child was born.
Death of a stepparent does not end the relationship. However, if the parent and stepparent are divorced, the stepparent's quarters are not counted.
Note: Quarters earned by a child are not counted toward the eligibility of a parent.
D-8342 Qualifying Quarters Earned on or After Jan. 1, 1997
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
Federal law requires that quarters earned on or after Jan. 1, 1997, cannot be credited if the person who earned the quarters received means-tested public benefits.
When determining the total amount of qualifying quarters earned, do not allow any quarters earned on or after Jan. 1, 1997, if the person received TANF, SNAP, Medicaid or SSI benefits in that quarter.
The Wire Third Party Query (WTPY) system response does not reflect receipt of these benefits. Staff should verify if federal means-tested benefits were received by any person contributing quarters so that applicable quarters are deducted before determining the number of qualifying quarters.
Example: An LAPR alien files an application for benefits on Oct. 10, 2012. He has never worked and has no qualifying quarters of his own. He has been married for 30 years and his spouse, who is a U.S. citizen and who has been working since they were married, earned her 40th qualifying quarter in March 2012.
Spouse received SNAP in January 2012 and February 2012; however, she has not been certified to receive SNAP or to be eligible for any other federal means-tested public benefit since February 2012.
Result: As the 40th qualifying quarter was earned while receiving SNAP, it cannot be allowed. Since the spouse continues working, the 40th qualifying quarter is earned in the quarter ending June 2012. Since all 40 qualifying quarters were earned during their marriage, the LAPR alien meets the 40 qualifying quarter determination.
D-8343 Non-Covered Wages
Revision 14-4; Effective December 1, 2014
Non-covered wages are those earned by a person whose employer was not required to pay into the Social Security system (such as certain city, federal, school or religious organization employees).
If the alien cannot meet the 40-qualifying-quarter requirement using covered or non-covered earnings verified by the SSA, then obtain sufficient income verification from the employer to determine if the alien earned quarters for the period in question using non-covered earned wages.
If the alien reports self-employment with non-covered earned wages, obtain sufficient information about this employment to verify that the alien:
- was engaged in a trade or business, and
- had net earnings from self-employment.
Acceptable documents include, but are not limited to, pay stubs, employer statements, W-2s, and income tax forms including all applicable schedules. If HHSC already has verification of the income, do not request additional information.
Use the chart below to determine if the person earned sufficient non-covered wages to earn a quarter.
Year | Amount Required for a Quarter | Amount Required for 4 Quarters |
2014 | $1,200 | $4,800 |
2013 | $1,160 | $4,640 |
2012 | $1,130 | $4,520 |
2010–2011 | $1,120 | $4,480 |
2009 | $1,090 | $4,360 |
2008 | $1,050 | $4,200 |
2007 | $1,000 | $4,000 |
2006 | $970 | $3,880 |
2005 | $920 | $3,680 |
2004 | $900 | $3,600 |
2003 | $890 | $3,560 |
2002 | $870 | $3,480 |
2001 | $830 | $3,320 |
2000 | $780 | $3,120 |
1999 | $740 | $2,960 |
1998 | $700 | $2,800 |
1997 | $670 | $2,680 |
1996 | $640 | $2,560 |
1995 | $630 | $2.520 |
1994 | $620 | $2,480 |
1993 | $590 | $2,360 |
1992 | $570 | $2,280 |
1991 | $540 | $2,160 |
1990 | $520 | $2,080 |
1989 | $500 | $2,000 |
1988 | $470 | $1,880 |
1987 | $460 | $1,840 |
1986 | $440 | $1,760 |
1985 | $410 | $1,640 |
1984 | $390 | $1,560 |
1983 | $370 | $1,480 |
1982 | $340 | $1,360 |
1981 | $310 | $1,240 |
1980 | $290 | $1,160 |
1979 | $260 | $1,040 |
1978 | $250 | $1,000 |
Example: A person worked for the school district as a custodian from 2001 through 2011. The school district did not pay into the Social Security system. The specialist requested that the person provide verification of earnings for this particular period. (Note: If the State Online Query (SOLQ) shows an F on the 40-quarter record, SSA has verified those non-covered wages, and the specialist does not need to reverify them.)
The person brought a statement from the school district verifying the person’s wages. The person earned $9,000 for 2011. Using the chart above, the income required to earn a quarter for 2011 is $1,120. The person can be credited with four quarters for 2011 because the person earned more than the amount required ($1,120 x 4 = $4,480).
D-8344 Procedures for Verifying 40 Quarters
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
Determine all persons whose quarters can be included in the quarter coverage count. See D-8341, Combining Qualifying Quarters of Spouse/Parent.
If the alien applicant/recipient and/or person whose quarters will be included did not sign the application form, obtain the person’s signature on Form SSA-3288, Social Security Administration Consent for Release of Information. When a completed and signed Form SSA-3288 cannot be obtained because the person refuses to complete it, SSA cannot release information about that individual.
If a person, other than the LPR applicant, refuses to sign the Form SSA-3288, do not request earnings history for that person. Determine eligibility based on the qualifying quarters of the LPR applicant/recipient. If the LPR applicant/recipient does not meet the qualifying quarter requirement, deny the case.
A signed Form SSA-3288 is not required when requesting information on:
- a deceased individual's Social Security number; or
- a spouse’s Social Security number when the couple is separated but not divorced.
Use the 40 Quarters Verification System in TIERS to request 40 quarters from SSA to determine how many countable quarters are in the LPR's SSA earnings records.
Note: WTPY may still be used to obtain information on 40 Qualifying Quarters.
Run Inquiry to determine if any person whose quarters are being considered received SSI, SNAP, TANF or Medicaid in any month on or after January 1997. Record the eligibility dates for these benefits so that applicable quarters are deducted from the total before determining if the alien applicant/recipient meets the 40-qualifying-quarter requirement.
Note: Determine if it is possible for the alien to meet the 40-quarter requirement first by obtaining the number of years the alien and each person included in the quarter coverage calculation has lived in the U.S. If the combined number of years totals less than 10 years, the alien will not meet the requirement. (Must earn 4 quarters/year x 10 years = 40 quarters.)
D-8345 Response from WTPY
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
SSA does not complete the posting of covered earnings quarters for any one year until the following year (around August). For instance, quarters earned in 2011 may not be posted on the WTPY system until August 2012. These quarters are referred to as Lag quarters.
The quarters of covered earnings are based on the calendar year's total earnings. Each year the amount of income needed to earn a quarter changes. State office advises staff of the change each year.
Example: In 2011, an individual must earn $1,120 to earn one quarter. If the individual earned at least $4,480 for 2011 ($1,120 x 4), the individual has four qualifying quarters for the year.
Do not allow credit for an incomplete or future quarter.
Example: The quarter of July-September 2011 cannot be counted until October 2011, even though the individual earned enough income by March 2011 to receive credit for three quarters in 2011.
Note: The WTPY response will not reflect receipt of federal means-tested benefits. Staff should conduct inquiry to verify if SSI, SNAP, TANF or Medicaid benefits were received by any person contributing quarters so that an accurate count of the qualifying quarters is made. See D-8342, Qualifying Quarters Earned on or After Jan. 1, 1997.
D-8400, LAPR Conditions for Medicaid
Revision 14-4; Effective December 1, 2014
Certain aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence (LAPR) are immediately eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP benefits, provided they meet other program requirements and certain LAPR conditions.
A description of the LAPR conditions follows.
D-8410 Veterans, Armed Forces Active Duty and Dependents
Revision 14-4; Effective December 1, 2014
This LAPR condition applies to:
- a veteran or active duty member of the U.S. armed forces;
- the spouse of a veteran or active duty member, including a surviving spouse who has not remarried; and
- an unmarried dependent child of a veteran or active duty member.
Verification of honorable discharge or active duty status requires presentation of a copy of the veteran's discharge certificate or current orders showing "Honorable" discharge from, or active duty in, the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard.
Neither a general discharge "Under Honorable Conditions" nor service in the National Guard satisfies this LAPR condition.
Contact the local Veterans Affairs (VA) regional office if an applicant presents:
- documentation showing honorable discharge from, or active duty in, any other branch of the military;
- documentation showing any other type of duty (for example, "active duty for training"); or
- if there is any other reason to question whether an applicant satisfies the requirements for this exemption.
Aliens meeting the criteria in this section are immediately eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP, provided they meet all other eligibility criteria.
D-8411 Loss of "Veteran/Active Duty" Status
Revision 14-4; Effective December 1, 2014
Loss of eligibility related to "Veteran/Active Duty" status can occur under the following circumstances:
Change in Active Duty/Veteran Status
A qualified alien who is eligible based on the veteran/active duty policy (including a spouse or dependent child of an active duty member/veteran) loses full Medicaid and/or MSP eligibility the month after the month the active duty member separates from the armed forces with a discharge that is not characterized as honorable or that is based on alien status.
Spouse of Veteran/Active Duty Member
Eligibility as a spouse of a veteran or active duty member of the armed forces ends with the month after the month any of the following occur:
- Remarriage after the veteran's or service member's death.
- Divorce or annulment of the marriage.
- A determination that a marital relationship does not exist.
- Separation of the person and the spouse, which results in the person not being considered a member of the couple.
- The active duty member separates from the armed forces with a discharge that is not characterized as honorable or that is based on alien status.
Unmarried Dependent Child of Veteran/Active Duty Member
Eligibility as an unmarried dependent child of a veteran or active duty member ends with the month after the month any of the following occur:
- Marriage of the child.
- Loss of dependent status.
- The active duty member separates from the armed forces with a discharge that is not characterized as honorable or that is based on alien status.
- Legal adoption by someone other than the veteran or active duty member of the armed forces or the veteran/active duty member's spouse.
D-8420 American Indians Born Outside the U.S.
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
Although born outside the U.S., the following American Indians are considered qualified aliens and are immediately eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP, provided they meet all other eligibility criteria.
Certain Canadian-born Indians — Canadian-born Indians who establish "one-half American Indian blood" are considered qualified aliens and may freely cross borders and live and work in the U.S. without Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documentation. Accept as evidence of "one-half American Indian blood" a document that indicates the percentage of American Indian blood in the form of a:
- birth certificate issued by the Canadian reservation; or
- letter, card or other record issued by the tribe.
If the person cannot present any listed document to verify the American Indian status, refer the person to DHS to determine the alien status. Do not accept a Certificate of Indian Status card ("Band" card) issued by the Canadian Department of Indian Affairs or any other document not directly issued by the individual's tribe.
Federally recognized U.S. Indian tribes — U.S. Indian tribes federally recognized under Section 4(e) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act are each authorized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to define the requirements for tribal membership. Some tribes afford membership to non-U.S. born individuals. If a foreign-born person claims membership in a federally recognized Indian tribe, request a membership card or other tribal document showing membership in the tribe. If the person has a membership card or other tribal document showing membership in the tribe, contact state office. State office will determine if the tribe is included on the list of recognized Indian tribes published annually by the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the Federal Register.
See Appendix V, Levels of Evidence of Citizenship and Acceptable Evidence of Identity Reference Guide, for information on Form I-872, American Indian Card, as evidence of U.S. citizenship. Form I-872 showing the class code "KIC" indicates citizenship status.
D-8430 LPR Residing in the U.S. on Aug. 22, 1996
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
To be immediately eligible for full Medicaid and/or MSP, an alien living in the U.S. on Aug. 22, 1996 must:
- have received SSI and/or Medicaid on Aug. 22, 1996, and be lawfully residing in the U.S. on or before Aug. 22, 1996 (see Note:); or
- meet another LPR condition or alien classification (see D-8300, Qualified Alien Categories, through D-8400, LPR Conditions for Medicaid).
Note: This includes non-qualified aliens who received Medicaid on Aug. 22, 1996, due to permanent residence under color of law (PRUCOL) and continue to meet PRUCOL criteria.
Consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition if the alien described in this section does not meet another LPR condition or alien classification. See D-8600 Non-Qualified Aliens through D-8620 Illegal Aliens.
D-8500, Qualified Aliens, Retroactive Coverage and SSI
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
To determine the alien status for retroactive coverage, use the policy in the following:
- Section D-8310, Qualified Aliens Subject to a Seven-Year Limited Period
- Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period
- Section D-8330, Qualified Aliens with a Five-Year Waiting Period
Note: Before denying SSI, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will test the person for an extension beyond the seven-year limited period. Qualified aliens who were lawfully residing in the U.S. on Aug. 22, 1996 and who are blind or disabled may continue to be eligible for SSI beyond the seventh year, assuming all other factors of eligibility are met, regardless of:
- the alien's age;
- whether onset of blindness or disability occurred before, on or after Aug. 22, 1996; or
- when the SSI application was filed.
If a denied SSI recipient applies for an MEPD program, determine the reason for the SSI denial. If the SSI denial was based on alien status (for example, expiration of the seven-year limited period) to be eligible for an MEPD program, the qualified alien must:
- become a naturalized citizen;
- meet citizenship status; or
- meet an LPR condition in Section D-8320.
Note: Individuals denied SSI whose alien classification is lawfully residing in the U.S. on Aug. 22, 1996 and are blind or have a disability, are not eligible for continued Medicaid or a Medicare Savings Program.
D-8600, Non-Qualified Aliens
Revision 14-4; Effective December 1, 2014
Generally, non-qualified aliens are divided into two groups:
- ineligible aliens, and
- illegal aliens.
These groups of non-qualified aliens are not eligible for regular Medicaid and/or MSP. They may be eligible for Medicaid coverage for treatment of an emergency medical condition.
D-8610 Ineligible Aliens
Revision 21-3; Effective September 1, 2021
Except for cases involving undocumented aliens, use the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Verification Information System (VIS) to verify the alien status on all noncitizens.
Some aliens may be lawfully admitted to the U.S. as "legal nonimmigrants," but only for a temporary or specified time.
The following categories of people are "legal nonimmigrants":
- foreign government representatives on official business and their families and servants;
- visitors for business or pleasure, including exchange visitors;
- aliens in travel status while traveling directly through the U.S.;
- crewmen on shore leave;
- treaty traders and investors and their families;
- foreign students;
- international organization representation and personnel and their families and servants;
- temporary workers, including agricultural contract workers; or
- members of foreign press, radio, film or other information media and their families.
These aliens are called “ineligible aliens” because they are not eligible for full Medicaid, MSP or ME-A&D Emergency due to the temporary (non-resident) nature of their admission status.
Exception: In some cases, an alien in a currently valid legal nonimmigrant classification may meet the residence rules of Texas. When the residency requirement is met, the person is eligible for Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition if all other eligibility criteria also are met.
Example 1: A domestic employee for a foreign government representative currently conducting business in Texas receives emergency medical care. She files an application for assistance with the medical expenses. The individual states she does not intend to remain in Texas; she is here only while her employer concludes his business. Result: The individual is not eligible for full Medicaid, MSP or ME-A&D Emergency due to the temporary nature of her admission status.
Example 2: An agricultural contract worker suffers an injury while on the job and is hospitalized. He files an application for assistance with the medical expenses, as he does not have any medical insurance. The person states he intends to remain in Texas. He provides verification of his permanent address and rental agreement. Result: The person is potentially eligible for ME-A&D Emergency because he meets residence requirements.
Reminder: If a legal nonimmigrant’s time has expired with no changes to the classification status, follow the illegal aliens procedures.
Related Policy
Eligibility, D-3200
Illegal Aliens, D-8620
D-8611 Documents of Ineligible Aliens
Revision 13-4; Effective December 1, 2013
Types of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documentation for ineligible aliens who are legal nonimmigrants include, but are not limited to:
- Form I-766, valid employment authorization documents;
- Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record;
- Form I-185, Canadian Border Crossing Card;
- Form I-186, Mexican Border Crossing Card;
- Form SW-434, Mexican Border Visitor's Permit;
- Form I-95A, Crewman's Landing Permit; and
- Visitor visas, such as a B1 visa for business or a B2 visa for pleasure, tourism or medical treatment.
Explore eligibility for Medicaid coverage for treatment of an emergency medical condition for an alien if there is no proof of alien status.
D-8620 Illegal Aliens
Revision 13-1; Effective March 1, 2013
Illegal aliens were either never legally admitted to the United States for any period of time or were admitted for a limited period of time and did not leave the United States when the period of time expired.
Illegal aliens are only eligible for Medicaid for treatment of an emergency medical condition if they meet all other eligibility criteria, including residency requirements. See Section D-3200, Eligibility. Illegal aliens do not have to provide a Social Security number.
When an alien receives a final deportation order but continues to stay, consider the alien to be illegal.
Except for cases involving undocumented aliens, use SAVE VIS to verify the alien status on all non-citizens.
Contact with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is not allowed except when the person has given written approval and a request to do so.
If an alien does not wish to contact DHS or give permission, explore eligibility for Medicaid coverage for treatment of an emergency medical condition.
D-8700, Verification of Alien Status
Revision 19-4; Effective December 1, 2019
If otherwise eligible, only qualified aliens are eligible for full Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs or both (MSP). As part of the Medicaid eligibility determination, verify:
- the alien's qualifying classification; and
- the date the alien obtained the qualifying classification.
Complete verification by:
- obtaining a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) document showing alien classification or the immigrant registration number as explained in Section D-8710, Documentary Evidence by Classification, through Section D-8780, Qualified Alien Based on Battery or Extreme Cruelty; and
- using the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Verification Information System (VIS).
Document the:
- alien's status and how you verified it;
- date of entry;
- continuous presence, if necessary to establish eligibility;
- DHS document's expiration date, if any; and
- basis for the alien's eligibility or ineligibility.
If a certified alien's document expires before the next redetermination, re-verify the alien's immigration status. The alien’s immigration status does not require reverification if the USCIS documents have not expired.
Note: If the alien’s USCIS document is expired and the SAVE response shows the person is a Lawful Permanent Resident - Employment Authorized and the Date Admitted is “Response is Indefinite,” the person meets the alien status criteria.
Related Policy
Documentation and Verification Guide, Appendix XVI
Initial Request at Time of Application, D-5510
Date of Qualifying Classification, D-8221
Documentary Evidence by Classification, D-8710
Secondary Verification of Alien Immigration Status, D-8840
Reasonable Opportunity to Provide Verification of Alien Immigration Status, D-8841
Entry Before 1996, D-8910
Entry on or After Aug. 22, 1996-Qualifed Alien No Waiting Period, D-8920
LPR Aliens With or Without Five-Year Waiting Period, D-8930
D-8710 Documentary Evidence by Classification
Revision 19-4; Effective December 1, 2019
Use SAVE VIS to verify the alien status of all documented non-citizens. If a person is undocumented, do not run SAVE.
Explore eligibility for Medicaid coverage for treatment of an emergency medical condition for non-citizens who do not have a Medicaid qualifying immigration status or who are undocumented.
Documentary evidence in conjunction with DHS verification is provided via the online SAVE response.
Once the documentary evidence (usually an alien status card) and the SAVE verification have been completed, use the charts in Section D-8900, Alien Status Eligibility Charts, for treatment of the alien status in the eligibility determination process.
Related Policy
Documentation and Verification Guide, Appendix XVI
Initial Request at Time of Application, D-5510
Date of Qualifying Classification, D-8221
Verification of Alien Status, D-8700
Secondary Verification of Alien Immigration Status, D-8840
Reasonable Opportunity to Provide Verification of Alien Immigration Status, D-8841
Entry Before 1996, D-8910
Entry on or After Aug. 22, 1996-Qualifed Alien No Waiting Period, D-8920
LPR Aliens With or Without Five-Year Waiting Period, D-8930
D-8720 Lawfully Admitted for Permanent Residence (LAPR)
Revision 13-1; Effective March 1, 2013
If the alien presents an I-551 (Alien Registration Receipt Card) or other acceptable evidence of LAPR status, query SAVE online to verify the document and status. Some LAPR aliens have conditional permanent resident status. This is indicated by an I-551 valid for only a two-year period. These aliens must apply for removal of the conditional basis 90 days before the second anniversary of the admittance date to the U.S. Failure to do so results in termination of the alien's lawful status. A conditional I-551 is identified by an expiration date two years later than the admittance/adjudication date, and status must be re-verified upon expiration. If the alien is a national of Cuba or Haiti who adjusts to LAPR status under the Nicaraguan and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) or the Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act (HRIFA), contact state office for more information on treatment.
For a LAPR, follow policy in:
- Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period; or
- Section D-8330, Qualified Aliens with a Five-Year Waiting Period.
D-8721 Description of Common Resident Alien Cards
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
Permanent Resident Card and Employment Authorization Document (EAD)
As of May 1, 2017, the Permanent Resident Card and EADs:
- display the individual’s photos on both sides;
- show a unique graphic image and color palette:
- Permanent Resident Cards have an image of the Statue of Liberty and a predominately green palette;
- EAD cards have an image of a bald eagle and a predominately red palette;
- have embedded holographic images;
- no longer display the individual’s signature; and
- no longer have an optical stripe on the back.
Note: Permanent Resident Cards and EADs will remain valid until the expiration date shown on the card. Some older Permanent Resident Cards do not have an expiration date. The older Permanent Resident Cards without an expiration date also remain valid.
Revised I-551
A revised I-551, Alien Registration Receipt Card (Type 1), was first issued in late 1989.
Card Front — Form I-551 is a laminated card. The background is off pink. The agency name is shown in white on a blue background just under the words “RESIDENT ALIEN.” The seal is light blue. The front includes a photograph of the alien's face, fingerprint and signature. An expiration date is always shown. Cards expire 10 years after issue, but may be renewed.
Note: A modified I-551 was first issued in January 1992. All cards issued Feb. 1, 1993, or later are modified. The only difference is a noticeable removal of the background printing behind the fingerprint block.
Card Back — A map of the U.S. appears on the upper portion of the card back, surrounded by an overlapping rainbow print. The lower portion of the back contains four lines of text, the bottom three of which are machine readable and on a white background.
Original I-551
The original Alien Registration Receipt Card (Type 1) was issued from 1977 to late 1989.
Card Front — Form I-551 is a laminated card. The agency name is shown in white on a pastel blue background just under the words "RESIDENT ALIEN." The seal is light pastel blue. The front includes a photograph of the alien's face, fingerprint and signature.
Card Back — A map of the U.S. appears on the card back, overlaid by machine readable typed data. The first digit of the issue/type code indicates the number of alien registration cards issued to the person. The second digit identifies the type card.
Form I-151 is the version of the Alien Registration Receipt Card issued to aliens by the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) from July 1946 through late 1977. Form I-151 is not a valid immigration document. The card lacks security features and presents more opportunities for alteration and fraud than the immigration documents currently being issued. From 1992 through 1996, the INS conducted a “Green Card Replacement” project to replace the I-151 cards in circulation. Although the card is not a valid immigration document, the person may still retain lawful permanent status.
For pictures of these cards, see Appendix LIV, Description of Resident Alien Cards.
D-8730 Refugees
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
If an alien presents Form I-766 annotated with "274a.12(a)(3)" or "A3" as evidence of refugee status, query SAVE online to verify the document and status. If the SAVE online response results in a determination of ineligibility, verify alien status using Form G-845 and supplement to Form G-845. The Form I-94 annotated with stamp showing admission under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) is also a DHS document for refugees.
For a refugee, follow policy in:
- Section D-8310, Qualified Aliens Subject to a Limited Period; or
- Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period.
D-8740 Parolee
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
A parolee may present a DHS Form I-94 that indicates the bearer has been paroled pursuant to Section 212(d)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), with an expiration date of at least one year from the date issued or indefinite.
DHS Form I-766 annotated "A4" or "C11" indicates status as a parolee, but does not reflect the length of the parole period.
If the individual cannot provide Form I-94, contact DHS to verify status and length of the parole period before certification.
For a parolee, follow policy in:
- Section D-8310, Qualified Aliens Subject to a Limited Period; or
- Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period.
D-8750 Asylee
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
An asylee may present a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Form I-94 annotated with a stamp showing grant of asylum under Section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), a grant letter from the Asylum Office or an order of an immigration judge.
Derive the date status granted from the date on Form I-94, the grant letter or the date of the court order. If the date is missing from Form I-94, request the grant letter from the alien. If it is not available, verify the date status was granted with DHS.
DHS Form I-766 annotated "A5" indicate status as an asylee. However, the date of the form does not reflect when the status was granted. Request Form I-94, the grant letter from the Asylum Office of DHS or the alien's copy of a court order of the immigration judge granting asylum to obtain the date status was granted. Verify with DHS if none of these are available.
If the alien alleges having been granted asylum within the previous seven years, contact DHS using Form G-845 and Form G-845 supplement with a copy of Form I-551 attached.
For an asylee, follow policy in:
- Section D-8310, Qualified Aliens Subject to a Limited Period; or
- Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period.
D-8760 Deportation Withheld
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
For an alien whose deportation was withheld under Section 243(h) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) or whose removal was withheld under Section 241(b)(3) of the INA, obtain one of the following:
- Form I-766 annotated "A10."
- The alien's copy of the order from an immigration judge showing deportation withheld under Section 243(h) of the INA as in effect prior to 4/1/97 or removal withheld under Section 241(b)(3) of the INA.
- Letter from asylum officer granting withholding of deportation under Section 243(h) of the INA as in effect prior to 4/1/97 or withholding of removal under Section 241(b)(3) of the INA.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Form I-766 annotated "A10" indicate deportation was withheld under Section 243(h) of the INA or removal was withheld under Section 241(b)(3) of the INA, but normally do not reflect the date of withholding. Request the alien's copy of the court order to obtain the date of withholding. If not available, verify with DHS.
If the alien alleges having had deportation/removal withheld within the previous seven years, contact DHS using Form G-845 and supplement with a copy of Form I-551 attached.
Note: Aliens who have been granted a suspension of deportation are not eligible for Medicaid benefits on the basis of that status alone. The description and annotations on the DHS documents must be as shown above in order to establish eligibility based on withholding of deportation or removal.
For an alien whose deportation was withheld, follow policy in:
- Section D-8310, Qualified Aliens Subject to a Limited Period; or
- Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period.
D-8770 Cuban/Haitian Entrants
Revision 13-1; Effective March 1, 2013
An alien could meet more than one classification. The seven-year period of limited eligibility, if applicable, begins with the earliest date an alien meets "Cuban/Haitian entrant" classification or one of the other seven-year classifications, such as asylee, refugee, etc. Absent evidence to the contrary, accept any of the following as convincing evidence of Cuban or Haitian nationality for purposes of determining whether an alien is a "Cuban/Haitian entrant:"
- SAVE primary verification (see Section D-8820, Primary Verification of Alien Status).
- DHS or Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) document(s) showing Cuban/Haitian entrant status, or Cuban or Haitian nationality, or Cuba or Haiti as the place of birth.
- Cuban or Haitian passport or identity card.
- Cuban or Haitian birth certificate.
- Secondary verification determination of "Cuban/Haitian entrant" (see Section D-8840, Second Verification of Alien Immigration Status).
For a Cuban/Haitian entrant, follow policy in:
- Section D-8310, Qualified Aliens Subject to a Limited Period; or
- Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period.
D-8780 Qualified Alien Based on Battery or Extreme Cruelty
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
An alien who has been, or whose child or parent has been, battered or subjected to extreme cruelty in the United States by a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse or parent can be considered a qualified alien.
For the alien and children to emigrate or remain in the United States, the alien’s spouse must file a petition for lawful permanent residence status for the alien relative. Unless the spouse files this petition, the alien and children have no lawful immigrant status and face being deported.
Since the 1994 enactment of the Violence Against Women Act, a battered alien may self-petition for lawful permanent residency via INS Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er) or Special Immigrant, without the cooperation or knowledge of the abuser.
The alien must provide DHS documentation that identifies the alien as the self-petitioning spouse and/or child of an abusive U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident and does not live with the abuser.
Examples of acceptable DHS documents include:
- I-551 annotated with one of the following status codes: IB-1 to IB-3 or IB-6 to IB-8;
- an I-797, Action Notice, which identifies the alien as a self-petitioning battered alien; or
- other forms of documentation, such as a letter from a DHS judge.
Qualified aliens with a battered alien status do not need to be credited with 40 qualifying quarters of Social Security coverage nor do they have a seven-year limited eligibility period. The following battered aliens meet the alien status criteria if they:
- entered the U.S. and acquired "qualified alien" status prior to Aug. 22, 1996;
- resided in the U.S. before Aug. 22, 1996, adjusted to "qualified alien" status on or after Aug. 22, 1996, and provide proof of continuous residence;
- resided in the U.S. before Aug. 22, 1996, adjusted to "qualified alien" status on or after Aug. 22, 1996, did not provide proof of continuous residence, but meet the five-year waiting period ; or
- entered the U.S. on or after Aug. 22, 1996 and meet the five-year waiting period.
Consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency condition when the battered alien does not meet alien status criteria.
D-8790 Victims of Severe Human Trafficking
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services certifies individuals who meet the victims of severe human trafficking requirements so they may remain in the U.S. up to four years. Law enforcement authorities can extend the status beyond four years for individuals whose presence is required for a continuing investigation.
These individuals meet the alien status criteria to be potentially eligible for benefits without a five-year waiting period and continue to meet the eligibility criteria without a limited eligibility period as long as the law enforcement extension continues, or they adjust to another acceptable alien status.
Staff must request a copy of the USCIS Notice of Extension to verify the individual has an approved extended Victims of Severe Human Trafficking status based on the law enforcement need. SAVE does not provide verification for victims of trafficking. Staff must call the trafficking verification toll-free number at 866-401-5510 to confirm the validity of the USCIS extension letter.
After four years or expiration of a law enforcement extension, individuals who have not adjusted to another alien status must leave the U.S. If they remain, they are considered undocumented and ineligible for ongoing benefits.
D-8800, Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
The Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) program's Verification Information System (VIS) is a web-based application that provides alien status information using the applicants' alien registration number.
The SAVE System provides the following types of responses:
- Initial Verification Results: First Name, Last Name, Country, Date of Entry, Date of Birth, Class of Admission (COA) and System Response; and
- Additional Verification Results: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Response, Expires On, Response Date and DHS Comments.
If the alien’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) document is expired and the SAVE response shows the individual is a Lawful Permanent Resident - Employment Authorized and the Date Admitted is “Response is indefinite,” the individual meets alien status criteria.
Use the SAVE Verification Information System:
- at application;
- when adding a new household member identified as an alien; or
- if a person's alien documentation has expired.
When SAVE does not contain information about victims of severe trafficking or non-alien family members, call the trafficking verification toll-free number at 866-401-5510 to confirm the validity of the certification letter or Derivative T Visa and to notify the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the benefits for which the individual is applying.
SAVE does not normally contain information about American Indians born outside of the U.S. See Section D-8420, American Indians Born Outside the U.S.
D-8810 Getting Permission to Access SAVE
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Supervisors complete and route Form 4743, Request for Applications and System Access, to the regional security officer for employees who need access to the SAVE system.
D-8820 Primary Verification of Alien Status
Revision 13-4; Effective December 1, 2013
To obtain primary verification of alien status, follow these steps to access the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) System:
- Open the Verification Information System (VIS) website at, or in Data Broker through TIERS.
- Enter your User ID and password.
- Select Initial Verification from the Case Administration menu. The Initial Verification Information page appears.
- Enter the document type the applicant provided.
- Enter the applicant's information as it appears on the document:
- Alien Number – Do not include the letter A when entering the information in SAVE. If the A number has fewer than nine digits, add leading zeros to make it a nine-digit number. USCIS is used on the new I-551 cards instead of Alien Number.
- I-94 Identification Number – Known as the admission number, it consists of an 11-digit field. Enter leading zeros if the I-94 number provided has less than 11 digits.
- Card Number – On older versions of cards, the card number is on the front of the card. It is 13 digits and has three letters in front of the number. On newer versions of the card, the card number is on the back of the card. It is still 13 digits and has three letters in front of the number.
- Last name.
- First name.
- Date of birth.
- Document expiration date, if applicable.
- Select the benefit type from the Benefits List (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) [formerly known as food stamps], Medicaid, TANF).
- Select Submit Initial Verification. The response appears in the Initial Verification Results section of the same page.
- The screen displays one of the following messages:
Use the policy found in Section D-8610, Ineligible Aliens, if the message is TEMPORARY RESIDENT/TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZED.
- Review the results and select Print Case Details if using the stand-alone SAVE system. SAVE Case Details should then be imaged and put in the individual's case.
Note: If using Data Broker through TIERS, a copy of the SAVE screen is not needed, as the inquiry will be stored in the Data Broker history.
- Select Complete and Close Case to close the case (only if additional verification is not necessary). Once a case is closed, the user can view it for an additional 90 days.
Note: Staff should enter the correct alien number as listed on the document, not a default or fictitious number (for example, AAA000000, etc.).
D-8830 Additional Verification — Online Process of Alien Status
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
To request additional verification:
- In the Initial Verification Results section, select Request Additional Verification. The Enter Additional Verification Data section appears.
- Edit the default information, if necessary; enter required information, and include as much information as possible. Use the Special Comments box to enter additional information to the Immigration Status Verifier (ISV) staff.
- Submit the request by selecting Submit Additional Verification. The response section appears indicating that the request is in process and will return the response within three working days.
- To view the status of the case, select View Cases from the Case Administration menu. The Case Search page appears.
- Enter the Case Search Criteria to search for cases based on the following case status:
- all open cases
- cases requiring action
- cases with additional verification responses
- cases in process
- closed cases
Select Display Case Summary List to open the Case Summary List page. The list displays the Case Status for cases that require action, cases in process and closed cases. Click the Verification Number to view the Case Details. The user is able to print the case details, request additional verification and close the case.
If the system is unable to verify the immigration status with the information provided by the user in the automated additional verification request, or the document appears counterfeit, altered or expired, use the manual process in Section D-8840, Secondary Verification of Alien Immigration Status.
D-8840 Secondary Verification of Alien Immigration Status
Revision 19-4; Effective December 1, 2019
If staff are unable to verify an alien's immigration status through primary verification procedures, use SAVE to request additional information from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) by requesting a Data Broker Combined Report through TIERS or the Data Broker Portal.
Once a request from USCIS is obtained for verification of immigration status, the information received must be processed. Staff receive one of the following responses from SAVE via the Combined Report in TIERS or in the Data Broker Portal:
- 1st Level Verification - initial verification request in TIERS;
- 2nd Level Verification - situations that require additional (secondary) verification in the Data Broker Portal; and
- 3rd Level Verification - situations that require staff to upload documents for verification in the Data Broker Portal via SAVE.
For the 1st Level Verification, staff enter the information provided by the person into TIERS. Once the information is entered and SAVE is requested, SAVE will return an immediate response back indicating if the information entered was able to be verified with USCIS or if more information is needed.
If the information entered can be verified on the 1st Level Verification, staff will see the alien status, category code, and entry date. If the information entered is unable to be verified against USCIS records, then staff will have to proceed to 2nd or 3rd Level Verification responses to correctly verify the person’s citizenship and alien status.
For 2nd Level Verification and 3rd Level Verification responses, Data Broker automatically requests additional verification from SAVE. Once obtained from SAVE, staff receive an email from the Data Broker vendor notifying them that the verification requested has been returned from SAVE.
For 2nd Level Verification responses:
- The Data Broker vendor sends a subsequent email notifying staff that the verification has been returned from SAVE.
- Staff must then:
- login to the Data Broker Portal to retrieve the information; and
- update the Alien/Refugee Details page in TIERS accordingly.
For 3rd Level Verification responses:
- Staff must:
- upload the verification documents requested into the Data Broker Portal;
- not mail the documents to USCIS; and
- ensure only one PDF file containing all required verification documents is uploaded.
- The Data Broker vendor sends a subsequent email notifying staff SAVE has returned the verification.
- staff must then login to the Data Broker Portal to retrieve the information; and
- update the Alien/Refugee Details page in TIERS accordingly.
Note: SAVE only populates alien sponsor information into TIERS for the additional verification response. This is unlike initial verification that populates the response data for the applicant in the appropriate ELDS tables on the TIERS Alien/Refugee-Details page.
Related Policy
Documentation and Verification Guide, Appendix XVI
Initial Request at Time of Application, D-5510
Verification of Alien Status, D-8700
Documentary Evidence by Classification, D-8710
Reasonable Opportunity to Provide Verification of Alien Immigration Status, D-8841
Entry Before 1996, D-8910
Entry on or After Aug.22,1996-Qualifed Alien No Waiting Period, D-8920
LPR Aliens With or Without Five-Year Waiting Period, D-8930
D-8841 Reasonable Opportunity to Provide Verification of Alien Immigration Status
Revision 14-2; Effective June 1, 2014
If you are unable to verify an alien's immigration status through primary or secondary verification procedures, allow the applicant a reasonable opportunity of 95 days following the date on which a notice is sent to an individual to provide another source of citizenship or alien status verification.
D-8900, Alien Status Eligibility Charts
Revision 13-1; Effective March 1, 2013
An alien's eligibility is based on the Department of Homeland Security’s qualifying classification and other criteria as shown in the MEPDH and in the following charts.
D-8910 Entry Before 1996
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
Chart A — Entry Before 1996
If the alien entered the U.S. before Aug. 22, 1996, and the USCIS document is an ... | then the alien is ... |
| eligible if the alien meets the criteria in Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period. Unless the alien meets the criteria in Section D-8320, consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition. |
Note: Follow your policy clearance request procedures for questions about documents or immigration statuses not listed in this chart.
D-8920 Entry On or After Aug. 22, 1996 – Qualified Alien No Waiting Period
Revision 23-2; Effective June 1, 2023
Chart B — Entry On or After Aug. 22, 1996 – Qualified Aliens With No Waiting Period
If the alien entered the U.S. on or after Aug. 22, 1996, and the USCIS document is an | and |
| If less than seven years have passed since the date of qualified alien classification, usually the entry date, then the alien is eligible if the alien meets the criteria in as a qualified alien subject to a seven-year limited period. Unless the alien meets the criteria as a qualified alien subject to a seven-year limited period, consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition. Note: Victims of Severe Human Trafficking are limited to four years unless status is extended by law enforcement. If seven years or more have passed from the date of qualified alien classification, usually the entry date, then the alien is eligible if the alien meets the criteria as a qualified alien not subject to a waiting period or limited period. Unless the alien meets the criteria as a qualified alien not subject to a waiting period or limited period, consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition. Note: The refugee retains this eligibility period even if the refugee has adjusted to lawful permanent resident (LPR) status during the seven-year limited period. |
| Not eligible, unless the alien has applied for and been approved by DHS for LPR. If LPR, the alien must meet the LPR conditions as a qualified alien not subject to a waiting period or limited period. Unless the alien meets the criteria as a qualified alien subject to a seven-year limited period, consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition. |
Afghan or Iraqi Special Immigrant – Special immigrant status under 101(a)(27) of the INA may be granted to Iraqi and Afghan nationals who have worked on behalf of the U.S. government in Iraq or Afghanistan. Acceptable documentation includes:
For special immigrants who are Special Immigrant Parolees (SI/SQ Parole), acceptable documentation includes:
For special immigrants who are adjusting to LPR status in the U.S., acceptable documentation includes:
These special immigrants may also demonstrate nationality with an Afghan or Iraqi passport. For special immigrants who are conditional permanent residents (SI CPRs) adjusting to LPR status in the U.S., acceptable documentation includes:
Note: The entry date for an Afghan special immigrant must be Dec. 26, 2007, or later. The entry date for an Iraqi special immigrant's entry date must be Jan. 26, 2008, or later. | If less than seven years have passed since the date of qualified alien classification, usually the entry date, then the alien is eligible if the alien meets the criteria as a qualified alien subject to a seven-year limited period. Unless the alien meets the criteria as a qualified alien subject to a seven-year limited period, consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition. If seven years or more have passed from the date of qualified alien classification, usually the entry date, then the alien is eligible if the alien meets the criteria in as a qualified alien not subject to a waiting period or limited period. Unless the alien meets the criteria as a qualified alien subject to a seven-year limited period, consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition. Note: The special immigrant retains this eligibility period even if the special immigrant has adjusted to LPR status during the seven-year limited period. |
Note: Submit Form H0005, Policy Clarification Request, for questions about documents or immigration statuses not listed in this chart.
Related Policy
Qualified Aliens Subject to a Seven-Year Limited Period, D-8310
Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period, D-8320
D-8930 LPR Aliens With or Without Five-Year Waiting Period
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
Chart B — Entry On or After Aug. 22, 1996 – Qualified Aliens With No Waiting Period
If the LPR alien entered the U.S. on or after Aug. 22, 1996, and the DHS document is an ... | then ... |
I-551, Resident Alien Card, and does not meet one of the classification codes in Charts A or B,
"Processed for I-551, Temporary Evidence of Lawful Admission for Permanent Residence, valid until ______, Employment Authorized." Allow aliens with a DHS document or card showing an entry date on or after Aug. 22, 1996, who claim to have entered before that date, an opportunity to submit evidence of their claimed date of entry. | If five years or less have passed since the date of qualified alien classification, usually the entry date, then the LPR alien is not eligible. Unless the alien meets criteria other than 40 qualifying quarters in Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period, the LPR alien is only potentially eligible for Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition during the five-year waiting period. (Having 40 qualifying quarters does not exempt a person from the five-year waiting period.) If more than five years have passed since the date of qualified alien classification, usually the entry date, then the LPR alien is eligible if the LPR alien meets the criteria in Section D-8320. Unless the LPR alien meets the criteria in Section D-8320, consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition. |
Chart C — LPR Aliens With or Without the Five-Year Waiting Period
If the LPR alien entered the U.S. before Aug. 22, 1996, and the DHS document is an ... | then ... |
I-551, Resident Alien Card, and does not meet one of the classification codes in Charts A or B, Notes:
"Processed for I-551, Temporary Evidence of Lawful Admission for Permanent Residence, valid until ______, Employment Authorized."
| The LPR alien is eligible if the LPR alien meets the criteria in Section D-8320, Qualified Aliens Not Subject to a Waiting Period or Limited Period, or Section D-8430, LPR Residing in the U.S. on Aug. 22, 1996. Unless the LPR alien meets the criteria in Section D-8320 or Section D-8430, consider Medicaid for the treatment of an emergency medical condition. |
Follow your policy clearance request procedures for questions about documents or immigration statuses not listed in this chart.
D-8940 Reserved for Future Use
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
D-9000, Alien Sponsorship
Revision 21-1; Effective March 1, 2021
Generally, aliens who seek admission to the U.S. as lawful permanent residents must establish that they will not become "public charges." Many aliens establish that they will not become public charges by having sponsors pledge to support them by signing affidavits of support.
D-9100, Definition of Sponsor and Sponsored Alien
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
A sponsored alien is an individual who has been sponsored by a person who signed an affidavit of support (USCIS Form I-864, Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the Act, or USCIS Form I-864-A, Contract Between Sponsor and Household Member) on or after Dec. 19, 1997, agreeing to support the alien as a condition of the alien's entry into the U.S.
A sponsor is someone who brings family-based or certain employment-based immigrants to the U.S. and demonstrates that he can provide enough financial support to the immigrant so the individual does not rely on public benefits.
D-9200, Sponsor-to-Alien Deeming Policy
Revision 16-3; Effective September 1, 2016
Note: Sponsor-to-alien deeming policy does not apply to individuals applying for Emergency Medicaid Coverage for Aliens. Please see Section A-2200 for more.
The applicant/recipient must first be eligible based on all eligibility criteria before proceeding with sponsor-to-alien deeming.
Keep in mind that most alien applicants who have sponsors will not be eligible aliens. One example of a sponsored alien who could be eligible (and subject to sponsor-to-alien deeming) is a sponsored legally admitted for permanent residence (LAPR) alien who is the spouse of a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Deeming of income and resources for the eligibility and copayment budgets apply regardless of whether:
- the alien and sponsor live in the same household;
- the income and resources are actually available to the alien; and
- the type of assistance for which the alien is applying.
This is because the sponsor agreed to support the alien as a condition of the alien's admission to the U.S. when signing the affidavit of support.
If the alien's sponsor is the alien's ineligible spouse or parent, sponsor deeming, not spouse-to-spouse or parent-to-child deeming, applies in the case. If sponsor deeming does not apply, for instance the alien has 40 qualifying quarters or meets another exception in D-9220, then apply spouse-to-spouse or parent-to-child deeming.
The income and resources of the sponsor's spouse are included if the sponsor and his or her spouse live in the same household.
For deeming purposes, a sponsor does not include an organization such as a church congregation or a service club, or an employer who only guarantees employment for an alien upon entry to the U.S. but does not sign an affidavit of support.
D-9210 Deeming Period
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
The income and resources of an alien are deemed to include the income and resources of the alien's sponsor beginning from the alien's date of admission into the U.S.
The date of admission is the date established by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services as the date the alien is admitted for permanent residence.
Deeming ceases to apply the month after the month:
- the alien becomes a naturalized citizen of the U.S.;
- the sponsor dies; or
- the alien is no longer LAPR and has departed the U.S.
Deeming ceases to apply in the month the LAPR alien can be credited with 40 quarters.
If none of the above events occurs, deeming continues indefinitely.
D-9220 Deeming Exceptions
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
Sponsor-to-alien deeming does not apply to all aliens.
Deeming does not apply to aliens:
- who were sponsored by an organization or are not required to have sponsors,
- with 40 qualifying quarters,
- with refugee status,
- with asylee status,
- whose deportation has been withheld.
Exceptions also apply when:
- a qualified alien, a qualified alien's child or a qualified alien child's parent has been battered or subjected to extreme cruelty in the U.S., and
- there is a substantial connection between the battery and the need for benefits, and
- the individual subject to such battery or cruelty does not live in the same household with the individual responsible for the cruelty or battery, and
- the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) has approved the alien's petition, or has found that the alien's pending petition sets forth a prima facie case, under one of the provisions of the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA).
Note: When the battery exception is allowed, deeming can be suspended for 12 months. After 12 months, the exception can be continued only under certain specified conditions and on a case-by-case basis.
- sponsor deeming results in denial and the alien is unable to obtain both food and shelter. In determining whether the alien is unable to obtain both food and shelter, consider:
- all of the alien's own income and resources (including income excluded when determining eligibility); and
- any cash, food, housing or other assistance provided by other individuals (including the sponsor).
When deeming is suspended under this exception, the only income from the sponsor that is included as the alien's income is the amount of cash or support and maintenance the alien actually receives from the sponsor. A sponsor's resources are considered to be the alien's resources only if the alien has an ownership interest in them, can convert them (if not cash), and is not restricted from using them.
The sponsor may be liable for repayment of benefits received by the alien applicant/recipient when deeming is suspended under this exception.
Note: When this exception is allowed, deeming is suspended for 12 consecutive months. Multiple occurrences of this exception are permissible.
D-9230 Providing Verification of Alien Sponsor's Income and Resources
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
When sponsor-to-alien deeming applies, the alien is responsible for providing
- a copy of the sponsor's affidavit of support (USCIS Form I-864 or USCIS Form I-864A); or
- name, address and phone number of sponsor and any co-sponsor(s);
- verification of the sponsor's and sponsor's spouse's income and resources; and
- the number of tax dependents claimed by sponsor and sponsor's spouse.
Reminder: Sponsor's spouse's information is required when he is the co-sponsor or lives in the same household as the sponsor.
If the alien fails to provide the requested sponsor verification by the required date, deny the application based on failure to furnish information.
Note: Normal verification procedures apply. For instance, if the type of assistance allows for acceptance of verbal statements as verification, accept the applicant/recipient's declaration for the required information.
D-9300, Sponsor-to-Alien Resource Deeming
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
Evaluate the resources of an alien's sponsor and the sponsor's spouse (if living in the same household). Before deeming a sponsor's resources to an alien, allow the same exclusions to the sponsor's resources as for the applicant/recipient.
Next, allocate for the sponsor or for the sponsor and his spouse a portion of the resources. The amount of the allocation is based on the following.
- Sponsor Does Not Live With a Spouse or Spouse is the Applicant/Recipient – equal to the SSI resource limit for an individual.
- Sponsor Lives With a Spouse and Spouse is Not Alien's Sponsor – equal to the SSI resource limit for a couple.
- Sponsor Lives With a Spouse and Spouse is Also a Sponsor of the Alien – equal to the SSI resource limit for two individuals (twice the SSI individual limit).
Add the remainder to the alien's countable resources. If both members of an eligible couple have the same sponsor, the entire amount of the sponsor's resources is deemed to each member. The couple's countable resources include the sum of their deemed resource amounts.
If an alien is sponsored by more than one individual (other than two sponsors who are married to each other and living together), the sponsor-to-alien deeming rules are applied separately to the resources of each sponsor to determine the total resources deemable to the alien.
If only one member of a couple is sponsored, and that member is an ineligible spouse, sponsor-to-alien deeming does not apply to the eligible member of the couple (nor would it be applicable to the ineligible member of the couple).
D-9310 Examples of Sponsor-to-Alien Resource Deeming
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
Example 1: Sponsor does not live with spouse
After applying all applicable resource exclusions, the specialist determines the sponsor has $3,200 in countable resources. The current resource limit for an individual is $2,000.
$1,200 ($3,200-$2,000) of the sponsor's resources is deemed to the alien.
Example 2: Sponsor lives with non-sponsor spouse
After applying all applicable resource exclusions, the specialist determines the sponsor and sponsor's spouse have combined countable resources of $3,500. The current resource limit for a couple is $3,000.
$500 ($3,500-$3,000) of the sponsor's and sponsor's spouse's resources is deemed to the alien.
Example 3: Sponsor lives with spouse, who is also alien's sponsor
After applying all applicable resource exclusions, the specialist determines the sponsor and sponsor's spouse have combined countable resources of $3,500. The current resource limit for an individual is $2,000.
None of the sponsor's and sponsor's spouse's resources are deemed to the alien, since their value is under $4,000 (twice the individual resource limit of $2,000).
D-9400, Sponsor-to-Alien Income Deeming
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
Evaluate the earned and unearned income of an alien's sponsor and the sponsor's spouse (if living in the same household). Unlike the treatment of resources, the sponsor's income does not receive the same income exclusions given to an applicant.
Include all the income of a sponsor of an alien and, when applicable, the income of the spouse of the sponsor, except for support and maintenance assistance and income excluded under federal laws other than the Social Security Act. See D-9500, Income Excluded from Sponsor-to-Alien Deeming, for a list of this excluded income.
Allocations are given to the sponsor and the sponsor's dependents, if applicable. A dependent is defined as someone for whom the sponsor is entitled to take a deduction on his personal income tax return.
Exception: An alien and an alien's spouse are not considered to be dependents of the alien's sponsor for the purposes of these rules.
The dependent's income is not subtracted from the dependent's allocation.
Next, deduct allocations for the sponsor and the sponsor's dependents as follows:
- an amount equal to the federal benefit rate (FBR) for an individual for the sponsor;
- an amount equal to one-half the FBR for an individual for the spouse living in the same household with the sponsor or an amount equal to the FBR for an individual for the spouse who is also a co-sponsor (spouse allocation is not applicable if the spouse is the applicant/recipient); plus
- an amount equal to one-half the FBR for an individual for each dependent of the sponsor. (If both members of a couple are sponsors, only one allocation is given for each dependent even if the person is a dependent of both spouses.)
Deem the balance of the income to the alien as unearned income. If both members of an eligible couple have the same sponsor, the sponsor's income is deemed to each member. The couple's countable income includes the sum of their deemed income amounts.
If an alien is sponsored by more than one individual (other than two sponsors who are married to each other and living together), the sponsor-to-alien deeming rules are applied separately to the income of each sponsor to determine the total income deemable to the alien.
If only one member of a couple is sponsored and that member is an ineligible spouse, sponsor-to-alien deeming does not apply to the eligible member of the couple (nor would it be applicable to the ineligible member of the couple).
Note: When the sponsor's income is deemed to the alien applicant/recipient, cash, support and maintenance provided by the sponsor are not counted as income unless the indigence exception is granted. See D-9220, Deeming Exceptions.
D-9410 Examples of Sponsor-to-Alien Income Deeming
Revision 24-1; Effective March 1, 2024
The following examples are for demonstration purposes only. They may not reflect the most recent federal benefit rate (FBR) amounts.
Example 1: Sponsor lives with non-sponsor spouse and children. Only the sponsor has income.
An alien applicant has no income, and the sponsor has a monthly earned income of $3,300 and unearned income of $70. The sponsor's dependents (spouse and three children) have no income.
Add the sponsor's earned and unearned income for a total of $3,370 and apply the allocations for the sponsor and his or her dependents.
Total allocations equal $2,829:
- $943 (FBR for an individual) for the sponsor;
- + $471.50 (one-half the FBR for an individual) for the non-sponsor spouse; and
- + $1414.50 (one-half the FBR for an individual, $471.50 each) for the sponsor's three children.
Deduct the allocation amount of $2,829 from the sponsor's total income of $3,370, which leaves $541 to be deemed to the alien as his or her unearned income. This amount is subject to the $20 general income exclusion when determining his or her eligibility.
Example 2: Sponsor lives with non-sponsor spouse and children. Both the sponsor and spouse have income.
An alien couple with no income applies for benefits. The sponsor has earned income of $2,350, and the non-sponsor spouse has earned income of $450. Their two children have no income.
Combine the sponsor's and spouse's income for a total of $2,800 ($2,350 + $450) and apply the allocations for the sponsor and his or her dependents.
Total allocations equal $2,357.50:
- $943 (FBR for an individual) for the sponsor;
- + $471.50 (one-half the FBR for an individual) for the non-sponsor spouse; and
- + $943 (one-half the FBR for an individual, $471.50 each) for the sponsor's two children.
Deduct the allocation amount of $2,357.50 from the sponsor's and spouse's total income of $2,800, which leaves $442.50. This amount must be deemed independently to each applicant. The $885 deemed income ($442.50 each) is unearned income to the alien couple and is subject to the $20 general income exclusion when determining the couple's eligibility.
Example 3: Sponsor lives with spouse, who is also alien's sponsor, and children. Both sponsors have income.
An alien couple with no income is applying for benefits. The sponsor has an earned income of $2,350, and the co-sponsor, who lives with them, has an earned income of $650. Their two children have no income.
Combine the sponsor's and co-sponsor's income for a total of $3,000 ($2,350 + $650) and apply the allocations for the sponsors and dependents.
Total allocations equal $2,829:
- $1,886 (two times the FBR for an individual, $943 each) for the sponsor and co-sponsor; and
- + $943 (one-half the FBR for an individual, $471.50 each) for the two children.
Deduct the allocation amount of $2,829 from the sponsors' total income of $3,000, which leaves $171. This amount must be deemed independently to each applicant. The $342 deemed income ($171 each) is unearned income to the alien couple. It is subject to the $20 general income exclusion when determining the couple's eligibility.
D-9500, Income Excluded from Sponsor-to-Alien Deeming
D-9510 Food
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
- Value of food coupons under the Food Stamp Act of 1977, Section 1301 of Pub. L. 95-113 (91 Stat. 968, 7 USC 2017(b)).
- Value of federally donated foods distributed under Section 32 of Pub. L. 74-320 (49 Stat. 774) or Section 416 of the Agriculture Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 1058, 7 CFR 250.6(e)(9)).
- Value of free or reduced-price food for women and children under the:
- Child Nutrition Act of 1966, Section 11(b) of Pub. L. 89-642 (80 Stat. 889, 42 USC 1780(b)) and Section 17 of that Act as added by Pub. L. 92-433 (86 Stat. 729, 42 USC 1786); and
- National School Lunch Act, Section 13(h)(3), as amended by Section 3 of Pub. L. 90-302 (82 Stat. 119, 42 USC 1761(h)(3)).
- Services, except for wages paid to residents who assist in providing congregate services such as meals and personal care, provided a resident of an eligible housing project under a congregate services program under Section 802 of the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act, Public Law 101-625 (104 Stat. 4313, 42 USC 8011).
D-9520 Housing and Utilities
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
- Assistance to prevent fuel cut-offs and to promote energy efficiency under the Emergency Energy Conservation Services Program or the Energy Crisis Assistance Program as authorized by Section 222(a)(5) of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, as amended by Section 5(d)(1) of Pub. L. No. 93-644 and Section 5(a)(2) of Pub. L. 95-568 (88 Stat. 2294 as amended, 42 USC 2809(a)(5)).
- Home energy assistance payments or allowances under title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law 97-35, as amended (42 USC 8624(f)).
Note: This exclusion applies to a sponsor's income only if the alien is living in the housing unit for which the sponsor receives the home energy assistance payments or allowances. - Value of any assistance paid with respect to a dwelling unit under:
- the United States Housing Act of 1937;
- the National Housing Act;
- Section 101 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965; or
- Title V of the Housing Act of 1949.
Note: This exclusion applies to a sponsor's income only if the alien is living in the housing unit for which the sponsor receives the housing assistance. - Payments for relocating, made to persons displaced by federal or federally assisted programs, which acquire real property, under Section 216 of Pub. L. 91-646, the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (84 Stat. 1902, 42 USC 4636).
D-9530 Education and Employment
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
- Grants or loans to undergraduate students made or insured under programs administered by the Secretary of Education under Section 507 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1968, Pub. L. 90-575 (82 Stat. 1063).
- Any wages, allowances or reimbursement for transportation and attendant care costs, unless excepted on a case-by-case basis, when received by an eligible handicapped individual employed in a project under title VI of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as added by title II of Pub. L. 95-602 (92 Stat. 2992, 29 USC 795(b)(c)).
- Student financial assistance for attendance costs received from a program funded in whole or in part under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, or under Bureau of Indian Affairs student assistance programs if it is made available for tuition and fees normally assessed a student carrying the same academic workload, as determined by the institution, including costs for rental or purchase of any equipment, materials or supplies required of all students in the same course of study and an allowance for books, supplies, transportation and miscellaneous personal expenses for a student attending the institution on at least a half-time basis, as determined by the institution, under Section 14(27) of Public Law 100-50, the Higher Education Technical Amendments Act of 1987 (20 USC 1087uu).
D-9540 Native Americans
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
- Types of Payments Excluded Without Regard to Specific Tribes or Groups
- Indian judgment funds that are held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior or distributed per capita pursuant to a plan prepared by the Secretary of the Interior and not disapproved by a joint resolution of Congress under Public Law 93-134 as amended by Section 4 of Public Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513, 25 USC 1408). Indian judgment funds include interest and investment income accrued while such funds are so held in trust. This exclusion extends to initial purchases made with Indian judgment funds. This exclusion does not apply to sales or conversions of initial purchases or to subsequent purchases.
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - All funds held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior for an Indian tribe and distributed per capita to a member of that tribe are excluded from income under Public Law 98-64 (97 Stat. 365, 25 USC 117b). Funds held by Alaska Native Regional and Village Corporations (ANRVC) are not held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior and therefore ANRVC dividend distributions are not excluded from countable income under this exclusion.
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Up to $2,000 per year received by Indians that is derived from individual interests in trust or restricted lands under Section 13736 of Public Law 103-66 (107 Stat. 663, 25 USC 1408, as amended).
- Indian judgment funds that are held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior or distributed per capita pursuant to a plan prepared by the Secretary of the Interior and not disapproved by a joint resolution of Congress under Public Law 93-134 as amended by Section 4 of Public Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513, 25 USC 1408). Indian judgment funds include interest and investment income accrued while such funds are so held in trust. This exclusion extends to initial purchases made with Indian judgment funds. This exclusion does not apply to sales or conversions of initial purchases or to subsequent purchases.
- Payments to Members of Specific Indian Tribes and Groups
- Per capita payments to members of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians from the proceeds of the sale of timber and lumber on the Red Lake Reservation under Section 3 of Public Law 85-794 (72 Stat. 958).
- Per capita distribution payments by the Blackfeet and Gros Ventre tribal governments to members that resulted from judgment funds to the tribes under Section 4 of Public Law 92-254 (86 Stat. 65) and under Section 6 of Public Law 97-408 (96 Stat. 2036).
- Settlement fund payments and the availability of such funds to members of the Hopi and Navajo Tribes under Section 22 of Public Law 93-531 (88 Stat. 1722) as amended by Public Law 96-305 (94 Stat. 929).
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Judgment funds distributed per capita to, or held in trust for, members of the Sac and Fox Indian Nation, and the availability of such funds under Section 6 of Public Law 94-189 (89 Stat. 1094).
Note:This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Judgment funds distributed per capita to, or held in trust for, members of the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians, and the availability of such funds under Section 6 of Public Law 94-540 (90 Stat. 2504).
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Any judgment funds distributed per capita to members of the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakima Indian Nation or the Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation under Section 2 of Public Law 95-433 (92 Stat. 1047, 25 USC 609c-1).
- Any judgment funds distributed per capita or made available for programs for members of the Delaware Tribe of Indians and the absentee Delaware Tribe of Western Oklahoma under Section 8 of Public Law 96-318 (94 Stat. 971).
- All funds and distributions to members of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, the Penobscot Nation and the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians under the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act, and the availability of such funds under Section 9 of Public Law 96-420 (94 Stat. 1795, 25 USC 1728(c)).
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Any distributions of judgment funds to members of the San Carlos Apache Indian Tribe of Arizona under Section 7 of Public Law 93-134 (87 Stat. 468) and Public Law 97-95 (95 Stat. 1206).
Note:This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Any distribution of judgment funds to members of the Wyandot Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma under Section 6 of Public Law 97-371 (96 Stat. 1814).
- Distributions of judgment funds to members of the Shawnee Tribe of Indians (Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma and the Cherokee Band of Shawnee descendants) under Section 7 of Public Law 97-372 (96 Stat. 1816).
- Judgment funds distributed per capita or made available for programs for members of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and the Miami Indians of Indiana under Section 7 of Public Law 97-376 (96 Stat. 1829).
- Distributions of judgment funds to members of the Clallam Tribe of Indians of the State of Washington (Port Gamble Indian Community, Lower Elwha Tribal Community and the Jamestown Band of Clallam Indians) under Section 6 of Public Law 97-402 (96 Stat. 2021).
- Judgment funds distributed per capita or made available for programs for members of the Pembina Chippewa Indians (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, Chippewa Cree Tribe of Rocky Boy's Reservation, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Little Shell Band of the Chippewa Indians of Montana, and the nonmember Pembina descendants) under Section 9 of Public Law 97-403 (96 Stat. 2025).
- Per capita distributions of judgment funds to members of the Assiniboine Tribe of Fort Belknap Indian Community and the Papago Tribe of Arizona under Sections 6 and 8(d) of Public Law 97-408 (96 Stat. 2036, 2038).
- Up to $2,000 of per capita distributions of judgment funds to members of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation under Section 4 of Public Law 97-436 (96 Stat. 2284).
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Judgment funds distributed to the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians under Section 3 of Public Law 98-123 (97 Stat. 816).
- Funds distributed per capita or family interest payments for members of the Assiniboine Tribe of Fort Belknap Indian Community of Montana and the Assiniboine Tribe of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation of Montana under Section 5 of Public Law 98-124 (97 Stat. 818).
- Distributions of judgment funds and income derived therefrom to members of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe under Section 5 of Public Law 98-432 (98 Stat. 1672).
- All distributions to heirs of certain deceased Indians under Section 8 of the Old Age Assistance Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 98-500 (98 Stat. 2319).
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Judgment funds distributed per capita or made available for any tribal program for members of the Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma and the Absentee Wyandottes under Section 106 of Public Law 98-602 (98 Stat. 3151).
- Per capita and dividend payment distributions of judgment funds to members of the Santee Sioux Tribe of Nebraska, the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe, the Prairie Island Sioux, Lower Sioux, and Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Communities of Minnesota under Section 8 of Public Law 99-130 (99 Stat. 552) and Section 7 of Public Law 93-134 (87 Stat. 468), as amended by Public Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513; 25 USC 1407).
- Funds distributed per capita or held in trust for members of the Chippewas of Lake Superior and the Chippewas of the Mississippi under Section 6 of Public Law 99-146 (99 Stat. 782).
- Distributions of claims settlement funds to members of the White Earth Band of Chippewa Indians as allottees, or their heirs, under Section 16 of Public Law 99-264 (100 Stat. 70).
- Payments or distributions of judgment funds, and the availability of any amount for such payments or distributions, to members of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan under Section 6 of Public Law 99-346 (100 Stat. 677).
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Judgment funds distributed per capita or held in trust for members of the Chippewas of Lake Superior and the Chippewas of the Mississippi under Section 4 of Public Law 99-377 (100 Stat. 805).
- Judgment funds distributed to members of the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians under Section 4 of Public Law 100-139 (101 Stat. 822).
- Per capita payments of claims settlement funds to members of the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana under Section 2 of Public Law 100-411 (102 Stat. 1097) and Section 7 of Public Law 93-134 (87 Stat. 468), as amended by Public Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513; 25 USC 1407).
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Funds distributed per capita for members of the Hoopa Valley Indian Tribe and the Yurok Indian Tribe under Sections 4, 6 and 7 of Public Law 100-580 (102 Stat. 2929, 2930, 2931) and Section 3 of Public Law 98-64 (97 Stat. 365; 25 USC 117b).
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Judgment funds held in trust by the United States, including interest and investment income accruing on such funds, and judgment funds made available for programs or distributed to members of the Wisconsin Band of Potawatomi (Hannahville Indian Community and Forest County Potawatomi) under Section 503 of Public Law 100-581 (102 Stat. 2945)
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Judgment funds distributed per capita, or held in trust, or made available for programs, for members of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, the Seminole Tribe of Florida, the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida and the independent Seminole Indians of Florida under Section 8 of Public Law 101-277 (104 Stat. 145).
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Per capita distributions of settlement funds under Section 102 of the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Indian Tribes Water Rights Settlement Act of 1990, Public Law 101-618 (104 Stat. 3289) and Section 7 of Public Law 93-134 (87 Stat. 468), as amended by Public Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513; 25 USC 1407).
- Settlement funds, assets, income, payments, or distributions from Trust Funds to members of the Catawba Indian Tribe of South Carolina under Section 11(m) of Public Law 103-116 (107 Stat. 1133).
- Settlement funds held in trust (including interest and investment income accruing on such funds) for, and payments made to, members of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation under Section 7(b) of Public Law 103-436 (108 Stat. 4579).
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Judgment funds distributed under Section 111 of the Michigan Indian Land Claims Settlement Act, (Pub. L. 105-143, 111 Stat. 2665).
- Judgment funds distributed under Section 4 of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe Distribution of Judgment Funds Act, (Pub. L. 108-222, 118 Stat. 624).
- Receipts from Lands Held in Trust for Certain Tribes or Groups—
- Receipts from land held in trust by the federal government and distributed to members of certain Indian tribes under Section 6 of Public Law 94-114 (89 Stat. 579, 25 USC 459e).
Note: This exclusion applies to the income of sponsors of aliens only if the alien lives in the sponsor's household. - Receipts derived from trust lands awarded to the Pueblo of Santa Ana and distributed to members of that tribe under Section 6 of Public Law 95-498 (92 Stat. 1677).
- Receipts derived from trust lands awarded to the Pueblo of Zia of New Mexico and distributed to members of that tribe under Section 6 of Public Law 95-499 (92 Stat. 1680).
- Receipts from land held in trust by the federal government and distributed to members of certain Indian tribes under Section 6 of Public Law 94-114 (89 Stat. 579, 25 USC 459e).
D-9550 Other
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
- Any assistance to an individual (other than wages or salaries) under the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended by Section 102(h)(1) of Pub. L. 95-478 (92 Stat. 1515, 42 USC 3020a).
- Amounts paid as restitution to certain individuals of Japanese ancestry and Aleuts for losses suffered as a result of evacuation, relocation, and internment during World War II, under the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 and the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands Restitution Act, Sections 105(f) and 206(d) of Public Law 100-383 (50 USC App. 1989 b and c).
- Payments made on or after Jan. 1, 1989, from the Agent Orange Settlement Fund or any other fund established pursuant to the settlement in the In Re Agent Orange product liability litigation, MDL No. 381 (E.D.N.Y.) under Public Law 101-201 (103 Stat. 1795) and Section 10405 of Public Law 101-239 (103 Stat. 2489).
- Payments made under Section 6 of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, Public Law 101-426 (104 Stat. 925, 42 USC 2210).
- The value of any child care provided or arranged (or any payment for such care or reimbursement for costs incurred for such care) under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act, as amended by Section 8(b) of Public Law 102-586 (106 Stat. 5035).
- Payments made to individuals because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution excluded pursuant to Section 1(a) of the Victims of Nazi Persecution Act of 1994, Public Law 103-286 (108 Stat. 1450).
- Any matching funds from a demonstration project authorized by the Community Opportunities, Accountability, and Training and Educational Services Act of 1998 (Pub. L. 105-285) and any interest earned on these matching funds in an Individual Development Account, pursuant to Section 415 of Pub. L. 105-285 (112 Stat. 2771).
- Any earnings, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families matching funds, and interest in an Individual Development Account, pursuant to Section 103 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104-193, 42 USC 604(h)(4)).
- Payments made to individuals who were captured and interned by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam as a result of participation in certain military operations, pursuant to Section 606 of the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 105-78).
- Payments made to certain Vietnam veterans' children with spina bifida, pursuant to Section 421 of the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act of 1997 (Pub. L. 104-204, 38 USC 1805(a)).
- Payments made to the children of female Vietnam veterans who suffer from certain birth defects, pursuant to Section 401 of the Veterans Benefits and Health Care Improvement Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-419 (38 USC 1833(c)).
- Payments of the refundable child tax credit made under Section 24 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, pursuant to Section 203 of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, Public Law 107-16 (115 Stat. 49, 26 USC 24 note).
- Assistance provided for flood mitigation activities as provided under Section 1324 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, pursuant to Section 1 of Public Law 109-64 (119 Stat. 1997, 42 USC 4031).
- Payments made to individuals under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000, pursuant to Section 1 [Div. C, Title XXXVI Section 3646] of Public Law 106-398 (114 Stat. 1654A-510, 42 USC 7385e).
D-9600, Notification Requirements
Revision 12-4; Effective December 1, 2012
If deeming income or resources from a sponsor results in the alien being found:
Ineligible — indicate on the notice that the denial was a result of deeming income or deeming resources from the alien's sponsor.
Eligible — indicate on the notice that the sponsor(s) may be liable for repayment of benefits received by the alien applicant/recipient.
Chapter E, General Income
E-1000, General Income
E-1100, Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
E-1200, General Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A person is eligible for Medicaid if the person:
- is aged, blind or disabled;
- meets the income and resource limits; and
- meets all other requirements for the specific MEPD program.
This chapter covers treatment of income to budget to determine eligibility and, if applicable, co-payment. Treatment of budgets is covered in other chapters.
For purposes of Medicaid, income is anything a person receives in cash or in kind that can be used to meet the person’s needs for food and shelter. It is the receipt of any property or service a person can apply, either directly or by sale or conversion, to meet basic needs for food and shelter. Income is normally counted on a monthly basis; not all income goes into the budget to determine eligibility and the co-payment.
The receipt of a payment – in the form of cash, property, or service – is income in the month of receipt and a resource as of 12:01 a.m. on the first day of the month after receipt.
E-1210 Other Terms
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Calendar quarter — A period of three full calendar months beginning with January, April, July or October.
Child — A person who is not married, is not the head of a household, and is either under age 18 or is under age 22 and a student.
Couple — An eligible individual and his or her eligible spouse.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit rate — The payment amount in the SSI program.
Federal benefit rate — The monthly payment rate for an eligible individual or couple. It is the figure from which countable income is subtracted to find out how much a person’s federal SSI benefit should be. The federal benefit rate does not include the rate for any state supplement paid by us on behalf of the state.
Shelter — Includes room, rent, mortgage payments, real property taxes, heating fuel, gas, electricity, water, sewerage and garbage collection services. A person is not receiving in-kind support and maintenance in the form of room or rent if the person is paying the amount charged under a business arrangement. A business arrangement exists when the amount of monthly rent required to be paid equals the current market rental value.
Income — The receipt of any property or service a person can apply, either directly or by sale or conversion, to meet basic needs for food and shelter.
Countable income — The amount of a client's income after all exemptions and exclusions.
Income of spouse — Income considered when one member of a couple is institutionalized. Income paid to one spouse is considered to be the income of that spouse, unless a fair hearings process establishes otherwise, or the payor provides evidence that the income is augmented for a spouse, such as VA benefits. Income from community property paid to only one spouse is considered the income of that spouse regardless of state law governing community property or division of marital property. (Consult the regional attorney about ownership of income from a trust.)
E-1300, Types of Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
There are two major types of income:
- Unearned
- Earned
Income, whether earned or unearned, is received in either of two forms:
Cash — Currency, checks, money orders or electronic funds transfers (EFT), such as:
- Social Security checks;
- unemployment compensation checks; or
- payroll checks or currency.
In-kind — Noncash items such as:
- real property (including shelter);
- food; and
- noncash wages (for example, room and board as compensation for employment).
Income, whether cash or in-kind, is received in either of two ways:
Fixed — Income received on a regular, predictable schedule (usually monthly) and for the same amount each month, such as:
- Social Security checks;
- VA checks; or
- state retirement checks.
Variable — Income that is either received on a varying schedule or for different amounts, such as:
- payroll checks or currency;
- monthly bank interest; or
- gas production checks.
E-1310 Relationship of Income to Resources
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
In general, anything received in a month, from any source, is income to a person, if it meets the person’s needs for food and shelter. Anything the person owned prior to the month under consideration is subject to the resource counting rules.
E-1320 Fiduciary Agent
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
An action by a fiduciary agent is the same as an action by the person for whom the fiduciary agent acts.
- Monies received by a fiduciary agent for another person are not income to the fiduciary agent. If the fiduciary agent is authorized to keep part of the money as compensation for services rendered, the compensation for services rendered is unearned income to the fiduciary agent.
- Monies received by a fiduciary agent for another person are charged as income to the person when the monies are received by the fiduciary agent.
E-1330, Income Treatment of Virtual Currencies
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
Convertible virtual currency is a digital currency with an equivalent value in traditional currency. Convertible virtual currency, also known as cryptocurrency, is very similar to cash. It can be traded between people, used to purchase goods and services, or exchanged into either traditional currency or another virtual currency. Bitcoin is an example of a convertible virtual currency.
Convertible virtual currencies are considered either earned or unearned income when they can be easily exchanged into a currency with legal tender status, such as U.S. dollars, or otherwise used to meet a person's food or shelter needs. The U.S. dollar value at the time the virtual currency is received is countable income.
Convertible virtual currency is treated as earned income when the currency is:
- paid in exchange for work when an employer and employee relationship exists;
- paid as a royalty or honorarium that is considered earned income; or
- earned because of valid self-employment.
Note: Virtual currency mining or staking is considered self-employment when done as part of a trade or business.
Note: Creators of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) may receive royalties. These royalties may be treated as earned or unearned income, depending on if the person is engaging in a trade or business.
If the receipt of convertible virtual currency does not meet any of the above conditions, treat it as unearned income. It is subject to the same possible exclusions, such as the infrequent or irregular income exclusion.
Virtual currencies purchased with a person's existing funds, either digital or non-digital, are a conversion of resources and not income.
Related Policy:
Types of Earned Income, E-3100
Sources of Earned Income, E-3300
Self-Employment Income, E-6000
Infrequent or Irregular Income, E-9000
Convertible Virtual Currency and Other Digital Tokens, F-4173
E-1400, Garnishment or Seizure
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A garnishment or seizure is a withholding of an amount from earned or unearned income in order to satisfy a debt or legal obligation.
Amounts withheld from income as garnishment to satisfy a debt or legal obligation are countable income.
E-1410 Division of Marital Income and Property
Revision 16-4; Effective December 1, 2016
A division of income and property in a divorce settlement is not considered a garnishment or lien placed against income. When an individual is paying income to a former spouse, consider court documentation before determining the ownership and accessibility of the income. A legal review of the documentation may be necessary to determine ownership and accessibility of income and a pension plan for each of the former spouses. For verification, use one of the following sources:
- court records;
- records of the agency through which the payments are made;
- official documents in the individual's possession (e.g., legal documents) that establish the amount and frequency of the support; or
- report of contact with the source of the payment that includes the amount and frequency of the alimony or spousal support.
If none of the above sources are available, obtain an individual's sworn affidavit that explains why one of the sources above is not available (for example, the documentation does not exist, the court or agency will not release the information or the source refused to cooperate).
A court may issue an order called a domestic relations order that provides income such as spousal support which may also be called alimony (see E-3320 , Alimony and Support Payments), to the former spouse.
- If the court order indicates the applicant/recipient is paying spousal support payments or alimony to the former spouse, the payment is still considered countable unearned income to the applicant/recipient.
- If the former spouse is the applicant/recipient, the receipt of spousal support payments or alimony is also countable income to the former spouse.
A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is a property settlement that assigns all or a portion of a retirement plan to the former spouse. An employer or retirement plan administrator may refuse to recognize a QDRO and separate the retirement plan payments to each individual. Consider the portion of the retirement plan payments as income to each individual as stipulated in the QDRO, regardless if the retirement plan administrator pays each individual their portion or only pays the retiree who then pays the former spouse.
Note: For individuals who are active or retired from the military, a marital division of property may be similar to a domestic relations order or a QDRO. A legal review of the documentation may be necessary to determine ownership and accessibility of income and a pension plan for each of the former spouses.
E-1420 Deeming and Court-Ordered Support Payments
If income of an ineligible spouse, parent or ineligible child is garnished to pay court-ordered or Title IV-D enforced support payments, do not consider the income used by these individuals to make support payments. Support payments are payments made under a court order or enforced in compliance with a state agreement under Title IV-D. Title IV-D child support payments are usually made directly to the state.
E-1500, Income and Transfer of Assets
An irrevocable waiver of income must be evaluated for a transfer of assets penalty. See Chapter I, Transfer of Assets.
E-1600, Reduction of Checks for Recoupment of Overpayments
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a person's pension or benefit checks are reduced because of recovery of overpayments, the amount considered as income is based on the source of the payment.
E-1610 SSA Overpayments
If a person receives an overpayment of Social Security (RSDI or Title II) benefits, recoupment is not voluntary. HHSC counts the net amount of the RSDI benefit (for example, the gross RSDI minus the amount being recouped) for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment.
If a person receives an overpayment of SSI benefits and the person:
- is still eligible for SSI, the recoupment is voluntary. HHSC determines if the person signed a voluntary agreement for recoupment. If there is a signed agreement, HHSC counts the gross RSDI for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment. If there is no signed agreement, there should be no recoupment from RSDI benefits.
- is no longer eligible for SSI, recoupment of any RSDI or Title II benefits is not voluntary. HHSC counts the net amount of the RSDI benefit (that is, the gross RSDI minus the amount being recouped) for eligibility and applied income purposes.
E-1620 All Other Overpayments
If a person was receiving SSI or assistance under MEPD at the time of overpayment, HHSC disregards as income the amount being recovered. HHSC counts the net amount of the benefit (for example, the gross benefit minus the amount being recouped) for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment.
If a person was not receiving SSI or assistance under MEPD at the time of overpayment, HHSC counts the recovered amount as income. HHSC counts the gross amount of the benefit for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment.
E-1700, Things That Are Not Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Some things a person receives are not income because the person cannot use those things as food or shelter, or cannot use those things to obtain food or shelter. In addition, what a person receives from the sale or exchange of that person’s own property is not income; the proceeds of the sale or exchange of the person’s property remains a resource. The following are some items that are not income.
E-1710 Medical Care and Services That Are Not Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Medical care and services. Medical care and services are not income if they are any of the following:
- Given to a person free of charge or paid for directly to the provider by someone else.
- Room and board a person receives during a medical confinement.
- Assistance provided in cash or in kind (including food or shelter) under a federal, state or local government program whose purpose is to provide medical care or medical services (including vocational rehabilitation).
- In-kind assistance (except food or shelter) provided under a nongovernmental program whose purpose is to provide medical care or medical services.
- Cash provided by any nongovernmental medical care or medical services program.
- Direct payment of the person’s medical insurance premiums by anyone on the person’s behalf.
- The value of any third-party payment for medical care or medical services furnished to a person.
- The value of advice, consultation, training or other services of a strictly social nature furnished to a person.
- Payments from the Department of Veterans Affairs resulting from unusual medical expenses.
- Cash provided under a health insurance policy (except cash to cover food or shelter) if the cash is either:
- repayment for program-approved services a person has already paid for; or
- a payment restricted to the future purchase of a program-approved service.
- Third-party resource (TPR) reimbursements to the person (for example, from medical insurers) for a given medical service that do not exceed the amount spent by the person for that same service.
A premium payment for supplementary medical insurance benefits (SMIB) under Title XVIII (Medicare), paid by a third party directly to the Social Security Administration, is not income.
Refunds to a recipient from the state’s Third-Party Recovery Unit are made if TPR payments (for example, from medical insurers) for a given medical service exceed the amount Medicaid paid for that same service. These refunds are income to the person upon receipt.
Examples of medical services include:
- Room and board (food and shelter), provided an individual is an inpatient in a medical treatment facility.
- Payment of bed-hold charges for a nursing facility (NF) resident who is temporarily discharged from the facility.
- In-kind medical items, such as prescription drugs, eyeglasses, and prosthetics and their maintenance. In-kind medical items also include devices intended to make the physical abilities of a person with disabilities equal to those of a person without disabilities, such as electric wheelchairs, modified scooters, specially equipped vehicles, or construction of a carport to a house to protect a specially equipped vehicle. Also included are specially trained animals, such as seeing eye dogs and their maintenance, such as dog food.
- Transportation to and from medical treatment.
E-1720 Social Services That Are Not Income
Revision 18-4; Effective December 1, 2018
A social service is any service, other than medical, that is intended to assist a person with a physical disability or social disadvantage to function in society on a level comparable to that of a person who does not have such a disability or disadvantage. No in-kind items are expressly identified as social services.
Social services. Social services are not income if they are any of the following:
- Assistance provided in cash or in kind (but not received in return for a service the person performs) under any federal, state or local government program whose purpose is to provide social services, including vocational rehabilitation (for example, cash from the Department of Veterans Affairs to purchase aid and attendance).
- In-kind assistance (except food or shelter) provided under a nongovernmental program whose purpose is to provide social services.
- Cash provided by a nongovernmental social services program (except cash to cover food or shelter) if the cash is either:
- repayment for program-approved services the person already has paid for; or
- a payment restricted to the future purchase of a program-approved service.
Examples of social service programs:
- Title XX of the Social Security Act provides services directed at the following goals: achieving and maintaining self-sufficiency; preventing and remedying abuse, neglect or exploitation; and preventing inappropriate institutionalization.
- Title IV-B of the Social Security Act, Child Welfare Services, provides for the protection and promotion of the welfare of children.
- Title V of the Social Security Act, Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children's Services.
- The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provides services to disabled persons, including vocational rehabilitation, expanding employment opportunities, and promoting self-sufficiency and independence.
Note: Wages and salaries from Title V of the Older Americans Act, such as Green Thumb and Senior Texan Employment Program (STEP), are countable earned income.
Examples of governmental programs that may provide medical and social services in combination are:
- state behavioral mental health programs and programs for individuals with developmental disabilities under the umbrella of services from HHSC; and
- state substance abuse programs.
Examples of nongovernmental organizations that provide medical and social services in combination are the:
- Salvation Army; and
- American Red Cross.
Examples of what is not a social service:
- Training for a specific job skill or trade (vocational training). Do not confuse vocational training with vocational rehabilitation.
- Governmental income maintenance programs, such as SSI, TANF, Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance and VA pension or compensation benefits.
Cash received in conjunction with medical or social services:
- Any cash provided by a governmental medical or social services program is not income. An example is cash payments from the Department of Family and Protective Services via the Relative and Other Designated Caregiver Program.
- Any cash from a nongovernmental medical or social services organization is not income if the cash is:
- for medical or social services already received by the individual and approved by the organization and does not exceed the value of those services; or
- a payment restricted to the future purchase of a medical or social service.
- Cash from any insurance policy that pays a flat rate benefit to the person without regard to the actual charges or expenses incurred is countable income. An exception to this is if the insurance policy is considered a long-term care insurance policy.
In-kind items received in conjunction with medical or social services:
- In-kind items that meet the definition of medical services are not income regardless of their source.
- Room and board provided during a medical confinement, such as in a medical treatment facility, is not income.
- In-kind items (including food or shelter) provided by a governmental medical or social services program are not income.
- In-kind items (other than food or shelter) provided by a nongovernmental medical or social services organization for medical or social service purposes are not income.
- Food or shelter or other in-kind income provided by a nongovernmental medical or social services organization is income unless excluded under some other section of this handbook (for example, food is provided while a patient is in a medical treatment facility and consequently is not income).
E-1730 Sale of a Resource is Not Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Receipts from the sale, exchange or replacement of a resource are not income, but are resources that have changed their form. This includes any cash or in-kind item that is provided to replace or repair a resource that has been lost, damaged or stolen.
Example: If a person sells an automobile, the money a person receives is not income; it is another form of a resource. If fair market value was received for the sale of the automobile, no transfer of assets occurred.
E-1740 Miscellaneous Things That May Not Be Income
Revision 22-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2022
Income tax refunds. Any amount refunded on income taxes the person has already paid, is not income. For co-payment purposes, any refunds of mandatory taxes on earned income are subject to restitution policy (in the month of receipt), to the extent that the withholding tax was excluded in the co-payment budget.
Payments by credit life or credit disability insurance. Payments made under a credit life or credit disability insurance policy on the person's behalf are not income.
Example: If a credit disability policy pays off the mortgage on the person's home after the person becomes disabled as result of an accident, neither the payment nor the increased equity value in the home is income.
Bills paid for the person. Payment of the person's bills by someone else directly to the supplier is not income. However, the value of anything a person receives as result of the payment is counted if it is in-kind income.
Receipt of certain noncash items. Except for shelter or food, any item a person receives and keeps that would be an excluded nonliquid resource, is not income.
Example: A community collects money to buy a specially equipped van, which is the person's only vehicle. The value of this gift is not income because the van does not provide the person food or shelter and will become an excluded nonliquid resource in the month following the month of receipt.
Replacement of income a person has already received. If income is lost, destroyed or stolen and a person receives a replacement, the replacement is not income.
Weatherization assistance. Weatherization assistance
Example: Money received specifically for insulation, storm doors, and storm windows is not income.
Related Policy
Other Terms, E-1210
Nonliquid Resources, F-4200
E-1750 Proceeds of a Loan
Revision 12-2; Effective June 1, 2012
Money a person borrows or money a person receives as repayment of a loan is not income. However, interest a person receives on money a person has lent is income. Buying on credit is treated as though a person were borrowing money and what a person purchases this way is not income.
A loan requires a bona fide agreement that is legally valid and made in good faith. For the borrower, the loan agreement itself is not a resource. The cash provided by the lender is not income, but is the borrower's resource if retained in the month following the month of receipt.
Proceeds (amount borrowed) of either a commercial loan or an informal loan for which repayment is required with or without interest are not counted as income in the month in which they are received. The proceeds are considered to be a resource in the following month(s). To claim exemption of the proceeds of a loan, a person must prove that he acknowledges an obligation to repay and that some plan for repayment exists. If these conditions can be verified, no written contract is required.
Note: Federal Educational Loans (Federal PLUS Loans, Perkins Loans, Stafford Loans, William D. Ford Loans, etc.) under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (HEA) are exempt from income and resources.
See Chapter F, Resources, and Chapter I, Transfer of Assets.
E-1760 Wage-Related Payments
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
See Section E-3110, Wages, for a definition of earned income from wages. Employers make various payments on behalf of their employees that are not earnings and are not available to meet food or shelter needs. If an employer pays an employee's share of Social Security (FICA) or unemployment compensation taxes without making a reduction in the employee's wages, the amount the employer pays is considered income.
The following payments by an employer are not income unless the funds for them are deducted from the employee's salary:
- Funds the employer uses to purchase qualified benefits under a cafeteria plan.
- Employer contributions to a health-insurance or retirement fund.
- The employer's share of FICA taxes or unemployment compensation taxes, in all cases.
- The employee's share of FICA taxes or unemployment compensation taxes paid by the employer on wages for domestic service in the private home of the employer or for agricultural labor only, to the extent that the employee does not reimburse the employer.
E-1770 Mandatory Payroll Deductions
Revision 16-2; Effective June 1, 2016
See Section E-3110, Wages, for a definition of earned income from wages. If an employer pays an employee's share of Social Security (FICA) or unemployment compensation taxes without making a reduction in the employee's wages, the amount the employer pays is considered income. The amount the employer pays is not considered income in the following two work situations:
- The employee is in domestic service in the employer's home.
- The employee does agricultural labor only.
When considering a person’s earned income, do not consider mandatory payroll deductions as income for the purpose of determining a co-payment. The mandatory payroll deductions are:
- income tax;
- Social Security tax;
- required retirement withholdings; and
- required uniform expenses.
E-1780 Cafeteria Plan
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A cafeteria plan is a written benefit plan offered by an employer in which:
- all participants are employees; and
- participants can choose, cafeteria-style, from a menu of two or more cash or qualified benefits.
A qualified benefit is a benefit the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not consider part of an employee's gross income. Qualified benefits include, but are not limited to:
- accident and health plans (including medical plans, vision plans, dental plans, accident and disability insurance);
- group term life insurance plans (up to $50,000);
- dependent care assistance plans; and
- certain profit-sharing or stock bonus plans under section 401(k)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code. IRS does not exclude from income salary reductions made under 401(k)(1) plans. Salary reductions to fund benefits under 401(k)(1) are counted as wages for eligibility and applied income purpose.
Cash is not a qualified benefit.
A salary-reduction agreement is an agreement between employer and employee whereby the employee, in exchange for the right to participate in a cafeteria plan, accepts a lower salary or foregoes a salary increase.
Most cafeteria plans are funded by salary-reduction agreements. However, employers may make contributions to fund basic benefit levels under a cafeteria plan without a salary-reduction agreement.
Salary reductions to purchase qualified benefits under a cafeteria plan are not part of the employee's wages and are not income for eligibility or co-payment purposes.
Payroll deductions may be used to purchase cafeteria-plan benefits in addition to or instead of cafeteria-plan benefits provided under a salary-reduction agreement or employer contribution. The amount of the individual's payroll deductions for cafeteria plan benefits is the employee's wages and is earned income.
Important: Pay slips that appear to show payroll deductions may actually show how funds from a salary-reduction agreement have been allotted among qualified benefits.
The following indicators on a pay slip may indicate an approved cafeteria plan: Flex, Choices, Sec. 125, or Cafe Plan.
E-2000, Exempt Income
Revision 20-3; Effective September 1, 2020
This section covers income that is exempt in both the eligibility and co-payment budgets.
Although it is necessary to look into the source and amount of all income, not all income is budgeted when determining eligibility and co-payment. Under federal requirements, some income is exempt from the eligibility budget and the budget to determine co-payment.
For the eligibility budget and co-payment budgets, if income meets certain criteria, document and verify if necessary, but do not include in the budget:
- exempt income in this section; and
- things that are not income (see E-1700), such as:
- medical care and services;
- certain social services;
- receipts from the sale of a resource;
- miscellaneous items, such as income tax refunds;
- proceeds of a loan;
- wage-related payments;
- mandatory payroll deductions; and
- cafeteria plans.
E-2100, Income Exempt Under Federal Laws
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Many federal statutes, in addition to the Social Security Act, provide exemptions for payments from certain sources. If the income in this section meets certain criteria, exempt the income from the eligibility budget and the budget to determine co-payment.
E-2110 Food
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Do not count in the eligibility budget or the budget to determine co-payment any receipts for the following:
- Value of SNAP food benefits (formerly known as food stamps) under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. §2017(b)).
- Value of federally donated foods distributed under Section 32 of Public Law 74-320 (49 Stat. 774) or Section 416 of the Agriculture Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 1058, 7 CFR 250.6(e)(9)).
- Value of free or reduced price food for women and children under the:
- Child Nutrition Act of 1966, Section 11(b) of Public Law 89-642 (80 Stat. 889, 42 U.S.C. 1780(b)) and Section 17 of that Act as added by Public Law 92-433 (86 Stat. 729, 42 U.S.C. 1786); and
- National School Lunch Act, Section 13(h)(3), as amended by Section 3 of Public Law 90-302 (82 Stat. 119, 42 U.S.C. 1761(h)(3)).
- Services, except for wages paid to residents who assist in providing congregate services such as meals and personal care, provided a resident of an eligible housing project under a congregate services program under Section 802 of the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act, Public Law 101-625 (104 Stat. 4313, 42 U.S.C. 8011).
E-2120 Housing and Utilities
Revision 12-2; Effective June 1, 2012
Do not count in the eligibility budget or the budget to determine co-payment any receipt for the following:
- Assistance to prevent fuel cut-offs and to promote energy efficiency under the Emergency Energy Conservation Services Program or the Energy Crisis Assistance Program, as authorized by Section 222(a)(5) of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, as amended by Section 5(d)(1) of Public Law No. 93-644 and Section 5(a)(2) of Public Law 95-568 (88 Stat. 2294, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2809(a)(5)).
- Home energy assistance payments or allowances under title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law 97-35, as amended (42 U.S.C. 8624(f)).
- Value of any assistance paid with respect to a dwelling unit under:
- the United States Housing Act of 1937;
- the National Housing Act;
- Section 101 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965;
- Title V of the Housing Act of 1949; or
- Section 202(h) of the Housing Act of 1959.
- Payments for relocating, made to persons displaced by federal or federally assisted programs that acquire real property, under Section 216 of Public Law 91-646, the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (84 Stat. 1902, 42 U.S.C. 4636).
E-2130 Education and Employment
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Do not count in the eligibility budget or the budget to determine co-payment any receipt for the following:
- Grants or loans to undergraduate students made or insured under programs administered by the Secretary of Education under section 507 of the Higher Education Amendments of 1968, Public Law 90-575 (82 Stat. 1063).
- Any wages, allowances or reimbursement for transportation and attendant care costs, unless exempted on a case-by-case basis, when received by an eligible person with a disability employed in a project under title VI of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as added by Title II of Public Law 95-602 (92 Stat. 2992, 29 U.S.C. 795(b)(c)).
- Student financial assistance for attendance costs received from a program funded in whole or in part under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, or under Bureau of Indian Affairs student assistance programs, if it is made available for tuition and fees normally assessed a student carrying the same academic workload, as determined by the institution, including costs for rental or purchase of any equipment, materials or supplies required of all students in the same course of study, and an allowance for books, supplies, transportation and miscellaneous personal expenses for a student attending the institution on at least a half-time basis, as determined by the institution, under Section 14(27) of Public Law 100-50, the Higher Education Technical Amendments Act of 1987 (20 U.S.C. 1087uu).
E-2140 Native Americans – Exempt Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
E-2141 Types of Payments Excluded Without Regard to Specific Tribes or Groups
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Do not count in the eligibility budget or the budget to determine co-payment any receipt for the following:
- Funds held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior for an Indian tribe and distributed per capita to a member of that tribe under Public Law 98-64 (97 Stat. 365, 25 U.S.C. 117b). Funds held by Alaska Native Regional and Village Corporations (ANRVC) are not held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior and therefore ANRVC dividend distributions are not excluded from countable income under this exclusion.
- Distributions received by an individual Alaska Native or descendant of an Alaska Native from an Alaska Native Regional and Village Corporation pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, as follows: cash, including cash dividends on stock received from a Native Corporation, to the extent that it does not, in the aggregate, exceed $2,000 per individual each year; stock, including stock issued or distributed by a Native Corporation as a dividend or distribution on stock; a partnership interest; land or an interest in land, including land or an interest in land received from a Native Corporation as a dividend or distribution on stock; and an interest in a settlement trust. This exclusion is pursuant to Section 15 of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Amendments of 1987, Public Law 100-241 (101 Stat. 1812, 43 U.S.C. 1626(c)), effective Feb. 3, 1988.
- Up to $2,000 per year received by Indians that is derived from individual interests in trust or restricted lands under Section 13736 of Public Law 103-66 (107 Stat. 663, 25 U.S.C. 1408, as amended).
- Indian judgment funds that are held in trust by the Secretary of the Interior or distributed per capita pursuant to a plan prepared by the Secretary of the Interior and not disapproved by a joint resolution of the Congress under Public Law 93-134, as amended by Section 4 of Public Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513, 25 U.S.C. 1408). Indian judgment funds include interest and investment income accrued while such funds are so held in trust. This treatment extends to initial purchases made with Indian judgment funds. This treatment does not apply to sales or conversions of initial purchases or to subsequent purchases.
E-2142 Payments to Members of Specific Indian Tribes and Groups
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Do not count in the eligibility budget or the budget to determine co-payment any receipt for the following:
- Per capita payments to members of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians from the proceeds of the sale of timber and lumber on the Red Lake Reservation under Section 3 of Public Law 85-794 (72 Stat. 958).
- Per capita distribution payments by the Blackfeet and Gros Ventre tribal governments to members which resulted from judgment funds to the tribes under Section 4 of Public Law 92-254 (86 Stat. 65) and under Section 6 of Public Law 97-408 (96 Stat. 2036).
- Settlement fund payments and the availability of such funds to members of the Hopi and Navajo Tribes under Section 22 of Public Law 93-531 (88 Stat. 1722), as amended by Public Law 96-305 (94 Stat. 929).
- Judgment funds distributed per capita to, or held in trust for, members of the Sac and Fox Indian Nation, and the availability of such funds under Section 6 of Public Law 94-189 (89 Stat. 1094).
- Judgment funds distributed per capita to, or held in trust for, members of the Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians, and the availability of such funds under Section 6 of Public Law 94-540 (90 Stat. 2504).
- Any judgment funds distributed per capita to members of the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakima Indian Nation or the Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation under Section 2 of Public Law 95-433 (92 Stat. 1047, 25 U.S.C. 609c-1).
- Any judgment funds distributed per capita or made available for programs for members of the Delaware Tribe of Indians and the absentee Delaware Tribe of Western Oklahoma under Section 8 of Public Law 96-318 (94 Stat. 971).
- All funds and distributions to members of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, the Penobscot Nation and the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians under the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act, and the availability of such funds under Section 9 of Public Law 96-420 (94 Stat. 1795, 25 U.S.C. 1728(c)).
- Any distributions of judgment funds to members of the San Carlos Apache Indian Tribe of Arizona under Section 7 of Public Law 93-134 (87 Stat. 468) and Public Law 97-95 (95 Stat. 1206).
- Any distribution of judgment funds to members of the Wyandot Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma under Section 6 of Public Law 97-371 (96 Stat. 1814).
- Distributions of judgment funds to members of the Shawnee Tribe of Indians (Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma and the Cherokee Band of Shawnee descendants) under Section 7 of Public Law 97-372 (96 Stat. 1816).
- Judgment funds distributed per capita or made available for programs for members of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and the Miami Indians of Indiana under Section 7 of Public Law 97-376 (96 Stat. 1829).
- Distributions of judgment funds to members of the Clallam Tribe of Indians of the State of Washington (Port Gamble Indian Community, Lower Elwha Tribal Community and the Jamestown Band of Clallam Indians) under Section 6 of Public Law 97-402 (96 Stat. 2021).
- Judgment funds distributed per capita or made available for programs for members of the Pembina Chippewa Indians (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, Chippewa Cree Tribe of Rocky Boy's Reservation, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Little Shell Band of the Chippewa Indians of Montana and the nonmember Pembina descendants) under Section 9 of Public Law 97-403 (96 Stat. 2025).
- Per capita distributions of judgment funds to members of the Assiniboine Tribe of Fort Belknap Indian Community and the Papago Tribe of Arizona under Sections 6 and 8(d) of Public Law 97-408 (96 Stat. 2036, 2038).
- Up to $2,000 of per capita distributions of judgment funds to members of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation under Section 4 of Public Law 97-436 (96 Stat. 2284).
- Judgment funds distributed to the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians under Section 3 of Public Law 98-123 (97 Stat. 816).
- Funds distributed per capita or family interest payments for members of the Assiniboine Tribe of Fort Belknap Indian Community of Montana and the Assiniboine Tribe of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation of Montana under Section 5 of Public Law 98-124 (97 Stat. 818).
- Distributions of judgment funds and income derived therefrom to members of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe under Section 5 of Public Law 98-432 (98 Stat. 1672).
- All distributions to heirs of certain deceased Indians under Section 8 of the Old Age Assistance Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 98-500 (98 Stat. 2319).
- Judgment funds distributed per capita or made available for any tribal program for members of the Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma and the Absentee Wyandottes under Section 106 of Public Law 98-602 (98 Stat. 3151).
- Per capita and dividend payment distributions of judgment funds to members of the Santee Sioux Tribe of Nebraska, the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe, the Prairie Island Sioux, Lower Sioux and Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Communities of Minnesota under Section 8 of Public Law 99-130 (99 Stat. 552) and Section 7 of Public Law 93-134 (87 Stat. 468), as amended by Public Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513; 25 U.S.C. 1407).
- Funds distributed per capita or held in trust for members of the Chippewas of Lake Superior and the Chippewas of the Mississippi under Section 6 of Public Law 99-146 (99 Stat. 782).
- Distributions of claims settlement funds to members of the White Earth Band of Chippewa Indians as allottees, or their heirs, under Section 16 of Public Law 99-264 (100 Stat. 70).
- Payments or distributions of judgment funds, and the availability of any amount for such payments or distributions, to members of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan under Section 6 of Public Law 99-346 (100 Stat. 677).
- Judgment funds distributed per capita or held in trust for members of the Chippewas of Lake Superior and the Chippewas of the Mississippi under Section 4 of Public Law 99-377 (100 Stat. 805).
- Judgment funds distributed to members of the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians under Section 4 of Public Law 100-139 (101 Stat. 822).
- Per capita payments of claims settlement funds to members of the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana under Section 2 of Public Law 100-411 (102 Stat. 1097) and Section 7 of Public Law 93-134 (87 Stat. 468), as amended by Public Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513; 25 U.S.C. 1407).
- Funds distributed per capita for members of the Hoopa Valley Indian Tribe and the Yurok Indian Tribe under Sections 4, 6 and 7 of Public Law 100-580 (102 Stat. 2929, 2930, 2931) and Section 3 of Public Law 98-64 (97 Stat. 365; 25 U.S.C. 117b).
- Judgment funds held in trust by the United States, including interest and investment income accruing on such funds, and judgment funds made available for programs or distributed to members of the Wisconsin Band of Potawatomi (Hannahville Indian Community and Forest County Potawatomi) under Section 503 of Public Law 100-581 (102 Stat. 2945).
- All funds, assets and income from the trust fund transferred to the members of the Puyallup Tribe under Section 10 of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians Settlement Act of 1989, Public Law 101-41 (103 Stat. 88, 25 U.S.C. 1773h(c)).
- Judgment funds distributed per capita, or held in trust, or made available for programs, for members of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, the Seminole Tribe of Florida, the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida and the independent Seminole Indians of Florida under Section 8 of Public Law 101-277 (104 Stat. 145).
- Payments, funds, distributions or income derived from them to members of the Seneca Nation of New York under Section 8(b) of the Seneca Nation Settlement Act of 1990, Public Law 101-503 (104 Stat. 1297, 25 U.S.C. 1774f).
- Per capita distributions of settlement funds under Section 102 of the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Indian Tribes Water Rights Settlement Act of 1990, Public Law 101-618 (104 Stat. 3289) and Section 7 of Public Law 93-134 (87 Stat. 468), as amended by Public Law 97-458 (96 Stat. 2513; 25 U.S.C. 1407).
- Settlement funds, assets, income, payments or distributions from Trust Funds to members of the Catawba Indian Tribe of South Carolina under Section 11(m) of Public Law 103-116 (107 Stat. 1133).
- Settlement funds held in trust (including interest and investment income accruing on such funds) for, and payments made to, members of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation under Section 7(b) of Public Law 103-436 (108 Stat. 4579).
- Judgment funds distributed under Section 111 of the Michigan Indian Land Claims Settlement Act (Public Law 105-143, 111 Stat. 2665).
- Judgment funds distributed under Section 4 of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe Distribution of Judgment Funds Act (Public Law 108-222, 118 Stat. 624).
E-2143 Receipts from Lands Held in Trust for Certain Tribes or Groups
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Do not count in the eligibility budget or the budget to determine co-payment any receipt for the following:
- Receipts from land held in trust by the federal government and distributed to members of certain Indian tribes under Section 6 of Public Law 94-114 (89 Stat. 579, 25 U.S.C. 459e).
- Receipts derived from trust lands awarded to the Pueblo of Santa Ana and distributed to members of that tribe under Section 6 of Public Law 95-498 (92 Stat. 1677).
- Receipts derived from trust lands awarded to the Pueblo of Zia of New Mexico and distributed to members of that tribe under Section 6 of Public Law 95-499 (92 Stat. 1680).
E-2150 Other – Exempt Income
Revision 16-3; Effective September 1, 2016
Do not count in the eligibility budget or the budget to determine co-payment any receipt for the following:
- Compensation provided to volunteers by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), unless determined by the CNCS to constitute the minimum wage in effect under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) or applicable state law, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 5044(f)(1). The Corporation merged ACTION and the Commission on National and Community Service and manages three main programs:
- Senior Corps incorporated the Foster Grandparents, Retired and Senior Volunteer and Senior Companion Programs;
- AmeriCorps incorporated the VISTA, National Civilian Community Corps programs and the full-time demonstration program established under the 1990 Act; and
- Learn and Serve America, formerly known as Serve America.
- Any assistance to an individual (other than wages or salaries) under the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended by Section 102(h)(1) of Public Law 95-478 (92 Stat. 1515, 42 U.S.C. 3020a).
- Amounts paid as restitution to certain individuals of Japanese ancestry and Aleuts for losses suffered as a result of evacuation, relocation and internment during World War II, under the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 and the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands Restitution Act, Sections 105(f) and 206(d) of Public Law 100-383 (50 U.S.C. App. 1989 b and c).
- Payments made on or after Jan. 1, 1989, from the Agent Orange Settlement Fund or any other fund established pursuant to the settlement in the In Re Agent Orange product liability litigation, M.D.L. No. 381 (E.D.N.Y.) under Public Law 101-201 (103 Stat. 1795) and Section 10405 of Public Law 101-239 (103 Stat. 2489).
- Payments made under Section 6 of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, Public Law 101-426 (104 Stat. 925, 42 U.S.C. 2210).
- The value of any child care provided or arranged (or any payment for such care or reimbursement for costs incurred for such care) under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act, as amended by Section 8(b) of Public Law 102-586 (106 Stat. 5035).
- Payments made to individuals because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution excluded pursuant to Section 1(a) of the Victims of Nazi Persecution Act of 1994, Public Law 103-286 (108 Stat. 1450). This provision supersedes previous provisions for the exclusion of certain payments made by the governments of Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, insofar as they are made to victims of Nazi persecution. Payments from:
- Germany are identified with the acronym ZRBG;
- the Netherlands are identified with the acronym WUV; and
- Austria are identified as DIE BEGUENSTIGUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN FUER GESCHAEDIGTE AUS POLITISCHEN ODER RELIGIOESEN GRUENDEN ODER AUS GRUENDEN DER ABSTAMMUNG WURDEN ANGEWENDET (§500FF ASVG), which translates to “The regulations which give preferential treatment for persons who suffered because of political or religious reasons or reasons of origin were applied (§500ff ASVG).”
- Any matching funds from a demonstration project authorized by the Community Opportunities, Accountability, and Training and Educational Services Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-285) and any interest earned on these matching funds in an Individual Development Account, pursuant to Section 415 of Public Law 105-285 (112 Stat. 2771).
- Any earnings, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families matching funds and interest in an Individual Development Account, pursuant to Section 103 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193, 42 U.S.C. 604(h)(4)).
- Payments made to individuals who were captured and interned by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam as a result of participation in certain military operations, pursuant to Section 606 of the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 1996 (Public Law 105-78).
- Payments made to certain Vietnam veterans' children with spina bifida, pursuant to Section 421 of the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act of 1997 (Public Law 104-204, 38 U.S.C. 1805(a)).
- Payments made to the children of women Vietnam veterans who suffer from certain birth defects, pursuant to Section 401 of the Veterans Benefits and Health Care Improvement Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-419 (38 U.S.C. 1833(c)).
E-2200, Earned Income Exemptions
E-2210 Federal Tax Refunds and Earned Income Tax Credits
Revision 22-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2022
Federal tax refund, child tax credit (CTC), and earned income tax credit (EIC) payments are exempt from resources for a period of 12 months after receipt.
An EIC is a special tax credit that reduces the federal tax liability of certain low-income working taxpayers. This tax credit may or may not result in a payment to the taxpayer. EIC payments are allowed as an advance from an employer or as a refund from the Internal Revenue Service.
The CTC is a special refundable federal tax credit that is available to certain low-income taxpayers with earned income. They must be parents, step-parents, grandparents or foster parents with a dependent child. This child tax credit may provide a refund to people even if they do not owe any tax.
Relationship of income to resources. An unspent tax refund, EIC, or CTC payment is not counted as income or resources for the month it is received and for the 12 months following the month of receipt. After the 12-month period, count any remaining funds from the tax refund, EIC, or CTC payment as a resource.
Example: A person receives the payment in May. The payment is excluded as income and resources in May. Any remaining funds from the payment counts as a resource as of the first day of May of the following year.
Related Policy
Miscellaneous Things That May Not Be Income, E-1740
Certain Federal Income Tax Refunds, E-3160
Exclusions from Resources Provided by Other Statutes, F-2260
E-2220 Student Earnings
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A person who is under age 22 and regularly attending school is considered a student. A student's income is exempt from the eligibility budget and the budget to determine co-payment, up to the monthly limit but not more than the calendar year annual limit.
This exemption may apply to an eligible or ineligible:
- person;
- child;
- spouse; or
- parent.
Apply the exemption:
- consecutively to months in which there is earned income until the maximum yearly limit is exhausted or the person is no longer a student under age 22; and
- only to a student’s own earned income.
The limits are set by the Social Security Administration for the SSI program and published annually in the Federal Register. The monthly and yearly limits are calculated annually based on increases in the cost of living index. Under this calculation, these amounts will never be lower than the previous year's amounts. However, there may be years when no increases result from the calculation.
See "Special Income Exemption for Student" in Appendix XXXI, Budget Reference Chart, for the monthly and yearly amount limits for the exemption.
E-2300, Unearned Income Exemptions
E-2310 Refunds of Taxes Paid on Real Property or Food
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Exempt from the eligibility budget and the budget to determine co-payment any amount received from any public agency as a return or refund of taxes paid on real property or on food purchased.
E-2320 Assistance Based on Need
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Exempt from the eligibility budget assistance based on need that is wholly funded by a state or one of its political subdivisions, including a recognized Indian tribe. Assistance is based on need if it is provided under a program that uses the amount of income as one factor to determine eligibility. The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program is an example.
E-2330 Educational Assistance
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If not totally exempt under policy in Section E-2130, Education and Employment, exempt from the eligibility budget and the budget to determine co-payment any portion of a grant, scholarship, fellowship or gift used for paying tuition, fees or other necessary educational expenses at any educational institution, including vocational or technical education. Any portion of such educational assistance that is not used to pay current tuition, fees or other necessary educational expenses, but will be used for paying this type of educational expense at a future date is excluded from income in the month of receipt. This exclusion does not apply to any portion set aside or actually used for food or shelter.
E-2340 Home Produce for Personal Consumption
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Exempt from the eligibility budget and the budget to determine co-payment the value of food that a person and household raise, if it is consumed by the household.
E-2350 Child Support Payments
Revision 13-2; Effective June 1, 2013
Exempt from the eligibility budget one-third of the total amount of child support payments for an eligible child.
- If a recipient receives child support as fiduciary agent for a child, this is income to the child and not to the recipient, except to the extent that the recipient uses the monies for his/her own needs.
- The eligibility specialist must document how the child support monies are used.
See Section E-3321, Child Support Payments
E-2360 Payment Treated Like Other Exemptions
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
Treat the following payments based on policy in Section E-2320, Assistance Based on Need, or do not consider payments as income based on policy in Section E-1700, Things That Are Not Income:
- Alaska longevity bonus
- Foster care payments
- Low income energy assistance
- Home energy assistance
- Federal housing assistance
- Disaster assistance
Consider a utility allowance given under any of these to be income, unless the allowance is paid directly to the utility company and the client has no access to the allowance. Utility benefits under Section E-2120, Housing and Utilities, are exempt.
When considering disaster assistance, payments precipitated by an emergency or major disaster are not counted as income or resources when determining Medicaid eligibility.
- A major disaster is any natural catastrophe such as a hurricane or drought, or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood or explosion, which the President determines causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude.
- An emergency is any occasion or instance for which the President determines that federal assistance is needed to supplant state and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe.
- Disaster Unemployment Assistance is emergency assistance authorized under P.L. 100-107 and received by individuals who are unemployed as a result of a major disaster. Individuals receiving Disaster Unemployment Assistance are not eligible for other unemployment compensation and cannot receive both at the same time.
If precipitated by an emergency or a major disaster, do not consider the following as income:
- Payments received under the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-288, Section 312(d)), as amended by the Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Amendments of 1988 (P.L. 100-707, Section 105(i)) and disaster assistance comparable to these payments provided by states, local governments and disaster assistance organizations.
- Payments from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Individual and Family Grant Assistance program (IFG), grants or loans by the Small Business Administration (SBA), voluntary disaster assistance organizations, such as the Red Cross, or private insurance payments for losses due to a major disaster such as flood, wind, land movement.
- Each payment made to farmers under the Disaster Assistance Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-387) for crop losses or failure in a disaster.
- Income received from public and private organizations by individuals working in disaster relief efforts and funded under a National Emergency Grant by WIA, Title 1 (P.L. 105-220).
- Disaster Unemployment Assistance.
- Payments for flood mitigation received by a homeowner under the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended by P.L. 109-64.
- Government payments designated for the restoration of a home damaged in a disaster.
For treatment of resources from disaster assistance, see Section F-2270, Exclusions from Resources Related to Disaster Payments.
E-2370 Certain Gifts
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Treat the following gifts based on policy in Section E-2320, Assistance Based on Need, or do not consider the payments as income based on policy in Section E-1700, Things That Are Not Income.
E-2371 Certain Gifts
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Gifts from tax-exempt organizations, such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation, to children with life-threatening conditions, as required by Public Law 105-306, effective retroactively to Oct. 28, 1996, are exempt. The exclusions apply to children under age 18. The gift must be from an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and that is exempt from taxation under Section 501(c). Document the case record with an oral or written statement from the organization that the gift was made based on the child having a life-threatening condition. No additional medical development is necessary.
The following gifts to or for the benefit of a child described above are excluded from income:
- Any in-kind gift not converted to cash.
- A cash gift to the extent that the cash excluded under this provision does not exceed $2,000 in any calendar year. Cash in excess of $2,000 received in a calendar year is subject to regular income counting rules.
If an in-kind gift is converted to cash, the cash counts as income in the month converted. For purposes of this exclusion, an in-kind gift is any gift other than cash, including gifts of food or shelter.
The exclusion also applies to a deeming situation if the gift is made to a parent for the benefit of a child with a life-threatening condition.
E-2372 Ticket for Travel
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Do not count the value of any commercial transportation ticket that is received as a gift and is not converted to cash. See Section E-3371, Gifts of Domestic Commercial Transportation Tickets.
E-2380 Relocation Assistance
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Relocation assistance provided under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act of 1970 (Subchapter II, Chapter 61, Title 42 of the U.S. Code) is excluded from income.
Relocation assistance provided by a state or local government that is comparable to assistance provided under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 that is subject to the treatment required by Section 216 of that Act. State or local relocation assistance payments are excluded from countable resources for nine months after the month of receipt.
E-2390 Crime Victims Compensation
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Do not count in the eligibility budget or the budget to determine co-payment any payment received from a fund established by a state to aid victims of crime. Unspent payments received from a fund established by a state to aid victims of crime are excluded from resources for nine months. A person is not required to apply for benefits from a crime victims’ compensation fund.
E-2400, Other Income Exemptions
E-2410 Hazardous Duty Pay
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Do not count hazardous duty pay of a spouse or parent absent from the home because of active military service.
Do not count in the eligibility budget or the budget to determine co-payment any receipt of unearned income for the hostile fire pay or imminent danger pay portion of military income, commonly known as combat pay.
Any unspent hostile fire pay or imminent danger pay becomes a resource if retained into the following month and not otherwise excluded.
In a deeming situation, exclude from deemed resources for the nine-month period following the month of receipt the unspent portion of any retroactive payment of:
- hostile fire and imminent danger pay (pursuant to 37 U.S.C. 310) received by the ineligible spouse or parent from one of the uniformed services; and
- family separation allowance (pursuant to 37 U.S.C. 427) received by the ineligible spouse or parent from one of the uniformed services as a result of deployment to or while serving in a combat zone.
E-2420 Excluded Burial Fund Interest
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Do not count in the eligibility budget or the budget to determine co-payment interest earned on excluded burial funds and any appreciation in the value of an excluded burial arrangement that is left to accumulate and become a part of a separately identifiable burial fund. If the burial funds increase by more than $1,500 because of contributions by client actions, the amount in excess of $1,500 is a countable resource.
E-2430 Certain Designated Accounts
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Public Law 104-193, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, requires the representative payees of SSI recipients under age 18 to establish designated accounts when there are retroactive payments for more than six months payable to the recipients. These designated accounts, including accrued interest or other earnings produced by the accounts, are excluded from countable resources. This exclusion was effective Aug. 22, 1996.
Do not count in the eligibility budget or the budget to determine co-payment interest or other earnings on any designated account established for SSI recipients under age 18 for retroactive benefits, as required by Public Law 104-193, effective Aug. 22, 1996.
E-2440 Certain Health-Related Payments
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
The following payments, regardless of when received, are not counted as income and are excluded from resources:
- Payments from the Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund.
- Payments made from any fund established pursuant to a class settlement in the case of Susan Walker v. Bayer Corporation, as required by Public Law 105-33, effective Aug. 5, 1997.
- Payments from the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Act (EEOICA) (Public Law 106-398, October 2000) for medical benefits and compensation.
E-3000, Earned and Unearned Income
E-3100, Types of Earned Income
Revision 13-2; Effective June 1, 2013
Earned income may be in cash or in-kind. Payment of earned income may be:
- wages,
- net earnings from self-employment,
- farm income,
- payments for services performed in a sheltered workshop or work activities center,
- certain royalties and honoraria, or
- certain refunds of federal income taxes and advance payments by employers made in accordance with the earned income credit provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.
To budget variable earned income:
- determine an average pay amount,
- convert income to a monthly amount, and
- project income for future months if anticipated to continue.
Converting Monthly Income
The eligibility system will convert income that is received other than monthly to a monthly amount by using the following conversion process below:
- Divide yearly income by 12.
- Multiply weekly income by 4.33.
- Add amounts received twice a month (semi-monthly).
- Multiply amounts received every other week by 2.17 (bi-weekly).
Weekly earnings are converted to monthly amounts by multiplying weekly earnings by 4.33. For example, if weekly earnings are $150, the calculation is: $150 weekly earnings X 4.33 = $649.50 monthly earnings.
Bi-weekly earnings are converted to a monthly amount by averaging the bi-weekly earnings, then multiplying the average bi-weekly earnings by 2.17. For example, if average bi-weekly earnings are $300, the calculation is: $300 average bi-weekly earnings X 2.17 = $651 monthly earnings.
When projecting earned income, if there is verification of the actual amount of earnings received during an entire calendar month, use the actual amount received instead of the above procedures for converting weekly and bi-weekly earnings to a monthly amount. For example, the client earns $150 each week. During July, he received the following payments: $150 on July 1, $150 on July 8, $150 on July 15, $150 on July 22, and $150 on July 29. The amount budgeted is the actual income received in July ($750), not $649.50 ($150 weekly earnings X 4.33 = $649.50). $649.50 would be used as the projected income for following months beginning in August.
Note: When income is new or terminated and only a partial month's income is received in the start or terminated month, do not convert the income. Use actual, unconverted income.
E-3110 Wages
Revision 10-2; Effective June 1, 2010
Wages are what a person receives (before any deductions) for working as someone else's employee.
Wages include salaries, commissions, bonuses, severance pay and any other special payments received because of employment. They may also include the value of food, clothing or shelter, or other items provided instead of cash, referred to as in-kind earned income.
If a person is a domestic or agricultural worker, the law requires the value of food, clothing or shelter, or other items provided instead of cash, be treated as in-kind unearned income.
Note: If a person receives wages from an S Corporation and is also a shareholder of the S Corporation, consult the regional attorney.
Wages or Self-Employment
Under certain conditions, services performed as an employee may be considered self-employment rather than wages. Typically, services provided by ministers, real estate agents or newspaper vendors are considered self-employment rather than wages. Statutory employees are independent contractors and are treated as self-employed individuals. There are four categories of statutory employees:
- agent drivers or commission drivers;
- certain full-time life insurance salespeople;
- full-time traveling or city salespeople; and
- home workers.
Kinds of Wages
Some, but not all, forms of wages are:
Salaries — Payments (fixed or hourly rate) received for work performed for an employer.
Commissions — Fees paid to an employee for performing a service (for example, a percentage of sales). Commissions are wages when paid if the payment stems from an employer-employee relationship. The wages of a salesperson paid on a straight commission basis are the gross commissions paid minus any amounts paid specifically as advances or reimbursements for travel or business expenses incurred in the employer's business. Advances against commissions to be earned in the future are wages when paid.
Bonuses — Amounts paid by employers as extra pay for past employment (for example, for outstanding work, length of service, holidays, etc.) as part of the employment relationship.
Severance Pay — Payment made by an employer to an employee whose employment is terminated independently of his wishes or payment is made due to voluntary early retirement and normally considered earned wages. When an employee's severance pay is budgeted, contact state office for special treatment of some severance pay.
Military Basic Pay — The service member's wage, which is based solely on the member's pay grade and length of service. When military personnel wages are budgeted, contact state office for special treatment of the service member's compensation.
Special Payments Received Because of Employment —Items such as vacation pay, advanced/deferred wages, etc. Payments are not wages after the first six months. Any payments, or portion thereof, received by an employee during the first six months period, which according to the employer, are attributable to the employee's own contributions to the plan are not wages. Such payments are a return on the employee's premium rather than pay for service.
Note: Workers' compensation payments are not wages.
- Section E-1300, Types of Income
- Section E-1700, Things That Are Not Income
- Section E-1760, Wage-Related Payments
- Section E-1770, Mandatory Payroll Deductions
- Section E-1780, Cafeteria Plan
- Section E-3120, Self-Employment
E-3120 Self-Employment
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
Net earnings from self-employment are the gross income from any trade or business that a person operates, less allowable deductions for that trade or business. Net earnings also include a person's share of profit or loss in any partnership to which a person belongs. These are the same net earnings that a person would report on a federal income tax return.
If a person is both employed and self-employed, his earned income consists of his wages plus net earnings from self-employment. Typically, services provided by ministers, real estate agents or newspaper vendors are considered self-employment rather than wages. Statutory employees are independent contractors and are treated as self-employed individuals. There are four categories of statutory employees:
- agent drivers or commission drivers;
- certain full-time life insurance salespeople;
- full-time traveling or city salespeople; and
- home workers.
See Section E-6000, Self-Employment Income, for more details on treatment of this type of earned income.
E-3130 Farm Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Farm income is earned income when either the person or spouse is doing the farming or operating the farm as a business. See Section E-6000, Self-Employment Income, for more details on treatment of this type of earned income.
E-3140 Certain Payments in a Sheltered Workshop
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Payments for services performed in a sheltered workshop or work activities center are what a person receives for participating in a program designed to help a person become self-supporting, even though payment does not meet the definition of wages.
E-3150 Certain Royalties and Honoraria
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Royalties that are earned income are payments to a person in connection with any publication of the person's work. Honoraria that are earned income are those portions of payments, such as an honorary payment, reward or donation, received in consideration of services rendered for which no payment can be enforced by law.
If a person receives a royalty as part of a trade or business, see Section E-3120, Self-Employment. See Section E-6000, Self-Employment Income, for more details on treatment of this type of earned income.
If a person receives another type of royalty or honorarium, investigate unearned income policy.
E-3160 Certain Federal Income Tax Refunds
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Refunds on account of earned income credits are payments made to a person under the provisions of Section 43 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. These refunds may be greater than taxes a person has paid. A person may receive earned income tax credit payments along with any other federal income tax refund a person receives because of overpayment of the person's income tax. Advance payments of earned income tax credits are made by the employer under the provisions of Section 3507 of the same code. A person can receive earned income tax credit payments only if a person meets certain requirements of family composition and income limits.
Federal income tax refunds made on the basis of taxes a person has already paid are not income to a person, as stated in Section E-1740, Miscellaneous Things That May Not Be Income.
E-3170 Census Bureau Wages
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
The census is a count of everyone living in the United States and is mandated by the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Census Bureau conducts the census every 10 years.
Wages paid by the Census Bureau for temporary employment related to census activities are excluded income for the Medicare Savings Programs (MSP). Do not include these wages in the eligibility budget for MSP.
These wages for temporary employment are not countable income in the month of receipt, but are considered a resource thereafter.
Wages paid by the Census Bureau for temporary employment related to census activities are included in eligibility or co-payment budgets for any other Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) program that is not an MSP.
For cases with a combination of regular Medicaid benefits and an MSP, the wages are countable in the eligibility budget (and co-payment, if applicable) for the regular Medicaid program, but are excluded in the eligibility budget for MSP.
Example: Individual is being considered for Pickle with Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) benefits. The wages paid by the Census Bureau for temporary employment related to census activities are included in the eligibility budget for Pickle, but are excluded in the eligibility budget for QMB.
E-3200, Types of Unearned Income
Revision 16-2; Effective June 1, 2016
Unearned income is any income that is not earned. Unearned income may be in cash or in-kind. Unearned income includes these types of income:
- In-kind
- Fixed
- Other
Income tax refunds are subject to restitution policy (in the month of receipt) for co-payment purposes, to the extent that withholding tax was not included in the co-payment budget.
To determine the amount of unearned income, consider the amount actually available to the person. Reduce the gross amount by any ordinary or necessary expenses incurred in receiving the unearned income. For example, compensation for damages incurred in an accident would be the settlement amount less any legal, medical or other expenses. Medicare premiums, other health insurance premiums and income tax withheld from unearned income are not deductible expenses for eligibility determination. Income tax withheld from unearned income is also not a deductible expense for the co-payment calculation.
E-3300, Sources of Unearned Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
This section includes sources of unearned income.
E-3310 Annuities, Pensions and Other Periodic Payments
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
This unearned income is usually related to prior work or service. It includes, for example, private pensions, Social Security benefits, disability benefits, veterans' benefits, workers' compensation, railroad retirement annuities and unemployment insurance benefits. Payments from these sources are usually stable and fixed. See Section E-4000, Fixed Income.
E-3311 Medicaid Qualifying Trust Payments
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A Medicaid-qualifying trust is one that the person, his spouse, guardian or anyone holding his power of attorney establishes using the person's money, and the person is the beneficiary.
Amounts distributed from the trust to the person or used for the person's health, personal or other maintenance needs are countable income.
For example, if terms of the trust direct the trustee to pay a health care provider for medical services, the person is receiving the benefit of payment although no money is paid directly to him, and the amount is countable income.
E-3312 Testamentary and Inter Vivos Trusts Payments
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Resources in a testamentary or inter vivos trust are countable if the person is the trustee and has the legal right to revoke the trust and use the money for his own benefit. If he does not have access to the trust, the trust is not counted as a resource. If a trust is not counted as a resource, payments or disbursements from the trust made to or on behalf of the person are considered income. Payments or disbursements used to purchase medical or social services for the person are not considered income to the person.
E-3313 Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Payments from the corpus or income generated by the corpus, to or for the benefit of the person, excluding payments for medical/social services, are income.
Payments from the corpus or income generated by the corpus for any other purpose are a transfer of assets.
E-3314 Exception, Special Needs and Pooled Trust
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Any distribution to or for the benefit of the person from corpus or income generated by the trust, except payments for medical and social services, is countable income. A payment to or for the benefit of the person is counted under trust provisions only if such payment is ordinarily counted as income.
E-3315 Qualified Income Trust (QIT)
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
Income directed to the trust is disregarded from countable income when testing eligibility for institutional settings.
Any source of non-exempt/non-excludable income which is not directed to the QIT account during the calendar month of receipt is countable income for that month.
If countable income exceeds the special income limit, the person is income-ineligible for the month. Applicants may not be certified for any calendar month(s) in which they are income-ineligible. For active persons, restitution is requested in the amount of the vendor payment for any calendar month(s) in which they are income-ineligible.
- When a person does not pay a full month's co-payment because of hospitalization or because Medicare covered 100 percent of the cost of a partial month, the accumulated funds in the QIT trust are not a countable resource, and transfer of assets is not involved.
- A person receiving Home and Community-Based Services waiver services with a QIT covering all waiver costs is not denied. Most waiver programs are based on a waiver for the institutional program. In a waiver program, the applicant with a QIT is receiving the benefit of the contracted rates as opposed to the private rates.
- The applicant entered the nursing facility and applied for Medicaid in July. Income totals $4,600. The QIT calls for all income to be directed to the trust account. However, the trustee did not deposit the July income checks to the trust account until Aug. 2. The entire $4,600 is countable income for July, and the applicant is ineligible for that month.
- The person was certified for Medicaid in September. The QIT calls for all income (totaling $4,600) to be directed to the trust account. During the redetermination in August, the eligibility specialist learns that income checks for June were not deposited to the trust account until July. Because the person was ineligible for June, the eligibility specialist requests restitution for that month in the amount of the co-payment.
E-3320 Alimony and Support Payments
Revision 16-4; Effective December 1, 2016
Alimony and spousal support payments are cash or in-kind contributions to meet some or all of an individual's needs for food or shelter. Alimony (sometimes called maintenance) is an allowance made by a court from the funds of one spouse to the other spouse in connection with a suit for separation or divorce. Support payments may be made voluntarily or because of a court order.
Alimony and spousal support payments are unearned income to the individual receiving the payments. Verify the amount and frequency of alimony or spousal support payments.
For verification, use one of the following sources:
- court records;
- records of the agency through which the payments are made;
- official documents in the individual's possession (e.g., legal documents) that establish the amount and frequency of the support; or
- report of contact with the source of the payment containing the amount and frequency of the alimony or spousal support.
If none of the above sources are available, obtain an individual's sworn affidavit that explains why one of the sources above is not available (for example, the documentation does not exist, the court or agency will not release the information, or the source refused to cooperate). See E-1410, Division of Marital Income and Property.
If the alimony is not received in cash, determine its current fair market value.
To determine countable income, deduct any expenses that may have been incurred in obtaining the income, such as legal fees and court costs.
Determine whether the alimony is to be treated as a lump-sum payment, infrequent or irregular income, or regular and predictable income.
E-3321 Child Support Payments
Revision 13-2; Effective June 1, 2013
Consider payments as child support if:
- a court ordered the support, or
- the child's parent or the person making the payment states the purpose of the payment is to support the child.
Consider cash gifts or donations as cash contributions, not child support. A cash gift or donation is money that only benefits the child for a specific purpose, such as a birthday present, or to purchase clothes, toys or personal items.
Child support collected through the Office of Attorney General (OAG) may be distributed through warrants, direct deposits or the Texas Debit Card. A person also may receive payments through another state's Office of Attorney General. Several other states use debit accounts for the distribution of child support payments.
When child meets definition in D-1210, Definition of a Child:
- Child support payments (including arrearage payments) made on behalf of the child are unearned income to the child when the payment is made available to the child. One-third of the amount of a child support payment made to or for an eligible child by an absent parent is excluded. (See E-2350, Child Support Payments, for more information.)
When child does not meet definition in D-1210:
- Child support payments (excluding arrearages) made on behalf of the child are income to the child whether or not the child lives with the parent or receives any of the child support payment from the parent. Such support payments are not subject to the one-third reduction.
- Child support arrearage payments the parent receives and does not give to the adult child are income to the parent. Any amount of the payment the parent gives to the adult child is income to the adult child in the month given, not income to the parent. The one-third child support exclusion does not apply.
If a recipient receives child support for a child (including an adult child) but uses the money for the recipient's personal or household needs instead of the child's, count it as unearned income to the recipient. Do not count the amount actually used for or provided to the child as income to the recipient.
The eligibility specialist must document how the child support monies are used.
If a single payment covers two or more children (including at least one who is not an applicant/recipient) and the support order does not specify a portion for each child, prorate the payment among all of the children. When two or more children receive child support from the same father and one is an eligible child, the payment is always prorated.
E-3330 Dividends, Interest and Royalties
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Dividends and interest are returns on capital investments, such as stocks, bonds or savings accounts.
Royalties include compensation paid to the owner for the use of property, usually copyrighted material such as books, music or art, or natural resources such as minerals, oil, gravel or timber. Royalty compensation may be expressed as a percentage of receipts from using the property or as an amount per unit produced.
To be considered royalties, payments for the use of natural resources also must be received:
- under a formal or informal agreement whereby the owner authorizes another person to manage and extract a product (for example, timber or oil); and
- in an amount that is dependent on the amount of the product actually extracted.
An outright sale of natural resources by the owner of the land or by the owner of rights to use of the land constitutes the conversion of a resource. Proceeds from the conversion of a resource are not income.
Royalties are unearned income unless they are:
- received as part of a trade or business, or
- received by a person in connection with any publication of the person's work (for example, from publication of a manuscript, magazine article or artwork).
If royalties are earned income, see Section E-3150, Certain Royalties and Honoraria.
E-3331 Interest and Dividends
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
Interest and dividends are returns on loans or investments such as stocks, bonds or savings accounts.
Dividends from insurance policies are not included because those dividends are refunds of overcharges on premiums. Appendix XXXV, Treatment of Insurance Dividends, indicates that when dividends are:
- paid directly to the policy holder, disregard dividends when paid. Count the dividend(s) as a resource if retained after the month of receipt;
- applied to future premium payments, disregard dividends as income or a resource;
- used to purchase term insurance, disregard dividends as income or a resource. Term insurance is not a resource per Section F-4226, Term and Burial Insurance; and
- accumulating in a separate account, count accumulated dividends as a resource, regardless of face value. Treat as a savings account, both as a resource and as income for interest generated.
Note: The dividend accumulation is a countable resource, like the balance of a savings account. The interest earned on the dividends would be excluded from income when paid. Interest left to accumulate becomes part of the countable resources.
- Section E-3331.1, Treatment of Interest/Dividends on Fully Countable Resources
- Section E-3331.2, Treatment of Interest/Dividends on Certain Excluded or Partially Excluded Resources
- Section E-3331.3, Treatment of Interest/Dividends on All Other Resources
- Section F-4220, Personal Property
E-3331.1 Treatment of Interest/Dividends on Fully Countable Resources
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Determine if any interest or dividends are accrued on fully countable resources.
- Do not count the interest or dividends as income in the eligibility budget regardless of the amount or frequency.
- Count the interest or dividends as income in the co-payment budget.
- An individual owns an excluded whole life participating insurance policy with a total face value of $1,500. Since this is a participating policy, the policy is accumulating dividends. The accumulating dividends are countable. Like a savings account, the accumulating dividends are accruing interest. Since the accumulating dividends are countable, do not count the interest income from the accumulating dividends in the eligibility budget.
- An individual owns a savings account with a balance of $800. The savings account is a fully countable resource. The savings account is accruing interest quarterly. Since the saving account is countable, do not count the interest income from the savings account in the eligibility budget.
E-3331.2 Treatment of Interest/Dividends on Certain Excluded or Partially Excluded Resources
Revision 16-4; Effective December 1, 2016
Determine if any interest or dividends are accrued on certain excluded or partially excluded resources.
- Do not count the interest or dividends as income in the eligibility budget or co-payment budget if from one of the following sources.
The following are excluded or partially excluded resources based on federal statutes other than the Social Security Act:
- Agent Orange Settlement Funds;
- Nazi Persecution, including Austrian Social Insurance Funds and Netherlands WUV Payments to Victims of Persecution;
- Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) (formerly ACTION) Programs;
- Restricted Allotted Indian Lands;
- Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) – TANF Funded;
- IDAs – Demonstration Project;
- Japanese-American and Aleutian Restitution Funds;
- Low Income Energy Assistance;
- Department of Defense (DOD) Payments to Certain Persons Captured and Interned by North Vietnam;
- Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Funds;
- Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund;
- Payments to Veterans' Children with Certain Birth Defects; and
- Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Account.
See Section E-2000, Exempt Income, for other sources and for treatment of interest or dividends accrued on other unspent types of payments.
Example: An individual in a nursing facility received a payment for being a former prisoner of North Vietnam. The payment made by the Department of Defense is not a countable resource. The payment was deposited into an account that accrues interest. Do not count interest accrued on the unspent portion from the payment in the eligibility or co-payment budgets.
E-3331.3 Treatment of Interest/Dividends on All Other Resources
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Determine if any interest or dividends are accrued on all other resources.
- Count the interest or dividends accrued according to the treatment of that particular resource as outlined in the handbook as income in the eligibility budget.
- Count the interest or dividends accrued according to the treatment of that particular resource as outlined in the handbook as income in the co-payment budget.
Interest accrued on retained amounts of SSA/SSI lump sums during the nine-month resource exclusion period is not excluded as income. However, some or all of the amount earned may be excluded as infrequent or irregular income.
Burial funds — Continue to follow policy for burial funds in Chapter F, Resources, in all aspects of calculating countable resources and consideration of the interest accrued.
Steps to follow:
When the source of the dividend or interest is received on ... | then ... |
a fully countable resource, | the dividends or interest are not counted as income regardless of the frequency and amount in the eligibility budget. Count in the co-payment budgets. |
certain excluded or partially excluded resource, | the dividends or interest are not counted as income in either the eligibility or co-payment budgets. |
all other resources (different than those above), | the dividends or interest are counted as income in the eligibility or co-payment budgets according to the treatment of that particular resource as outlined in the handbook. |
Exclude interest and dividends if they meet the definition of infrequent or irregular income as specified in Section E-9000, Infrequent or Irregular Income.
See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.
Note: In a spousal situation, if the institutionalized person is diverting income to the community spouse, a joint bank account balance is equally divided between the two. Even though only one-half of this balance is countable for the institutionalized person, treat the interest/dividends as if accrued on a fully countable resource.
E-3331.4 Treatment of Interest and Dividends Earned on an Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Account
Revision 16-4; Effective December 1, 2016
An Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) program allows an individual with a disability or family members of the individual to establish a tax-free savings account to maintain health, independence and quality of life for the benefit of the individual with a disability. The individual must meet the criteria of the state's ABLE program in which the individual enrolls. The ABLE account funds can be used for the individual's disability-related expenses, which supplement, but do not replace, private insurance and/or public assistance.
Interest and dividends earned on an ABLE account are not countable income to the designated beneficiary.
Income of the designated beneficiary of an ABLE account, or an individual whose income is counted when determining eligibility, that is deposited into an ABLE account, remains countable when determining eligibility.
Contributions to an ABLE account from individuals other than the designated beneficiary, and any distributions from an ABLE account, are not considered income to the designated beneficiary.
Request information to verify an ABLE account. Verification must include the following information:
- name of the designated beneficiary;
- state ABLE program administering the account;
- name of the person who has signature authority (if different from the designated beneficiary);
- name of the financial institution; and
- ABLE account number.
Verification documents may vary among states. Examples of acceptable documentation include participation agreements, ABLE account contracts, financial statements, and annual income tax filing documents.
E-3331.5 Treatment of Interest/Dividends on School-Based Savings Accounts
Revision 16-4; Effective December 1, 2016
School-Based Savings Accounts are accounts set up by students or their parents at financial institutions that partner with school districts. Individuals may set up school-based savings programs through savings accounts, Certificates of Deposit (CDs), Series I savings bonds, and Tuition Savings Plans under IRS Code, Section 529 or U.S.C. Section 530.
Interest earned on School-Based Savings Accounts is excluded from income.
Related Policy
F-2320, School-Based Savings Accounts
E-3332 Income from Joint Bank Accounts
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
In this context, the term "spouse" includes a spouse whose income is considered in the co-payment determination process. Interest payments on joint bank accounts are considered as follows:
- If the co-holders of the account are not eligible for SSI, TANF or MAO, or do not have spouses or parents whose incomes are deemed to the applicant/recipient, all interest payments and deposits made by the ineligible co-holders are considered as income of the applicant/recipient.
- If one or more co-holders are eligible for TANF, SSI or MAO, or are spouses or parents whose incomes are deemed to the applicant/recipient, a deposit by the co-holder, spouse or parent is not considered to be income to the applicant/recipient.
All interest payments and deposits are divided equally among the applicant/recipient, spouse or parent.
If an applicant/recipient has disproved ownership of all or a part of the funds in a joint account, deposits by co-holders are not considered as income before the change in the account designation. Interest payments are income to the eligible individual in proportion to the amount of the funds owned.
Section F-4121, Joint Bank Accounts
Section E-3331, Interest and Dividends
Determine ownership by verifying bank records and obtaining statements from the co-holders of the account.
E-3333 Mineral and Timber Rights
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Ownership of Land and Mineral/Timber Rights
If the person owns the land to which the mineral rights or timber rights pertain, the current market value of the land can be assumed to include the value of the mineral rights. Additional development is unnecessary.
Ownership of Mineral Rights/Timber Rights Only
If the person does not own the land to which the mineral rights pertain, obtain a current market value estimate from a knowledgeable source.
Some documents concerning royalty payments will provide both a gross and a net payment amount. When the difference between the gross and the net figures is due to income taxes withheld or windfall profit tax deductions, use the gross figure when determining income.
When the difference between the gross and net figures represents a production or severance tax (most oil royalties will be reduced by this tax), use the net figure when determining income. The production or severance tax is a cost of producing the income and, therefore, is deducted from the gross income.
Document location/address of property in the case comments section. Document percentage of interest owned in case comments; the accessibility to interest in land resources; and whether land resources are excluded as a resource.
Document calculation of countable equity value in case comments if not excluded.
- Clearance of value is not required for subsequent reviews unless circumstances that may change countability or value occur.
- If the mineral rights are non-producing, a $100 "default value" should be assigned. Document reason for $100 default value in case comments.
- If eligibility is negatively impacted by the "default value," a specific value must be verified.
Sources for verifying the value of land resources:
- Tax statement, if assessed.
- Contact a knowledgeable source in the community using telephone contact documentation. (Sources include oil and gas producers, tax assessors/collectors and petroleum lease agents – land men.)
- Form H1242, Verification of Mineral Rights, completed by an authorized employee of the producing company.
- IRS formula of 40 times the average monthly payout in assessing the value of mineral rights for inheritance purposes (to be used only when no other source is available). In TIERS, use "other acceptable" and document information in case comments.
Sources to verify ownership include:
- Copies of deeds, wills or leases. If the terms of the deeds, wills or leases are difficult to understand, obtain the assistance of legal staff.
- Copy of royalty statement.
- Division order, if producing.
- Statement from the person about amount of interest (ownership).
- Completed Form H1242.
Conversion of a resource from the sale of timber is not considered income except when:
- The owner leases the land or resource rights. The income received from the lease is unearned income.
- The sale of the natural resource is part of the person's trade or business. The income received is self-employment income.
Some documents concerning royalty payments will provide both a gross and a net payment amount. When the difference between the gross and the net figures is due to income taxes withheld or windfall profit tax deductions, use the gross figure when determining income.
Note: Consider whether royalty payments are excludable as irregular and/or infrequent income. See Section E-5000, Variable Income.
E-3333.1 Indian Fishing Rights
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
In accordance with Public Law 100-647, effective Nov. 10, 1988, income received by a member of an Indian tribe from the exercise of recognized fishing rights is treated as unearned income for SSI and Medicaid purposes. Fishing rights must have been secured as of March 17, 1988, by a treaty, Executive Order or Act of Congress.
E-3340 Rents
Revision 19-2; Effective June 1, 2019
Rent is payment, either as cash or in-kind, that a person receives for the use of real or personal property, such as land, housing or machinery. Rental income is considered unearned income unless it is derived from self-employment, such as rental properties.
Budgeting Rental Income and Expenses
Ordinary and necessary expenses in the same taxable year are deducted from rental payments. These include only those expenses necessary to produce or collect rental income, and the expenses must be deducted when paid, not when they are incurred. Some examples of deductible expenses are interest on debts, state and local taxes on real and personal property and on motor fuels, general sales taxes, and expenses of managing or maintaining the property.
IRS tax records can be used, however, depreciation or depletion of property is not considered a deductible expense.
Net rental income (gross rent less expenses incurred in producing or collecting income) is used when budgeting. Expenses are deducted from the month in which they were paid, regardless of when they were incurred. If deductible expenses exceed gross rent in a month, subtract the excess expenses from the following month's gross rent and continue doing this as necessary until the end of the tax year in which the expense is paid. Do not carry excess expenses over to the next tax year or use them to offset other income.
For both the eligibility and co-payment budgets, regular variable income policy applies. If the monthly rental income is fixed and there are no allowable expenses to deduct, the eligibility budget may be projected for 12 months. Eligibility can also be certified on an annual basis, whether the income is fixed or not, if it is in the person's best interest to do so.
For co-payment purposes, project income and expenses for only six months at a time. Anticipated expenses must be projected for the review period when they are expected to occur. For example, at the January annual renewal staff budget tax deductions based on the amount of taxes paid last year.
Note: The most recent federal tax return, including Schedule E, is helpful in identifying past expenses and in estimating future rental income.
Related Policy
Documentation and Verification Guide, Appendix XVI
Rental Income Paid to a Third Party, E-3341
Mortgage Payment Made by Third Party, E-3342
Prorating Rental Expenses, E-3343
Rental Expenses, E-3344
E-3341 Rental Income Paid to a Third Party
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If the rental agreement is between the authorized representative and the tenant, and the authorized representative provides a statement to the effect that he does not and will not make the payments available to the person, the rental payments are not considered to be the person's income.
A referral to Adult Protective Services (APS) may be appropriate.
However, if the authorized representative is the person's guardian or power of attorney (POA), the payments are countable income to the person, unless extenuating circumstances indicate otherwise.
If the rental agreement is between the person and the tenant, the payments are income to the person, regardless of whether the authorized representative is make them available.
If the authorized representative is not making the rental payments available to the person, a referral to APS may be appropriate.
E-3342 Mortgage Payment Made by Third Party
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If the person's homestead is vacant and a third party is making the person's mortgage payments using his (the third party's) own funds, these payments are not income to the person.
If the person's home is rented and the lease agreement specifies that the tenant pays the person's mortgage company in lieu of rent, these payments are countable income to the person and are treated as rental income.
If the person's home is rented and there is no lease agreement, voluntary payments of the person's mortgage by the tenant directly to the mortgage company are considered to be a "gift" to the person and are countable income.
E-3343 Prorating Rental Expenses
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
In multiple family residences, if the units in the building are of approximately equal size, prorate allowable expenses based on the number of units designated for rent compared to the total number of units. If the units are not of approximately equal size, prorate allowable expenses based on the number of rooms in the rental units compared to the total number of rooms in the building. (The rooms do not have to be occupied.)
For rooms in a single residence, prorate allowable expenses based on the number of rooms designated for rent compared to the number of rooms in the house. Do not count bathrooms as rooms; basements/attics are counted only if they have been converted to living spaces.
For land rental, prorate expenses based on the percentage of total acres for rent. There are various types of land rental, including hunting/fishing leases, pasture leases, sharecropping and other farm income not derived from self-employment.
E-3344 Rental Expenses
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
The following table lists some common deductions that arise in budgeting rental income. The list is not intended to be all-inclusive; supervisory approval should be obtained when questionable deductions arise.
Expense | Deductibility |
Money paid to or for employees not living in the home | Allowable |
Money paid to or for employees living in the home | Allowable |
Federal, state or local income taxes | Allowable |
Sales tax | Allowable |
Property tax | Allowable |
Utilities for rental property | Allowable |
Advertising for tenants | Allowable |
Realtor or management company fees | Allowable |
Supplies | Allowable |
Actual expenses for roomers | Allowable |
Interest for loans on property | Allowable |
Depreciation related to self-employment | Allowable |
Net loss from same period | Allowable |
Real estate insurance | Allowable, except for liability insurance |
Farming-related expenses (feed, seed, plants, seedlings, farm supplies, breeding fees, fertilizer and lime, crop insurance, crop storage, fees for livestock testing, etc.) | Allowable for self-employment farming Allowable for unearned income farming only if part of the lease agreement |
Repairs or maintenance of property | Allowable if property is rented or between tenants Not allowable, if prior to initial rental of property |
Capital asset purchases | Not allowable |
Capital asset improvements | Not allowable |
Payment on principal of loan for income-producing property | Not allowable |
Travel to/from property | Not allowable |
Net loss from previous period | Not allowable |
Depreciation related to unearned income (for example, rental income) | Not allowable |
E-3350 Death Benefits
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Count payments a person gets that were occasioned by the death of another person, except for the amount of such payments that a person spends on the deceased person's last illness and burial expenses. Last illness and burial expenses include related hospital and medical expenses, funeral, burial plot and interment expenses, and other related costs.
Example: If a person receives $2,000 from their uncle's life insurance policy and spends $900 on his last illness and burial expenses, the $1,100 balance is unearned income. If a person spends the entire $2,000 for the last illness and burial, there is no unearned income.
Note: This section does not refer to a person's receipt of proceeds as a result of cashing in his insurance policy. In that situation, consider the proceeds according to the policy for conversion of resource.
Verify countable proceeds of a life insurance policy by one or more of the following methods:
- obtaining a statement from the insurance company;
- viewing or obtaining a copy of the insurance payment check, deposit slip or bank statement; or
- viewing or obtaining receipts or copies of the checks written to pay last illness and burial expenses.
E-3360 Prizes and Awards
Revision 18-2; Effective June 1, 2018
A prize is generally something a person wins in a contest, lottery or game of chance.
An award is usually something a person receives as the result of a decision by a court, board of arbitration or the like. An award is also something of value conferred or bestowed on someone because of merit or need. Awards do not involve competition.
If a prize or award is not in cash, count the current fair market value of the prize or award, less any expenses involved in obtaining it. For example, deduct legal fees from an award received because of a lawsuit.
Consider income from prizes and awards according to frequency and the nature of the prize or award. Count a prize or award as unearned income in the month of receipt. Review Section E-9000, Infrequent or Irregular Income, to determine if the prize or award is to be treated as a lump-sum payment, infrequent or irregular income, or regular and predictable income. Consider regular and predictable awards as monthly unearned income.
See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.
Reference: Section E-3390, Texas Lottery Commission
E-3365 Inheritances
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
An inheritance is cash, other liquid resources, noncash items or any right in real or personal property received at the death of another. An inheritance is income in the month of receipt unless the inherited item would be an excluded resource.
Example: An individual inherits a vehicle valued at $4,000 and the individual does not own any other vehicles. Per policy in F-4221 Automobile, one vehicle is excluded regardless of value. Because the vehicle is an excluded resource, the value of the vehicle is not considered as income in the month ownership is received.
Inheritances as a result of the death of another person, to the extent that they are used to pay the expenses of the deceased's last illness and burial, are not considered income.
- A person may not have access to their inheritance pending legal action.
- Waiving an inheritance may result in a transfer of assets penalty.
If the inheritance is not received in cash, determine its current fair market value. To determine countable income, deduct any expenses that may have been incurred in obtaining the inheritance, such as legal fees and court costs.
Determine whether the inheritance is to be treated as a lump-sum payment, infrequent or irregular income, or regular and predictable income.
See Section E-5000, Variable Income, and Section E-9000, Infrequent or Irregular Income.
See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.
E-3370 Cash Gifts and Contributions
Revision 17-4; Effective December 1, 2017
A gift is something a person receives which is not repayment to a person for goods or services a person provided and which is not given to a person because of a legal obligation on the giver's part.
A gift is something that is given irrevocably (i.e., the giver relinquishes all control).
Donations and contributions may meet the definition of a gift.
- A donation is a gift given by a person typically for charitable purposes and/or to benefit a cause without expectation of return.
- A contribution is a gift or payment to a common fund or collection.
A cash gift or contribution is considered unearned income in the month of receipt.
The value of any non-cash item (other than food or shelter) is considered unearned income in the month of receipt. A non-cash item is not considered income if the item would become a partially or totally excluded non-liquid resource if retained in the month after the month of receipt.
Expenses involved in obtaining the income are excluded.
If the gift is not received in cash, determine its current fair market value. To determine the countable amount, deduct any expenses that may have been incurred in obtaining the gift, such as legal fees and court costs.
Determine whether the gift is to be treated as a lump-sum payment, infrequent or irregular income or regular and predictable income.
Gift of cash
A cash gift is counted as unearned income in the month of receipt. Review the infrequent or irregular income policy.
Gift of a car
A gift of a car that qualifies as an excluded resource if retained into the month after the month of receipt is not income. If the car does not qualify as an excluded resource (e.g., it is a second car), the car is counted as income in the month it is received and a resource beginning the next month.
See Section E-5000, Variable Income, and Section E-9000, Infrequent or Irregular Income.
See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.
E-3371 Gifts of Domestic Commercial Transportation Tickets
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
The value of domestic commercial transportation tickets (given as a gift to the person or spouse) is not income unless converted to cash. Domestic transportation is limited to the 50 states, District of Columbia, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and Northern Mariana Islands.
E-3372 Effective Date of Receipt of Inheritance; Disclaimers
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Real Property — The effective date of receipt is the date of death unless there is a contested will. If there is a contested will, the effective date of receipt is the date the will is probated.
Personal Property — The effective date of receipt is the date the person actually takes possession.
Note: Prior to Aug. 11, 1993, a disclaimer to an inheritance is not considered as a transfer of resources if transacted before receipt of an inheritance. The disclaimer must be a written statement acknowledged before a notary or other person authorized to take acknowledgement of conveyances of real property.
- The will specifies $50,000 in cash for the person. Date of death is 1/5/92, disclaimer is signed 2/5/92 and will is probated 3/5/92. No transfer.
- The will specifies $50,000 in cash for the person. Date of death is 1/5/92, will is probated 2/5/92 and disclaimer is signed 2/10/92. Transfer provisions apply.
- The will specifies 50 acres for the person. Date of death is 3/6/93. If the disclaimer is signed before death, there is no transfer. If after, there is a transfer.
- There is no will. Date of death is 6/20/93. Through descent and distribution, the person will inherit an undivided half-interest in 50 acres. If the disclaimer is signed before death, there is no transfer. If after, there is a transfer.
After Aug. 11, 1993, a disclaimer of inheritance may result in a transfer of assets penalty regardless of the date the disclaimer is signed or effective.
See Chapter I, Transfer of Assets.
E-3373 Facility Payments
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
The facility may allow a resident's family to use personal funds to pay an agreed-upon amount (in addition to the Medicaid rate) in order to have a private room.
For Medicaid eligibility purposes, if the family pays the difference, consider how it is being paid.
- If the money is given directly to the person in order to pay the difference to the facility, then that amount is considered income to the person.
- If the family pays the facility directly, do not consider the amount paid as income to the client.
E-3380 Support and Maintenance In Kind
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
This is food or shelter furnished to a person based on the living arrangement. See Section E-8000, Support and Maintenance.
E-3390 Texas Lottery Commission
Revision 18-2; Effective June 1, 2018
Count the gross amount of winnings as unearned income in the month received, regardless of the frequency of pay.
The following Texas Lottery Commission information displays on the Data Broker combined report, if applicable:
- winner's full name, date of birth and Social Security number;
- paid date;
- gross, net and tax withheld amounts;
- check ID, claim number and date claim created;
- void date; and
- debt offset (is the same as recoupment), reason for the offset, and the agency name the offset is to, withholding amount, withholding number, withholding sequence number, check ID, and Agency ID.
- Example: Applicant wins $1,000/month; however, there is a debt offset (recoupment) of $100 from the Office of Attorney General (OAG) for child support. The income budgeted will be $1,000.
- Provide the void date only if the Texas Lottery Commission voids a check.
- In these situations, the winning are not counted as income.
The information provided by the Texas Lottery Commission through Data Broker is considered verification of winnings.
- Staff must budget the gross amount reported by the Texas Lottery Commission.
- Some winners may elect to place their winnings in a trust fund.
E-4000, Fixed Income
E-4100, Social Security Benefits
Revision 18-2; Effective June 1, 2018
The Social Security Administration (SSA) pays Social Security benefits (RSDI) under provisions of the Social Security Act. Black Lung benefits under the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969. are also Social Security benefits.
A person who receives Social Security benefits may be enrolled in Medicare Part B, in which case the Medicare (SMIB) premiums are taken out of the Social Security checks before the checks are received. Determine whether the person is enrolled. If so, add the SMIB premium (see Appendix XXXI, Budget Reference Chart) to the benefit received to determine the total Social Security benefit used to determine eligibility.
Note: An SMIB premium may be different if a beneficiary enrolled late in Medicare or is eligible for a variable SMIB premium. The person may also have Medicare Part D taken out of the Social Security check.
See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.
For applications, verify gross benefits.
For reviews, if the recipient’s statement agrees with the conversion amount and there is no indication that the RSDI benefit has changed, do not reverify.
Verify the amount of Social Security benefit by one or more of the following methods:
- Obtain an SOLQ/WTPY.
- View or obtain a copy of the person’s award notice (letter) from the SSA.
- Obtain information from the SDX computer tape if the recipient has SSI and RSDI and is now in an institutional setting.
- Contact a representative of the SSA using telephone contact documentation.
- View or obtain a copy of the person’s most recent benefit check or direct deposit slip. This method is least desirable because it may not show the gross amount.
- At review, use the conversion amount in the system of record if there is no indication that the RSDI is different from the converted amount.
Note: The Social Security Administration refigures SSA benefits if the individual has earnings from the previous year and other changes. This refiguring usually occurs during October, but may occur at other times. Staff may need to obtain an SOLQ/WTPY at redeterminations to ensure they have current/updated amounts. See Section F-2150, SSI and RSDI Retroactive Lump Sum Payments; Section F-2151, Examples of SSI and RSDI Retroactive Lump Sum Payments; and Section E-1610, SSA Overpayments.
E-4200, Railroad Retirement Benefits
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Railroad retirement benefits may be paid to a person or to the person's dependents or survivors. Some examples of railroad retirement benefits are sick pay, annuities, pensions and unemployment insurance benefits.
If a person is enrolled in Medicare Part B under his/her railroad retirement annuity number, determine the total railroad retirement benefit by adding the current SMIB premium amount to the benefit received.
See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.
E-4300, VA Benefits
Revision 12-1; Effective March 1, 2012
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has numerous programs that make payments. Treatment of VA payments depends on the nature of the payment. The most common types of VA payments are:
- pension;
- compensation;
- dependency and indemnity compensation;
- educational assistance;
- aid and attendance allowance;
- housebound allowance;
- payment adjustment for unusual medical expenses;
- clothing allowance;
- payments to Vietnam veterans' children with spina bifida.
Note: VA aid and attendance allowance, housebound allowances and payment adjustment for unusual medical expenses are exempt from both eligibility and co-payment. However, if these payments are deposited into a qualifying income trust (QIT) account, they are countable for co-payment.
E-4310 Augmented and Apportioned VA
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
The VA determines the designated beneficiary of a check based on the laws and regulations for payment of each benefit.
Augmented VA payment. A VA pension payment that has been increased for dependents is an augmented VA payment. For Medicaid purposes, the augmented benefit includes a designated beneficiary's portion and one or more dependents' portions. An augmented VA benefit usually is issued as a single payment to the veteran or the veteran's surviving spouse. When veteran’s benefits are augmented for a dependent, the dependent's portion is not countable income to the applicant/recipient (the veteran or veteran's surviving spouse) of the check. If the applicant/recipient is the dependent, the applicant/recipient’s portion is countable income to the applicant/recipient.
Apportioned VA payment. A VA compensation payment made directly to the dependent of a living veteran is an apportioned payment. Apportionment is direct payment of the dependent's portion of VA benefits to a dependent spouse or child. The VA decides whether and how much to pay by apportionment on a case-by-case basis. Apportionment reduces the amount of the augmented benefit payable to the veteran or veteran's surviving spouse.
A portion of a VA benefit paid by apportionment to a dependent spouse or child is VA income to the dependent spouse or child. It is not a support payment from the designated beneficiary.
See D-6350, Veterans Benefits, for requirements to apply for benefits.
E-4311 VA Pensions
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
Pension payments are based on a combination of service and a nonservice-connected disability or death.
Needs-Based Pensions and the $20 General Exclusion
Most VA pension payments are based on need. As such, these payments are unearned income to which the $20 general income exclusion does not apply.
Pension payments are usually paid monthly; however, when the monthly payment due is less than $19, VA will pay quarterly, biannually or annually. VA may also make an extra payment if an underpayment is due.
Pensions are paid to:
- a wartime veteran determined permanently and totally disabled for nonservice-related reasons;
- the surviving spouse; or
- the child of a veteran because of the nonservice-related death of the veteran.
There are several periodic payments from VA benefits:
- VA compensation
- VA pension
- VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) payments
Because VA pensions and parents' DIC payments are generally based on need, the $20 general income exclusion in the eligibility determination is not applied.
The following pensions are not based on need:
- Pensions based on a special act of Congress.
- Pensions based on the award of the Medal of Honor.
- Pensions based on service in the:
- Spanish American War (April 21, 1898, through July 4, 1902);
- Indian Wars (January 1, 1817, through Dec. 31, 1898); or
- Civil War (1861-1865).
These pensions are unearned income and the $20 general exclusion does apply to these exceptions. Assume that a VA pension is needs-based unless there is evidence to the contrary. See G-4110, Twenty-Dollar General Exclusion.
E-4311.1 1979 VA Pension Plan
Revision 10-1; Effective March 1, 2010
The Jan. 1, 1979, increase in VA pension benefits caused many SSI recipients to become ineligible. Public Law 96-272 gave protection to a person drawing VA pension benefits "grandfathered" from Dec. 31, 1978. A person who has been eligible for a VA pension since before 1979 is not required to apply for an increase in VA payment for medical expenses known as aid and attendance or housebound benefits. These additional payments are for unusual medical expenses and are considered exempt income that does not affect eligibility or co-payment.
Refer persons who have changed to the 1979 pension plan or who initially obtain entitlement to a VA pension after Jan. 1, 1979, to apply for aid and attendance or other potentially available benefits. However, do not monitor for the person’s compliance to apply for other benefits when it is to increase the VA payment for medical expenses since aid and attendance or housebound benefits are considered exempt income that does not affect eligibility or co-payment.
Determine whether the person is receiving an aid and attendance or housebound allowance as part of his/her VA benefit.
See D-6351, VA Pension or Compensation.
E-4311.2 $90 VA Pension and Institutional Setting
Revision 24-1; Effective March 1, 2024
VA law 38 U.S.C. 5503 says that the amount of the VA pension for an institutionalized Medicaid recipient who does not have a spouse or child cannot exceed $90 per month. This cap also applies to a surviving spouse with no child.
If a single veteran or a single surviving spouse of a veteran is eligible for Medicaid-covered nursing home care, the maximum pension benefit is reduced to $90 for any month after the month of admission. This reduced pension is an aid and attendance allowance in all cases and not income.
The $90 VA pension may not be used to determine what the person in an institutional living arrangement must pay toward the cost of care. The limited VA pension, up to the amount of $90, is not counted as income in the eligibility or co-payment budget.
There is no association between the reduced pension and the personal needs allowance (PNA). If a veteran has income from other sources, the income from other sources may be considered countable. Calculate the co-payment to determine the amount of the veteran’s liability toward the cost of care.
Do not refer a person living in an institutional setting who receives the $90 VA pension to apply for other benefits when it is to increase the VA payment for medical expenses. VA aid and attendance and housebound allowances are considered exempt income and do not affect eligibility or co-payment.
Allow a PNA for a person with capped $90 VA aid and attendance and other income. Review the examples below:
- Non-SSI Medicaid recipient in an institutional living arrangement with VA aid and attendance capped at $90 per month and receiving other income. Allow a PNA of up to $75, for a total up to $165 which is $90 plus up to $75.
- For a person living in an ICF/IID facility, the $90 capped VA aid and attendance and PNA calculation does not impact the Protected Earned Income Allowance.
When a veteran is receiving the $90 capped VA aid and attendance and does not have any other source of income to deduct the $75 PNA from, the person will have $90 for their personal expenses, and the co-payment is zero. If a veteran has a $90 capped VA aid and attendance, and the veteran's other source of income is less than $75, the PNA will be up to, but not exceed, $75. This person will have up to $165 which is $90 plus up to $75. The PNA deduction comes first in the order of all co-payment deductions, including those for incurred medical expenses (IME).
If a person living in a facility only receives a VA pension capped at $90 per month, certify the person for Medicaid, if the person meets other program requirements. Refer the person for SSI. VA aid and attendance and housebound allowances are not considered income for SSI purposes.
Related Policy
VA Pension or Compensation, D-6351
E-4312 VA Compensation
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
VA compensation is unearned income and is based primarily on service in the armed forces. Payments are made to veterans, dependents or survivors.
The VA makes compensation payments to a veteran because of a service-related disability. The VA also makes compensation payments to a spouse, child or parent of a veteran because of the service-related death of the veteran.
Note: If a person or a recipient moves from a community setting to an institutional setting, entitlements to additional VA benefits may be appropriate due to a change in the situation or increased medical needs. If a person is a veteran or an unmarried widow or widower of a deceased veteran, explore possible entitlement to VA benefits. If the person is potentially eligible but no payment is reported, the person may be required to file for a VA benefit. See D-6350, Veterans Benefits, for requirements to apply for benefits.
Budgeting Information
Because VA compensation is not based on need, deduct the $20 general income exclusion in the eligibility determination. See G-4110, Twenty-Dollar General Exclusion.
Note: The $20 exclusion does not apply to VA pensions or parents' DIC payments.
Neither the beneficiary's award letter nor the VA check indicates whether aid and attendance is included in a person's total VA payment. To verify the type and amount of benefits received, contact the VA using Form H1240, Request for Information from Bureau of Veterans Affairs and Client's Authorization.
Do not include aid and attendance allowance, housebound allowance and VA reimbursement for unusual medical expenses as a part of the total VA benefit. See E-4315, VA Aid and Attendance and Housebound Payments.
E-4313 Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is a monthly benefit paid to eligible survivors of certain deceased veterans:
- Military service member who died while on active duty.
- Veteran whose death resulted from a service-related injury or disease.
- Veteran whose death resulted from a non service-related injury or disease, and who was receiving, or was entitled to receive, VA compensation for service-connected disability that was rated as totally disabling:
- for at least 10 years immediately before death;
- since the veteran's release from active duty and for at least five years immediately preceding death; or
- for at least one year before death if the veteran was a former prisoner of war who died after Sept. 30, 1999.
The surviving spouse is eligible if he/she:
- validly married the veteran before Jan. 1, 1957;
- was married to a service member who died on active duty;
- married the veteran within 15 years of discharge from the period of military service in which the disease or injury that caused the veteran's death began or was aggravated;
- was married to the veteran for at least one year; or
- had a child with the veteran; and
- cohabited with the veteran continuously until the veteran's death or, if separated, was not at fault for the separation; and
- is not currently remarried.
Note: A surviving spouse who remarries on or after Dec. 16, 2003, and on or after attaining age 57 is entitled to continue to receive DIC.
The $20 exclusion does not apply to VA pensions or parents' DIC payments.
A surviving child is eligible if the child is:
- unmarried; and
- under age 18, or between the ages of 18 and 23 and attending school.
Whenever there is no surviving spouse of a deceased veteran entitled to DIC, the children of the deceased veteran are eligible for DIC.
Additional allowances could be included in the DIC benefit for aid and attendance or housebound.
Neither the beneficiary's award letter nor the VA check indicates whether aid and attendance is included in a person's total VA payment. To verify the type and amount of benefits received, contact the VA using Form H1240, Request for Information from Bureau of Veterans Affairs and Client's Authorization.
Do not include aid and attendance allowance, housebound allowance and VA reimbursement for unusual medical expenses as a part of the total VA benefit. See E-4315, VA Aid and Attendance and Housebound Payments.
E-4314 Educational Assistance
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
The VA provides educational assistance through different programs, including vocational rehabilitation. Medicaid policies on income and resources depend on the nature of the VA program. The veteran’s period of eligibility to receive benefits for educational assistance are as follows:
- Veterans generally have up to 10 years after leaving the service to complete their education.
- Veterans enrolled in a vocational rehabilitation program have up to 12 years to complete the program.
- Veterans participating under the Chapter 33 program, “Post-9/11 GI Bill,” have up to 15 years to complete their education.
Dependents and survivors of veterans may also be eligible for educational benefits. The VA makes payments under Chapter 35, Survivors and Dependents Educational Assistance Program (a non-contributory program), to:
- children (between ages 18 and 26) of veterans who died in the service;
- surviving spouses of veterans who died in the service;
- children of living veterans who are 100% disabled due to a service-connected injury; and
- spouses of living veterans who are 100% disabled due to a service-connected injury.
Note: Survivors and dependents have 10 years from the date of the veteran's service-connected death or date of 100% disability to participate in this program.
Do not consider as income the following:
- Payments made by VA to pay for tuition, books, fees, tutorial services or any other necessary educational expenses.
- Payments made as part of a VA program of vocational rehabilitation, including any augmentation for dependents.
- Any portion of a VA educational benefit that is a withdrawal of the veteran’s own contribution is conversion of a resource and is not income. However, any portion of the withdrawal that is retained into the month following the month of receipt is a countable resource.
References: The policy in the following items details VA payments that are either not considered as income or exempt as income.
- E-1720, Social Services that are Not Income
- E-2130, Education and Employment
- E-2330, Educational Assistance
Do consider the following as income:
- The portion of the VA educational payment designated as a stipend for shelter.
- Payments made by VA that are used to pay for those things other than necessary educational expenses.
Note: The $20 general income exclusion applies to countable VA educational assistance and these payments are subject to deeming. See G-4110, Twenty-Dollar General Exclusion.
E-4315 VA Aid and Attendance and Housebound Payments
Revision 16-4; Effective December 1, 2016
VA pays an allowance to veterans and dependents who are in regular need of the aid and attendance of another individual or who are housebound. This allowance is combined with the individual’s pension or compensation payment.
This special VA allowance can be paid to:
- disabled veterans;
- disabled veterans’ spouses;
- widows; or
- parents.
If an individual is in an institutional setting (for example, a nursing facility) because of mental or physical incapacity, the VA presumes eligibility for aid and attendance.
Based on policy regarding medical expenses paid by a third party, do not consider in the eligibility and co-payment budgets the following VA payments:
- aid-and-attendance allowances;
- housebound allowances; and
- reimbursement for unusual medical expenses.
Reference: E-1720, Social Services That Are Not Income.
Exception: If aid-and-attendance allowances, housebound allowances and reimbursements for unusual medical expenses are deposited into a QIT, the amount deposited is countable for co-payment budgeting. Aid-and-attendance allowances, housebound allowances, and reimbursements for unusual medical expenses are not countable for co-payment budgeting if separated from the pension or compensation benefit before depositing the VA pension into a QIT. Separating and depositing the VA pension amount does not invalidate the QIT.
If it appears that the individual may be entitled to an aid-and-attendance allowance and is not receiving one, refer the individual to the VA. While living in the community, an individual receives a housebound allowance, but that allowance is adjusted to the aid-and-attendance allowance if the individual moves to an institutional setting. Do not monitor for the individual’s compliance to apply for other benefits when it is to increase the VA payment for medical expenses since aid-and-attendance or housebound benefits are not considered income and will not affect eligibility or co-payment.
Neither the beneficiary's award letter nor the VA check indicates whether aid-and-attendance is included in an individual's total VA payment. To verify the type and amount of benefits received, contact the VA using Form H1240, Request for Information from Bureau of Veterans Affairs and Client's Authorization.
When the income is not considered for the eligibility and co-payment budgets, enter aid-and-attendance allowance, housebound allowance, and VA reimbursement for unusual medical expenses as a separate income source. See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.
E-4316 VA Clothing Allowance
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A lump sum clothing allowance is payable in August of each year to a veteran with a service-connected disability for which a prosthetic or orthopedic appliance (including a wheelchair) is used. The allowance is intended to help defray the increased cost of clothing due to wear and tear caused by the use of such appliances.
A VA clothing allowance is not income.
Reference: E-1720, Social Services That Are Not Income
E-4317 Payments to Vietnam Veterans' Children with Spina Bifida
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Do not consider the following types of VA benefits as income or resources for Medicaid purposes:
- VA payments made to or on behalf of certain Vietnam veterans' natural children, regardless of their age or marital status, for any disability resulting from spina bifida suffered by such children.
- VA payments made to or on behalf of certain Korea service veterans' natural children, regardless of their age or marital status, for any disability resulting from spina bifida suffered by such children.
- VA payments made to or on behalf of women Vietnam veterans’ natural children, regardless of their age or marital status, for certain birth defects.
Note: Interest and dividends earned on unspent payments are exempt from income.
Reference: E-2150, Other – Exempt Income
E-4318 VA Contracts
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A VA contract for payment of nursing facility services does not affect Medicaid eligibility. If an application is filed, proceed with the eligibility determination. If the person is certified while the contract is still in effect, the VA contract is reported as a third-party resource on Form H1039, Medical Insurance Input.
E-4400, Other Annuities, Pensions and Retirement Plans
Revision 15-3; Effective September 1, 2015
There are two types of annuities:
- An annuity can be a periodic payment calculated on an annual basis that is a return on prior service. A civil service payment is an example of this type of annuity. It is treated the same as pension or retirement income.
Example: A person retired from federal service in 1980 after 30 years of employment. Her gross annual Civil Service Annuity (CSA) payment is $5,400, which is paid in 12 monthly installments of $450 each. Because this type of annuity produces a stream of income only, it has no resource value. The monthly payment is countable income. - An annuity can also be a contract or agreement for an amount to be paid yearly or at other regular intervals in return for prior payments made by the person. For this type of annuity, the language of the annuity dictates whether disbursements are countable income and describes the payment schedule. See Section F-7000, Annuities, for treatment of pre-DRA and post-DRA annuities.
Pension or retirement payments may be made directly by a former employer or from a fund, insurance or any similar source. An example of a retirement payment is teacher retirement.
Determine the gross and net amounts of the monthly payments. Also determine whether the organization making the payments is providing any other benefits to the person.
Note: When income tax is withheld from retirement, pension or disability benefits, use the gross income amount for the eligibility and co-payment calculations.
See Chapter G, Eligibility Budgets, and Chapter H, Co-Payment.
See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.
Certain pension and retirement payments allow for the person to request a reduced amount. If the reduction is irrevocable, accept the reduced amount in determining the person's eligibility. However, for a person in an institutional setting (for example, a nursing facility or a Home and Community-Based Services waiver program), investigate the reduction for transfer of assets in Chapter I, Transfer of Assets.
If the person is receiving a reduced benefit, ask the person to provide a written statement from an official of the organization addressing the amount of the original benefit, the amount of the reduced benefit, the date of the reduction, and information about the revocability or irrevocability of the reduction.
If the pension or retirement payments are revocable, the person must apply for maximum entitlements.
Reference: Section I-1400, Transfer of Income
If a person’s income from annuities, pensions and retirement plans is greater than the special income limit, but not enough to pay private-pay costs in an institutional setting, the person can consider a QIT. QITs allow people to legally divert their income into a trust, after which the income is not counted for eligibility purposes. For more information, see Appendix XXXVI, Qualified Income Trusts (QITs) and Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities (MEPD) Information. The payments are countable in the co-payment budget.
E-4500, Workers' Compensation
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Workers' compensation benefits are unearned income. A portion of a person's workers' compensation may be designated for medical, legal or related expenses. Request the person to provide verification of payment and, in addition, any expense required to obtain the benefit.
A person who suffers a work-related injury or illness may be eligible for workers' compensation benefits. These benefits are administered by the Industrial Accident Board under the Texas Workers' Compensation Act. If a person dies as a result of a work-related injury or illness, his dependents or beneficiaries may be eligible for workers' compensation benefits.
Determine the monthly amount of workers' compensation benefits by multiplying the weekly benefit by 4.33. (These benefits are usually paid on a weekly basis.) Also determine the expected duration of the workers' compensation benefits.
Determine and exclude the portion, if any, of the workers' compensation that is considered an expense required to obtain the benefit.
Reference: See Section D-7400, Use of Third-Party Resources, for policies governing recovery of Medicaid payments when additional workers' compensation is received for medical expenses incurred after Medicaid eligibility began.
Verify workers' compensation benefits by one or more of the following methods:
- Viewing or obtaining a copy of the person's notice of workers' compensation benefits.
- Obtaining a letter from an official of the Industrial Accident Board.
- Viewing or obtaining copies of the person's weekly checks (least desirable method).
- Obtaining proof of any medical, legal or other related expenses if that information is not included in information already provided.
- Documenting a contact with a knowledgeable source.
E-4600, Unemployment Benefits
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
Unemployment benefits are unearned income.
A person who loses employment may be entitled to unemployment benefits through the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). To receive unemployment benefits, a person must file an application with TWC. Determine the expected duration and the amount of the unemployment benefits per month. Unemployment benefits may be received on a weekly or biweekly schedule.
Reference: Do not use TWC's Form B-11 to verify unemployment benefits. This form does not verify the actual receipt or amount of benefits.
Verify unemployment benefits by one or more of the following methods:
- Obtain TWC information through a Data Broker report.
- Obtain a letter from TWC.
- Document a contact with a representative of TWC.
- View or obtain a copy of the person's most recent benefit checks.
Data Broker report will verify quarterly earnings and unemployment benefits. Information is obtained using the person's name and Social Security number. A match will result if the person has applied, is receiving or has received unemployment benefits with TWC. Result response time is generally immediate.
A match by name will provide the person's name, alias name, address, telephone number, Social Security number and date of birth.
Available information includes:
- if the person has applied for benefits;
- wages the person earned (per quarter) during the past 24 months;
- the status of a current claim; and
- the amount of weekly unemployment benefits, deductions and payment dates.
E-4700, Disability Insurance Benefits
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Disability benefits are unearned income.
Some insurance policies pay benefits based on the period of time a person is disabled and not on the amount of medical expenses. These policies may be called "income maintenance" policies. Benefits from these policies are unearned income to the extent that they are not used to pay for medical expenses.
Disability benefits normally are paid to a person who has suffered injury or impairment. These payments may be from an employer, insurance or other public or private fund.
Determine the source of the benefit. If the source is covered by one of the unearned income items, such as Social Security or a private pension, use the procedures for that item.
E-5000, Variable Income
E-5100, Calculations for Variable Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Average monthly income that is predictable but varies in amount from month to month. Types of monthly income that require averaging include, but are not limited to:
- earned income;
- royalty income; and
- interest income.
Variable income can be from one source or a combination of sources.
For eligibility budgets, treatment of variable income is the same whether the person is in the community or in an institutional setting.
Treatment of variable income in co-payment budgets applies only to a person in an institutional setting (for example, a Home and Community-Based Services waiver program or a nursing facility).
There are additional treatments for variable income for the co-payment budgets that include reconciliation and restitution. See Chapter H, Co-Payment.
As specified in Section E-9000, Infrequent or Irregular Income, do not average income for the eligibility test that meets the definition of irregular or infrequent.
See Chapter G, Eligibility Budgets, for instructions on determining income eligibility. The examples in this section are for demonstration purposes only. They may not reflect the current spousal allowance amounts.
E-5200, When to Project Variable Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
- The person has income that fluctuates from month to month (such as earnings, royalties, dividends, interest, rents, etc.) and the average from all sources is $5 or more.
- Variable income from any combination of sources was received during at least three of the preceding six months, is anticipated to reoccur, and the average from all sources is $5 or more.
Example: The person entered a nursing facility (NF) in January and applied for Medicaid the same month. During the six months preceding the month the case is worked (February), the person received the following variable income payments, all of which are anticipated to reoccur during the projection period (March through August).
Month Source #1 Source #2 Payment Received Aug. Sept. $20 X Oct. Nov. $20 X Dec. Jan.
Because the person did not receive variable income from all sources during at least three of the preceding six months, do not average and project variable income, even though the payments are anticipated to reoccur with the same frequency during the coming six months.
Note: If an eligibility budget is being calculated for the prior month of November, the $20 payment received that month is excluded as infrequent/irregular income in the eligibility budget. There is no co-payment for November because the person did not enter the NF until January. - In spousal impoverishment cases, the community-based spouse received variable income from any combination of sources during at least three of the preceding six months, the variable income is anticipated to reoccur, and the monthly average from all sources is $5 or more.
Example: The person entered the NF in January and applied for Medicaid the same month. The person has no variable income. However, the community-based spouse receives monthly royalty payments from a mineral lease. During the six months preceding the month the case is worked (February), the community-based spouse received monthly royalties as follows: August = $25; September = $30; October = $20; November = $15; December = $22; and January = $25.
Because the community-based spouse received variable income during at least three of the preceding six months, all payments are anticipated to reoccur during the coming six months, and the average from all sources is $5 or more ($25 + $30 + $20 + $15 + $22 + $25 = $137 ÷ 6 months = $22.83 monthly average), the eligibility specialist projects the $22.83 average as the community-based spouse's income in the co-payment calculation. - For applications, variable income that is anticipated to reoccur is calculated into the co-payment budget for the month of certification and is projected over the next six months. If eligibility is being tested for prior months, the amount of variable income actually received during a given month is budgeted as income for that month.
- For ongoing cases, variable income (earned or unearned) is not calculated into the co-payment budget until the month following the month in which the person received his/her first variable payment.
Example: (Reviews Only) The person's first monthly variable payment (such as earned income or interest) is received in October. This payment is calculated into the co-payment budget in November to be effective December.
E-5300, When Not to Project Variable Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
- Variable income is received from all sources in fewer than three of the preceding six months and is not anticipated to increase in frequency. Variable income that is not projected is restituted at the annual redetermination, if the amount in the month of receipt is $5 or more.
Example: The person entered an NF in January and applied for Medicaid in the same month. During the six months preceding the month the case is worked (February), the person received the following variable payments, which are anticipated to reoccur during the projection period (March through August).
Month Source #1 Source #2 Payment Received Aug. Sept. $20 X Oct. Nov. $20 X Dec. Jan.
Because the person did not receive variable income from all sources during at least three of the preceding six months, do not average and project variable income, even though these payments are anticipated to reoccur with the same frequency during the coming six months.
Note: If an eligibility budget is being calculated for the prior month of November, the $20 payment received that month is excluded as infrequent/irregular income in the eligibility budget. There is no co-payment budget for November because the person did not enter the NF until January. - Variable income is received during three of the preceding six months from any combination of sources, but payment from at least one of the sources is not anticipated to reoccur during the next six months, and payments from remaining sources were not received during three of the preceding six months.
Examples:- The person entered an NF in January and applied for Medicaid the same month. During the six months preceding the month the case is worked (February), the person received the following unearned variable payments, but the payment from Source #3 was a one-time payment and is not anticipated to continue.
Month Source #1 Source #2 Source #3 Payment Received Aug. $30 X Sept. Oct. $30 X Nov. Dec. Jan. $50 X
Although the person received variable income from all sources during three of the preceding six months, the payment from Source #3 is not anticipated to reoccur. Therefore, the variable payments from Sources #1 and #2 are not averaged and projected for future months.
Note: If eligibility is being determined for the prior month of October, the unearned variable income of $30 received during that month is not countable income, as the amount is less than the infrequent or irregular exclusion of the first $60 unearned in a calendar quarter. (See Section E-9000, Infrequent or Irregular Income.) There is no co-payment budget for October because the person did not enter the NF until January. - The person entered the NF in January and applied for Medicaid the same month. During the six months preceding the month in which the case is worked (February), the person received the following variable payments, but the payment from Source #3, received in October, was a one-time payment and is not anticipated to recur.
Month Source #1 Source #2 Source #3 Payment Received Aug. $20 X Sept. $20 X Oct. $20 X Nov. Dec. $20 $20 X Jan.
Because the person received variable income from Sources #1 and #2 during three of the preceding six months, the income from Sources #1 and #2 is averaged and projected into the co-payment budget for the coming six months (March through August). However, since the one-time $20 payment from Source #3 is not anticipated to recur, it is not included in the average of variable income to be projected.
- The person entered an NF in January and applied for Medicaid the same month. During the six months preceding the month the case is worked (February), the person received the following unearned variable payments, but the payment from Source #3 was a one-time payment and is not anticipated to continue.
- Variable income from all sources was received during three of the preceding six months and is anticipated to recur, but the average of income from all sources is less than $5.
Example: The person entered the NF in January and applied for Medicaid the same month. During the six-month period preceding the month in which the case is worked (February), the person received the following variable payments, all of which are anticipated to recur.
Month Source Payment Received Aug. $2 X Sept. $1 X Oct. $2 X Nov. $5 X Dec. $3 X Jan. $4 X
The person received variable payments from all sources during each of the six preceding month; however, because the average of all payments is less than $5 ($2 + $1 + $2 + $5 + $3 + $4 = $17 ÷ 6 months = $2.83) and is not anticipated to increase, that average is not projected into the co-payment budget.
E-5400, How to Budget Variable Income at Applications
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a person routinely receives variable income that is anticipated to continue, use an average of variable income received during the six months preceding the application file date, or the six months preceding any month up to the certification month, and project that average for the coming six-month period. Schedule a special review for the sixth month after the case is certified to re-budget applied income.
- The person applied in January and is now being certified in February. The eligibility specialist verifies that the person received variable income totaling $300 from August through January, which is anticipated to reoccur, and obtains an average of $50 per month ($300 ÷ 6 months). This average ($50) is budgeted as variable income in the applied income calculation. A special review is scheduled for the following August, six months from the certification date.
- The person applied in January and is now being certified in March. The eligibility specialist has the option of averaging variable income for any one of the following six-month periods:
- July through December (six months prior to January, the month in which the application was filed);
- August through January (six months preceding February, which is a month prior to the March certification month); or
- September through February (six months prior to the certification month of March).
If variable income is received on a monthly basis and is anticipated to continue, the amount to be projected is an average of variable income received during preceding months. If variable income was received during all six of the preceding months, divide the total received by 6; if there are only five months of variable income, divide the total by 5; if there are only four months of variable income, divide the total by 4, and so on.
- The application was filed in January and is being certified in February. The person began receiving monthly variable income six months ago, in August. Variable income received from July through December totaled $400. The average to be projected over the coming six months is $66.67 ($400 total ÷ 6 months = $66.67). A special review is scheduled for the following August to re-budget variable income.
- The application was filed in January and is being certified in February. The person began receiving monthly variable income two months ago, in December. Variable income received for December and January totals $75. The average to be projected over the coming six months is $37.50 ($75 total ÷ 2 months = $37.50). A special review is scheduled for the following August to re-budget variable income.
In spousal impoverishment cases, if the community spouse has variable income that is anticipated to continue, in the co-payment budget use an average of variable income received during the six months preceding the application file date, or the six months preceding any month up to the certification month, and project that average for the coming six-month period. Schedule a special review for the sixth month after the case is certified to re-budget applied income.
Note: If the co-payment is $0 and there is a wide margin of variability for variable income, semi-annual reviews are not required. Variable income should be re-budgeted at each annual redetermination.
Note: Cases with significant month-to-month differences in income amounts should be reviewed quarterly rather than every six months. This quarterly averaging will minimize the impact on a person if he receives income in very low amounts for several months. If the monthly average of variable income from all sources is less than $5, the variable income need not be budgeted for applied income purposes.
If variable income from all sources was received during at least three of the preceding six months and is anticipated to reoccur, total the variable income received during the preceding six months and divide by six to determine the initial budget. Schedule a special review for the sixth month after the case is worked to re-budget applied income.
Example: The application is worked in February. The preceding six months are August through January. Variable income totaling $65 from two different sources was received in August, October, December and January and is anticipated to continue. The average to be projected (from March through August) is $10.83 ($65 ÷ 6 months = $10.83).
Spend down situations. Amounts of variable income received during preceding months may differ from amounts anticipated for future months. In these situations, obtain a statement of anticipated income amounts from the source, if possible. If the source cannot provide a statement, expected income must be determined based on other information.
- Interest income — The person entered an NF in September, and her Medicaid application is being worked in February. She owns an interest-bearing bank account, but has been spending down resources since September. The current bank account balance is sufficient to continue generating interest. The eligibility specialist budgets the anticipated interest amount based on the best estimate available, considering the reduced account balance and current interest rates, rather than averaging the interest posted during preceding months when the account balance was much higher. A special review is scheduled for no later than August to reconcile.
- Rental income — The amount of rental income to be projected is a net amount based on gross rents anticipated to be received, less allowable expenses anticipated to be paid, during the six months following the month the case is worked (the month the case is certified).
E-5500, How to Budget Variable Income at Redeterminations
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
When projecting variable income, it is permissible to overlap months (or to skip a month), if verification is unavailable.
The redetermination is in February and verification of variable income for January is unavailable. The options are:
- Average variable income from July through December (total divided by six months), and project that average through the following August. (This is true even though variable income received in July was used in the average calculated at the preceding semi-annual review in August [when the income from the preceding February through July was averaged].) Also at this February semi-annual review, reconcile the months of August through December.
Note: Do not reconcile for July because that month was reconciled at the previous semi-annual review last August. Never reconcile the same month twice! - Average variable income from August through December (total divided by five months), and project that average through the following August. Reconcile for August through December.
Options at the next redetermination (the following August):
- Average variable income received from January through July (total divided by seven months), and project that average through the following February. Reconcile for January through July.
- Skip January altogether, and average February through July (total divided by six months), and project that average through the following February. Reconcile for January through July.
- If verification of variable income received in July is unavailable, average variable income received from February through June (total divided by five months), or variable income received from January through June (total divided by six months), and project that average through the following February.
E-6000, Self-Employment Income
Revision 21-2; Effective June 1, 2021
Self-employment income is usually income from a person's own business, trade, or profession rather than from an employer. The method and rate of payment involved in self-employment will differ, as will the allowable expenses involved in producing the income.
E-6100, Materially Participating
Revision 16-4; Effective December 1, 2016
For earned income to be considered self-employment, either the person individual or the individual's spouse must be actively involved or materially participating in producing the income. See Section E-3100, Types of Earned Income.
Materially participating. An individual business owner is determined to be materially participating if the individual meets any one of the following criteria:
- the individual engages in periodic advice and consultation with the tenant, inspection of the production activities, and furnishing of machinery, equipment, livestock and production expenses;
- the individual makes management decisions that affect the success of the enterprise;
- the individual performs a specified amount of physical labor to produce the commodities raised; or
the individual does not meet the full requirements above, but the individual's involvement in crop production is nevertheless significant.
Consider income from the sale of timber "farm" income if:
- the timber was grown on the farm;
- the income is not treated as capital gains; and
- the timber operations are incidental to or tied in with the operation of the farm to constitute one business.
E-6200, Net Self-Employment Earnings
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Net earnings (gross income less allowable deductions) are used in budgeting. Net earnings from self-employment also include any profit or loss incurred in partnership agreements (within a self-employment related context). Verified net losses from self-employment can be deducted from other earned income received in the same year the loss was incurred.
In a couple case, the loss can be deducted from either spouse's earned income, regardless of which spouse incurred the loss.
Losses cannot be deducted from unearned income or carried over from a previous period.
E-6210 Self-Employment Expenses
Revision 24-2; Effective June 1, 2024
The chart below lists common types of self-employment expenses. This chart is not all-inclusive. Submit Form H0005, Policy Clarification Request, when questionable deductions arise or to determine how to budget self-employment expenses not listed in the chart.
Self-Employment Expenses
Allowable self-employment expenses are based on costs that can be deducted from federal income taxes per the IRS Schedule C, Form 1040 - Profit or Loss from Business.
Expense Types | MEPD Programs |
Advertising | Allowed |
Car and truck expenses | Allowed |
Commissions and fees | Allowed |
Contract labor | Allowed |
Costs not related to self-employment | Non-Allowed |
Costs related to producing income gained from illegal activities, such as prostitution or the sale of illegal drugs | Non-Allowed |
Depletion | Allowed |
Depreciation | Allowed |
Employee benefit programs | Allowed |
Insurance | Allowed |
Interest * | Allowed |
Legal and professional services | Allowed |
Net loss that occurred in a previous period | Non-Allowed |
Office expenses | Allowed |
Pension and profit-sharing plans | Allowed |
Rent or lease ** | Allowed |
Repairs and maintenance | Allowed |
Supplies | Allowed |
Taxes and licenses | Allowed |
Travel, meals and entertainment | Allowed |
Travel to and from place of business | Non-Allowed |
Utilities | Allowed |
Wages | Allowed |
Other expenses | Allowed |
*Interest includes mortgage, interest paid to banks and other interest.
**Rent or lease may include rental of vehicles, machinery, equipment or other business property.
When determining transportation costs, the person may choose to use the standard mileage reimbursement rate of 67 cents per mile instead of keeping track of actual expenses.
The IRS Schedule F, Form 1040 - Profit or Loss from Farming, lists the deductible expenses for farm income.
E-6300, Budget Options for Self-Employment
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
The procedure for calculating the eligibility budget may differ, and will depend on which method is more advantageous to the person.
E-6310 Annual Projection
Revision 16-4; Effective December 1, 2016
Divide the individual's entire taxable year's income (as shown on the previous year's income tax, IRS Schedule C, Form 1040 - Profit or Loss from Business, or IRS Schedule F, Form- 1040 - Profit or Loss from Farming, Schedule F) equally among 12 months. This procedure should be followed even if the business is seasonal, starts late in the year, or ceases operation before the end of the taxable year.
Note: If the payments were received no more than once per calendar quarter, the income is considered as infrequent or irregular. If the total earnings for each calendar quarter are $30 or less, the income is not counted in the eligibility budget and is considered in the co-payment budget. If the total earnings for each calendar quarter exceed $30, allow the $30 deduction and count the excess income in the eligibility budget. Consider the income for the co-payment budget.
If the person's tax statement is used to predict variable income, there is no need to set a six-month special review to redetermine eligibility unless a change has been reported.
E-6320 Six Months Projection
Revision 16-4; Effective December 1, 2016
When the previous year's tax statement is unavailable, or if using the IRS Schedule F, Form 1040 - Profit or Loss from Farming, or the IRS Schedule C, Form -1040 - Profit or Loss from Business, makes the person individual ineligible, request verification of earnings and allowable deductions for the previous six months. In this situation, a six-month special review is required.
E-6400, Variable Income for Self-Employment
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Follow established variable income procedures when calculating the co-payment budget. Pay attention to anticipated rate of receipt in projecting co-payment, as there is often a high degree of variability in the receipt of self-employment income. Schedule a special review when lump sum payments are anticipated to occur, so that restitution can be requested. Monitor the case and adjust the budget (if applicable) when projected variable income is expected to cease.
Because most self-employment income involves deductible expenses, inform the person to keep accurate records of all incurred expenses and receipts.
E-6500, Self-Employment Income Examples
Revision 16-4; Effective December 1, 2016
- An individual who resides in a nursing facility owns a 160-acre farm where the individual's spouse continues to live. One hundred acres of land are set aside in a Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The other 60 acres are farmed by the couple's son, who pays all expenses. In return for use of the land, the son pays the individual one-quarter of the net profit he produces. For several years, the individual has received $6,000 from the CRP during the month of September. The son's most recent IRS Schedule C form shows net farming income of $7,000 for the year.
The income from the land set aside for CRP is considered lease or rental income. As neither the individual nor the individual's spouse participates in the production of farm income, this is also considered rental income and no deductions are given for expenses. If expenses are incurred by either the individual or the individual's spouse, consider these expenses as deductions in netting the income. Other common examples of lease income include hunting or fishing leases, subsidy payments, surface exploration, or bonuses. An individual supplements their Social Security income by making quilts. The quilts are sold through a consignment shop, which keeps 10 percent of the sales price. Each month the individual produces and sells two quilts, which retail for $450 each. The material for each quilt costs $75; additionally, the individual pays her niece $150 per quilt to do the actual quilting stitch. The individual's business is run out of a rented apartment, which includes a living area, kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms. One of the bedrooms is used as the workshop. The individual pays $400 per month in rent; utilities for the apartment run $150 per month. The individual is also repaying their son at the rate of $50 per month for money he loaned the individual for the purchase of a new sewing machine, which is used to produce the quilts.
- An individual supplements their Social Security income by making quilts. The quilts are sold through a consignment shop, which keeps 10 percent of the sales price. Each month the individual produces and sells two quilts, which retail for $450 each. The material for each quilt costs $75; additionally, the individual pays her niece $150 per quilt to do the actual quilting stitch. The individual's business is run out of a rented apartment, which includes a living area, kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms. One of the bedrooms is used as the workshop. The individual pays $400 per month in rent; utilities for the apartment run $150 per month. The individual is also repaying their son at the rate of $50 per month for money he loaned the individual for the purchase of a new sewing machine, which is used to produce the quilts.
Amount Action $900.00 gross monthly income (two quilts @ $450 each) – 90.00 consignment fee (10 percent of $900) –150.00 cost of materials ($75 X 2) –300.00 payment to niece ($150 X 2) –100.00 rental expense for work space ($400/four rooms) – 37.50 utility expense for work space ($150/four rooms) $222.50 net monthly income from sale of two quilts
Note: The $50 payment on the principal of the loan to the son is not an allowable expense. Similarly, if the individual bought the sewing machine outright (purchase of a capital asset), the purchase would also not be an allowable deduction. However, the rental of a sewing machine would be allowable. See the chart in the previous section.
An eligible couple produces a yearly cotton crop. The couple belongs to a co-op that stores the cotton to await a better price. The co-op members receive coupons, which are actually a loan against the eventual sale price of the crop.
Action:Proceeds from the sale of the crop become income in the month the individual actually receives the profit. Any coupons cashed against the eventual sale price of the crop are considered income at the time they are cashed.
E-7000, Deeming Income
E-7100, Living Arrangement
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If the living arrangement is in a community setting, deeming of income and resources affect the budget. See Section D-4200, Living Arrangements.
If a person lives in the same household with an ineligible spouse or parent and parent's spouse, if any, the income of the ineligible person(s) may be counted with the income of the person. This countable income of the spouse or parent is said to be "deemed" to the person. Although an ineligible parent's income may be earned income, it is counted as unearned income after being deemed to the person.
If neither a person's spouse nor child is in an institutional setting, deeming from spouse-to-spouse or parent-to-child applies in household situations. Only those residing in the household are considered part of the household for deeming purposes. For the purposes of deeming, the household comprises the eligible person, the spouse and any children of the couple (or either member of the couple), or the eligible child, the parent(s) and other children of the parent(s). See Section D-4210, Deeming, for exceptions to the household situations for deeming.
Deeming only applies in household situations. Unless temporarily absent, only those persons residing in the household are a part of the household for deeming purposes. A person is not a member of the household for deeming purposes if he is absent from home for a period that is not a temporary absence. A temporary absence exists when a person (eligible person or child, or ineligible spouse, parent or child) leaves the household but intends to, and does, return in the same month or the following month. If the absence is temporary, deeming continues to apply. An ineligible spouse or parent who is absent from a deeming household solely because of an active duty military assignment continues to be considered a member of the household for income deeming purposes. If the absent service member's intent to continue living in the household changes, deeming stops beginning with the month following the month in which the intent changed.
E-7200, When Deeming Procedures Are Not Used
Revision 16-3; Effective September 1, 2016
The following exceptions apply to deeming of income:
- If the individual's spouse, parent or parent's spouse is a member of a TANF group, the income of the spouse, parent or parent's spouse is not deemed to the individual.
- All income used to determine eligibility for assistance based on need is excluded for deeming purposes. For example, if the individual's spouse, parent or parent's spouse is a member of a TANF group or is eligible for SSI, that individual's income is not deemed to the individual. Note: Most VA pensions are based on need. See Section E-4311, VA Pensions.
- In certain Home and Community-Based Services waiver programs, an ineligible spouse's or parent(s)'s income is not deemed to an individual.
- Deeming does not apply when an eligible individual and ineligible spouse are living in an institution, even when they are sharing a room. Deeming does apply in non-institutional care situations, such as adult foster care and personal care facilities, if payment for care does not include payment for medical services and/or supplies.
- If an ineligible spouse or parent becomes eligible, discontinue deeming beginning with the month the spouse or parent becomes eligible.
- If spouses separate or divorce, discontinue deeming beginning with the first of the month following the month of the event.
- If an ineligible parent(s) or child no longer lives in the same household, discontinue deeming beginning with the first month following the month in which either the parent(s) or child leaves the household.
- When a child attains age 18, discontinue deeming in the month following the month the child attained age 18.
- When an ineligible spouse or parent(s) dies, discontinue deeming beginning with the month following the month the spouse or parent(s) died.
E-7300, When Deeming Procedures Begin
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Deeming procedures begin when:
- an ineligible spouse or parent(s) begins living in the same household with a person, with the first month following the month of change; and
- an eligible spouse or parent(s) becomes ineligible, in the first month that the spouse or parent(s) become ineligible.
E-7400, Special Income Exemptions Used in Deeming
Revision 11-1; Effective March 1, 2011
Exempt income is not included in the income budget for deeming or eligibility.
Exempt certain types of income that may be received by people living in the household who are:
- a person's ineligible spouse;
- an ineligible parent;
- a parent's ineligible spouse; or
- any ineligible children.
Do not deem the following types of income to the person:
- all income in Section E-2000, Exempt Income;
- all cash or in-kind payments in Section E-1700, Things That Are Not Income;
- the value of in-kind support and maintenance provided to the ineligible person;
- income used by the ineligible person to make support payments under a court order or an agreement authorized by Title IV-D. The amount exempted is stated in the court order or agreement or the amount of the actual payment, whichever is less;
- payments made to the ineligible person through block grants or other government programs that include family care services and attendant services; and
- income based on need such as SSI, TANF and most VA pensions.
Common exempt income sources used in deeming:
- Amount of income of a dependent who is receiving SSI or TANF, because this income has already been considered in determining the dependent's need for SSI or TANF.
- Infrequent or irregular income.
- Payments for foster care of a child if the child is not eligible for SSI and was placed in the person's home by a public or private, nonprofit child placement or child care agency.
- Student earnings.
- Value of meals and benefits provided under the Child Nutrition Act of 1966.
- Value of meals provided under the National School Lunch Act, as amended by Public Law 90-302 of 1968.
- Payments by the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration authorized by the Disaster Relief Act, as amended.
- Value of any housing assistance payment paid on a house under the United States Housing Act of 1937, the National Housing Act, Section 101 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, or Title V of the Housing Act of 1949, as authorized by Public Law 94-375.
Note: Consider a utility allowance given under any of these titles to be income, unless the allowance is paid directly to the utility company and the person has no access to the allowance.
E-7410 Military Unearned Income
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Note: Do not count the hostile fire pay or imminent danger pay portion from military income as income during the month of receipt. Any unspent hostile fire pay or imminent danger pay becomes a resource if retained into the following month and not otherwise excluded.
For the nine-month period following the month of receipt, exclude from deemed resources the unspent portion of any retroactive payment of:
- hostile fire and imminent danger pay (pursuant to 37 U.S.C. 310) received by the ineligible spouse or parent from one of the uniformed services; and
- family separation allowance (pursuant to 37 U.S.C. 427) received by the ineligible spouse or parent from one of the uniformed services as a result of deployment to or while serving in a combat zone.
E-8000, Support and Maintenance
Revision 18-4; Effective December 1, 2018
In-kind support and maintenance (S/M) is the value of food and shelter received through a medium other than legal tender.
Any cash payments given directly to a person for food or shelter are cash income and not in-kind S/M.
E-8100, General Information
Revision 11-3; Effective September 1, 2011
In-kind S/M is unearned income in the form of food or shelter or both. Federal requirements stipulate that S/M, along with other forms of unearned income, be considered when determining Medicaid eligibility.
Do not consider S/M in budgeting for Medicaid Buy-In for Children (MBIC).
Two rules are used to determine the value of S/M a person receives:
- the one-third reduction rule; and
- the one-third reduction + $20 rule.
See Appendix XXXI, Budget Reference Chart.
Base the decision on which rule to use on:
- the person’s living arrangement; and
- whether a person receives:
- both food and shelter; or
- either food or shelter.
E-8110 One-Third Reduction Rule
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Reference: Appendix XIV, Chart A
Instead of determining the actual dollar value of in-kind S/M as unearned income, use the one-third reduction rule; that is, count one-third of the federal benefit rate (FBR) as additional income if a person (or a person and the person's eligible spouse):
- live in another person's household for a full calendar month, except for temporary absences; and
- receive both food and shelter from the other person's household.
Example: Bess Black lives in her son's home. There are no other household members. Monthly household expenses total $650 ($325 pro-rata share). Mrs. Black contributes nothing toward household expenses. Count one-third of the FBR as S/M.
The one-third reduction rule applies in full or not at all. If a person lives in another person's household, and the one-third reduction rule applies, do not apply any income exclusions to the reduction amount. However, do apply appropriate exclusions to any other earned or unearned income received.
If the one-third reduction rule applies, do not count any other in-kind S/M received.
E-8120 One-Third Reduction + $20 Rule
Revision 13-4; Effective December 1, 2013
If a person receives in-kind S/M and the one-third reduction rule is not applicable, use the one-third reduction + $20 rule. Instead of determining the actual dollar value of any food or shelter a person receives, presume that it is worth a maximum value. This presumed maximum value is one-third of the federal benefit rate (FBR), plus the amount of the general income exclusion ($20).
The one-third reduction + $20 rule allows a person to show that the S/M is not equal to the presumed maximum value. Do not use the one-third reduction + $20 rule if the person shows that:
- the current market value of any food or shelter the person receives, minus any payment the person makes for them, is lower than the presumed maximum value; or
- the actual amount someone else pays for the person’s food or shelter is lower than the presumed maximum value.
Use the one-third reduction + $20 rule as part of the unearned income if either:
- the person chooses not to question the use of the presumed maximum value, or
- the presumed maximum value is less than the actual value of the food or shelter the person receives.
Use the actual value of the food or shelter received as part of the unearned income if the person shows that the presumed maximum value is higher than the actual value of the food or shelter the person receives.
Note: A religious order has an express obligation to provide full support and maintenance for members of the order who have taken a vow of poverty. Due to this express obligation, in-kind support and maintenance subject to the one-third FBR + $20 must be developed. Income turned over by a member to the religious order is considered to be in fulfillment of the vow of poverty and is not considered a contribution toward the food and shelter received from the order.
E-8121 Community Attendant Services
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Reminder: If a person receives S/M and the one-third reduction + $20 rule applies, count the presumed maximum amount, that is, 1/3 federal benefit rate (FBR) + $20. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial the person must be offered an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value of the S/M is less.
If a person is applying for or receiving Community Attendant Services (CAS), count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial the person must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less.
Example: Jim Morgan, a CAS applicant, lives in his sister's home. The sister's husband and their child also live there. Mr. Morgan does not pay his pro-rata share of household expenses. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If Mr. Morgan is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial Mr. Morgan must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. Monthly household expenses total $1,050 ($262.50 pro-rata share). Mr. Morgan contributes $200 per month toward general household expenses. The actual value is $62.50 ($262.50 pro-rata share − $200 client's contribution = $62.50).
Note: No S/M for Home and Community-Based Services waivers.
E-8130 Support and Maintenance (S/M) Items
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
What Is S/M | What Is Not S/M |
Food/board | Value of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food benefits (formerly known as food stamps) |
Shelter/room | Cable TV |
Mortgage | Telephone bill (basic, plus extra services and long distance) |
Real property taxes (less any tax rebate credit) | Credit card bills |
Rent | VA clothing allowance for medical reasons |
Heating fuel (for example, coal, wood and butane) | Life insurance premiums |
Gas | Medical care |
Electricity | Transportation |
Water | Repair of roof, plumbing, etc. |
Sewer | General upkeep on home |
Garbage removal | Lawn maintenance |
Property insurance required by mortgage holder | Paint for the house |
E-8140 Exceptions to Counting Support and Maintenance (S/M) Income
Revision 18-1; Effective March 1, 2018
The general rule is to count S/M to a person when he or she receives food or shelter, regardless of who is liable for payment of the cost of the food or shelter item received.
There are numerous exceptions to the general rule. When an exception applies, the food or shelter a person receives is not countable S/M. Some of these exceptions result from federal statutory exclusions that specifically exclude from income the value of food or shelter received. Other exceptions result from situations in which the food or shelter received does not constitute income in accordance with regulations.
Do not count S/M if a person receives food or shelter that:
- is specifically excluded by federal law (for example, the Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act) (see Section E-2000, Exempt Income);
- meets the criteria for exclusion of infrequent or irregular unearned income (see Section E-9000, Infrequent or Irregular Income);
- has no current market value;
- is provided under a governmental (federal, state or local) medical or social service program (see Section E-1700, Things That Are Not Income);
- is assistance based on need from a state or one of its political subdivisions (see Section E-2000, Exempt Income);
- is provided by someone living in the same household whose income is subject to deeming to the person;
- is food or shelter received at school by a child under age 22, not subject to deeming, who receives food or shelter only at school while temporarily absent from his parental household;
- is food or shelter received during a temporary absence;
- is received as a replacement of a lost, damaged or stolen resource (this includes temporary housing) (see Section E-1740, Miscellaneous Things That May Not Be Income, and Section E-2000, Exempt Income);
- is excluded under an approved plan for self-support;
- is received because of payments made under the terms of a credit life or credit disability policy (see Section E-1740); or
- is received during medical confinement in an institution.
Support and maintenance are not included as income in the eligibility budget if the person:
- is in an institutional setting and eligibility is being tested for a Home and Community-Based Services waiver program (Note: Community Attendant Services is not a Home and Community-Based Services waiver program); or
- is in an institutional setting for the month, but entered after the first of the month.
Example: Mr. John Bono lives in his own home. His daughter reports that she pays Mr. Bono's garbage removal bill directly to the vendor each calendar quarter, which amounts to no more than $20. Because S/M meets the definition of infrequent or irregular income, it is not counted in the eligibility budget.
Support and maintenance are also not included as income in the eligibility budget if the person:
- lives with a deemor (ineligible spouse/parent) and there are no non-deemors in the household;
- lives in a commercial room-and-board establishment;
- is placed in personal care, adult foster care or supervised living by a public agency, such as Adult Protective Services (APS) or HHSC; or
- pays his pro-rata share of all household expenses.
Example: Alice Beckman lives with her son in his home. Monthly household food and shelter expenses total $350 ($175 pro-rata share). Ms. Beckman contributes $185 per month toward general household expenses. Because Ms. Beckman pays more than her pro-rata share of general household expenses, there is no S/M.
Support and maintenance are also not included as income in the eligibility budget if the person:
- lives in a public assistance household, defined as one in which each member receives cash or vendor payments from one of the following:
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF);
- SSI;
- Refugee Assistance Act of 1980;
- a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) general assistance program;
- payments based on need provided by a state/local government income maintenance program;
- Veterans Affairs (VA) pension for veterans or widows;
- VA dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC) for parents; or
- payments under the Disaster Relief Act of 1974; or
- is receiving free use of land on which the shelter the person owns is located, or free use of shelter situated on land the person owns.
Example: Marcie Bennett lives in her own mobile home on property owned by her daughter. The daughter charges her no rent for use of the land. Ms. Bennett pays all of her food and utility expenses. There is no S/M because the use of land alone is not a shelter cost.
Example: Janet Smith lives in a mobile home owned by her daughter. The mobile home is situated on a lot owned by Ms. Smith. The daughter does not charge Ms. Smith rent for use of the mobile home. There is no S/M because the use of shelter alone (but not the land) is not a shelter cost.
E-8150 Food, Clothing or Shelter as Wages
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a person receives food, clothing or shelter that constitutes wages or remuneration for work, this is earned income valued at its current market value (CMV) or current market rental value (CMRV).
In this situation, the principles of S/M do not apply; however, the earned income exclusions of $65 and one-half the remainder do apply, unless eligibility is being determined under the institutional income limit.
Example: Joe Ball works as an apartment manager. His employer pays him $300 per month in cash wages and provides a free room, which has a monthly rental value of $200. Because provision of the room by Mr. Ball's employer constitutes wages, Mr. Ball receives $500 in earned income each month. This in-kind earned income in the form of shelter is valued at its CMRV ($200), and the one-third reduction rule and the one-third reduction + $20 rule do not apply. The earned income exclusions of $65 and one-half the remainder apply to Mr. Ball's total earnings of $500 ($300 cash wages + $200 free room), unless eligibility is being determined under the institutional income limit.
E-8160 Living Arrangement
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Use a person’s living arrangement to determine if S/M is being received and whether the S/M is to be valued under the one-third reduction rule or under the one-third reduction + $20 rule. Some common living arrangements are:
- noninstitutional care;
- home ownership;
- rental liability, including flat fee for room and board;
- public assistance (PA) households (that is, presumed sharing);
- separate consumption;
- separate purchase of food;
- sharing;
- earmarked sharing; and
- home of another.
E-8200, Individual Budgets
E-8210 Household of Another Person
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
E-8211 Contributing Less Than Pro-Rata Share
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Reference: Appendix XIV, Chart A
If a person contributes less than his or her pro-rata share of general household expenses, use the one-third reduction rule. No opportunity for rebuttal is offered.
Example: Alice Beckham lives with her son in his home. General household expenses total $350 ($175 pro-rata share). Mrs. Beckham contributes only $125 per month. Count 1/3 FBR as support and maintenance.
E-8212 Contributing an Earmarked Share of Food and Shelter
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
If a person contributes a specific amount for food and/or shelter, but the amount contributed is less than the person's pro-rata share for each earmarked expense, use the one-third reduction rule. No rebuttal is offered.
Example 1: A person lives in his sister's home with his sister, the sister's spouse and child. The monthly household food expenses total $240 ($60 pro-rata share); the monthly household shelter expenses total $320 ($80 pro-rata share). The person pays his sister $55 a month for food and nothing for shelter. The person does not pay his pro-rata share of either food or shelter expenses. Count 1/3 FBR as S/M.
Example 2: Another person lives in his daughter's home with her family of five. The household receives SNAP food benefits for all six members, but these benefits do not cover the household's total food expenses. The person does not contribute toward the food expenses not covered by SNAP, nor does he pay anything toward shelter costs. Count 1/3 FBR as S/M.
E-8213 Contributing an Earmarked Share of Either Food or Shelter
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a person contributes an earmarked pro-rata share of either food or shelter expenses, but not both, count 1/3 FBR + $20. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial the person must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that actual value is less.
Example: Emily Fairchild lives with her brother and his family of three. Ms. Fairchild contributes her pro-rata share of shelter expenses but not of food expenses. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial Mrs. Fairchild must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. Monthly household food expenses total $240 ($60 pro-rata share); monthly household shelter expenses total $320 ($80 pro-rata share). Ms. Fairchild contributes $50 per month for food and $85 per month for shelter. The actual value is $5.00 ($140 client's total pro-rata share - $135 client's total contribution = $5.00).
Example: Gladys Haley lives with her son in his home. She pays her pro-rata share of food expenses but not of shelter expenses. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial Ms. Haley must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. Monthly household food expenses total $200 ($100 pro-rata share); monthly household shelter expenses total $400 ($200 pro-rata share). Ms. Haley contributes $100 for food, but does not contribute anything for shelter. In this situation the actual value is $200 ($300 total pro-rata Share - $100 client's contribution = $200.) Count the presumed maximum S/M of 1/3 FBR + $20 if this is less than the actual value.
E-8214 Separate Food Purchases
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
If the person purchases his food separately from other household members, then shelter is the only consideration. Count 1/3 FBR + $20. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, the person must be offered an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less.
Example: A person lives in her daughter's home. The daughter's spouse and their two children also live there. The person purchases her food separate from the rest of the household, but does not pay her pro-rata share of shelter expenses. Count 1/3 FBR + $20. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial, the person must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The monthly household shelter expenses total $700 ($140 pro-rata share), and the person contributes $100. The actual value is $40 ($140 pro-rata share – $100 person's contribution = $40).
E-8220 Ownership or Rental Liability
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A person has an ownership interest or rental liability, and someone else is directly paying all or part of the person's pro-rata share of household expenses. Cash is not given to the person.
If the person is the householder (has ownership interest or rental liability), count 1/3 FBR + $20. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial the person must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value of the S/M is less.
Note: The one-third reduction rule never applies if the person is the householder.
E-8221 Receipt of Support and Maintenance (S/M) from Inside the Household
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A person living in his or her own household may be provided in-kind S/M from other household members living in the household.
Note: S/M should be developed only if the 1/3 FBR + $20, in combination with other countable income, would cause ineligibility.
If the person is the householder, others live with him/her, but he/she pays a pro-rata share of household expenses, there is no S/M.
Example: Scott Nance lives in his own home. His daughter and her two children live with him. Household shelter expenses are as follows: annual property taxes of $1,200 ($100 monthly) and monthly utility costs of $110. The pro-rata share of shelter costs is $52.50 ($100 taxes + $110 utilities = $210 total shelter expenses divided by 4 household members = $52.50 pro-rata share). Household food expenses total $550 ($137.50 pro-rata share). Thus, the pro-rata share of total household expenses is $190 ($52.50 for food + $137.50 for shelter = $190). Mr. Nance's daughter pays the taxes and utilities of $210 per month; Mr. Nance pays the $550 for food. Since Mr. Nance pays more than his pro-rata share of household expenses, there is no S/M.
If the person is the householder and others live with him/her, but he/she does not pay his pro-rata share of household expenses, count 1/3 FBR + $20. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial the person must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less.
- Vicki Neal lives in her own home. Her adult son lives with her. Ms. Neal and her son purchase their food separately, but she does not pay her pro-rata share of shelter expenses. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If Ms. Neal is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial Ms. Neal must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. Ms. Neal pays the cost of butane, which is $35 per month. Her son pays the entire electricity bill of $80 per month directly to the vendor. Thus, shelter costs total $115 ($57.50 pro-rata share). The actual value is $22.50 ($57.50 pro-rata share - $35 client's contribution = $22.50 S/M).
- Donna Hipple lives in her own home. Her adult son lives with her. Ms. Hipple does not pay her pro-rata share of household expenses. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If Ms. Hipple is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial Ms. Hipple must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. Monthly household expenses consist of $500 for shelter ($250 pro-rata share) and $300 for food ($150 pro-rata share). Ms. Hipple buys all food ($300), and her son pays all shelter costs ($500). Since the pro-rata share of total household expenses is $400 ($250 pro-rata for shelter + $150 pro-rata for food = $400), the actual value of S/M is $100 ($400 pro-rata share - $300 Ms. Hipple's contribution = $100).
E-8222 Receipt of Support and Maintenance (S/M) from Outside the Household
Revision 18-4; Effective December 1, 2018
If the person is the householder (has ownership interest or rental liability) and someone else outside the household is directly paying all or part of the person's pro-rata share of household expenses, count 1/3 of the Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) + $20.
If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 does not make the person ineligible, no further development of S/M is needed.
If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial, allow the person the opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value of the S/M is less.
Example: Elizabeth Smith lives alone in a rented apartment. Her rent is $1400 a month. Ms. Smith pays $700 and her daughter, who does not live in the household, pays the other $700 directly to the landlord. Ms. Smith pays all other bills. Current Market Rental Value (CMRV) $1400 -$700 = $700 > 1/3 FBR +$20. S/M = 1/3 FBR + $20.
Note: The one-third reduction rule never applies if the person is the householder.
E-8222.1 Rental Subsidy - Receipt of Support and Maintenance (S/M) from Outside the Household
Revision 18-4; Effective December 1, 2018
Reference: Appendix XIV, Chart B
Rental subsidy is unearned income that represents S/M from outside the household. Rental subsidy policy applies only when:
- someone in the household has a rental liability;
- the rental property is owned by a parent or child of someone in the household; and
- the One-Third Reduction Rule (1/3 FBR) does not apply.
If the amount of rent required by the property owner equals or exceeds either the current market rental value (CMRV) or 1/3 FBR + $20, then there is no rental subsidy countable as outside S/M.
If the amount of rent required by the property owner is less than both the CMRV and 1/3 FBR + $20, then the rental subsidy countable as outside S/M is the lessor of the:
- difference between 1/3 FBR + $20 and the amount of rent required; or
- difference between the CMRV and the amount of rent required.
Example: Royce Jones, a disabled adult, lives alone in a home owned by his parents. He pays all his own utilities, but does not pay the CMRV. Mr. Jones pays $50 per month rent. His parents state that the normal rate to rent the house is $250 per month (not including utilities). The difference between the CMRV and the rent value is $200 ($250 - $50). The difference between 1/3 FBR + $20 and the amount of rent required is $126.66 ($176.66 - $50). Because $126.66 is less than $200, $126.66 is countable S/M.
- As Rental Subsidy considers only the rental expense, explore potential S/M for remaining household expenses (e.g., utilities or food).
- Accept owner declaration of CMRV. Contact with a knowledgeable source, such as a realtor, is not required unless the eligibility specialist considers the value questionable.
Related Policy
Receipt of Support and Maintenance (S/M) from Inside and Outside the Household, E-8223
E-8223 Receipt of Support and Maintenance (S/M) from Inside and Outside the Household
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If a person receives S/M from both inside and outside the household, count 1/3 FBR + $20. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial the person must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the sum of S/M from inside the household and S/M from outside the household is less.
Example: Bob Davis lives in his own home. His daughter and her child live with him. He receives S/M from both inside and outside the household. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If he is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial Mr. Davis must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. Monthly household food expenses total $300 ($100 pro-rata share). Monthly household shelter expenses total $600 ($200 pro-rata share). The daughter buys the food, but Mr. Davis gives her $50 per month. Mr. Davis' son pays all shelter costs directly to the vendors (taxing authority and utility company). In this situation, the actual value of S/M is $250 ($100 pro-rata share for food - $50 client's contribution = $50 S/M from inside the household + $200 S/M from outside the household = $250). Count the maximum S/M of 1/3 FBR + $20 if this is less than the actual value.
E-8300, Companion and Couple Budgets
E-8311 Companion Case Not Contributing Pro-Rata Share
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
If a person and the person's ineligible spouse do not contribute their pro-rata share of household expenses, count 1/6 Couple FBR (1/3 Couple FBR divided by 2) as S/M for the person. Do not consider the S/M received by the ineligible spouse (the other 1/6 Couple FBR) in the eligibility determination when deeming.
Example: A couple lives in their daughter's home. The daughter's spouse and their three children also live there. Only one member of the couple is applying for the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program. The couple does not contribute toward household expenses. Count 1/6 Couple FBR (1/3 Couple FBR divided by 2) as S/M. No S/M is considered for the ineligible spouse in the eligibility budget when deeming.
E-8312 Companion Case Contributing Pro-Rata Share
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
If a person and the person's ineligible spouse contribute their pro-rata share of either food or shelter expenses but not both, count 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 as S/M for the person. (The S/M attributable to the ineligible spouse is not counted in the eligibility budget when deeming.) If the person is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 results in ineligibility, the person must be offered an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less.
Example: A couple lives in their son's home. The son's spouse also lives there. Only one member of the couple is applying for QMB. The couple pays more than their pro-rata share of food expenses, but does not pay their pro-rata share of shelter expenses. Count 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 as S/M for the applicant spouse. (Do not consider S/M received by the non-applicant spouse in the eligibility budget when deeming.) If the applicant is income-eligible, no further development is needed.
If counting 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 results in ineligibility, prior to denial, the applicant must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The monthly household food expenses total $600 ($150 pro-rata share for one person x 2 = $300 pro-rata share for the couple); the monthly household shelter expenses total $750 ($187.50 pro-rata share for one person x 2 = $375 couple's pro-rata share). The couple contributes $350 ($175 each) for food, but does not contribute toward shelter. The actual value is $162.50 ($300 couple's pro-rata share for food + $375 couple's pro-rata share for shelter = $675 couple's total pro-rata share – $350 couple's contribution = $325 actual value for both spouses divided by 2 = $162.50 actual value for the applicant). Count the maximum S/M of 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 if this amount is less than the actual value. Any S/M received by the non-applicant spouse is not considered in the eligibility budget when deeming.
E-8313 Couple Case Not Contributing Pro-Rata Share
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If neither spouse in a couple case contributes a pro-rata share of household expenses, count 1/3 Couple FBR.
E-8314 Couple Case Contributing Pro-Rata Share
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
If both spouses in a couple case contribute their pro-rata share of either food or shelter expenses but not both, count 1/3 Couple FBR + $20. If the couple is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 Couple FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial, the couple must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less.
Example: A couple lives with their daughter in the daughter's home. The couple pays their pro-rata share of food expenses but not shelter expenses. Count 1/3 Couple FBR + $20 as S/M. If couple is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 Couple FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial, the couple must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The monthly household food expenses total $350 ($116.66 pro-rata share for one person x 2 people = $233.32 pro-rata share for the couple). The monthly household shelter expenses total $600 ($200 pro-rata share for one person x 2 people = $400 pro-rata share for the couple). The couple contributes $250 ($125 each) for food, but does not contribute toward shelter. In this situation, the actual value is $383.32 ($233.32 couple's pro-rata share for food + $400 couple's pro-rata share for shelter = $633.32 total pro-rata share – $250 couple's contribution = $383.32). Count the maximum S/M of 1/3 Couple FBR + $20 if this is less than the actual value.
E-8320 Ownership or Rental Liability
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
E-8321 Couple Case Not Contributing Pro-Rata Share
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
If the person and spouse do not pay their pro-rata share of household expenses, count 1/3 Couple FBR + $20. If the couple is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 Couple FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial, the couple must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less.
Example: A couple lives in their own home. Their adult son lives with them. The couple does not contribute their pro-rata share of household expenses. Count 1/3 Couple FBR + $20 as S/M. If the couple is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 Couple FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial, the couple must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The monthly household expenses total $750 ($250 pro-rata share for one person x 2 people = $500 pro-rata share for the couple). The son pays the shelter costs of $350 per month. The couple buys all of the food, paying $400 ($200 each) per month. The actual value is $100 ($500 couple's pro-rata share – $400 couple's contribution = $100).
E-8322 Companion Case Not Contributing Pro-Rata Share
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
If a person and the person's spouse do not pay their pro-rata share of household expenses, count 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 as S/M for the person. (Do not consider S/M received by the ineligible spouse in the eligibility determination when deeming.) If the person is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 results in ineligibility, prior to denial, the person must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less.
Example: A couple lives in their own home. Only one member of the couple is applying for QMB. Two of their adult children live with them. The couple does not pay their pro-rata share of household expenses. Count 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 as S/M for the applicant. (The amount of S/M received by the non-applicant spouse is not considered in determining eligibility when deeming.) If the applicant is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 results in ineligibility, prior to denial, the applicant must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The monthly household expenses total $1,200 ($300 pro-rata share for one person x 2 people = $600 couple's pro-rata share). The children pay the shelter costs of $900 per month, and the couple buys all food, paying $300 ($150 each) per month. The actual value of S/M for the applicant is $150 ($600 couple's pro-rata share – $300 couple's contribution = $300 actual value for both spouses divided by 2 = $150 actual value to the applicant). (The remaining $150 S/M attributed to the non-applicant spouse is not considered in determining eligibility when deeming.) Count the maximum S/M of 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 if this is less than the actual value.
E-8323 Companion Case with Contributions Toward Household Expenses
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
If an ineligible spouse's contribution toward household expenses exceeds the ineligible spouse's pro-rata share, then the excess amount is allocated equally as a contribution among the eligible spouse and the couple's children (if any). Persons among whom the ineligible spouse's excess contribution is allocated (for example, the eligible spouse and the couple's children) are referred to as the "deeming unit."
Example: A couple and their 14-year-old child live in a home they are buying. One of the spouse's adult sisters also lives with them. The other spouse is the only one applying for ME-Pickle. The couple pays more than their pro-rata share of food expenses, but does not contribute toward shelter.
Count 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 as S/M for the applicant. (Do not consider S/M received by the non-applicant spouse or the child in the eligibility determination when deeming.)
If the applicant is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/6 Couple FBR + $10 results in ineligibility, the applicant must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The monthly household food expenses total $450 ($112.50 pro-rata share); the monthly household shelter expenses total $600 ($150 pro-rata share). The non-applicant spouse buys all food ($450), but does not contribute toward shelter expenses. The applicant and the child do not personally contribute. The non-applicant spouse's sister pays all remaining household expenses ($600).
The non-applicant's "excess contribution" is $187.50 ($112.50 pro-rata share for food + $150 pro-rata share for shelter = $262.50 total pro-rata share – $450 non-applicant's contribution = -$187.50 excess contribution). The $187.50 is divided equally as a contribution among the applicant and the child in the deeming unit. Thus, $187.50 divided by 2 = $93.75 each as a contribution by the applicant and the child. The actual value of the applicant's S/M is $84.38 ($112.50 pro-rata share for food + $150 pro-rata share for shelter = $262.50 total pro-rata share – $93.75 applicant's contribution = $168.75 actual value of S/M for both spouses divided by 2 = $84.38), which is less than 1/6 Couple FBR + $10.
E-8400, Rent-Free Shelter
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
In rent-free shelter, no household member has ownership interest or rental liability. This type of S/M is subject to the maximum of 1/3 of FBR + $20.
In rent-free shelter situations, a person outside the household provides the dwelling, but the household has no obligation to pay rent in return for shelter.
If the household contributes nothing for shelter, count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial the person must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. Actual value is based on the current market rental value (CMRV).
Example: Margie Ballard lives in a house owned by her son. She purchases her food and pays all utilities. Her son allows her to live in the home without paying rent. The son reports the CMRV (without utilities) to be $250. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If the person is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial Ms. Ballard must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. In this situation, the actual value is the CMRV of $250. Count the maximum S/M of 1/3 FBR + $20 if this is less than the actual value.
Example: Keith Linder lives in a house owned by his son. The son has requested that Mr. Linder pay his (the son's) monthly mortgage payments of $150 directly to the mortgage-holder in lieu of rent. Mr. Linder pays his own utilities. The son reports the CMRV (without utilities) to be $175. Since the son has requested that Mr. Linder pay his mortgage payment in lieu of rent, this is allowed as a shelter expense. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If Mr. Linder is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, prior to denial Mr. Linder must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The actual value is $25 ($175 CMRV - $150 payment on loan = $25).
The actual value of S/M may be reduced by the amount of the household's voluntary payments directly to the provider only for the property owner’s mortgage, real property taxes or rent (in sublease situations). Use only these voluntary payments made directly to vendors to reduce the actual value of the S/M.
Example: Barry Williams lives in a house owned by a relative. He pays his own utilities. The relative allows him to live there free of charge, but states that the CMRV (without utilities) is $300 per month. Although Mr. Williams pays no rent, last month he voluntarily paid his relative's annual real property taxes of $1,000 (or $83.33 monthly prorated taxes) directly to the taxing authority. Mr. Williams' payment of $83.33 for taxes does not equal the CMRV ($300). Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If he is income-eligible, no further development is needed. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, Mr. Williams must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. In this situation, the actual value of the S/M is $216.67 ($300 CMRV - $83.33 client's voluntary payment = $216.67). Count the maximum S/M of 1/3 FBR + $20 if this is less than the actual value.
E-8500, Change of Permanent Living Arrangement
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Receipt of in-kind S/M must be re-evaluated if a person changes his/her permanent living arrangement. Temporary absences from the permanent living arrangement do not affect S/M.
Example: A person lives in her own home. A friend lives with her. The friend pays more than her own pro-rata share of household expenses, so the person receives S/M of 1/3 FBR + $20. On March 8, the person was hospitalized and was subsequently discharged to her son's home on March 25. The person remained in the son's home while convalescing until April 12, when she returned to her own home. Because the person did not change her permanent living arrangement, continue to count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M.
E-8600, Deeming-Eligible Child and Ineligible Parents
E-8610 Excess Contributions Towards Household Expenses
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
If an ineligible parent's contribution towards household expenses exceeds that ineligible parent's pro-rata share, then the excess amount is allocated equally as a contribution among the parent's children (eligible and ineligible) and eligible spouse (if any). Persons among whom the ineligible parent's excess contribution is allocated (for example, children and eligible spouse, if any) are referred to as the "deeming unit."
E-8620 Child Living with Parents and Siblings Only
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
If an eligible child lives only with his parent(s) and minor children, no S/M is developed for that child.
Example: John Voss, aged 14, is applying for ME-SSI Prior. He lives with his parents and two younger siblings in a home owned by his parents. John does not personally contribute toward household expenses. There is no S/M because John lives with his parents and minor siblings.
E-8630 Child Living in Own Household with Parents and Another Adult
Revision 15-4; Effective December 1, 2015
If an eligible child lives with his parent(s) and another adult in his parent’s(s’) household, the child may receive S/M subject to the maximum of 1/3 FBR + $20. (Any S/M received by the parent(s) or ineligible children is not considered in the eligibility determination when deeming.) Any contribution by a parent of the eligible child toward household expenses that is in excess of the parent's own pro-rata share is divided equally as a contribution among all members of the deeming unit (for example, the ineligible parent's children and eligible spouse, if any).
Example 1: A child, age 14, is applying for ME-SSI Prior. He lives with his parents and two minor siblings in a home owned by his parents. His aunt also lives in the home. The applicant does not personally contribute toward household expenses. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If the applicant is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, the applicant must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The general household expenses total $1,200 ($200 pro-rata share). One of the applicant’s parents contributes $500 toward household expenses; the other parent does not contribute. The applicant’s aunt pays $700. The one parent’s excess contribution is $300 ($500 contribution – $200 pro-rata share = $300 excess contribution). The $300 is divided equally among the applicant and his two siblings. Thus, $300 divided by 3 = $100 applicant’s contribution. The actual value of S/M received by the applicant is $100 ($200 pro-rata share – $100 applicant’s contribution = $100 actual value of S/M), which is less than 1/3 FBR + $20.
Example 2: Same situation as above, except that both of the applicant’s parents now contribute — one parent contributes $200 and the other parent contributes $300. The applicant’s aunt contributes $700. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If the applicant is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, the applicant must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The one parent does not have an excess contribution ($200 contribution – $200 pro-rata share = $0 excess contribution). The other parent’s excess contribution is $100 ($300 contribution – $200 pro-rata share = $100 excess contribution). The $100 is divided equally as a contribution among the parents' children in the household. Thus, the applicant’s contribution is $33.33 ($100 excess contribution divided by 3 children = $33.33). The actual value of S/M received by the applicant is $166.67 ($200 pro-rata share – $33.33 applicant’s contribution = $166.67), which is less than 1/3 FBR + $20.
Example 3: Same situation, except that both of the applicant’s parents each contribute $275 ($550 total) and the aunt contributes $650. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If the applicant is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, the applicant must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The excess contribution for each of the applicant’s parents is $75 ($275 parent's contribution – $200 pro-rata share = $75 excess contribution). The total excess contribution for both parents is $150 ($75 x 2 = $150). The $150 is divided equally as a contribution among all three children. Thus, the applicant’s contribution is $50 ($150 divided by 3 = $50). The actual value of S/M received by the applicant is $150 ($200 pro-rata share – $50 applicant’s contribution = $150), which is less than 1/3 FBR + $20.
Example 4: Same situation, except that one of the applicant’s parents is an SSI recipient and contributes nothing personally toward household expenses. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M for the applicant. If the applicant is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, the applicant must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The applicant’s non-SSI parent contributes $500 toward household expenses, and the aunt contributes $700. The contributing parent’s excess is $300 ($500 contribution – $200 pro-rata share = $300 excess contribution). The $300 is divided equally as a contribution among all members of the deeming unit (the three children and the eligible parent). The applicant’s contribution is $75 ($300 divided by 4 people = $75). The actual value of S/M received by the applicant is $125 ($200 pro-rata share – $75 applicant’s contribution = $125), which is less than 1/3 FBR + $20.
E-8640 Child Living with Parents in Household of Another Person
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
If an eligible child lives with his parent(s) in someone else's household, and the child does not contribute his pro-rata share of household expenses, the child receives S/M valued at 1/3 FBR. (Any S/M received by the parent(s) and ineligible children is not considered in the eligibility determination when deeming.) Any excess contribution by an ineligible parent (for example, contribution in excess of that parent's pro-rata share) is divided equally among the parent's children and eligible spouse (if any).
Example: Rachel Brown, aged 14, is applying for ME-SSI Prior. She lives with her mother and aunt in the aunt's household. General household expenses total $420 ($140 pro-rata share). Rachel has no income, but her mother contributes $200 toward household expenses. The mother's excess contribution is $60 ($140 pro-rata share - $200 mother's contribution = - $60 mother's excess contribution). This $60 is divided equally among the mother's children in the household (Rachel is the only one) and the mother's eligible spouse (there is none). Thus, Rachel's contribution is $60. Since Rachel's contribution of $60 does not equal her pro-rata share ($140) of household expenses, count 1/3 FBR as S/M. No rebuttal is offered.
If an eligible child lives with his/her parent(s) in someone else's household and the child contributes his pro-rata share of either food or shelter expenses, but not both, count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. (Any S/M received by the parent(s) and ineligible children is not considered in the eligibility determination when deeming.) If the child is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, the person must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. Any excess contribution by a parent (for example, contribution in excess of the parent's pro-rata share) is divided equally as a contribution among the parent's children and eligible spouse (if any).
Example: Sonia Barrett, aged 14, is applying for ME-SSI Prior. She lives with her parents and her aunt in the aunt's household. Household food expenses total $350 ($87.50 pro-rata share); household shelter expenses total $500 ($125 pro-rata share). Each of Sonia's parents contributes $150 ($300 total) for food expenses. The parents do not contribute toward shelter expenses. Sonia has no income. Count 1/3 FBR + $20 as S/M. If she is income-eligible, no further development is required. If counting 1/3 FBR + $20 results in ineligibility, the person must be given an opportunity to rebut and show that the actual value is less. The excess contribution for each parent is $62.50 ($87.50 pro-rata share for food + $125 pro-rata share for shelter = $212.50 total pro-rata share - $150 parent's contribution = $62.50 excess contribution per parent). The total excess contribution for both parents is $125 ($62.50 per parent x 2 parents = $125). The $125 is divided equally among all of the parents' children in the home (Sonia is the only one). Thus, Sonia's contribution is $125. The actual value of S/M received by Sonia is $87.50 ($87.50 pro-rata share for food + $125 pro-rata share for shelter = $212.50 total pro-rata share - $125 Sonia's contribution = $87.50), which is less than 1/3 FBR + $20.
E-8700, Long-Term Care Facilities
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Food and shelter are not considered in the eligibility or co-payment budgets for the month of entry to a long-term care facility (for example, a nursing facility).
E-8800, Verification and Documentation
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
See Appendix XVI, Documentation and Verification Guide.
E-9000, Infrequent or Irregular Income
E-9100, Definitions
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
An infrequent payment is a payment that is received no more than once per calendar quarter.
An irregular payment is a payment made without an agreement or understanding and without any reasonable expectation that payment will occur again.
E-9200, When Income is Not Considered Infrequent
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Income is not considered infrequent when it is received:
- more than once per calendar quarter from a single source; or
- only once during a calendar quarter from a single source and another payment was received from the same source in the month immediately preceding or the month immediately following. It does not matter that the payments fall into different calendar quarters.
Note: If the payment in the month immediately preceding or the month following is not a normal quarterly payment from that source, consider this one-time payment as irregular.
Determine the calendar quarter in which the income is received. Calendar quarters are:
- January - March;
- April - June;
- July - September; and
- October - December.
Based on the receipt of the infrequent or irregular income, exclude the following amount of income from the eligibility budget:
- the first $30 per calendar quarter of earned income; and
- the first $60 per calendar quarter of unearned income.
E-9300, When to Apply the Infrequent or Irregular Exclusion
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Exclude income that is either infrequent or irregular, as defined in Section E-9100, Definitions. In order to be excluded, the income need only be one or the other (infrequent or irregular).
If income is infrequent or irregular and the total from all sources per calendar quarter is greater than $30 earned or $60 unearned, count the amount that exceeds the $30 or $60. Apply the exclusion to the first infrequent or irregular income received in a calendar quarter.
The infrequent or irregular income exclusion applies only to the eligibility budget. Infrequent or irregular income must be considered for the co-payment budget.
For income received too infrequently or irregularly to be averaged for a projected co-payment, follow procedures for restitution in Section H-8300, Restitution, through Section H-8350, Steps for Submitting Restitution Payment.
E-9400, Special Treatment for Interest or Dividends
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
One of the most common types of unearned income received infrequently or irregularly is interest or dividends. For treatment of this type of income consider the following:
- If the income source is either interest or dividends, first consider if the income is countable or not based on policy in Section E-3331, Interest and Dividends.
- If the interest or dividend income is determined non-countable in the eligibility budget based on policy in Section E-3331, do not consider infrequent or irregular policy.
- If the interest or dividend income is determined to be countable in the eligibility budget based on policy in Section E-3331, consider infrequent or irregular policy.
Example 1: Received $25 on March 31 and $26 on June 30. Each was received only once during a calendar quarter from a single source and meets Infrequent or Irregular. Both payments are excluded in the eligibility budget as they are less than $60 per calendar quarter. Consider for co-payment budget.
Example 2: Received $29 on March 1 from book royalty (earned income) and $58 on March 31 from oil royalty (unearned income). Each was received from a different source only once during a calendar quarter and meets Infrequent or Irregular. Both payments are excluded in the eligibility budget, as they are less than $30 earned and $60 unearned per calendar quarter. Consider for co-payment budget.
Example 3: Received $50 mineral royalty on March 31 and $49 mineral royalty on April 30. Each was received only once during a calendar quarter, but the April 30 payment was received in the month immediately following the payment in the previous quarter, thus does not meet the definition of infrequent. Consider both the $50 and $49 in the eligibility and co-payment budgets.
Exception: If the payment in the month immediately preceding or the month following is not a normal quarterly payment from that source, consider this one-time payment as irregular. The regular quarterly payment is still considered as infrequent.
Example 4: Mineral royalty payment of $15 received in the second month of each quarter. The mineral royalty payment has been routinely excluded as infrequent as the individual has no other infrequent or irregular income. The oil company changes its accounting system and, as a result, in June the individual receives $2.03 one-time payment in addition to the regular $15 mineral royalty payment in May. The $15 is still excludable as infrequent, but the unexpected $2.03 is irregular. The total of this calendar quarter is $17.03 and less than $60 and is not counted in the eligibility budget. Consider for co-payment budgets.
Example 5: A person's daughter gives her $100 for her birthday in January. The person also purchased a lottery ticket in March and won $25. Both are considered irregular. Both were received in the same quarter.
The $60 infrequent or irregular exclusion reduces the $100 payment in January, as it was the first infrequent or irregular income received in that quarter. This leaves $0 exclusion and $40 is counted in the eligibility budget for the month of January. Because the lottery winning was in the same quarter as the gift income, there is $0 remaining exclusion and the $25 is counted in the eligibility budget for the month of March.
These payments are considered in the co-payment budgets.
Example 6: The person's daughter gives her $100 in January and then in February gives her another $50. The daughter stated she will continue to periodically give her mother money, but not on a set schedule. The person also purchased a lottery ticket in March and won $25. All were received in the same quarter. The gift income is not considered infrequent or irregular. The lottery winnings are considered irregular, as they are not anticipated to continue.
As the two gift incomes are not considered irregular or infrequent, they must be counted in the month of receipt – $100 in January and $50 in February. The $60 infrequent or irregular exclusion reduces the $25, as it was the first infrequent or irregular income received in that quarter. This leaves a countable balance of $0 in the eligibility budget for the month of March.
These payments are considered in the co-payment budgets.
Example 7: The person's daughter gives her $100 for her birthday in January. The person also purchased a lottery ticket in March and won $25. Then in April the person purchases another lottery ticket and wins $40. All sources are irregular, as they are not anticipated to continue. Two sources were received in the same quarter (January - March) and one in the next quarter (April - June).
The $60 infrequent or irregular exclusion reduces the $100, as it was the first infrequent or irregular income received in that quarter. This leaves a countable balance of $40 in the eligibility budget for the month of January. Since the lottery winning was in the same quarter as the gift income, there is $0 remaining exclusion and the $25 is counted in the eligibility budget for the month of March.
The April lottery winnings of $40 can be reduced by the $60 infrequent or irregular exclusion, as it is the first infrequent or irregular income received in that quarter. Thus $0 is counted in April and $20 of the infrequent or irregular exclusion remains to be used if other infrequent or irregular income is received within that quarter.
Example 8: Don Edwards has three separate mineral royalty accounts from one oil company. He received a payment of $20 from Account A in January; $20 from Account B in February; and $20 from Account C in March.
Do not count any of the three payments in the eligibility budgets because:
- each is from a separate source;
- no payment is received more frequently than once per quarter; and
- total infrequent unearned income does not exceed $60 per calendar quarter. The $60 infrequent or irregular exclusion reduces the $20 payment in January to $0, leaving $40 exclusion that can still be applied. The remaining $40 exclusion is then applied to the $20 February payment, reducing it to $0, leaving $20 exclusion that can still be applied. The remaining $20 exclusion is then applied to the $20 March payment, reducing the countable to $0.
- $60 unearned exclusion
- − $20 January
- = $40 exclusion remaining/$0 countable amount for January
- − $20 February
- = $20 exclusion remaining/$0 countable amount for February
- − $20 March payment
- = $0 exclusion remaining/$0 countable for March
These payments are considered in the co-payment budgets.
At the case review the following year, verification is received on the mineral royalties on all three accounts in January. Each mineral royalty payment was $35, for a total of $105.
This income is still considered infrequent and is greater than $60. The total in this calendar quarter is $105.
If income is infrequent or irregular and is greater than $30 earned or $60 unearned, count the amount that exceeds the $30 or $60. Apply the exclusion to the first infrequent or irregular income received in a calendar quarter.
$105 − $60 = $45 counted in the eligibility budget.
Note: If the change in frequency continues, an adjustment may be needed for the co-payment budget.
Example 9: Harry Jones has three separate mineral royalty accounts from one oil company. He received a payment of $50 from Account A in January; $20 from Account B in February; and $75 from Account C in March.
Consider these payments in the eligibility budgets because total infrequent unearned income does exceed $60 per calendar quarter.
The $60 infrequent or irregular exclusion reduces the $50 payment in January to $0, leaving $10 exclusion that can still be applied. The remaining $10 exclusion is then applied to the $20 February payment, reducing it to $10, leaving $0 exclusion. Ten dollars from the February payment is counted in the eligibility budget and the $75 March payment is counted in the March eligibility budget.
- $60 unearned exclusion
- − $50 January
- = $10 exclusion remaining/$0 countable amount for January
- − $20 February
- = $0 exclusion remaining/$10 countable amount for February
These payments are considered in the co-payment budgets.
Example 10: Emma Washington has received a mineral royalty payment of $20 in January and $20 in March.
Count both mineral royalty payments because the total payment is from a single source and is received more than once in the calendar quarter. This does not meet the definition or infrequent or irregular.
Example 11: Lucy Horton received a mineral royalty payment of $15 in the calendar quarter. In the month that the mineral royalty is paid, however, Ms. Horton also receives a cash gift of $20 from her nephew.
The mineral royalty payment is considered as infrequent and the cash gift is considered as irregular. Total the income received from both sources. Because the total does not exceed $60 in the calendar quarter, do not count either payment in the eligibility budget.
These payments are considered in the co-payment budgets.
Note: In the examples, the unearned income is considered as lump-sum payments. Restitution may be requested for nursing facility cases. (Restitution is not appropriate for non-nursing facility cases.)
Chapter F, Resources
F-1000, General Principles of Resources
F-1100, Reserved for Future Use
Revision 24-4; Effective Dec. 1, 2024
F-1200, General Principles of Treatment of Resources
Revision 11-3; Effective September 1, 2011
There is no resource test for the Medicaid Buy-In for Children (MBIC) program. However, the income from income-producing resources is considered. See N-4200, Income.
F-1210 Definition
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
Resources are cash, other liquid assets, or any real or personal property or other nonliquid assets that a person, a person’s spouse or parent could convert to cash to be used for his or her support and maintenance. Support and maintenance assistance not counted as income is not considered a resource.
F-1220 Ownership and Accessibility
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
A person’s resource is property that:
- is owned, solely or in part, by the person; and
- is accessible to the person.
If the person has the right, authority or power to liquidate the property or his share of it, the property is a resource.
Federal guidelines do not provide any leeway for hardship cases in determining the availability of resources. Unless a court has judged a person to be incompetent and a guardian or other agent is appointed to act for the person, the person has access to resources he owns.
Questions concerning ownership and accessibility may arise with respect to co-owned resources. In certain proceedings, such as divorce, the community property owned by the applicant/recipient and spouse may be divided by the court and ownership awarded to one or the other of the spouses. If the court documents indicate that there is division of marital property, only consider the property awarded to the applicant/recipient as owned and accessible to the applicant/recipient.
When dealing with legal documents, such as deeds, wills or trusts, always consult with the regional attorney to determine the type of asset and therefore the appropriate treatment. See F-1230, Guardians, Fiduciaries and Other Agents.
F-1221 Co-owned Resources
Revision 11-4; Effective December 1, 2011
Treatment of co-owned resources differs depending on the person’s marital status, living arrangement and program requested.
For a person who has an ineligible community spouse and that person is in an institutional setting when determining eligibility for the institutional setting program, do not use the following policy. Instead, use the policy in Chapter J, Spousal Impoverishment.
For determination of Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) eligibility on these spousal institutional setting cases, the following does apply.
For an individual who has a co-owned resource with a sibling, parent, etc., and lives in an institution, the following does apply.
Note: Institutional settings are any Medicaid-certified long-term care facility or any §1915(c) waiver program.
For a person in a noninstitutional setting, co-owned resources may also be counted in certain situations, as follows:
- If a person's co-owned resource is available to him without obtaining the consent of the co-owner, the full value of the resource is counted.
- If a co-owner's consent is required for the resource to be available to the person, and if that co-owner gives the consent, the full value of the available resource is counted.
- If a co-owner refuses to consent, the resource is neither considered available nor counted.
- If, however, the co-owner who refuses to consent is an ineligible spouse living with the person, the resource is considered available to the person and is counted against the resource limit.
- If a person has partial ownership in undivided real property, the value of his interest in the property is counted because each co-owner usually has the right to sell his share with or without the co-owner's consent.
Texas law prohibits the sale of the Texas community homestead property without the consent of both spouses. If an ineligible spouse is unwilling to dispose of Texas community homestead property and the person does not live with the ineligible spouse, the Texas community homestead property is not an available resource for the person.
- See F-4000, Liquid and Nonliquid Resources, for treatment of liquid resources including treatment of joint bank accounts.
- See F-5000, Potential Resource Exclusions, for treatment of nonliquid resources.
- See F-4330, Business Property, for treatment of business property.
F-1221.1 Co-owned Resource Examples
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
- Co-owned liquid resource
A joint bank account that requires both owners' signatures to withdraw funds is an example of a co-owned resource requiring the consent of the other co-owner before it is available to the person. These accounts are usually established as "Jean Brown and Doris Brown." - Co-owned undivided real property:
An example of co-owned, undivided real property is land acquired by heirs to an estate.
If a person has a co-owned resource, determine the amount of interest owned, accessibility and the value of the person's interest in the co-owned resource.
Determine accessibility according to whether the co-owner's consent is required for the person to dispose of his interest.
Verify and document ownership and the value of the resource according to the verification and documentation requirements for the type of resource involved.
After contacting a knowledgeable source to determine the equity value of an interest in property, provide the following information:
- Location and a description of the property.
- Percentage of the person's ownership interest in the total resource.
- Amount and a description of any debts, liens (including federal tax liens) or taxes.
- Explanation of factors that may affect the value of an ownership interest, such as need to partition.
Verify and document accessibility from:
- ownership papers or other legal documents; or
- statement from the co-owner, if his/her consent is required, indicating if he/she is planning to make the resource available to the person.
F-1230 Guardians, Fiduciaries and Other Agents
Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009
F-1231 Guardians and Other Agents
Revision 16-3; Effective September 1, 2016
Guardian of the estate. Under Sections 1151.101 and 1151.151, Texas Estates Code, it is the duty of the guardian of the estate to take care of and manage the estate as a prudent individual would manage the individual's own property. The guardian of the estate collects all debts, rentals or claims due to the ward, enforces all obligations in favor of the ward, and brings and defends suits by or against the ward. Only the guardian of the estate can deal with resources.
Guardian of the person. Under Section 1151.051, Texas Estates Code, the guardian of the person has the:
- right to have physical possession of the ward;
- right to establish the ward's legal domicile;
- duty of care, control and protection of the ward;
- duty to provide the ward with clothing, food, medical care and shelter; and
- power to consent to medical, psychiatric and surgical treatment other than the in-patient psychiatric commitment of the ward.
For HHSC purposes, the guardian of the person can sign documents, represent the individual at hearings and deal with small amounts of money. The guardian of the person is like any other responsible party in that the guardian of the person has the authority to protect the interests of the ward.
Under Section 1151.004, Texas Estates Code, a court may appoint the same individual to be both guardian of the estate and guardian of the person. If there are two