Subchapter E, Service Delivery
Revision 04-0
§58.71 What services must the provider agency deliver?
The provider agency must deliver services identified in:
(1) the client's service plan; and
(2) the provider agency's plan of operation.
§58.73 What is the client's service plan?
The client's service plan is a document that contains the services, tasks, and frequency of services a particular client will receive. These services must be part of the provider agency's service array outline in the plan of operation.
§58.75 Who must develop the service plan?
The provider agency must develop the service plan.
§58.77 When must the provider agency develop the service plan?
The provider agency must develop the service plan before services are initiated.
§58.79 When must the provider agency initiate services?
The provider agency must initiate services:
(1) within 14 days after the referral date (Item 1) on the DHS Authorization for Community Care Services form; or
(2) as required by the procedures developed in the DHS region where services are delivered.