Chapter 9, Admission Policies and Procedures
9.1 Overview
The provider must develop written criteria and procedures for admission. Admission policy and procedures must be communicated clearly in writing with requirements to CRS counselors as requested. Any changes or updates must be communicated once completed. It is the provider’s responsibility to notify CRS staff of their procedures.
The criteria and procedures do not release the provider from the obligation to obtain consent from the consumer, guardian, or representative before using restrictive procedures or behavior modification plans. Representative signatures are not valid, unless the consumer completes Form 1487, Designation of Representative, at the time of admission. In that case, the CRS counselor informs the provider that the participant has agreed to be represented and has a signed Form 1487.
The provider is encouraged to develop a referral form for use by the counselors. The form should list available services and admission criteria. It should also capture the information required before the participant is admitted.
9.2 Intake Process
During the intake process providers must familiarize the participant with the services that the participant has selected. Provider must have participant sign an acknowledgement form and place it in the participant’s file. Familiarizing the participant shall include but is not limited to:
- explaining the physical arrangements;
- explaining the provider’s expectations of the participant (such as expectations for attendance and hygiene);
- explaining the processes for reporting grievances and complaints; and
- discussing what the participant may expect to receive from the CRS program.
9.3 Participant Information
A participant may designate someone to serve as their representative in all or part of the rehabilitation process. The legal guardian or representative may be authorized to sign documents, speak on the participant’s behalf, or serve in other capacities indicated on Form 1487. The 1487 form must be completed and submitted to the CRS counselor at the time of admission. The provider must inform the participant about the consumer’s responsibilities, safety concerns, and other matters of importance. This information can be provided in a brochure, manual or fact sheet. The provider must explain all CRS program rules or house rules to the participant, and the participant or the participant’s legal guardian, or representative must consent in writing to all of the rules. The provider must have the participant sign an acknowledgement form and place it in the participant’s file. The CRS counselor may request this at any time.