Chapter 5, Allegations or Incidents of Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of Persons with Disabilities
5.1 Overview
Texas law requires that a provider immediately reports all allegations or suspected incidents of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of persons with disabilities to the appropriate investigative agency, or, if taking place in other than a residential situation, the local law enforcement agency. If a licensed professional is involved, a provider reports to the appropriate professional licensing agency and the local law enforcement agency.
The provider must develop policies and procedures for recognizing and appropriately reporting allegations or incidents. If a CRS participant is involved in an allegation of abuse, neglect or exploitation, the provider must notify the CRS counselor immediately by phone, email at, or eFax at 512-206-3981. The appropriate investigating agency's toll-free number and the CRS counselor's office number must be posted in a location that is readily accessible to participants and to staff members.
5.2 Reporting Procedure
Upon notification of abuse, neglect, or exploitation allegations that involve a CRS participant, the provider must cooperate with CRS program staff members with respect to providing information about the incident.
The following documents must be provided to the designated CRS program staff member, as the documents become available:
- the incident report;
- progress notes on the incident;
- medical assessments;
- a copy of the participant’s Individualized Program Plan;
- a copy of meeting notes related to the incident;
- the provider’s investigation report with supporting documentation;
- documentation to illustrate that a report was made to the proper investigative agency, including the intake number, as applicable;
- a copy of the investigative agency’s report upon completion, as applicable; and
- a copy of a deficiency report with the investigation report, as applicable.
5.3 CRS Service Number
All facility-based providers must post the HHSC Office of the Ombudsman Inquiry line at 877-787-8999 that is easily visible and accessible to the participant, and must specify that the number is for CRS participants’ use. Inquiries can also be made via email at
5.4 Grievance Procedure
At admission, the provider must provide and explain their facilities written grievance procedures to participants. Additionally, the facilities must post the role, purpose, and contact information listed below for the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) Ombudsman’s Office in a public area for participants and visitors to view it.
HHS Ombudsman’s Contact Information:
Website: HHS Office of the Ombudsman
Phone: 877-787-8999
Fax: 888-780-8099
Mailing Address:
HHS Office of the Ombudsman
P.O. Box 13247
Austin, Texas 78711-3247