3000, Enrollments
Revision 22-2; Effective May 1, 2022
All user guides are published to Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership’s (TMHP’s) Learning Management System (LMS). All users must create an LMS account to access the materials.
There is a sign-up link on the LMS homepage. If you need assistance with registration, contact TMHP Training Support.
Enrollment Process and Test
Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authorities (LIDDAs) are responsible for completing all enrollment activities for individuals seeking Texas Home Living (TxHmL) and Home and Community-based Services (HCS) waiver services. Each LIDDA must designate staff to complete all enrollment activities, and these staff must complete HHSC online enrollment training, with at least one staff person designated to receive training on an annual basis.
- The LIDDA enrollment training link should point here.
- The HHSC Program Enrollment Unit link should point here.
Transition Assistance Services (TAS), Pre-Enrollment Minor Home Modifications (MHM) and Pre-Enrollment MHM and Assessments
Applicants enrolling in the HCS Program who are being discharged from a nursing facility, an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions or a general residential operation are eligible to receive TAS, pre-enrollment MHM and pre-enrollment MHM assessments.
For TAS, see Form 8604, Transition Assistance Services (TAS) Assessment and Authorization.
For pre-enrollment MHM and pre-enrollment MHM assessments, see Form 8611, Pre-Enrollment MHM Authorization Request, and Form 8612, TAS/MHM Payment Exception Request.