Subchapter F, Emergencies
Revision 04-0
§58.91 What is considered an emergency?
(a) An emergency is an unforeseen circumstance or combination of circumstances involving a client that:
(1) requires immediate action on the part of the provider agency; or
(2) results in a client's urgent need for assistance or relief.
(b) Emergencies are described in more detail in the procedures developed in the DHS region where services are delivered.
§58.93 Who must the provider agency notify of emergencies?
The provider agency must report any emergencies to:
(1) the contract manager; and
(2) any other persons or entities required by the procedures developed in the DHS region where services are delivered.
§58.95 When must the provider agency notify the required persons of emergencies?
The provider agency must notify the required persons by the next working day after the emergency. A working day is a day DHS is open for business.
§58.97 How must the provider agency notify the required persons of emergencies?
(a) The provider agency must notify the required persons of emergencies orally or by fax.
(1) Voice mail is not considered oral notification.
(2) The provider agency must notify other staff designated by the contract manager if the contract manager is not available.
(b) If the provider agency's first notification is oral, the provider agency must send written notification to the required persons by the seventh day after the initial notification.
§58.99 What information must the provider agency give to the required persons in the notice of emergencies?
The provider agency must give the following information to the required persons in the notice of emergencies:
(1) the date of the emergency;
(2) a description of the emergency;
(3) how the emergency was handled; and
(4) the outcome or resolution of the emergency.
§58.101 Where must the provider agency maintain documentation of emergencies?
The provider agency must maintain documentation of emergencies in the client file.
§58.103 What documentation of emergencies must the provider agency maintain?
The provider agency must maintain the following documentation of emergencies:
(1) the type of the emergency;
(2) the name of the person or entity or both notified of the emergency;
(3) the date the notice was given;
(4) the method of notice; and
(5) the information described in §58.99 of this chapter (relating to What information must the provider agency give to the required persons in the notice of emergencies?).