Home and Community-based Services Handbook

21000, Quality Assurance

Revision 10-0; Effective June 1, 2010

Quality Assurance — A Shared Responsibility

Quality assurance is a shared responsibility among all parties who have a stake in receiving, providing, coordinating, monitoring or funding services and supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Click here to see a modified version of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Framework for Home and Community-Based Services (2002). The information is used to outline this shared partnership. This framework provides a schema that focuses on person-directed desired outcomes along six dimensions by individual, provider, local authority and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). The six focused dimensions are:

  • Individual Access
  • Person-Directed Service Planning and Delivery
  • Provider Capacity and Capabilities
  • Individual Safeguards
  • Individual Outcomes and Satisfaction
  • System Performance

The framework defines quality through the delineation of desired outcomes across the six dimensions. Acquisition of these measures indicates a successful service delivery system. The challenge for the partners is to identify areas of success and areas that require additional action. Solutions must be carefully crafted to address areas that need improvement. All partners must commit to sustaining a system of service delivery that promotes and supports individuals who receive Home and Community-based Services (HCS).

Reference: CMS Quality Framework for Home and Community-Based Services